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The KLA's Hidden Agenda

Heroin and The Third Way


In order to better understand the present purpose behind the Kosovo Liberation Army, The Hidden Origins of the KLA reveals their foundational beginnings and organizational background.

As of this writing, it's now estimated that more than 40% of all the heroin reaching Western Europe, including 70% of the illegal heroin being supplied to Germany, Switzerland and Austria, is trafficked directly through Kosovo. "Kosovo is now the Colombia of Europe.  There is no border between Kosovo and Albania or between Macedonia and Kosovo.  For the Turkish, Russian, Italian and Albanian mafias, Kosovo really has become a paradise", according to Marko Nicovic, the former Belgrade Police and Narcotics Chief . Nicovic has been following the Albanian drug gangs since late 1995, when the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) was emerging. "Heroin trafficking increased after Yugoslavia lost its membership in Interpol. Our police had great expertise and experience with this", Mr. Nicovic said. "The Kosovo conflict has left the province without police or customs controls, and KFOR soldiers are not criminal investigators."
Nicovic had obtained proof that drugs have been brought into Kosovo from Asia and Turkey (the Muslim Golden Crescent) since the mid-1980's, then transported to Western Europe by highway and sea routes.  Many Kosovo Muslims have bought ocean-front land in Albania over the past few years. Heroin shipped from there to small ports in southeastern Italy are run by Italian Mafias. Other favorite routes are by roads heading north through Serbia into Hungary, the Czech Republic, and Germany.
Nicovic told the London Times on July 24, 1999 that "hundreds of pounds of heroin are being stored in the village of Veliki Trnovac, near Gnjiliane", which just happens (a coincidence?) to be the headquarters for the U.S. occupied sector in Kosovo. Are the U.S. aligned KFOR troops guarding this heroin knowingly? "There are also some heroin stashes in Djakovica. This is a cancer area for Europe, as Western Europe will very soon discover", Nicovic said. "As each day passes, the Albanian Mafia becomes richer and more powerful."

The highly respected Jane's Intelligence Review from Great Britain had predicted the current drug smuggling crisis in a February 1, 1995 article entitled The Balkan Medellin:

"... a great deal of revenue is thought to derive from Albanian narco-terrorism as well as associated gun-running and cross-border smuggling to and from Albania, Bulgaria and the Kosovo province of Serbia. Although its extent and forms remain in dispute, this rising Albanian economic power is helping to turn the Balkans into a hub of criminality.

"Previously transported to Western Europe through former Yugoslavia, heroin from Turkey, the Transcaucus and points further east is now being increasingly routed to Italy via the Black Sea, Albania, Bulgaria and Macedonia. This is a development that has strengthened the Albanian mafia which is now thought to control 70% of the illegal heroin market in Germany and Switzerland. Closely allied to the powerful Sicilian mafia, the Albanian associates have also greatly benefited from the presence of large numbers of mainly Kosovar Albanians in a number of western European countries; Switzerland alone now has over 100,000 ethnic Albanian residents. As well as providing a perfect cover for Albanian criminals, this diaspora is also a useful source of income for racketeers..."

"If left unchecked, this growing Albanian narco-terrorism could lead to a Colombian syndrome in the Southern Balkans, or the emergence of a situation in which the Albanian mafia becomes powerful enough to control one or more states in the region. In practical terms, this will involve either Albania or Macedonia, or both. Politically, this is now being done by channeling growing foreign exchange (forex) profits from narco-terrorism into local governments and political parties."

Mind you, these evaluations were made four and one-half years ago, yet they have become a reality today. Along with an abundance of both recent and past evidence of the Albanian-Kosovar mafia expansion, we can now clearly see what is really happening in Kosovo. Until NATO openly aligned itself with the KLA and Albania, Serbia was legitimately and lawfully defending itself from a well organized and well backed crime syndicate which was taking control of the Kosovo province.

The Kosovo Liberation Army is nothing more than a terrorist army specifically trained by NATO Allies since 1996 to protect the interests of organized drug cartels. Fourteen years ago, a Wall Street Journal article on September 9, 1985 said:

"... it is drug trafficking that has gained Albanian organized crime the most notoriety. Some Albanians, according to federal Drug Enforcement Agency officials, are key traders in the 'Balkan connection', the Istanbul-to-Belgrade heroin route. While less well known than the so-called Sicilian and French connections, the Balkan route in some years may move 24% to 40% of the U.S. heroin supply, officials say."

Don't be misled to think that the Kosovar-Albanian drug cartel only affects Europe. It takes only a little common sense to realize that if they had already been supplying 24 to 40 percent of the illegal heroin into the U.S. fourteen years ago, they most likely control at least 50 to 70 percent of the heroin now entering the United States. Adding this percentage to the 70% they now supply to Western Europe, and it's not difficult to see that this is the world's largest drug cartel. Moreso, such illicit activities as this do not happen without powerful support. It is those behind the Kosovar-Albanian drug cartel that must be exposed.

Since 1996, Bonn and Washington have joined in establishing their goals in the Balkans. Covert and frequently open support behind the Kosovo Liberation Army was established between the CIA and Germany's equivalent, the BND. Germany basically created and financed the KLA. They were supplied with German military uniforms and former East German police and military weapons. The CIA also trained and equipped the KLA in Albania (see The Hidden Origins of the KLA).

History and current events seem to repeatedly confirm that the real warlords of this world are in Washington, Berlin, London, the Golden Triangle (Southeast Asia), the Golden Crescent, and Albania-Kosovo. "The fate of Kosovo had already been carefully laid out prior to the signing of the 1995 Dayton agreement. NATO had entered an unwholesome 'marriage of convenience' with the mafia. 'Freedom Fighters' were put in place, and the narcotics trade enabled Washington and Bonn to finance the Kosovo conflict with the ultimate objective of destabilizing the Belgrade government and fully recolonizing the Balkans." -from an article written by Michel Chossudovsky, Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa.

Much has been written about the New World Order (NWO) and those who may or may not be behind its alleged or real plans for a one-world rule. But as for this day and age, and as we enter the third millennium, what is now being revealed is an international ruling government cartel, The Third Way. This international cartel appears to be the conclusionary chapter to what former President George Bush, Sr. had openly spoken of during the Gulf War; the New World Order.

"Now, as we move into a new era and a new millennium, these ideas, as all of you well know, have spread around the world. They've helped center-left parties to take power in Great Britain and France and Germany and Italy and Brazil. They have sparked the kinds of debates and discussions that you have been having in virtually every country in the world where people take politics seriously. The Third Way has become the way of the future." -spoken by U.S. President Clinton at the Third Annual DLC Conversation, Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A. on July 14, 1999.

An unholy alliance has been made between the Western powers. If 'the Third Way has become the way of the future', then the world should understand that The Third Way has already revealed it's existance in Kosovo. Looking back to the beginning of this article, we see the same governments who comprise The Third Way are smack in the middle of the world's "grade 4" heroin distribution through Kosovo. A more descriptive name for this alliance would be The Third Way Drug Cartel.

There is no doubt that Washington City is following the same general plans as used before, beginning in Laos in the 1960's. How quickly we have also forgotten about Oliver North and the Contras. The pattern in Kosovo is similar to other CIA covert operations in Central America, Haiti and Afghanistan where so-called "freedom fighters” were financed through the laundering of drug money. In case after case, drug money laundered in the international banking system has financed these and similar covert operations. Have we also forgotten the reasons behind BCCI banking collapse? Drug money laundering.

Now, rearing it's ugly head, The Third Way openly joins together NATO, KFOR, the KLA, the Kosovar-Albanian Drug Cartel, and the Islamic Golden Triangle of heroin production. Since The Third Way has trained, armed, financed and backed the Kosovan-Albanian Drug Cartel and their KLA military army with massive force, how can anyone not see that they are one and the same? Surely, no sane person could say that they are enemies.

The new millennium will be much more than a global challenge. The multi-billion dollar Balkans narcotics trade is playing a crucial role in Kosovo. This is aligned, initiated and supported in accordance with Western economic, strategic and military objectives. Well documented by European police reports and acknowledged by published studies, the links of the KLA to criminal syndicates in Albania, Turkey and the European Union have been known and supported by Western governments (The Third Way) since the mid-1990s.

What the world faces now is a pattern of economic and political dominance that defies, and is at enmity to, individual sovereignty of the people in all nations. What we are seeing unfold in Kosovo will be a regular pattern in the years to come throughout the world. The stability of this world is on the brink of total disaster, and the first of many chapters has been written in the Balkans.

The purpose behind the KLA is no different than the purpose behind any purported "freedom fighters" in South America, Afghanistan, Central America, Haiti, or Bosnia since the end of World War II. The Third Way operates under many factions (such as KFOR, KLA, BND, CIA, ad nauseam), but the governments comprising it are the same.

As this new world political cartel reveals more than it's disfigured head in the next few years, we may soon see the destruction of true freedom, liberty, and the organized Christian church. This is no mere regional or national conflict of interests; this is a Holy War declared by The Third Way against Christianity. The Balkans have proven that. The KLA, Albania, and the heroin entering the U.S. and Europe are all of Islamic origin. Ancient Christian buildings and Churches have been burned to the ground in the Kosovo province for the first time in over 650 years. One can easily see that the KFOR troops, Kosovo's alleged "peace keepers", stand mute, blind, and deaf while the KLA operates with immunity. Common sense dictates that this could only happen if all of them were aligned to the same cause; heroin and The Third Way.

Compiled and written by Anthony Wayne for Lawgiver.Org

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