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Regular Member
38 Posts |
Posted - 07 Jun 2002 : 14:19:06
Anyone done this ? Or have any other experiences with traffic related issues.
There are many court cases stating that licenses are only requierd for commercial uses.
JN 17:17 |
Advanced Member
198 Posts |
Posted - 07 Jun 2002 : 22:58:00
I am in the process of withdrawing from THE SYSTEM. It is a long process -- especially if one is still dependent on it for one's daily bread. THE KEY is to have your own cash business. Then it is a simple matter.
There are sseveral means to do this. STATUTORY means are the most complicated and arbitrary, because THE SYSTEM does not suffer pretenders well. THE SYSTEM, after all, was established for the elite, so we "little people" are not allowed to join their "club."
But rules are rules, and if you know them, then you can play the game. Go to [*edited by moderator*] for information on UCC registration -- to use THE SYSTEM against them, with their own rules.
Common Law means are the best in the end. This is because we rely on ABSOLUTE TRUTH from our own Creator, to guide us. If it "does not sit well," then we are not to go there. Contact the Jural Society. I think they have a different name now. Randy Lee is the man you want to speak with. Do a Web search.
God Bless George
Edited by - All4Him on 08 Jun 2002 09:37:08 |
Forum Administrator
Saint Kitts and Nevis
114 Posts |
Posted - 08 Jun 2002 : 00:42:00
The UCC is discussed in detail on another forum:
This forum is filled with lots of information concerning the Good and Lawful Christian Man. Do a search to find the more than 150 articles posted here on the ECC. Another place to seek true knowledge is at the Christ's Lawful Assembly located at Articles by Randy Lee and the Book of Hundreds info can be found at that site as well as here on the ECC.
He is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living: ye therefore do greatly err. - Mark 12:27 |
Edited by - All4Him on 08 Jun 2002 09:39:12 |
Regular Member
38 Posts |
Posted - 10 Jun 2002 : 11:31:35
Yes I have heard mixed reviews concerning the UCC process..
Concerning the Drivers license , you could simply not renew on your next Birthday. How do you handle a situation where you get pulled over and the officer asks for you license ?
JN 17:17 |
Advanced Member
138 Posts |
Posted - 10 Jun 2002 : 19:34:56
See the above mentioned site. The Christ's Lawful Assembly has covered this and many other topics that concern the Christ's Bondmen.
May the Christ's Peace be upon you.
e baudin
New Member
1 Posts |
Posted - 10 Jul 2002 : 07:15:42
driver/ operator=hauling someone elses goods for hire see blacks dic. 4th ed. resident/residence=only for citizens of the u.s./aliens in a state/ but since the state holds the original title to you vehicle, this too must be returned to free yourself start you must withdraw from the ss sys. as it is voluntary ,you know the rest,the ss office has the form .as i am still in the process there in nothing hard and fast to pass on
Advanced Member
735 Posts |
Posted - 15 Jul 2002 : 22:13:09
Peace be to All, This is my first post and I have a few questions after reading much of the posts.
How is one able to rescue their "mode of travel" from the impound? I read here on ECC that one is not to carry any marks of the beast as well as not have any STATE documents for the "chariot" (please somebody get me the right word!). From my limited experience I understand that the impounders MUST have a STATE title either active or junk to reclaim the "chariot".
Are we not to worry about getting it back and in fact even offer the shirt off our back as well? Or is there a way to get the impounders to release it?
Advanced Member
353 Posts |
Posted - 23 Jul 2002 : 09:59:03
Greetings One and All. North Carolina requires One to junk the "certificate of Title", by writing junked on it and sending it back to the DMV. KEEP a copy of the old dead title. Towing companies accept this for release purposes. Also, by their law, a real bill of sale 'proves' ownership. Towing companies want off the hook for litigation and law suits if they release it to wrong 'owner'. One can make their own i.d. with a picture of the body in question, and a name attached{upper and lower cased in spelling}. Have two or three brothers witness that the picture matches the name, by their signature, to the best of their knowledge. Put any info you desire on it. This is a lawful i.d., but not STATE issued. You could have a notary stamp the witness of the signatures. Banks don't "recognize" these i.d., as they only "see" the CAPITALIZED name. But an agent cop will. Some in this movement, think a sir name is a slave name. I don't. Isaiah states " so shall Your name and seed remain forever". He calls Us by name. Our bodies have an earthly father{duh}, Our Spirits have a Heavenly Father. Buy a car with gold or silver as payment{other considerations can be FED notes}, put this on bill of sale. This makes us, finally acting Lawfully. "We the People" need to repent{change} first. The Government shall be on His shoulder. Now, will You shoulder the responsibility?
Regular Member
26 Posts |
Posted - 23 Jul 2002 : 15:59:36
quote: Originally posted by Admin: The UCC is discussed in detail on another forum:
A reply was made to this false characterization of the UCC process. The criticism was an attempt to characterize the UCC Redemption process as a substitute for our true Redemption in the finished work of the Christ, Yahshua and all He did to pay for our sins. This was demonstrated as being an incorrect assessment.
The reality is the UCC Redemption process isn't about acheiving another form of the Redemption. But rather, the UCC Redemption strategy is a method of *repentance* from the obligations we made as surety for the STRAWMAN (all caps name) when we contracted/covenanted with others gods (i.e. the state, bankers, etc.)
In other words, to use the UCC Redemption process is an act of repentance to reverse our past free-will choices to make application for and accept benefits from (contract/covenant with) the state through signing as surety for the STRAWMAN.
Like David, if we can find the stones (i.e. "balls", courage) to stand up against these "giant" merchants, we can use their own sword (the UCC) against them and chop off their head instead. The UCC Redemption strategies gives us the knowledge of how this can be done. It provides a way for the victims of the merchants to find true restitution. Thus it is can be used as an instrument of justice when we stop becoming victims by our default.
To understand for yourself what the UCC Redemption process truly offers, hear for yourself the actual presentation (download instructions at):
Download these two free audio seminars:
- Cracking the Code - 3rd Edition - Regaining Freedom Thru Private Contract
Office of the Overseer for the Popular Assembly of Redemptive Dominion Missions, a corporation sole, and his successors. |
Edited by - rdm on 23 Jul 2002 16:04:54 |
Forum Administrator
Saint Kitts and Nevis
114 Posts |
Posted - 10 Aug 2002 : 19:49:13
One more time: Please keep this forum on the topic of rescinding Driver's Licenses. There is already another forum here on the ECC that discusses the UCC Redemption process at UCC Redemption. If you want to discuss the UCC, please do so there.
He is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living: ye therefore do greatly err. - Mark 12:27 |
Uncle Buck
Advanced Member
134 Posts |
Posted - 25 May 2005 : 18:54:12
Do you need to rescind a drivers licence? In Australia we do not have STATES in a geographical sense only in a corporate entity capacity. Our bourndaries were altered when the colonies gave up their status as colonies to enter in to the Colony now known as the Commonwealth of Australia. It is only by convention that the corporate States such as Queensland, victoria, New South Wales etc.... make legislation for their community members! Here is an example of how the drivers licence scam operates in one of the political societies referred to as the State of QUEENSLAND. N.B. The legislation is VOLUNTARY and Section 15 (1) gives you the choice!
TRANSPORT OPERATIONS (ROAD USE MANAGEMENT) ACT 1995 - SECT 6 6 Act binds everyone, including government entities (1) In this section-- government entity includes-- (a) the State, the Commonwealth or another State; or (b) an instrumentality or agent of the State, the Commonwealth or another State. (2) This Act binds everyone, including every government entity. (3) However, a regulation may exempt a government entity from this Act or a provision of this Act.
17A Definition of Part 1A--Approvals
In this part-- approval includes accreditation, certificate, consent, exemption, licence, permit and registration given or granted by the chief executive under this Act but does not include the following-- (a) an approval under section 166;1 (b) a Queensland driver licence.
TRANSPORT OPERATIONS (ROAD USE MANAGEMENT) ACT 1995 - SCHEDULE 4 DICTIONARY government entity means a government department or an agency, authority, commission, corporation, instrumentality, office or other entity, established under an Act for a public or official purpose and includes part of a government entity. licence means a licence, permit or certificate under a transport Act, and includes-(a) a renewal of the licence, permit or certificate; and (b) an endorsement on the licence, permit or certificate. driver licence means-- (a) an Australian driver licence; or (b) a foreign driver licence. foreign driver licence means a licence to drive a motor vehicle issued under the law of another country. court means a Magistrates Court constituted under the Justices Act 1886. interstate licence means-- (a) an Australian driver licence that is not a Queensland driver licence; or (b) a driver licence granted in an external Territory that corresponds to a Queensland driver licence. Queensland driver licence means any of the following licences-- (a) a learner, probationary, provisional, open or restricted licence issued under this Act; (b) a current driver licence receipt issued under this Act for a learner, probationary, provisional, open or restricted licence. Australian driver licence means-- (a) a Queensland driver licence; or (b) a corresponding document to a Queensland driver licence issued under a corresponding law to the provision of this Act under which a Queensland driver licence is issued. corresponding document to a document issued under a provision of this Act means a document issued under a corresponding law to the provision. corresponding law, to an Act or provision of an Act, means a law of the Commonwealth or another State that provides for the same matter as-- (a) for an Act--the Act or a provision of the Act; or (b) for a provision of an Act--the provision. person in control of a vehicle includes-- (a) the driver of the vehicle; or (b) the person who reasonably appears to be the driver; or (c) the person who appears to be, claims to be or acts as if he or she is in control of a vehicle. private vehicle means a vehicle other than a heavy vehicle.
TRANSPORT OPERATIONS (ROAD USE MANAGEMENT) ACT 1995 - SECT 14 14 Objectives (1) The following objectives are, as far as practicable, to be applied by anyone wanting to encourage a high level of road user performance and compliance with this Act-- (a) information about their obligations under this Act should be made available to road users; (b) voluntary compliance should be sought in preference to enforcement; (c) enforcement should be aimed primarily at deterring noncompliance by road users; ……………………..
TRANSPORT OPERATIONS (ROAD USE MANAGEMENT) ACT 1995 - SECT 15 15 Alternative ways of complying with Act (1) A person who operates a vehicle (an operator) may apply to the chief executive for approval of a scheme (an alternative compliance scheme) for an alternative way to comply with a provision of this Act that is prescribed under a regulation. (2) The regulation must prescribe the purpose of the prescribed provision. (3) An application for approval of an alternative compliance scheme must be in writing. (4) The chief executive may approve an alternative compliance scheme only if satisfied it provides an effective way of demonstrating the operator's vehicles, or drivers operating under it in Queensland, achieve the prescribed purpose. (5) The chief executive may approve the scheme by written notice to the operator. (6) The approval may be given on conditions stated in it and operates for the period stated in it. (7) The prescribed provision does not apply to the operator's vehicles or drivers as provided under the scheme while-- (a) an approval is in force for the operator; and (b) the operator complies with the scheme, including the conditions of its approval. (8) In this section-- interstate scheme means a scheme approved as an alternative compliance scheme under a corresponding law to this part. scheme includes an interstate scheme. TRANSPORT OPERATIONS (ROAD USE MANAGEMENT) ACT 1995 - SECT 131 131 Appeals with respect to issue of licences etc. 2C) Upon hearing any such application the judge of the Supreme Court or District Court or justices constituting the court may, as is thought proper, having regard to the character of the person disqualified and the person's conduct subsequent to the order, the nature of the offence, and any other circumstances of the case, either by order remove the disqualification as from such date as may be specified in the order or refuse the application. TRANSPORT OPERATIONS (ROAD USE MANAGEMENT) ACT 1995 - SECT 168 168 Effect of failure to comply with ch 2 (1) It is Parliament's intention that chapter 218 be complied with. (2) However-- (a) chapter 2 is directory only and does not create rights or impose legally enforceable obligations on the State, Minister, chief executive or anyone else; and (b) failure to comply with chapter 2 does not affect the validity of anything done or not done under this Act. (3) In addition, a decision made, or appearing to be made, under chapter 2-- (a) is final and conclusive; and (b) cannot be challenged, appealed against, reviewed, quashed, set aside, or called in question in another way, under the Judicial Review Act 1991 (whether by the Supreme Court, another court, a tribunal or another entity); and (c) is not subject to a writ or order of the Supreme Court, another court, a tribunal or another entity on any ground. (4) In this section-- decision includes-- (a) conduct engaged in to make a decision; and (b) conduct related to making a decision; and (c) failure to make a decision.
Part 1--Road use management strategies
7. Development of strategies 8. Contents of strategies 9. Tabling of strategies
Part 2--Road use implementation programs
10. Development of programs 11. Consistency with strategies 12. Report on operation of programs
Part 3--Guidelines
13. Guidelines
Part 4--Objectives
14. Objectives
TRANSPORT OPERATIONS (ROAD USE MANAGEMENT--DRIVER LICENSING) REGULATION 1999 - SECT 35 35 Non-Queensland driver licence (1) A valid non-Queensland driver licence authorises the holder to drive, on a Queensland road, a class of motor vehicle that the holder is authorised to drive under the licence. (2) The holder of a non-Queensland driver licence must comply with a condition of the licence. Maximum penalty--20 penalty units. (3) The chief executive may give the holder of a non-Queensland driver licence a written notice withdrawing the authority if the chief executive reasonably believes the holder has a mental or physical incapacity that is likely to adversely affect the holder's ability to drive safely. (4) The notice must also-- (a) outline the facts and circumstances forming the basis for the chief executive's belief; and (b) state the date, that is at least 14 days after the date of the notice, from which the authority is withdrawn. (5) If the holder takes up residence in Queensland, the authority is withdrawn-- (a) for an interstate licence--3 months after the holder takes up residence; or (b) for a foreign licence-- (i) if the holder is an Australian citizen--3 months after the holder takes up residence; or (ii) if the holder is not an Australian citizen but has a resident visa before taking up residence--3 months after the holder takes up residence; or (iii) if the holder is not an Australian citizen but gets a resident visa after taking up residence--3 months after the holder gets the visa. (6) Subsection (5)(a) does not apply to a defence force member, or an eligible family member of the member, who carries a defence force identification while driving. (7) Also, the authority is withdrawn when the holder is granted a Queensland driver licence. (8) Despite subsections (5) and (7), a valid non-Queensland driver licence, granted for a class of motor vehicle, authorises the holder to take a practical driving test in a corresponding class of motor vehicle. (9) A person who holds or has, within the last 5 years, held a non-Queensland driver licence, granted for a class of motor vehicle, is eligible for a learner licence for a corresponding class of motor vehicle. (10) If the holder is granted a learner licence for the corresponding class of motor vehicle, the holder is authorised to learn to drive the corresponding class of motor vehicle. (11) In this section-- resident visa means a permanent visa, or a special category visa, under the Migration Act 1958 (Cwlth).
TRANSPORT OPERATIONS (ROAD USE MANAGEMENT--DRIVER LICENSING) REGULATION 1999 - SECT 37 37 Power to require document to be produced (1) An authorised officer may require a person to produce a non-Queensland driver licence, defence force licence or defence force identification for inspection. (2) The person must comply with the requirement, unless the person has a reasonable excuse. Maximum penalty--20 penalty units.
************************* If I have to be like him who is going to be like me? James 1:25 The Perfect Law of Liberty |
Advanced Member
496 Posts |
Posted - 07 Jul 2005 : 12:31:03
Dear Brothers,
I did a reccission of Driver License contract over a year ago. I have been traveling on the post roads ever since. On tuesday of last week, I had a police officer who was going to write me a ticket for no license plates, no registration, no proof of insurance, and no Driver License.
After he spent about 20 minutes on his radio, he came back to me and said "I can going to cut you a break. I am not going to give you a ticket for no plates, no registration and no Driver License. I am only going to give you a parking ticket." And he proceeded to give me a ticket made out to a 1997 Ford Crown Victoria. Now, I am going to write across that ticket "Refused for Fraud - No Valid Contract" and mail it back to the city.
When I cancelled my Driver License, I attempted to get the DoL to sign a contract accepting the cancellation. They refused. However, after much discussion, about a half hour worth, the finally agreed to give me a certification of cancellation from their computer system and signed by two officers.
I took all of my original papers, and the sheet that they gave me, and I recorded them in the County Recorder's Office. That seems to have solved the problem.
Now, if I had license tags on my car, I suspect that I would not be getting by the way I am. Only by severing all the legal presumed relations with them can you travel freely.
"I DO NOT DRIVE, and thus I do not need a Driver License. I am not operating in commerce. Your commercial state codes do not apply. So me any Law that is only your books which apply to me a living man." This is what I say to any officer who wants to enhance to state revenue.
Lewis |
Advanced Member
496 Posts |
Posted - 05 Nov 2005 : 13:13:21
Hello Brothers,
We discovered this week, that if you have proper standing as a man on the land, as a citizen thereon, that in the state of Michigan, at least, and I suspect it is true in other states, we are checking, that there is a form that can be executed to get an exemption from having to have a Driver License. After completing the form, and presenting it at the DoL, they will issue you a Driver License Exemption card that can be presented to any revenue enhancement officer that chooses to stop you.
Lewis |
Advanced Member
111 Posts |
Posted - 05 Nov 2005 : 18:17:27
quote: Originally posted by Lewish
Hello Brothers,
We discovered this week, that if you have proper standing as a man on the land, as a citizen thereon, that in the state of Michigan, at least, and I suspect it is true in other states, we are checking, that there is a form that can be executed to get an exemption from having to have a Driver License. After completing the form, and presenting it at the DoL, they will issue you a Driver License Exemption card that can be presented to any revenue enhancement officer that chooses to stop you.
Nifty, keep us updated. Can you give your reply to my post on the "Interesting experience at the bank" thread? |
Advanced Member
86 Posts |
Posted - 09 Nov 2005 : 18:28:26
I've tried several things to cancel the driver's license and nearly everytime I get stopped they still have the number registered. A friend of mine walked into the DMV in Delaware and they gave him a termination form !!! I've done research and cannot find anything about it Pa.. |
Junior Member
20 Posts |
Posted - 10 Dec 2005 : 13:01:07
You don’t have to cancel anything you should not put up yourself as a volunteer of their ridicule scheme. For you Linc:
HOW I CLOBBERED EVERY BUREAUCRATIC CASH-CONFISCATORY AGENCY KNOWN TO MAN ... a Spiritual Economics Book on $$$ and Remembering Who You Are by: Mary Elizabeth: Croft
Since I know the difference between ‘registration’ and ‘recording’, I sent the Minister of Transport (I use the Ministers of the Canadian Government to work for me) a Proposal of Contract, the terms and conditions of which are that we agree that what I have put on my licence plate will identify my automobile as not one of theirs. It is mine. Also, I agree to carry with me a form of identification, which I created, in case there is an none intentional incident whereby they require to know who is involved. I enclosed a Surety Bond as security to settle any claim of liability in the event of an incident requiring compensation from another living soul. I sent a copy to the local gens d’armes. If I am asked about ‘proof of insurance’ I can honestly respond by providing evidence that I have posted a million $ Bond. The RCMP has been very accommodating whenever I have shown them my ‘International Driver Permit’ ... which came from my computer. I slapped onto it a pic of me taken by my son and ... voila. They pretend their interest is in the expiration date, however, I know they are really noticing that I have nothing which can be construed as their having jurisdiction over me. (more on this in the section on ‘Licensure’). If I’m ever stopped I have with me evidence of the tacit admission from the Minister himself that what I am doing is lawful. If it isn’t, he has tacitly agreed to be held culpable. Since I claimed the Cadillac on a UCC 3 Addendum to my Financing Statement (UCC 1) and also on a PPSA, I control the Caddy and I can evidence that none of the constabulary can legally confiscate it unless they compensate me for it. Over the date sticker on the plate I put, “NO EXP” (No Expiry) A fun thing to do if you are ever stopped by the cops, in response to, “Can I see your driver’s license, please?” is “Why would I want one of those?” There is no answer because what legal lunatic would carry around the very thing which gets him into trouble. I think you’re safer with a 38 special on the passenger seat; at least it is not concealed.
I remember when was about 18 of age I use to drove my first car without carrying any proof of insurance, no driver license, no registered plate, someday I got cough by one of those cops patrolling a stop sign I didn’t see the stop sign I when through it, he pull me over, the policemen came over to ask my documents. Told him that I was carrying any of them. He wrote a punch of ticket and handed to me. He told me that its was my lucky day because he didn’t success to reach any tow truck then he said that I should call a friend with I Driver license to come by later to pick up my car. I guess since you got that SSN and you car is registered to the sate you loose. I had a restore garage plate onto my car. And since I didn’t record the car I don’t control it. I was just an innocent teenager with a lack of good information. Desperately the cop said to me: sir I don’t understand you…
Edited by - exempted on 10 Dec 2005 13:10:05 |
Advanced Member
496 Posts |
Posted - 31 Dec 2005 : 12:34:56
About 3 months ago, one of my students (don't know what else to call him) was ordered by a WASHINGTON STATE COURT to get a Driver License. Now this fella had his license suspended when he was 18, and hasn't had one since. That has been 10 years.
Well, he asked me what I thought he should do, and I made a suggestion, which he acted upon.
Yesterday, he was stopped for speeding. He assured me that he wasn't speeding and has been very careful not to. Beside the point. He got stopped anyway.
The fine re-venue officer asked him for his Driver License, which he produced and handed over. The fine officer took it back to his car to write the ticket. After about 5 minutes, the officer walked back to the young man car, didn't say a word, but simply threw the Driver License thru the open window and walked away.
The young man calls and wants to know what he should do now. My reply was to smile a lot, and keep driving carefully.
Regards and Peace to you all,
Lewis |
Forum Administrator
382 Posts |
Posted - 31 Dec 2005 : 15:11:52
Lewish, a better explanation might be in order here. For starters, what "licence" did this young man produce? |
Advanced Member
496 Posts |
Posted - 31 Dec 2005 : 18:57:37
Greetings Bondservant,
Lewis |
Advanced Member
833 Posts |
Posted - 01 Jan 2006 : 00:49:48
Greetings and salutations, brother Lewis:
Peace be unto the house.
This is, as you know, such an important topic that many of us (we presume) will gladly draw this out of you, if possible, two or three words at a time if necessary.
What did you advise this young man to do regarding being ordered by the COURT to obtain "a WASHINGTON STATE DRIVER LICENSE, issued by the WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF LICENSING"? It would appear that you advised him to get one, and we shall presume that he followed your advice, since you call him one of your "students" and since he had one to give to that roadside AGENT.
Second question; do you believe this AGENT's reaction was a fluke or will this, in your opinion, be the typical reaction that he can expect?
P.S. Would "fellow student" be a possibility as to what you could call him? 'Course some students may be in "college" whilst others, like myself, are in "grammar school".
fellowcitizen of the commonwealth of Yisra'el, NOT the man-made, fictional USA. Ephesians 2:12 & 19 An act done by me against my will is not my act. |
Edited by - Oneisraelite on 01 Jan 2006 06:26:20 |
Advanced Member
496 Posts |
Posted - 01 Jan 2006 : 12:15:32
Hello Brother oneisraelite,
I just wanted to see if anyone was really paying attention.
Yes, I advised him to obey the Court order, as he has not yet done the 4 steps to freedom. To have refused would have landed him back in jail on a Contempt of Court charge.
I recommended to the young man, that when he signed the license, directly above his signature that he print very clearly and carefully the words "Not Amenable to Process". Do not confuse the word amenable with the word amendable. Look in up in Black's 4th.
I believe you will know the answer to your second question as soon as you read the definition in Black's.
Everyone here is a student. That is why we are here. I learn from others, you learn from me. I will gladly share any knowledge that I have. I will also always try to give you the source of that knowledge.
The phrase "Not Amenable to Process" came about because people were trying to use "Without Prejudice UCC 1-207" and were achieving what had been promised. Well, no wonder. The UCC is private copyrighted code belonging to Unidroit in Italy, and they haven't paid their copyright fees. Thus, they have no claim for its use. Some have tried using just the "Without Prejudice". Well, all that says to the system is "I have reserved all my rights, now go ahead and prosecute me in your Court."
I did not originate the phrase, but simply applied it to a proper use. It is important to always restrict your signature any time and any place you give it.
Peace to you,
Lewis |
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