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True North
Advanced Member
163 Posts |
Posted - 18 Jul 2003 : 17:19:21
This thread is the start of an exploration of duality. Duality; composed of two, (Webster's dictionary). Thesis & Anti-Thesis, Good & Evil, G-d & satan, Christ & Anti-Christ, Virgin & Whore. Some of it is a repeat out of the Tree of Knowledge thread.
Know first that Gnosticism (From Greek gnosis, knowledge, enlightenment) was prevalent during the first four centuries C.E. The Gnostics were identified as a group of people who proclaimed salvation knowledge. Gnosticism centered around two general questions, the origin of the universe and G-d and G-d's method of government. Gnosticism minimized history and divorced faith from life. Gnosticism borrowed from Orphic and Platonic dualism, Syrian conceptions, the mystery cults like the Bahais, Mesopotamian astrology, Egyptian religion and Platonic dualism from which came the belief that good and evil are in G-d.
The problem with an ascetic, dualistic view is a misunderstanding of the nature of man and the nature of G-d. The problem is further exacerbated by misunderstanding the concept stated in Philippians 2:6 ... Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God... Consider these thoughts on what man is... Psalms 8:5 For thou hast made (man) him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour.
Hebrews 2:7 Thou madest him (man) a little lower than the angels; thou crownedst him (man) with glory and honour, and didst set him (man) over the works of thy hands: {lower...: or, while inferior to}
Hebrews 2:9 But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man. {for the: or, by the}
Ps 82:6 I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High. :7 But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes.
Man is indeed a god but man is not G-d! The concept of free will, choice and personal responsibility are left out of the picture when you consider yourself the source. I will not go into ... Psalms 8:4 What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?... here but you can get a taste from the post 'Using Torah' forum id=9.
The intrinsic problem that surfaces when deciding that you are G-d or that G-d embodies all evil and all good does indeed become a ruse of the trickster or more correctly the fool, (the naval embodying the alef of the alef-bies). The concepts of "remembering or recalling lessons learned in the past", of inherent knowledge and of spirit guides may be further elucidated by the book of 1 Enoch chapters 6-36 where the author explains the origin of evil in the world. The writer explains that original sin and the introduction of evil into the world was brought about by the watchers; fallen angels who revealed every kind of sin to man. The Lord executed judgment upon this evil in His act of sending the Deluge upon the earth. After the deluge the Watchers, fallen angels acting as demons, continued to be the source of agency of sin in the world.
Be that as it may the idea that G-d and satan are a dualistic concept that lead us to the one (supposedly ourselves) is a misconception of the spirit world. Satan is an evil adversary sent by G-d. Consider Baalam ... by personal choice he decides to go ahead and follow the king out to curse the ones come out from Egypt. He was told not to go the first time. In short, a satan blocks his way and will kill him, except the donkey quits.
Man has personal choice to follow other gods (the magicians of pharaoh followed ra), be his own god (Nimrod was King) or to become a servant to all who will acknowledge the one (as Yeshua demonstrates). Men indeed will rule setting on the throne (of self?) judging a rightly during the time when all will know G-d. But it is personal choice and responsibility that lead to the Source. Hermes is a trickster god not at all to be compared with the One, the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. Yes, He created ... the waster to destroy...Isaiah 54:16 but subject to the One. Man has free will to be subject or to be god and die like a man.
To hold to the idea of Platonic dualism that good and evil are in G-d is to forget life. Sophism to explain will not lead you to the tree of life. There is knowledge and there is life. If you do well it will be well with you, it is a choice not hindered by HaShem, the Source of Life. If you choose sophism ... beware of blind guides.
Immanuel Kant, in his Critique of Pure Reason (1781) and still more in his Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science (1786) further explored this duality by asking the question, "Was there a duality, of spirit and matter?" Kant wanted to bridge the gulf between spirit and matter and harmonize the physical and moral laws.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831) was another disciple of Kant; he was of the Idealist school and stated that it was reason that should take over, not your reason or not my reason, but the World Reason, Universal Consciousness; an Absolute. Hegel said this Absolute governs the individual (the Ego) and all the world around the individual.
Arthur Schopenhauer(1788-1860) was a pessimistic follower of Kant's Idealist school. Schopenhauer did not believe that people had individual wills but were rather simply part of a vast and single will that pervades the universe: that the feeling of separateness that each of has is but an illusion that, "the cosmic will is wicked ... and the source of all endless suffering." Believing that he had no individual will, man was therefore at the complete mercy of all that which is about him. Schopenhauer's view of women: they "are directly fitted for acting as the nurses and teachers of our early childhood by the fact that they are themselves childish, frivolous and short-sighted; in a word, they are big children all their life long." They are an "undersized, narrow-shouldered, broad-hipped and short legged race ... they have no proper knowledge of any; and they have no genius." Schopenhauer said "The good man will practice complete chastity, voluntary poverty, fasting, and self-torture." and that permanent relief came through "the denial of the will to live, by the eradication of our desires, of our instincts, by the renunciation of all we consider worth while in practical life."
These guys and all other leaders, philosophic or religious, are all dead. There are many that ... he did foreknow, (and) he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren... The historical writings found by archaeology about a man born in the first century who taught many the Way are too numerous to ignore. Want to be one of the many or one of the dead? The Armenian Magi must have followed the setting of the Southern Cross to the birthplace of the first born among many. That cross is rising again showing the C-Enter of the Way. I've seen it written in the night sky with my own eyes so I won't discount one who says he hears but language still resonates to overcome the song of the HARP. As..."children of light...let us put on the armour of light"....but let us be careful to know we am not HaEchad.
Shema, Adonai Elohenu, Adonai Echad ... Hear, The Lord our G-d, the Lord is One
Advanced Member
198 Posts |
Posted - 19 Jul 2003 : 01:44:02
Is not The Creator without limitation? Then He is beyond Duality -- which is a limitation to the thinking of Man. When we transcend Duality, then we find Unity with our Creator.
Doer |
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353 Posts |
Posted - 21 Jul 2003 : 21:59:41
Greetings All. Has anyOne noticed that Paul quoted Plato's "Republic" verbatum, in his letters? Paul was a man of letters, and exceedingly well learned. Has anyone read "The Republic?. Ah, heck with it, me and John Gault are going to go and chew the fat. |
True North
Advanced Member
163 Posts |
Posted - 22 Jul 2003 : 17:28:04
Robert-James, skim down through to the middle for dualism of two types concerning Paul and the people of Qumran. At the end of the post, Philo dealing with Plato in the 1st century setting of Alexandria. I'm here to help manifest and to learn so don't leave me hear to dry behind my ears.
The sum total of my knowledge of dualism is laboriously summed up in these excerpts of historical reference... The Armenians were not Persians and ..."the best known form of this (moral) dualism is the ancient religion of Persia (Zoroastrianism), according to which history is a cosmic struggle between the powers of good, i.e., light, and evil, i.e., darkness...
...This system has the logical advantage of accounting for evil in terms of a separate, independent principle, and thus exonerating the "good" creator and from the responsibility for the existence, in the world, of evil and sin. On the other hand it raises many other problems and was unacceptable to any form of monotheism... (editor's add- Monotheism is the problem? O' Zarathustra)
...(Isa. 45:7) represents the prophet's polemic against this dualism (a polemic, the harshness of which is mitigated by the wording in which this verse appears in the daily morning prayer: "the maker of peace and creator of all" Heertz, Prayer 109)...
...The two types of "philosophical" and "moral" dualism were capable of fusing and merging in various combinations. The body, matter, and "this world" could become identified, or at least associated, with darkness and evil, and the soul, with goodness and light. Another pair of opposites, "spirit" and "flesh," though not identical with Platonic dualism, was yet sufficiently similar to combine with it in various ways. It is this dualism which underlies the theology and anthropology of the Dead Sea (Qumran) sect, and of the epistles of Paul in the New Testament...
...Gnosticism (and the concept of the trickster, Hermes, editor's note) presents a peculiar combination of the two types of dualism: this world and our bodily existence, a being characterized by evil, are the work of a lower, imperfect deity (the "demiurge" or creator), above whom there is a completely distinct, more transcendent and spiritual, good and "true" god. This higher deity intervenes and "save" the elect from the power of the evil creator who holds them imprisoned in matter and in this world...
...Some of the gnostic sects equated this lower and evil demiurge with the god of the Hebrew Bible, i.e., with the Jewish God and giver of the law. Gnostic dualism has therefore been described as a metaphysical anti-Semitism. The gnostic rejection of creation and the cosmos, as well as of the biblical law, as the work of a lower, evil, or at least imperfect, power led in some cases to manifestations of antinomianism, (against Law - editor), and in others to a very rigorous asceticism and rejection of this world...'Encyclopedia Judaica' Vol 6 pg 243, 1996 corrected edition.
...The esoteric discipline and ecstatic visionary practices of the early Merkabah mystics (see Dawn of the Magi, Ed.), while exhibiting certain gnostic traits, certainly did not share the basic dualism of the great gnostic systems. Dualistic elements, however, were not absent, as e.g., in the doctrine of Metatron (originally Javel) as the "lesser" he,vav,he,yod...'Ibid." pg.244
"Persia,...modern Iran...Persians are first mentioned in Assyrian records of approximately 640 B.C.E...Media, which in alliance with Babylon had destroyed the Assyrian Empire in 612, was a great power, whereas the Persians had been unknown before Cyrus. Therefore, foreigners (e.g., Herodotus) continued to speak of "Median" when meaning "Persians." In Daniel 8:3 the two horned ram is a symbol of Media and Persia...'Encyclopedia Judaica' Vol. 13 pg 302, 1996 corrected edition.
"Aries, the two horned ram and symbol of Media and Persia, was anciently the first constellation of the zodiac. It is now the first sign, (quoting from 1869, editor), but the second constellation. On account of the precession of the equinoxes, the constellation Pisces occupies the first sign. 'Steele's Sciences' 1869 and 'Encyclopedia Judaica' Vol.13 pg. 303, 1996 corrected edition."...Editor's note - we are entering the age of Aquarius, knowledge and understanding with crux rising (representing an ancient Armenian knowledge re-acquisition)?.
"The influence exercised by the Greek philosopher Plato on posterity both directly and through his interpreters was enormous and has been detailed in vast literature...In Alexandria, one of the great centers of Hellenistic civilization, Philo in the first century C.E. was faced with the necessity of effecting a reconciliation between Greek philosophy and scripture. This he did by reading the principles of Platonism of his day into the Pentateuch by interpreting the latter in an allegorical manner. Philo did not leave any direct impression on later Jewish literature until...the 16th century." 'Encyclopedia Judaica' Vol. 13 pg 628, 1996 corrected edition."
Advanced Member
353 Posts |
Posted - 22 Jul 2003 : 18:31:04
Who is John Gault? Do you jest? "Atlas Shrugged" fame.THE man with the answers for the next age, who cloistered his self and mind from the dieing world, until the time was right to manifest. Dualism is the product of a double minded man. For what it is worth: gemini was the ruling sign in the garden of Eden. 5407 [b.c.} was the date. Duality occured in the garden experience. The dividing of male-female...spirit-soul...YHWH's rule vs. man's rule. {YWHW caused a deep sleep come upon ha-Adam, think he has awakened yet?} 4.1 souls enter this arrangement every SECOND. 2.7 leave every second. I seriously doubt that the man and woman creation of Genesis ch.1 is the same as the ha-Adam story in ch. 2. One was created, the other formed. Elohim had their hands on the first creation...YaHuWeH Elohim is responsible for forming Adam. YHWH breathed into Adam...Yahushua breathed on his disciples. Without that 'breath of Life', all is vanity and a vexing of the mind. Here is one for You. Pythagoras was captured and taken to Babylon...the same time Daniel was there. Now who is the secret numberer mentioned in Daniel 8:13. Palmoni...Pythagoras. |
Advanced Member
353 Posts |
Posted - 26 Jul 2003 : 22:48:57
True North, yes it has been awhile since "Atlas Shrugged", and I did read "We". You do know she was {a} Rothschilds mistress? Anyway. I received a report you shut down a Brother Caleb on reading your book, because he would not sign an affidavit? SHAME. Caleb is Yahuweh's servent in that He is writing a book explaining "The Matrix". Freely as You have been given, give. But this is only for those living within the Kingdom. Dualism hits home! For what it is worth: Yahushua had a sixty-two week ministry...called the "accectable year". Daniel is being revealed. For generations the laborers have thought on some 3 1/2 year delusion. This should help, as the cotton pickin veil cast over the earth is so hard to see through. It needs simply to be removed. It will NOT be removed for those still living as an ALL CAP name, numbered image! The U.C.C. redemption is complete non-sence. And time always tells the tale! Paul's quote from "The Rebublic"...all things work together to them who Love Yah and are called according to His purpose". |
True North
Advanced Member
163 Posts |
Posted - 27 Jul 2003 : 07:17:06
Just so the record shows, I did not shut out Caleb from the book. He requested the book and I told him to tell me what he was interested in and I would send the parts (if it was there) that addressed it to him.
He did not want to do this. He wanted the whole thing. The book contains some subversive material and I did not know him from adam. I only knew his tone and attitude from this forum.
I have freely shared the book with the members of this and other forums when the subject was pertinent.
Caleb remained true to his word. The book is not important but I will not have an adversary using it against me. SHAME on you for gossip. Dualism indeed hits home |
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