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Jay Scott
Advanced Member
181 Posts |
Posted - 07 May 2008 : 18:00:11
Did you have a Notary Public witness and certify their non-response? I'm wondering if the Certificate of Non-Response would be advantageous in any way.
(See this thread: "Notary Public and their powers" )
Jay Scott.
quote: Originally posted by Roger Lee
Yes Scott, I made a request for 12 proofs of claim. Never heard from the MV Commissioner. So I returned the DL directly to him explaining that I was not a "driver' as defined in the statues: "Driver" means any person who drives, operates or is in physical control of a commercial motor vehicle, or who is required to hold a commercial driver's license."
Roger Lee
Junior Member
20 Posts |
Posted - 08 May 2008 : 08:12:05
Yes Jay. I have that second witness.
Roger |
Occasional Poster
11 Posts |
Posted - 21 Jul 2013 : 16:03:19
quote: Originally posted by Lewish
Hello Brother oneisraelite,
I just wanted to see if anyone was really paying attention.
Yes, I advised him to obey the Court order, as he has not yet done the 4 steps to freedom. To have refused would have landed him back in jail on a Contempt of Court charge.
I recommended to the young man, that when he signed the license, directly above his signature that he print very clearly and carefully the words "Not Amenable to Process". Do not confuse the word amenable with the word amendable. Look in up in Black's 4th.
I believe you will know the answer to your second question as soon as you read the definition in Black's.
Everyone here is a student. That is why we are here. I learn from others, you learn from me. I will gladly share any knowledge that I have. I will also always try to give you the source of that knowledge.
The phrase "Not Amenable to Process" came about because people were trying to use "Without Prejudice UCC 1-207" and were achieving what had been promised. Well, no wonder. The UCC is private copyrighted code belonging to Unidroit in Italy, and they haven't paid their copyright fees. Thus, they have no claim for its use. Some have tried using just the "Without Prejudice". Well, all that says to the system is "I have reserved all my rights, now go ahead and prosecute me in your Court."
I did not originate the phrase, but simply applied it to a proper use. It is important to always restrict your signature any time and any place you give it.
Peace to you,
Jay Scott
Advanced Member
181 Posts |
Posted - 21 Jul 2013 : 17:02:48
Nice reminder! I imagine Lewis is well.
greatfull, do you have recent experience to share with "not amenable to process" or "driver licenses?"
Jay Scott. |
Occasional Poster
11 Posts |
Posted - 21 Jul 2013 : 23:06:08
actually i was attempting to post a inquiry along lines of what you are inquiring of me, and being kinda new around here ended up just posting his
wondering if anyone here has any recent proven processes that are working regarding the travel-movement issue and not using or renewing dr lic and the other instruments- reading richard anthonys info on c.l.a. it said to trash them- however seems like that would create other issues...
so many different opinions etc and want to be in honor and Truth, obedient.... apologize for the mess up on post , but nice to know there are people here.. t quote]Originally posted by Jay Scott
Nice reminder! I imagine Lewis is well.
greatfull, do you have recent experience to share with "not amenable to process" or "driver licenses?"
Jay Scott. [/quote] |
Forum Administrator
382 Posts |
Posted - 23 Jul 2013 : 21:12:18
I can only tell you that I freely travel in my non-commercial ID non-named truck (I removed the Ford logos) and I have been arrested for "No DL" along with "no registration" 5 times in the past 12 years. In each case, I sent the DA a notice that I refused their fine and penalty in unlawful FRN's and that I am not a legal resident (search what is on this site from many years ago regarding the legal term 'RESIDENT' at and of their franchise STATE OF FLORIDA. I continually notified them every time that I was (back then) a Florida State Citizen, not a US (DC) citizen or a STATE OF (fill in your STATE) citizen.
The truth is, I am a lawful native American having been born on the land and have lawfully and legally voided (in public county record, 1994) all known and unknown contracts with any Federal US CITIZENSHIP (which is not lawfully a USA citizenship) and the franchise STATE OF FLORIDA CITIZENSHIP.
Yes, of course they always ignore me and they ignore certified Clerk copies of my lawfully AND legally rescinded contract notice, but then when I demand a trial, the judge on the trial day is always a "visiting judge," the courtroom is always changed to a different room number without notice on the court docket or posted courthouse daily postings (I have an assistant clerk who keeps me informed of that) and the "court" is always beyond shocked when I show up and demand an immediate dismissal for fraud upon the court.
Look.... it's a scam game and you need to simply realize that if you stand up and demand true jurisdiction, you will either get a non-response from a "judge" who quickly leaves the "court", or you will be thrown into their Stalag for "contempt" because you pissed them off with the truth.
I've spent many 71 hour periods in their local jail, but I have always refused to sign anything they present to me and I have always refused to speak when they demand I answer. Before the 72 hours is up, I'm quickly released.
I do not participate with the Social Security System (since it is legally voluntarily), so they don't get a SSAN to keep me there without getting Fed funds after 72 hours.
That's how it works. Learn by trial and error like I have. Go to their jail and do what I have. You'll find out that the magician's smoke and mirrors are just that. Sign nothing and do not agree to be photographed on the record (although they will do it anyway). Do not agree to an iris scan or fingerpirnt (they will do it anyway). The point is, if you do NOT agree, it's on record and "they" know it because Open Records Acts and FOIA will reveal that fact.
The FED and STATE Wizard of OZ is nothing but a fraud. |
Occasional Poster
11 Posts |
Posted - 23 Jul 2013 : 23:18:38
I haven't logged in for quite some time, looking and trying to learn from failed attempts of facilitating some forum of freedom. In some of the discussions I see that the retoric must seem to generate some thing to the nature of biblical text. In others over the distance of time and space I see the generation of earnest effort of combat, which there should be. Yet from the peanut gallery I hear words from bible text in negative reference.
I see only one fact; a free people try hard to stay free. The fact remains you are all trying to free your self from a system of things, rather than establishing yourselves into a new sytem under the law that provides for it. The precepts are there, don't be blinded by what is before you, circumvent their statutes that mean nothing, |
Advanced Member
209 Posts |
Posted - 27 Jul 2013 : 05:29:18
I have battled this issue as well, Down Under in Little 'Ol New Zealand, where the laws come straight from the UK and we have a single sets of statutes covering the country. No Federal - State - Local division of laws to leave you guessing what actually applies to your circumstances.
It is maxim of law that to understand a matter you must go back to the point of origin. What I have done, rather than angrily denounce the system as unlawful and their statutes as meaningless, is to logically trace everything back to its point of origin.
We know that a "driver" is one who is travelling commercially. So the first question is, what if anything, are we doing that is commercial in nature? In New Zealand it is painfully clear once you look at the Vehicle Registration. EVERY Vehicle is registered under an "Industrial Class". So it is the fact of registration that turns the non-commecial "automobile" (no statutes whatsoever regulating automobiles) into a commercial "vehicle" for which you must be licensed if you want to use the thing.
But it goes a layer deeper. The definition of "vehicle" shows that they are not really talking about a hunk of metal with 4 wheels. The registration of the automobile causes them to take out an insurance bond, or something along those lines. Thus, the actual "vehicle" is a financial instrument that they are regulating, and the "automobile" is the surety!
So they must track the automobile, and regulate the "drivers" in order to look after their investment. Thus the license plate will be linked to the VIN (vehicle identification number) and the VIN actually identifies the financial instrument. This is so important that the VIN gets etched into the engine block and the rear window, AND they link it to the car chassis number, just in case you scratch off both VIN numbers, as I did.
I had the NZ Police leaving me alone until one day when they saw my automobile parked in the local mall parking lot. They broke into the car, opened the hood, and found the chassis number. The next time they saw me behind the wheel, they arrested me.
It did not matter that my automobile had been deregistered. The insurance bond was still on their system, and they still claimed the right to regulate it. But they had to be able to identify it before they would touch me!
And don't think that the insurance bond is meaningless, or an evil trick. They actually ARE running an insurance scheme to deal with all of the accidents that happen with automobiles. How do you think they pay for the Police, Ambulance, Fire engines, and other services that show up to clean up the mess? Sure, they won't replace your damaged automobile, but their insurance program does pay for necessary services none-the-less.
So the bottom line is, unless you can get your hands on an automobile that has NEVER been registered in ANY State system, you are going to be beaten up on the highways and byways if you are caught behind the wheel of a registered (insured) automobile without the proper license.
Honi soit qui mal y pense |
Occasional Poster
11 Posts |
Posted - 10 Aug 2013 : 23:07:15
humm,thank you for responding for some reason it just seems there should ought to be a better way- female here and not excited at all about the 4 wall thing place- concerned however especially since the real id act and all and not able to get brand new from manufacturer car have to support self blah blah
already have a ssn do not use it now have not ever registered- voted apparantly that is good
so much to absorb
take care studying researching seeking trusting and obeying
quote: Originally posted by Bondservant
I can only tell you that I freely travel in my non-commercial ID non-named truck (I removed the Ford logos) and I have been arrested for "No DL" along with "no registration" 5 times in the past 12 years. In each case, I sent the DA a notice that I refused their fine and penalty in unlawful FRN's and that I am not a legal resident (search what is on this site from many years ago regarding the legal term 'RESIDENT' at and of their franchise STATE OF FLORIDA. I continually notified them every time that I was (back then) a Florida State Citizen, not a US (DC) citizen or a STATE OF (fill in your STATE) citizen.
The truth is, I am a lawful native American having been born on the land and have lawfully and legally voided (in public county record, 1994) all known and unknown contracts with any Federal US CITIZENSHIP (which is not lawfully a USA citizenship) and the franchise STATE OF FLORIDA CITIZENSHIP.
Yes, of course they always ignore me and they ignore certified Clerk copies of my lawfully AND legally rescinded contract notice, but then when I demand a trial, the judge on the trial day is always a "visiting judge," the courtroom is always changed to a different room number without notice on the court docket or posted courthouse daily postings (I have an assistant clerk who keeps me informed of that) and the "court" is always beyond shocked when I show up and demand an immediate dismissal for fraud upon the court.
Look.... it's a scam game and you need to simply realize that if you stand up and demand true jurisdiction, you will either get a non-response from a "judge" who quickly leaves the "court", or you will be thrown into their Stalag for "contempt" because you pissed them off with the truth.
I've spent many 71 hour periods in their local jail, but I have always refused to sign anything they present to me and I have always refused to speak when they demand I answer. Before the 72 hours is up, I'm quickly released.
I do not participate with the Social Security System (since it is legally voluntarily), so they don't get a SSAN to keep me there without getting Fed funds after 72 hours.
That's how it works. Learn by trial and error like I have. Go to their jail and do what I have. You'll find out that the magician's smoke and mirrors are just that. Sign nothing and do not agree to be photographed on the record (although they will do it anyway). Do not agree to an iris scan or fingerpirnt (they will do it anyway). The point is, if you do NOT agree, it's on record and "they" know it because Open Records Acts and FOIA will reveal that fact.
The FED and STATE Wizard of OZ is nothing but a fraud.
Occasional Poster
11 Posts |
Posted - 10 Aug 2013 : 23:45:00
get fact abt the foney system get the precepts, it is the part of being deceived into the instruments, bc ssn etc and how to honorably peacefully and obediently to the true king remove from it that is question? do you care to share your process, steps ?
quote: Originally posted by ghostwalter
I haven't logged in for quite some time, looking and trying to learn from failed attempts of facilitating some forum of freedom. In some of the discussions I see that the retoric must seem to generate some thing to the nature of biblical text. In others over the distance of time and space I see the generation of earnest effort of combat, which there should be. Yet from the peanut gallery I hear words from bible text in negative reference.
I see only one fact; a free people try hard to stay free. The fact remains you are all trying to free your self from a system of things, rather than establishing yourselves into a new sytem under the law that provides for it. The precepts are there, don't be blinded by what is before you, circumvent their statutes that mean nothing,
Occasional Poster
11 Posts |
Posted - 06 May 2014 : 15:01:43
quote: Originally posted by Linc
quote: Originally posted by Lewish
Hello Brothers,
We discovered this week, that if you have proper standing as a man on the land, as a citizen thereon, that in the state of Michigan, at least, and I suspect it is true in other states, we are checking, that there is a form that can be executed to get an exemption from having to have a Driver License. After completing the form, and presenting it at the DoL, they will issue you a Driver License Exemption card that can be presented to any revenue enhancement officer that chooses to stop you.
Nifty, keep us updated. Can you give your reply to my post on the "Interesting experience at the bank" thread?
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