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209 Posts |
Posted - 13 May 2003 : 18:15:58
Dear Brother Lewis,
Thanks for your helpful answers. Can anyone get an appearance bond just for the asking, and do you have to put up money or a signature to "secure" it? Also, what sources do you recommend for learning about copyrighting the strawman and gaining power of attorney over him? This sounds simple enough.
No matter what approach we use, the key is to use our understanding to "come out of her". While we can call other sleepers to awake, we are not called to fight the system. However, this seems an irresistible urge for most, and it only reveals that they are actually NOT fully redeemed. Just read about how Israel came out of Egypt or the exiles came out of Babylon if you want to know Yahweh's perspective on this. He did all the fighting, leaving Moses as merely a message bearer.
The other irresistible urge is to get something for nothing. Again, look to previous exoduses and see that Yahweh took care of all this Himself, so we are outside His will when we take it upon ourselves. It is hard to imagine anything more revealing of how trapped one is in the Matrix than trying to use a bad check to buy a TELEVISION set!
I recently had dealings with a "Christian" fellow whose "silver bullet" sounded perfect in every way. I wanted it to be true. However, it did not stand up to scrutiny and his true heart was revealed when my requested "donation" did not arrive when he expected it. He is fooling other Christians into paying him for his bogus program that is based on one clever trick that makes it appear totally legitimate. Yet by not examining it deeply enough, his "customers" reveal that they are only seeking an easy out, not their Father's will. |
Edited by - Caleb on 13 May 2003 18:20:11 |
Advanced Member
198 Posts |
Posted - 13 May 2003 : 19:06:38
Yes, our hearts are tested every moment, as to whether we are following our Creator's Voice, or the calling of the Other Guy.
So any "process" that we use to free ourselves from bondage will come back to us -- either in good fruit or in evil. But this is just the order of the day. If others are motivated by greed, then they must pay the price. How else will they learn the value of Truth?
So let us carry on in the ways of Truth, as best we can. In the testing of our mettle by the fires of experience, will we become tempered as hard steel, or melted like wax.
Go to the link below, and order the book that they promote. It is somewhat dated, but excellent in giving you a background for the process of Name copyright and all the principles involved. Do not buy any of their over-priced services. You must learn how to do this yourself!
The "New Beginning" material is also recommended to understand the background and Principles involved in "commercial redemption." Of course there is ONLY ONE TRUE REDEMPTION, and you have an idea of what that involves. BUT, our being placed here in this commercial world also is a test that we must pass. The "commercial redemption" reflects the Real Redemption, only in the physical world. Studying the process reveals a great deal about The Evil One -- and how pervasive, perfidious and deeply entrenched his influence has become.
Contact me or Lewis for the "New Beginning" material.
Be Well, Doer
Advanced Member
496 Posts |
Posted - 14 May 2003 : 02:26:11
Hi Caleb,
First point of correction. He did not attempt to use a BAD CHECK. He attempted to force them to take a closed account check. This is a perfectly legal and negotiable instrument. It is a whole another page of writing to explain what they are all about. You are better off not trying to use one.
What is required for an appearance bond is entirely up to the judge, but usually, when you say you don't want to argue about anything, they will grant it on your signature only.
If you are interested, I can e-mail you my copyright notice as recorded in my county and a generic one from Rice McCleod. There are a lot of things I didn't like about his, and most others that I saw, so I built my own, picking what I thought was the best of everyone's I could find. Same with the power of attorney. If you want me to do that, send me a private message.
There is a lot more I could say, but I am not sure everyone here is ready for it. The book Doer is referring to is "Cracking the Code". It is a good reference book, way over priced and about 5 years out of date. The "New Beginnings" course covers a lot of it anyway and I can e-mail that also. It took me 2 weeks to read it and mostly absorb it the first time thru.
Lewis |
Advanced Member
270 Posts |
Posted - 14 May 2003 : 16:16:41
quote: It is a whole another page of writing to explain what they are all about. You are better off not trying to use one.
Nobody in business today would take an Account Closed check from anyone even if they handed them a whole another page of writing to explain what they are all about. Anyone in their RIGHT MIND mind knows what an "Account Closed check" is: a worthless piece of paper.
That guy needs to be put on T.V. for being one of America's Dumbest Criminals. |
Edited by - Livefree on 14 May 2003 18:22:26 |
Advanced Member
496 Posts |
Posted - 14 May 2003 : 18:06:22
Hi Rick,
You are very correct. I was listening to Ed Rivera, (I hope I spelled that correctly) a few weeks ago, talk about the Federal injunction that the IRS got against him a week or so earlier to stop him from practicing law and helping people get out of paying taxes they don't owe. He laughed at the injunction, and cited that they don't have jurisdiction over him, so the injunction is void. He sent them notice of same.
That is what Schiff needs to do, but I think he is too self-impressed to do it.
Peace to all,
Lewis |
Advanced Member
270 Posts |
Posted - 14 May 2003 : 18:28:18
Well that's interesting... Lynne Meredith is going to argue the same when her case begins in June , i.e., lack of jurisdiction, even though she still answers to her ALL CAPITAL LETTER name. |
Advanced Member
270 Posts |
Posted - 15 May 2003 : 13:00:26
Does anyone know what's going on at the website? I want to get in on their Wednesday nite conference calls but the pin # is invalid. I've also tried submitting a question on their "Comment Form" page and that doesn't work either. I also tried sending them an email and that too bounced back. |
Advanced Member
496 Posts |
Posted - 15 May 2003 : 13:19:34
Hello Livefree,
I will try it once again. A Closed Account Check is a valid, legal, negotiable instrument. It is NOT WORTHLESS! It is not fraudulent! Banks use them all the time. So do Trusts. Hello. Are you listening?
Lewis |
Advanced Member
496 Posts |
Posted - 15 May 2003 : 13:22:30
| has been swamped since BBCOA was shut down. It took over a month to get a reply from them the last time I contacted them.
Advanced Member
270 Posts |
Posted - 15 May 2003 : 14:06:03
Thanks, Lewish. BBCOA has been shutdown for a quite a while now. You'd think that they (uccsg) would have their act together by now.
It looks like they intentionally closed people off because they figured you'll pay their $9.95 member fee, but who knows if anyone is over there on the member side.
Talk about a "commerical" outfit. |
Advanced Member
496 Posts |
Posted - 15 May 2003 : 16:31:52
BBCOA and UCCSG are related. BBCOA was shut down for selling bogus International Driver's Permits. UCCSG has been scrambling to avoid similar problems. That is as much as I know. |
Advanced Member
270 Posts |
Posted - 16 May 2003 : 01:33:09
quote: I was listening to Ed Rivera, (I hope I spelled that correctly) a few weeks ago, talk about the Federal injunction that the IRS got against him a week or so earlier to stop him from practicing law and helping people get out of paying taxes they don't owe. He laughed at the injunction, and cited that they don't have jurisdiction over him, so the injunction is void. He sent them notice of same.
He who laughs lasts, laughs last.
I certainly hope that isn't true of Dr. Rivera. |
Advanced Member
270 Posts |
Posted - 19 May 2003 : 18:03:03
I received Rice's Redemption book the other day and, I'll tell you, there is some pretty powerful stuff in there.
I've always been curious as to how a Sovereign could/should respond to a government court case, injunction, or whatever, without subjecting yourself to their jurisdiction. It seems to me that if Ed Rivera responded to the government's complaint via another pleading and not by Affidavit ONLY, the government would have jurisdiction over Ed Rivera. In a Chapter entitled Understanding the Court System, it says that You, as a living soul, can only make claims against other souls and ask for redress of greivances from the government. It explains that an attorney starts a cause or case with a letter with words such as "you are being sued" and what the lawyer/counselor/Esquire is actually asking is Permission from you for a License for PRACTICING LAW in this cause/case. An attorney does not have a License-only a Bar Card-they must obtain a License for Practing Law from a Sovereign. If you do not Rebut this by AFFIDAVIT denying them their License and denying the CONTRACTS existence with whatever they are suing for THEY WILL PROCEED. You have by yur silence stated that you are a STRAWMAN/CORPORATION/FICTION/DEBTOR/DEFENDANT. You can rebut this Original Charging Instrument at any time. Absent a Rebuttal you are tried in the Admiralty Side for the Court and you will lose.
The reason the attorney/lawyer/counselor/esquire, CPA, Policemen, Mayor, Councilmen, Agent, etc., must have your permission for a contract is that no contract have been signed by you. The attorney, CPA, et al, are always a Third Party for any CONTRACT dispute. In COMMERCE/CONTRACT everything must be in TRUTH and anything committed in COMMERCE without a License is a COMMERICAL CRIME and the penalty for lying in COMMERCE is death (Corporate). Thereby any Public Offical cannot proceed against a Sovereign without his permission and cannot sue them without a License must be provided by the Sovereign.
The only CONTRACT that a Sovereign is obligated for is one signed by the Sovereign and another sovereign. An Affidavit is filed into the court against a Sovereign and the Sovereign must file an Affidavit/Denial Corporation Existence to etablish with the court that you are not a corporation. Failure for Rebutting the Original Affidavit of Probable Cause (complaint) puts the Sovereign in jeopardy--they become a DEBTOR. |
Edited by - Livefree on 19 May 2003 18:11:07 |
Advanced Member
270 Posts |
Posted - 20 May 2003 : 13:38:38
Someone just told me IRS does not have to have anything signed under the penalties of perjury. WHAT???? This is what is in Rice's Redemption book - that they must have their documents signed under penalties of perjury.
Under section 6065 for the Internal Revenue Code: Verification of returns. Except as otherwise provided by the Secretary, any return, declaration, statement, or other document required to be made under any provision of the Internal Revenue laws or regulations shall contain or be verified by, a written declaration that it is made under penalties of perjury.
Paul wrote:
Tsk, tsk Alisa. What part of:
"Except as otherwise provided by the Secretary"
did you not read and understand? |
Advanced Member
270 Posts |
Posted - 20 May 2003 : 13:57:58
Does anybody know what a Notary Protest is? |
Advanced Member
496 Posts |
Posted - 20 May 2003 : 14:13:39
A Notary Protest is a non-judicial procedure for damages against a living Man. Usually followed by a Notary Tribunal Judgement and then foreclosure on the living Man's properties.
Why do you need to know?
Lewis |
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270 Posts |
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32 Posts |
Posted - 21 May 2003 : 03:58:49
quote: Originally posted by Lewish
A Notary Protest is a non-judicial procedure for damages against a living Man. Usually followed by a Notary Tribunal Judgement and then foreclosure on the living Man's properties.
Why do you need to know?
Does anyone know of some Notary Publics in northern California who actually understands Notary Protest and are willing to do it?
-Enoch |
Advanced Member
270 Posts |
Posted - 27 May 2003 : 16:12:15
I was just listening to Ed Rivera talk about the government's complaint to enjoin him. You're right, Lewis, this should have been Irwin Schiff's defense - jurisdiction. But then again, Irwin Schiff didn't hire Ed Rivera... he hired Noel Spade. Big difference. I'm sure Ed will, or already has, won this.
Everybody with a government complaint...go talk to Ed Rivera! |
Edited by - Livefree on 27 May 2003 16:14:19 |
Regular Member
29 Posts |
Posted - 29 May 2003 : 00:34:51
It would truly be nice to shed all of the numbers that Caesar has assigned to us, and my hat is off to all of those who have been clever enough to break from Caesars grasp completely. Unfortunately, this is not an immediately viable option for most people. The road out of Babylon is encumbered by a multitude of stumbling blocks and a thousand doors with a thousand keys hidden in a thousand places. Therefore, trying to use Caesars laws against him is an insurmountable task for most. Although the laws are written to allow the people access to the Common Law, it does not truly matter how the laws are written, what matters is how the laws are enforced. Caesar holds all the cards when it comes to the enforcement of his laws. I was once coerced into Caesar’s court a few years ago. Instead of a public trial, there was no one in the court except the judge, the IRS attorney (attorner), and myself. The judge took his place as the prosecutor and I was fried to a crackly crunch by the end of the alleged trial. I was fined $1500 for bringing frivolous arguments before the court, even though I had brought only questions concerning treasury regulations and jurisdiction. The point is that the enforcers are there to give the appearance of justice to the eye that knows no better; truth has no bearing on their decisions. What is Lawful is to be quickly buried, what is right or wrong depends entirely on the opinion of the judge. Occasionally people get the justice that they seek in court, but only a fool would actually expect it. The officers of the courts can only view you as the legal fiction that they have created, and they will not recognize you as anything else. According to Scripture we were all born dead in sin (Eph: 2:5). Is it any wonder that we are considered to have suffered a civil death in Caesar’s court? Don’t they have the right to assume that we are dead just as scripture states that we were? Being born again frees us from this state of damnation in the eyes of God, but Caesar could care less. His courts are for the un-Godly; that is where his authority lies. So what are we to do? We have been saved and are still subjected to the laws of the dead, but didn’t they also consider Jesus to be under Caesar’s laws. They used this same legal system to nail Him to the cross, didn’t they? He was considered to be dead in sin even though He died without spot. Should we expect to be treated any better simply because we have been saved? It’s simply not going to happen. Jesus, however, gave us instructions of how to deal with Caesar’s laws, though few people have seen those instructions with open eyes and hearts. Perhaps it’s time to view those instructions more closely. Consider the following; the laws that are enforced in our courts are civil laws, by shear definition they are Roman law as set forth by the code of Justinian. These laws are described as a blending of Admiralty law, also known as the law of the sea [based on the Roman pagan god, Mars], and Equity law, the law of commerce [based on the Roman pagan god, Mercury]. The moneychangers and the lawyers have helped to raise this beastly law out of the sea (Re: 13:1), and we have become the subjects of that law in their eyes no matter what. The tax collectors, in the time of Jesus asked Peter if his master paid tribute to Caesar (M't: 17:24) and Peter said yes (M't: 17:25). Jesus was angry because of Peter’s answer (M't:17:25), but said “Notwithstanding, lest we should offend them, go thou to the sea, and cast an hook, and take up the fish that first cometh up; and when thou hast opened his mouth, thou shalt find a piece of money: that take, and give unto them for me and thee.” (M't: 17:27). I believe that there is more to this statement than meats the eye. Why didn’t Jesus just have Peter take a coin from under a rock, or do the old coin from behind the ear trick? A fish is a soulless creature that owes its existence to the sea isn’t it? As the straw man that we are presumed to be by Caesar aren’t we considered to be soulless (dead in sin) creatures that owe our existence to the sea (Admiralty law) in which we were spawn? Isn’t this fish (legal fiction) the first that cometh up (enumeration at birth)? Do we not state by using the corporate name and numbers assigned to us that we are this fish (legal fiction)? In so saying this, doesn’t the money that we earn from a corporate employer come out of our mouths (try getting a job without using an s.s. card)? Wasn’t Jesus also numbered with the transgressors (M'r: 15:28)? Didn’t Joseph go to Bethlehem to counted and taxed with Mary “being great with child”(Lu: 2:5)? There is no difference in the mind of Caesar between the sinner and the Messiah; he accounts us no differently. Peter took the money out of the mouth of the fish and paid the tribute for Jesus and himself (M't: 17:27). The tribute is therefore not to be paid as the legal fiction they assume us to be. Therefore, we shouldn’t use the forms and procedures that Caesar encourages us to use. If we emphatically pronounce that we are born again and pay the tribute as such, have we not taken that life from the beast? Aren’t we to render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s and unto God what is God’s (M't: 22:21)? Perhaps this may seem to some as paying tithe to the beast, and perhaps it is. But realize that you cannot pay a debt with a debt-based currency such as Federal Reserve notes. Realize also that the STATE can only ask for lawful money for payment of debt, they must, by law, accept Federal Reserve notes if offered, but they cannot specifically ask for them. If we are to pay the alleged tax debt that we have been burdened with then we must do so with gold or silver. It is, I believe, our duty to specifically ask the IRS which they prefer gold silver or FRNs, and they can’t ask for FRNs. The local IRS office is not equipped to accept Lawful money since it, like us, is of an incompatible legal attitude from the laws that they enforce. Government agencies operating under a colorable jurisdiction cannot deal with anything real. If you attempt to make lawful payment (gold or silver) and the IRS refuses to accept it, then the debt has been legally and Lawfully nullified. Truth is also real; does it set you free? Indeed it does, because Caesar can have no part of it.
Peace and Grace, Loy
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