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Forum Administrator
Saint Kitts and Nevis
114 Posts |
Posted - 25 Oct 2001 : 14:40:34
It's Land, not a Lot or Parcel
When we speak about a Close of, over, or on land, we are referring to an enclosed measure, tract, or portion of soil that is sealed along its outer boundary, separated from the surrounding land, and set apart from any public inspection. This excludes one man's land from another's by Christian common Law - ecclesiastic law - Right. Prior to 1890, when cattle and sheep farming was so much more prevalent than today, the boundary of a Close was almost always signified by a fence. In most of the world outside of Christian America, this is still true. But within our nation today, and since the 1930's, there are few fences found in urban or metropolitan areas marking the perimeter of a close of land.
An important factor concerning a Close on your land is to comprehend the true definition of land. Once again, the modern day "statutory" definition of this word has perverted the Lawful and true meaning. We refer you to Bouvier's Law Dictionary, 1856 Edition, which states [emphasis added]:
Land. 1. This term comprehends any found, soil, or earth, whatsoever, as meadows, pastures, woods, waters, marshes, furze and heath. It has an indefinite extent upwards as well as downwards; therefore, land legally includes all houses and other buildings standing or built on it; and whatever is in a direct line between the surface and the centre of the earth, such as mines of metals and fossils. 1 Inst. 4 a; Wood's Inst. 120; 2 B1. Com. 18; 1 Cruise on Real Prop. 58. 2. Land, as above observed, includes in general all the buildings erected upon it; 9 Day, R. 374.
The Close on your land includes dwelling houses, barns, sheds, trees, hedges, plants, crops, pasture, grass, driveways, drainage ditches, all the minerals and substance of whatever kind below the surface, and all that is above it to an indefinite height. Lawfully, you own the airspace above and the minerals, water, oil, gas, or whatever may be below the surface of your land. The FAA and other government agencies will argue this fact, but remember that our federal and State government is ruled by martial law, International Law, and the Laws of War, so they are claiming as the military conqueror of the former States "land" that is not theirs.
In Biblical and ancient times, and in many nations of the world today, a man's land was marked with a Landmark or Monument. A monument was set up in order to ascertain the boundaries between two contiguous estates. In conjunction, an Estate Boundary is every separation, natural or artificial, which marks the confines or line of division of two contiguous estates. Ibid, Bouvier's. A Landmark points out, settles, defines, and describes - with or without visible boundaries. It is used to determine, by marks on the ground, the definition of a boundary line. A Dictionary of Law (1893). An estate of land, or a Close of land, is described and defined by natural means - such as a tree or stream, or by artificial means - such as a monument of stone or an iron rod.
[click the blue floppy disk icon at the top to view/print the entire article]
See below for two other related files regarding Notice of Trespass and Conveyance of Land.
He is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living: ye therefore do greatly err. - Mark 12:27 |
New Member
3 Posts |
Posted - 25 Nov 2001 : 23:13:52
quote: Originally posted by Admin: Land Conveyance example
Hello All We need to come up with a template for a proper "fee simple deed". I have recently learned that you can refile your deed with the register of deeds in your county courthous. In other words if an attorney has stuck you with a warranty deed you can file a corrective conveyance with the proper wording, wording which does not place your land under any statutory contract.
I have been doing some research into this. My family has held a small farm since 1913 so I have access to a series of deeds from 1913 to the present. These deeds are the result of the family land being handed down from generation to generation. The original 1913 deed is clearly a fee simple deed transferring full ownership of a freehold, I am under the impression that it was written by the bookkeeper of the seller. This deed was written long before the US incorporated and declared bankruptcy, at that time all land was still held freely. The most recent deed is a warranty deed written by a lawyer. I have been comparing the two. When I find wording that is differint I look up that wording in a blacks law dictionary. Here area few differinces that I have found.
BUYER and SELLER In the old deed (1913) Seller is reffered to as "parties of the first part" Buyer is reffered to as "parties of the second part" In the new deed (warranty deed) Seller is reffered to as "grantor" Buyer is reffered to as "grantee"
In blacks law, under the definition of "color of title" it is stated that anything that has a grantor, a grantee and a description of lands to be transferred is "color of title"
In the old deed (1913) The seller does hereby "bargain, sell and convey" the land to the buyer. In the new deed (warranty deed) The seller does hereby "give, grant, bargain, sell and convey" the land to the buyer.
In blacks law, under the definition of the term "grant" it is stated that the term grant conveyes covenants. (such as statutory contracts, I assume)
In blacks law, under the definition of "bargained and sold deed" it is stated that a bagained and sold deed only conveyes the sellers interest in the land. (I assume this means only the ownership and not the contracts)
I intend to continue researching this. If anyone would like to get involved I would appreciate any help or constructive input. Share what you find with me and I will share what I find with you. My hope is to come up with a template for a good, properly worded and legal "fee simple deed" and then post it where anyone can download it and use it to rewrite and refile thier own deeds. We can do this.
Your Brother in Christ Terry
True North
Advanced Member
163 Posts |
Posted - 16 Apr 2003 : 20:05:56
Has anyone heard from Terry as a follow up? However belated I would like to help. |
Advanced Member
198 Posts |
Posted - 17 Apr 2003 : 02:44:34
True North,
The trail is rather cold, but the topic is white-hot. So just post what you know, and we will all appreciate it.
The "titles" today transfer property to the "Tenant." So that right there, tells us a great deal about our standing regarding the "real estate" that we are supposed to "own." My understanding is that, ever since Lincoln's War, the "government" has acted to establish and solidify its hold on all the land in this country. This was done by having land owners "register" their land in order to obtain certain "benefits." GOTCHA! Once that was done, the absolute ownership that their Allodial Titles established, was compromised. This process occurred again and again, until we have only "Tenant" status today.
So how do we "un-register" our "real estate," and turn its status back into "Land" with Allodial Title?
Be Well, Doer
Advanced Member
496 Posts |
Posted - 17 Apr 2003 : 12:57:00
Hi George (doer),
In the state of Washington "Allodial Title" is listed in the Regulatory Codes as a bogus claim. However, that doesn't mean that you can't obtain "true" control of your land. You can never "own" it, as it belongs to G-d. But, you can have absolute control of it, which prevents government interference with your use of it and prevents levies or seizures against it.
I am aware of 2 methods of getting to that point. The first is by bringing the original Land Patent up to date. There is a gentleman in Michigan who teaches a 37 hour seminar on the process. He claims to have been doing it for 28 years and to be one of eight experts at it. I can get you contact info if you are interested.
The second method involves have the county tax assessor issue an appraisal on the land. Note I said appraisal and not assessment. This is a VERY important point. Most assessors will balk at doing an appraisal, but it is their public duty and you can subject them to civil fines if they refuse. Once you have the appraisal, you simply pay it. Now there are several ways to pay it, and I won't get into those at this time. But, the point is, once you have paid the appraised value to the state, the state no longer has any say about the property. The warranty deed will no longer exist and the property will no longer be recorded in the county records. After that point, if you want to sell the property, you will have to have a survey done which describes the property in the original survey terms, metes and bounds, and not as some lot in some development. And you sell it with a Bill of Sale.
Either of these in effect will give you what you are calling Allodial Title.
Peace to my Brothers,
Lewis |
Advanced Member
138 Posts |
Posted - 17 Apr 2003 : 14:58:28
Greetings brothers, Just a few additional points on this subject. I know that there has been much ado about Land Patents and so-called Allodial Title. Land Patents are instruments of the State in order to Tax the Land. I believe the following will support my claims:
Executive Office, St. Paul, Minn., June 15th, 1858
To the Senate and House of Representatives:
I feel it to be my duty to transmit to you, information relative to the affairs of the State, and to recommend such action as, in my judgment, will be most conducive to the public interests.
Owing to the delay attendant upon the induction into office of the State Officers elect, the assessment of property required to be made under the direction of the Auditor, has not yet been commenced. The rolls have been printed and are ready for distribution to the Register of Deeds of the several counties, but some weeks must elapse before they can be placed in the hands of the township assessors. I therefore suggest for your consideration, that the time for the assessment of property be extended to the 15th of August.
The late decision of the Supreme Court of the United States, by which lands owned by individuals for which the patents have not issued, are declared free from taxation, has not been received here in an official form, but there seems to be little doubt that such a decision has been made. In that case a very great diminuation will be the result in the anticipated revenue of the State for taxes the coming year, as in most of the new, and in some of the older counties, large tracts of land have been entered by pre-emption, but no patents have yet been issued. Therefore, I recommend that a memorial be passed as soon as practical, by you, to the President, asking that patents be issued for all such lands by the General Land Office, with the utmost possible expedition, so that they may be included in the assessments for the coming year.
It will probably be found necessary, likewise, to provide more specifically by statute for separate assessments upon the improvements made on these lands, so that in case the patent cannot be issued at a sufficiently early period to enable the assessors to place the land itself on the rolls of the present year, the burden of taxation may be as nearly equalized throughout the State, as circumstances will permit. The man who holds the duplicate of the Land Office is really as much the owner of his land as his neighbor who has received his patent, and a mere technicality should not shield him from sharing equally with that neighbor, in supporting the government which protects both alike in the possession of their property. In the memorial to the President, he might properly be petitioned to instruct the Commissioner of the General Land Office to cause to be transmitted to the Governor, to be filed in the office of the State Auditor, a list of the patents issued, with a description of the lands therein contained, in this State, at the expiration of each three months. If this could be done, the Auditor would have the means in his power to afford correct information to the assessors in the different counties, which they could not readily obtain in any other manner.
In consequence of the depreciated value of real estate everywhere caused by the financial derangements in the country, together with the exemption from taxation of so much land under the decision of the Supreme Court referred to, it would not be safe to base an estimate upon the taxable property of the State, of more than $35,000,000 or $40,000,000. Should the next regular session of the Legislature not take place before the middle of the year 1859, I trust that by exercise of strict economy, the expenses of the intervening period may be met, even upon that reduced basis of calculation. To effect this, however, it will be necessary for you to pass a stringent law, to compel the collecting officers in the different counties to pay into the State Treasury, within a fixed period in each year, the amount for which such counties are liable, for it is evident that the tax system tolerated under the Territorial Government cannot be permitted to continue with safety to the State. There is already due of unpaid taxes from many of the counties between $25,000 and $30,000, which should also be collected during the current year. It does not appear from the books of the late Auditor and Treasurer, that any money remains in the Treasury, and as the report of the latter officer lately made to you, shows that nearly all of the $250,000 has already been appropriated to meet Territorial and State liabilities, leaving a small amount only wherewith to meet the expenses of your session, and other necessary demands, the appropriations for the support of the State Government, etc., must necessarily be in anticipation of the revenue to be derived from taxation. The Constitution limits the State debt to $250,000 so that no further issue of Scrip or other evidences of indebtedness by the State is allowable.
As the law authorizing the loan of $250,000, imposed upon the Government and Treasurer the duty of negotiating it, upon consultation we deemed it most advantageous to receive bids therefore, in the city of New York, and measures have been taken to advertise for proposals there until the first of July next, in the papers of that and other commercial cities.
I propose to meet the Treasurer in New York on the 25th inst., it being advisable for us to have personal interviews with leading capitalists before the expiration of the time specified for receiving proposals, that we may give such verbal explanations with regard to the resources of the State, and particulars connected with the contemplated loan, as may be required. It is my intention, also, to visit Washington before my return to urge upon the President the necessity of causing all the patents for lands in this State, which have not yet been prepared, to be issued without delay.
The land must be removed from the commercial side that it has been placed in for tax purposes. In North Carolina they tell you how to do this. Investigation would probably revel that other States also have statutes to do the same.
§ 43-25. Release from registration. Whenever the record owner of any estate in lands, the title to which has been registered or attempted to be registered in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter, desires to have such estate released from the provisions of said Chapter insofar as said Chapter relates to the form of conveyance, so that such estate may ever thereafter be conveyed, either absolutely or upon condition or trust, by the use of any desired form of conveyance other than the certificate of title prescribed by said Chapter, such owner may present his owner's certificate of title to such registered estate to the register of deeds of the county wherein such land lies, with a memorandum or statement written by him on the margin thereof in the words following, or words of similar import, to wit: "I (or we),_________ , being the owner (or owners) of the registered estate evidenced by this certificate of title, do hereby release said estate from the provisions of Chapter 43 of the General Statutes of North Carolina insofar as said Chapter relates to the form of conveyance, so that hereafter the said estate may, and shall be forever until again hereafter registered in accordance with the provisions of said Chapter and acts amendatory thereof, conveyed, either absolutely or upon condition or trust, by any form of conveyance other than the certificate of title prescribed by said Chapter, and in the same manner as if said estate had never been registered." Which said memorandum or statement shall further state that it is made pursuant to the provisions of this section, and shall be signed by such record owner and attested by the register of deeds under his hand and official seal, and a like memorandum or statement so entered, signed and attested upon the margin of the record of the said owner's certificate of title in the consolidated real property records in said register's office, with the further notation made and signed by the register of deeds on the margin of the certificate of title in the consolidated real property records showing that such entry has been made upon the owner's certificate of title; and thereafter any conveyance of such registered estate, or any part thereof, by such owner, his heirs or assigns, by means of any desired form of conveyance other than such certificate of title shall be as valid and effectual to pass such estate of the owner according to the tenor and purport of such conveyance in the same manner and to the same extent as if such estate had never been so registered. (Ex. Sess. 1924, c. 40; 2000-140, s. 42(b).)
Lastly, concerning this concept of Allodial Title. First understand, there is no such thing. Allodial Title is only inferred by holding land in allodium. Now, according to Black’s 4th, allodium means
"Land held absolutely in one’s own right, and not of any lord or superior; land not subject to feudal duties or burdens.
An estate held by absolute ownership, without recognizing any superior to whom any duty is due on account thereof. 1 Washb.Real Prop. 16. McCartee v. Orphan Asylum, 9 Cow., N.Y., 511, 19 Am. Dec. 516"
If we hold the land by inheritance in and through the Christ, we are certainly not the owner’s, but merely the stewards of the land and have no real claim to it, through allodium or otherwise. We are on the land and have use of it only as long as it pleases our Lord. Now I will submit that it is our duty to retrieve the land from the commercial side and return it to it’s rightful standing.
Peace to all...
Advanced Member
496 Posts |
Posted - 17 Apr 2003 : 15:40:00
Brother DanielJacob,
You are using statutes from various states as if they apply to all states. That is simply not the case. For example, there is no provision in the RCW (Regulatory Code of Washington) similar to "§ 43-25. Release from registration" for North Carolina. Therefore one can not use that process here. You must do either of the 2 methods I outlined.
I also believe you are mis-applying the information from the State of Minnesota. But that is another matter. Those lands which are being taxed and which are under a current Land Patent, can have the taxes removed by Replevin Action. But, the Patent must be up to date. And a Patent does not pass by inheritance.
Advanced Member
198 Posts |
Posted - 18 Apr 2003 : 00:58:17
Since I plan to eventually be living in NE Washington or Idaho, it would be valuable to know the process of reclaiming title from commercial standing. How much does the seminar cost? Have you performed either method that you describe, and do you still pay "real estate" taxes?
Talking to several people who have done this, would be most educational. We need to document several "success stories" regarding this process. Then we need to spread the word on the process, to free people from bondage to Caesar, and to empower them as Sovereigns.
Be Well, Doer
Advanced Member
496 Posts |
Posted - 18 Apr 2003 : 01:07:05
Hi George,
I just spent over 3 hours on the conference call. The people in Texas are doing it yet a different way. I will be getting more information and will post it here, when I think I can explain it properly. I haven't done any of the above, yet.
There is also a 4th way to deal with property taxes, if it is just a matter of not paying them. If you look deeply enough into the Codes, you will find that it is illegal for the county tax Assessor to accept Federal Reserve Notes. So, you just send them a notice reminding them of that fact, and you state that you will be in the Assessor's Office on such and such a day at a specific time to pay your taxes in FRNs. I hear from other people who have done it this year, that "they" will stand at the court house doors and check people's IDs to make sure you don't pay them in FRNs. And, they will also stamp your tax notice paid in full. Is that cool or what?
If we just keep looking with an open mind, we will find dozens of ways to get out of Caesar's traps.
Lewis |
True North
Advanced Member
163 Posts |
Posted - 19 Apr 2003 : 09:32:43
In this particular county, there is a vow of poverty on the state statutes which can be taken before the county commisioners to alleviate the tax.
Not the most ideal, for me, taking a vow of poverty when my Father owns a thousand cattle on a thousand hill... But a vow of poverty from Feral Reserve Notes (which have no value) is a different matter since they are used under protest anyway. I don't want to use the statutes for any reason but again showing them their own law to open their eyes may be different than actually confirming their statutes.
The state has never provided me with anything and their supreme court afirms this in Hale vs. Henkel 201 U.S. 43 @ 74 ...He owes no duty to the state since he receives nothing therefrom beyond the protection of his life and property...
If we ever pull together as a group, physically as well as spiritually, I can offer the surveying and description portion of the land parcels under Ex. 19:12 and Pr. 22:28 and 23:10 |
Advanced Member
198 Posts |
Posted - 20 Apr 2003 : 02:40:18
True North,
The question is not, "IF we ever pull together as a group," but WHEN. There are a number of us "making plans" to establish ourselves in NE Washington State and/or the Idaho panhandle. This will take time, but if we live in the Eternal instead of in Time, then all things are but DESTINY -- and not only "possible." Anyone wishing to board this train, is entreated with open arms. That particular area has a recent history of like-minded Souls “putting down roots” there.
Just remember that such an endeavor as founding a righteous community, requires a great deal of work not only to become established, but also to maintain. There are many Good Men in this country who have removed themselves from the trappings of Caesar "more or less." There are many others who long to do so. The process for this has been defined and used by a number of Individuals. Randy Lee comes to mind, as does Gregory. So the METHOD has been laid out long ago, and it has been tested. Only the FOCUS to bring Individuals’ thought and energy together, is lacking. This Forum is a marvelous resource to help accomplish such a laudable goal.
I am not interested in establishing Hippy-style communes of the 60’s. Those failed because they were not founded on MORAL PRINCIPLES -- the greatest of which is, “Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself.” Those were politically motivated communities, which were DESTINED to FAIL by their lack of PRINCIPLE. Everyone was in it for themselves. It was just a big EGO trip. “Free love” (read: sex) was a primary symptom of that degenerate lifestyle. Decisions were made by committee, which is the method of Communists. I remember reading a story about one commune’s Volkswagen Bus being broke down for months, and no one was fixing it because the committee could not come to agreement on what to do. So the commune mechanic was not going to do it on his own without compensation. This is an example of EGO working at it finest!
I am still aware of people living in New Hampshire, who bought land back in the 60’s in the hope of establishing such a community. They are still there, but have since parted ways with the idea, instead striking out on their own. Of course they still maintain the old friendships, but their individual paths were so much different, that there was no consensus. So they raised their children as best they could and got on with their lives. However, they were “too busy” -- too self-centered -- to notice Life passing them by. They still have not learned Life’s Meaning. They still have not freed themselves from their own selfishness, which is the first step in freeing themselves from Caesar. So they continue paying Caesar’s extortion “to be left alone,” all the while not understanding that they are further enriching and empowering Caesar to enslave their children even more than themselves. What an empty, meaningless life! -- And these were the ostensibly “conscious revolutionaries” that turned society upside-down during the Vietnam Era!
Keep in mind that, THERE ARE NO NEW IDEAS! “There is nothing new under the sun,” as stated in Ecclesiastes. We only need to RETURN TO WHAT WORKS! -- which is Individual Freedom and Responsibility. Our only point of FREE WILL is: to which thought or idea we align ourselves. From this point, we can expand our Free Will into a Circle. This Circle will then encompass our lives, within which we can then live and act in “freedom” -- but ONLY IF the ORIGINAL IDEA comes from, and is an extension of, the ETERNAL. Thoughts and ideas based in the temporal will have a short life, and our Divinely-given powers will be wasted on sensual pursuits. So too, will our resultant “freedom” be short-lived. Then the CONSEQUENCES of our temporal thinking will constrain us, even as the temporal world has limitations.
“Political considerations” should play a very small part, if at all, in any ETERNAL Community. “Politics” has been defined as, “the relationship of man to man.” However, that should be a NATURAL EXTENSION and practical consequence of our relationship with our Creator. “Politics” for its own sake would then be seen as an abhorrent perversion -- just as “religion” has become today, along with “government.”
There have been innumerable ETERNAL Communities that established themselves and prospered in the course of many ancient, long-forgotten chronicles. Scores of them lasted centuries, if not millennia, harboring and protecting the Ancient Wisdom, and providing their members with an environment for rapid Spiritual development. In the end, they all either failed or went “underground,” because they unwittingly introduced weak-willed individuals that were prone to temptation, and therefore they compromised and corrupted the original Foundation. No civilization can last, that is not founded on PRINCIPLE. If we look back to the enduring cultures such as Egyptian, Greek and Roman, we see that they all fell from within, because they compromised their original founding Principles.
So we have much work to do in these “modern times,” in order to return to the exemplary models that were established by the Ancients. I, for one, cannot wait to begin in earnest.
Be Well, Doer
True North
Advanced Member
163 Posts |
Posted - 20 Apr 2003 : 09:38:48
Is there any particular reason for picking the NW area? I've lived in Cascade, Idaho and worked on forestry projects around McCall, Lewiston, Grangeville and Council. Also spent some time in the rain forested areas on the Oregon, Washington border. Those areas are my first choice too but the winter preparations (firewood, shelter, etc) are extreme, I didn't think I could handle a 12 foot snowfall by myself with my wife only. Barefoot's World is a good website for constitutional issues and survival common sense and he lists his address on his site as:
Barefoot Bob, 18446 W. Holland Road, Post Falls, Idaho
I'd like to visit him sometime.
I lived in the Southwest too while looking for G-d and a place to spend the tribulation (in my younger days). It seemed better suited for living through the cold months.
I'm middle age now and see myself stumbling around like a drunken lunatic in the myriad of consequences that I perceive as inevitable as a result of trying to free myself from this dumbed down state. I get the same feel from your posts, DanielJacob, that the many options for sovereign living as a bondservant to Yeshua tends to lead away from the simplicity of just living day to day.
But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which G-d hath prepared for them that love him...
Keep me posted, G-d willing, I will join you. |
Advanced Member
198 Posts |
Posted - 20 Apr 2003 : 10:29:26
True North,
McCall, Idaho was one of my very favorite places to visit, during my long-haul trucking days. I have also lived in Southern Oregon's Rogue River Valley and the Sin Francisco Gay Area. California weather is hard to beat, but there are other, far more important considerations.
The main factor is that the great population centers of the U. S. (and the world) are very vulnerable to a myriad of calamities. Terrorism is but a relatively minor one, albeit very real. More significant is the effect of economic circumstances, especially in these unpredictable times -- due to the corruption of our money and banking systems. A rural setting is far more secure during economic turmoil.
Lovely as they are, coastal cities will be the most vulnerable of all places in the near future -- probably for the next 10-20 years. I have heard this thought from a couple of sources, and it makes sense to me. Just look at the unprecedented reaction to the building SARS epidemic, and you can get a small idea of why coastal cities are so vulnerable.
NW Washington is personally appealing because it is sustained by the land. That particular area is one of the world’s great wheat growing regions. Farming, ranching, mining, forestry, fishing and other lifestyles creating wealth from the land, are the most stable, and the most honest of endeavors. People working the land have a certain “grounded” quality in Reality (pun intended). In contrast, ghetto children think that milk comes from a carton, and bread from a plastic bag. They have no clue, and sadly, few ever will. The cities, for the most part, are beyond salvaging. Spokane may be an exception, for the reason that it is relatively small (about 250,000), and it has not yet been taken completely over by the Liberals (although they are working night and day to solidify their control).
No question that the weather is a major consideration, and often an obstacle to daily activity. On the other hand, the winters are more mild on the western slope of the Rockies, than on the eastern. I grew up in northern Illinois near the Wisconsin border, so understand cold winters well. Also, do not forget that many a good times are had with family or friends, during indoor activities by the wood stove.
So this is some of my thinking concerning these matters. Even if I were to become a billionaire, I would spend at least half a year in NW Washington or the Idaho panhandle. The reason is the people.
Be Well, Doer
Advanced Member
496 Posts |
Posted - 20 Apr 2003 : 13:36:53
Hello True North,
I have been talking to Doer (George) about the area around Northport, Wash. I have some friends with a 300 acre farm there. Three miles down the road is the community of Marble. Marble, back around 1920 was the largest apple orchard in the world, covering some 50,000 acres. Very rich farm land. The community of Marble was started by the Birds. They were gospel entertainers. They set out to develop a Christian community. But, as so often happens, EGO reared it ugly head. The result has been anything but development and harmony. Instead, the CHURCH caused divorces, and family strife. (I used the word church in the capitalized form, as in STRAWMAN).
But the point is, for many miles along the Columbia River (Lake Roosevelt at that point) is some very good level land. The snow in the winter seldom get 2 feet deep. Temps seldom go below zero. In the summer, it is a good 10 degrees cooler than the BIG city which is 35 miles away. There is generally a nice breeze blowing down the river.
There are a lot of GOOD people in the area. There are also a LOT of hippie druggies there too. But, as the number of good people have increased over the years, the number of hippies keep moving farther out. My friends have been living over there for some 10 years now. I visit regularly.
This is but one example. I know another good community over around Sadle, Idaho. I have friends there also.
Like Doer said, there are a lot of good people in a number of areas. We need to start building church communities of these people and living by G-d's Word.
Take care and remember the reason for celebrating this Day.
Lewis |
Advanced Member
198 Posts |
Posted - 20 Apr 2003 : 20:15:20
Lewis and True North,
Let us remember that nothing happens without a reason and a purpose, usually defined by a NEED. The old pioneers and settlers banded together for fellowship, mutual assistance and protection. We do not have such harsh conditions today, so there must be different, but equally binding reasons that would hold a Community of Good Souls together.
For the most part, I see those reasons to be a great need for fellowship, and for the mutual exploration of determining the Great Path. The need for fellowship is ever increasing in this commercial world of vacuous purpose and deficient morals -- which lead to feelings of emptiness, dissatisfaction, disillusionment and unfulfillment. Yet fellowship alone, is not a sufficient reason, and it will not last the test of time in nurturing a Righteous Community.
What we need is a reason that lives in the ETERNAL, and is forever nourished from that Infinite Fountain of Wisdom, Power and Beauty. That REASON can only be:
The GREAT MASTER took on this task as HIS LIFE-WORK more than 2,000 years ago. We cannot but succeed, were we to follow his example. HIS LEGACY of affecting the ivies of billions of Souls for good, stands as a testament to the power of his Message and of HIS SACRIFICE.
HIS SACRIFICE was not so much at the hands of the cross, but that HE RELINQUISHED HIS DIVINITY and took on the coils of flesh to prove by example (through overcoming temptation), that ANY MAN can alter the course of his Destiny from eternal death to ETERNAL LIFE.
So it is delegated to each of us, to follow HIS EXAMPLE by perfecting the same process in ourselves. LEADING BY EXAMPLE is, in my experience, THE ONLY WAY to change ANYTHING. If people are ready to change and hunger for answers, then our example will be as a beacon and a Light unto their feet, showing them The Way that we have already pioneered. If people are not ready, then there is NOTHING that we can do to help them. Not even our Creator Himself, can save those who are not willing. To keep working such a dead end, is to endanger our own course. The old saying goes, “He who sleeps with dogs, wakes up with fleas.”
So I see my path very clearly. The trick is to walk it.
Be Well, Doer
Advanced Member
129 Posts |
Posted - 23 Apr 2003 : 15:11:17
Godly greetings:
I have encountered some particular issues in my search for land sitting in waste to stand upon and cultivate as is my Godly duty, commanded in the Scripture and the Law. I feel that I am bordering on the status of a bastard child by not fulfilling this duty, and building a means of support thereby for others who want to flee Babylon.
As you may know, I am sojourning near Pocatello, Idaho, which is upon the land Bannock County. I went to the Assessor's Office to look at the list of land owners, but the setup of the Assessor's maps and files is very complicated and a hindrance to my duty and search. The county is very large, broken up into hundreds of sections. There is a book for each section, about two feet long by one foot, and several inches thick. One cannot just browse the books. The assessor office agent asked me what section (out of hundreds) I wanted the book for, and then she went to an office behind the counter and came back shortly with one book for a section. It was almost futile for my purpose, because to look through the lists this way could require me to hang out in the office for many weeks having her fetch the books. I note that there is not an alphabetical list of names for the county, but rather, an library of sections listed with hand-drawn maps of the parcels and plots.
I am very new to the process of looking for unencumbered, non-commercial land this way, and I fear it will take me a very, very long time to get the feel for it, as I must of necessity walk in carrying out all my duties. To walk about the county looking for vacant land, then to compile a list of locations that I can reference in the books, and then to eventually find one that is "owner unknown" or never entered into commerce, could take the entire spring and summer, leaving me no time to plant a winter crop.
Thus I am led to a few questions to see if there is the proverbial, "easy way out" of my dilemma, which leaves me with my impatient and frustrated feeling of having to work harder because I am not smarter.
Now begin my sundry questions, and I pray that God will give inspiration as I ask, and I pray that he will inspire the answers of those who have more wisdom and insight than I am able to muster.
First. This county and much of eastern Idaho is waste land, uncultivated, and wilderness of both desert and mountain forest. I have spent several days hiking into the more remote parts of the mountains near here to find suitable land for cultivation and dwelling-building materials. I have found great lands, all far from the paved roads of Caesar. Much of this land is fictitiously marked as "National Forest" or "Indian Reservation" on various maps drawn by Caesar's agents. I have been contemplating the Law (capital L) regarding standing upon such waste land. I suppose that Caesar could designate every particle of soil and rock on earth to be his National Forest or Reserve, and thusly think to bar men from standing upon it in the duty of cultivation. If I were to stand upon such land, would there be anything special that I should know in dealing with tresspassers and LEO's who might seek to break the close and harass me or my guests?
Second. Does anyone know of any lands anywhere where there is no active opposition to those who stand upon waste land? If you know of any counties with much waste land or high and rugged mountains, I would be interested to know so that I have many options to deal with. The land does not have to be anywhere near a road; the only thing I require is that it be unowned by commercial creatures.
Third. I assume that NFS regulations, like all other laws of men, apply only to persons, pedestrians, citizens, voters, settlers, and other such creatures as we find in commerce. Thusly, would one not use the same process of abatement as with other matters, if confronted with the fraudulent papers of the NFS? (I do hear of at least one man in Montana who has closed land there in the National Forest, and the LEO's tried to force him out for a long time, until eventually they gave up.) How might I be better prepared to defend my duty to stand upon the land in such a place?
Fourth. Thoughts?
Finally, I think that with God, all things are possible; I just don't know exactly how certain things can become possible for me. I know it is God's will that each man care for his family on the land he cultivates, not in some infested, polluted city as a renter or tenant.
May God bless you and strengthen all in your houses.
- Berkano |
Advanced Member
129 Posts |
Posted - 23 Apr 2003 : 16:26:38
Speaking of standing upon the land, I found something very interesting on that subject, and I wonder if anyone might have thoughts about the following words I found.
1 Behold, blessed, saith the Lord, are they who have come up unto this land with an eye single to my glory, according to my commandments. 2 For those that live shall inherit the earth, and those that die shall rest from all their labors, and their works shall follow them; and they shall receive a crown in the mansions of my Father, which I have prepared for them. 3 Yea, blessed are they whose feet stand upon the land of Zion, who have obeyed my gospel; for they shall receive for their reward the good things of the earth, and it shall bring forth in its strength. 4 And they shall also be crowned with blessings from above, yea, and with commandments not a few, and with revelations in their time they that are faithful and diligent before me. 5 Wherefore, I give unto them a commandment, saying thus: Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy might, mind, and strength; and in the name of Jesus Christ thou shalt serve him. 6 Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. Thou shalt not steal; neither commit adultery, nor kill, nor do anything like unto it. 7 Thou shalt thank the Lord thy God in all things. 8 Thou shalt offer a sacrifice unto the Lord thy God in righteousness, even that of a broken heart and a contrite spirit. 9 And that thou mayest more fully keep thyself unspotted from the world, thou shalt go to the house of prayer and offer up thy sacraments upon my holy day; 10 For verily this is a day appointed unto you to rest from your labors, and to pay thy devotions unto the Most High; 11 Nevertheless thy vows shall be offered up in righteousness on all days and at all times; 12 But remember that on this, the Lord's day, thou shalt offer thine oblations and thy sacraments unto the Most High, confessing thy sins unto thy brethren, and before the Lord. 13 And on this day thou shalt do none other thing, only let thy food be prepared with singleness of heart that thy fasting may be perfect, or, in other words, that thy joy may be full. 14 Verily, this is fasting and prayer, or in other words, rejoicing and prayer. 15 And inasmuch as ye do these things with thanksgiving, with cheerful hearts and countenances, not with much laughter, for this is sin, but with a glad heart and a cheerful countenance÷ 16 Verily I say, that inasmuch as ye do this, the fulness of the earth is yours, the beasts of the field and the fowls of the air, and that which climbeth upon the trees and walketh upon the earth; 17 Yea, and the herb, and the good things which come of the earth, whether for food or for raiment, or for houses, or for barns, or for orchards, or for gardens, or for vineyards; 18 Yea, all things which come of the earth, in the season thereof, are made for the benefit and the use of man, both to please the eye and to gladden the heart; 19 Yea, for food and for raiment, for taste and for smell, to strengthen the body and to enliven the soul. 20 And it pleaseth God that he hath given all these things unto man; for unto this end were they made to be used, with judgment, not to excess, neither by extortion. 21 And in nothing doth man offend God, or against none is his wrath kindled, save those who confess not his hand in all things, and obey not his commandments. 22 Behold, this is according to the law and the prophets; wherefore, trouble me no more concerning this matter. 23 But learn that he who doeth the works of righteousness shall receive his reward, even peace in this world and eternal life in the world to come. 24 I, the Lord, have spoken it, and the Spirit beareth record. Amen.
Revelation through Joseph Smith, in Zion, Jackson County, Missouri, August 7, 1831. History of the Church 1:196-201. |
Advanced Member
198 Posts |
Posted - 23 Apr 2003 : 16:56:25
You are to be commended for endeavoring upon such a quest! You will learn many things about Caesar's ways in you search, and it is important for you to share those findings with others seeking the Truth.
Since I am not converstant in the area of your interest, not much help can be given at this time. Lewis has another approach to freeing land from Caesar's control, and perhaps he would be kind enough to detail that process when it is confirmed.
You may be able to get a print-out from the assessor's office, of land designated "owner unknown" -- or whatever term they use for Allodial lands. I once had a list of all assessed county property made for myself in Oregon, and it cost about $50. They may charge you for such a print-out or computer disk, but it is well worth it, as you would have a complete list to investigate. Perhaps they can even do a search for you, for those particular designations which interest you, then print out that list.
This is all that can be given to you at this time. Good hunting!
Be Well, Doer |
Advanced Member
496 Posts |
Posted - 23 Apr 2003 : 21:12:13
Doer and Berkano,
One caveat about land designated "owner unknown". I have seen several instances of this, where the owner was really known. For whatever reason, the ownership and tax assessment was done by an adjacent county. I also found one instance where the unknown owner turned out to be dear old Uncle Sam. There were signs reading "No Trespassing, U.S. Government Property" when I got there.
So, just keep those things in mind. I also found 27 acres in West Virginia which has never been deeded to anyone, since the original owner split the 1760 acres amoung a number of people. The original owner was General Burnside, the man for whom sideburns are named. Before he died, because he had no heirs, he divided his farm among various friends, and servants. But, he failed to tally up the total number of acres he willed. He was off of 27 acres. Unfortunately, in West Virginia, there is no way to claim such land. There is no adverse possession clause to allow to obtain ownership after so many years. The only thing I could have done was reported it as surplus property to the State, and they would verify it and auction it off at public auction. Since the land is wild and untouched, I decided to leave it that way.
I mention this farm, because even though it is all in Putnam County, parts of it do not show up on Putnam County records. Those parts are in the Mason County records. That was explained to me as being because Putnam County was formed out of Mason County. I think I have that correct. It has been about 20 years ago that I was doing this.
Lewis |
Advanced Member
198 Posts |
Posted - 24 Apr 2003 : 03:35:05
Since "adverse possession" has become a statutory process, why would you want to return the Land from Allodium to Caesar’s realm? My understanding is that, after you have established yourself upon the Land, then you can record an eviction on a fictitious "John Doe" to show than you are the rightful owner (since no one will challenge the action), So Caesar will also thereby recognizes your ownership, since he is too stupid to challenge it, either -- and has no standing in Law to do so anyway. The Maxim here is that an Affidavit unchallenged, resides in Truth.
THEN you are free to do whatever you want with the Land -- NO assessments, NO taxes, NO building codes, and NO Caesar sticking his fat nose in your private business! Only get it surveyed using meats and bounds, instead of using “parcels,” “plots” or “subdivisions” -- in order to keep it Lawful.
Be Well, Doer
Advanced Member
496 Posts |
Posted - 24 Apr 2003 : 12:29:15
I didn't know about such things back then, or perhaps I would be living on those 27 acres. I only knew Caesar's law when it came to land. I used to do some survey work, a long time ago, and by using the original hand written, hard to read surveys, which were in metes and bounds, and using a very large topo map, I plotted out the boundaries of the original gifts of land from General Burnside. This took weeks to do. I was doing it mostly for fun, and as a study of history. I also found out from that, about the fact that sometimes land records aren't in the same county as the land. The unrecorded, or more correctly the land listed in the county as "owner unknown" was what had caught my interest.
I originally started this when I was trying to buy a piece of land with an old schoolhouse on it. That property adjoined the property that had come down from Burnside. And, when looking at the county records for the piece of land I was interested in, I became interested in the pieces around it.
The problem I see, is that if the land is listed at all by the county, if it is listed as "owner unknown" it is still controlled by the State. It is in Caesar's record. So, even if you evict the fictitious John Doe, when you record that eviction, the County says "ah ha!" we can now collect taxes on that land because we now know who claims it. You have to take control away from the State, if you want to be free from taxes, building codes, etc. I discussed how to do that in another topic.
Peace to all,
Lewis |
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