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Advanced Member
762 Posts |
Posted - 11 Sep 2003 : 20:38:31
Greetings In the name of Yahshua, The King.
Today, as I was walking to an underground parking lot, I saw a man which I have not spoken to for some time. I walked towards him, and continued to engage him even though he was walking away until I caught up to him and he could no longer hide the crack pipe on his hand. I looked at him and asked him how he was doing and he replied, "going to get high." Then I asked him how long, then he replied, "since I've been a young man," and continued to walk away silently to his little corner and the most secluded part of that underground parking lot.
See, there is not much difference between the co-cain and those which have ears and eyes which do not hear nor see. That BONDAGE to that captivity can only go away, through His mighty armor and shield, destroying that dark cocaine, which appears as bright white, but only comes out of darkness. It is similar to the BONDAGE which only the bondmen of Christ can get out of versus the "bail bonds men." Our Sovereign reminds us to make the inside of the cup clean even if the outside appears clean.
The Annointed have patience on that man. May the "young man" come to understand.
I have spoken to him on the past, but the force of evil keeps to be "dragging him down" to that secluded undergroung parking lot which is usually empty and dark.
Dios con vosotros, Manuel |
Advanced Member
353 Posts |
Posted - 12 Sep 2003 : 17:00:52
Yes indeed My friend, Yahushua preferred the company of sinners, rather than the preachers-teachers-lawyers-church goers of His day. Those who think their righteousness is a covering, will stand naked, in the day of their shame. 'They made their robes white, in the blood of the Lamb'. A paradox worth thinking on! To Become a Son of Yahuweh, One will learn to forgive, just as the Master was still teaching, on that hanging tree! Just as Stephen knew, while the rocks busted open the skin, and he bled also. Precious in the sight of YaHuWeH is the blood of His saints. {Blood offspring}. Yahushua got so excited over Stephen "understanding" He stood up! {Previously He was sitting}. YaHuWeH, in his wisdom said, "Son, I told You that IF you finished Your course, all would come to pass". "It is finished". Let the redeemed of YaH say so........So. Where do We go from here? Hello? The book of Hebrews states...Ye have not resisted unto blood. Come out of her, My People. Let's help wake each other up! All the Law and covenants are given unto the House of Israel/Judah. Even the re-newed one. Yeremiah 31 and Hebrews 8.8. 8 stands for eternity, and, or, a new beginning. |
Advanced Member
762 Posts |
Posted - 12 Sep 2003 : 23:21:16
Greetings, In His Name, Yahshua, Robert-James, I understand why Brother. The excuses these camoflauged ones use after they hear where one belongs, suddenly changes as, "well, when the attorn-eys, bankers, etc... advertising subscription expires, I will replace with more decent ads," or other excuses to "save face, temporarily." Let us be honest here with each other! As long as they get their silver pieces (replaced now by FRN's), they wil continue to change money with each other using all commerce available to them.
That "young man" I wrote about turned his back. Even to this day, I observe him going back and forth, to and fro. That co-cain works on his nerves, slowly destroying all that is good left out of him. What will happen if he goes to these secular "therapists?" Most likely be treated with other drugs for a "chemical inbalance." When in truth, it is the truth which will set you free. I for one have learned, Through Him, The Most High, during those days of being crippled, scorned and neglected by those attorn-eys and their BAR APPOINTED REFEREES, followed by the "buck passing" techniques they use to divert attention, that it is His Truth, which will bring Light out of darkness. This is how I entered His Works, for He is awsome.
Now, things would be much worse for me if I was still "the old man," but Grace be to Him, which mountains move and seas part.
Manuel |
20 Posts |
Posted - 13 Sep 2003 : 15:13:29
Oh Gentlemen, I am a man many in his years at 34, and I see the crack smoking man as I do the pepsi and french fry swilling man. Just as Noah collected all the animals from the many corners of the world, the crack smoking man will serve his time in hell through torment and pain,(FOR BEING A LIAR)so spoketh our lord the savior. I can't wait to see him burn...praise thee who art thou in heaven....although I may not be worthy of all the gold there, I do thinkist me wise enough to take my fair share. So help me God, as it is in Heaven and then on the Earth. |
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