- Many organizations, such as the National Congress for Legal Reform, Americans for Justice, and HALT(Help Abolish Legal Tyranny), are being created and organized by Americans who believe they have been mistreated by the current legal system and the lack of separation of governmental powers. We have lawyer-legislators making the laws, lawyer-judges adjudicating the laws, and lawyer-prosecutors enforcing the laws. Lord Acton said "power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." This is what we have in America today. There is no separation of powers, yet this was to be the cornerstone of this Republic and the backbone of its formation. (See Federalist Papers #51 ).
- In the Biblical New Testament, you will find passages from Matthew, Mark, and Luke referring to lawyers of that era. It seems that what was written 2,000 years ago about lawyers holds true today. Throughout history, great Christian leaders and reformists have sought to bring about order from chaos and revolution. The most effective method of doing this has always been by preaching God's Truth. Truth brings light to darkness, establishes a foundation for order, and destroys false concepts. Yet there have always been groups who twist the truth to serve their own purposes. These groups are not productive because they establish the same rules and laws that also permit them to control other groups that are productive. In this manner, they are able to achieve absolute power and wealth.
- For Good and Lawful Christians to live in peace with one another, God first gave us His Written Laws (Old Testament), then His Perfect Law (New Testament). The evil nature of mankind dictates that in order to escape the conviction and unyielding power of God's Law, men must make new laws to circumvent and "improve" on the Laws of God. Most of mankind's laws simply pass more power and wealth to those who make them and to those who are charged with enforcing them. An incredible amount of lawyers have assured themselves a lifetime of employment and wealth as a result.
- Thirty-seven percent (37%) of the U.S. Legislature are lawyers, and one out of every twenty persons living and working in Washington City is a lawyer. The United States boasts eighty percent (80%) of the world's lawyers along with the highest per-capita white collar prison population in the world. Yes, there is a correlation between the two. U.S. law schools are filled. Unfortunately, they teach their aspiring students how to win, not how to search for and enforce the truth. They teach "legalities" rather than the Law. They teach civil rights, not moral or Godly Rights.
- "Alas, alas, for you, lawyers and Pharisees, hypocrites that you are! You shut the door of the kingdom of Heaven in men's faces; you do not enter yourselves, and when others are entering you stop them. Alas for you, lawyers and Pharisees, hypocrites! You travel over sea and land to win one convert; and when you have won him, you make him twice as fit for hell as you are yourselves." -Matthew 23: 13-15
- Since lawyers primarily make the laws and write them in "legalese", they have progressively made this nation dependent on their trade. For example; in order to pass your inheritance to others at your death, the heirs of your estate must not only pay legally imposed taxes, but everything must go through legal "probate court". This is a totally unnecessary and extremely expensive system created by lawyers who make statutory wills and get themselves appointed as executor of the estate. They charge 5 to 15% of a person's life earnings to complete a simple task. The horrors of probate that permit "stealing from widows" and the rest of their demeaning process is only to well known by anyone who has inherited something from a loved one. How often we hear about an estate being bled by unscrupulous lawyers until nothing remains for the heirs. In most countries throughout the world, a citizen only has to file his will with the local post office and the registrar carries it out with no fear or complications. In the church, a Last Will and Testament is carried out by fellow Christians, not by the government or the ungodly courts. That's the way ity used to be in America, but no longer.
- "Beware of the doctors of the laws, who love to walk up and down in long robes, receiving respectful greetings in the street; and to have the chief seats in synagogues, and places of honor at feasts. These are the men who eat up the property of widows, while they say long prayers for appearance' sake, and they will receive the severest sentence." -Mark 12:38-41
- In order to dissolve a "civil law marriage contract" (not to be confused with the Christian union of Covenant between a man and a woman in the true church), the cost can be minimal for those who have nothing, but astronomical for those with all but a few assets. The price paid to the lawyers depends on what the two sides can bear. Far from helping to make an unpleasant and emotionally devastating event easier, most lawyers compound, complicate, and deliberately prolong the proceedings.
- People who have become involved in an argument with another and have turned to the legal system, rather than the true church, for help have found themselves in an endless nightmare of legal maneuvering that surely ends when the money is gone. In our civil divorce courts, lawyers are referred to by their legal victims as "family butchers", judges as "family executioners", and courthouses as "family slaughterhouses".
- "When you are going with your opponent to court, make an effort to settle with him while you are still on the way; otherwise he may drag you before the judge, and the judge hand you over to the constable, and the constable put you in jail. I tell you, you will not come out till you have paid the last farthing!" -Luke 11:58-59
- The purported "tort system of law", as practiced in the United States, is the cruelest of all legal maneuvers. It immediately enriches a few lawyers while destroying professions, businesses, professional amenities, and individuals. Yet the governments controlled by lawyers refuse to put an end to their monopoly. Insurance rates continue to rise, and many Americans can no longer afford to pay their outrageous premiums. State Legislatures, controlled by lawyers, pass laws requiring people to carry certain types of insurance. A further conflict with this is that the State coffers benefit from a percentage of every insurance policy written within their State. This insures a treasure chest waiting to be plucked by the lawyers.
- Delayed justice, postponed trials, minimal sentences, early parole and increasing crime are fueling a "legal" system where a good policeman sees his dangerous work rewarded with criminals being set free on a minuscule legal technicality or a judge's personal whim.
- "Alas for you, lawyers and Pharisees, hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and dish, which you have filled inside by robbery and self-indulgence! Blind Pharisees! Clean the inside of the cup first; then the outside will be clean also." -Matthew 23:25-26
- Honorable professions in America are being severely limited in their ability to provide reasonable services, and their credibility is being destroyed by the accusing finger of the lawyers who use half-truths and falsehood to create suspicion, confusion, and controversy so that more legal work will result from it. There is little these professions can do but comply with the huge paper work-load imposed by the unending bureaucracy lawyers have created.
- "The Doctors of the law and the Pharisees sit in the chair of Moses; therefore do what they tell you; pay attention to their words. But do not follow their practice; for they say one thing and do another. They make up heavy packs and pile them on men's shoulders, but will not raise a finger to lift that load themselves. Whatever they do is done for show." -Matthew 23: 3-5
- The litany of "legal" lawyer abuses evolves into every segment of the American life. While the basic concept of civility in law is correct and necessary in any free society, in the U.S. it's cleverly twisted to achieve the ambition of one select profession, the American Bar Association lawyers. The search for truth, justice, and safety still remain only an idealism in America. Here we are, the greatest republic form of government in history, yet we find ourselves progressively enslaved by a single profession who produce no product.
- We need true criminal justice to make our nation safe. We do not need legal maneuvering that prolongs and weakens the process of the courts and erodes away the energy of our nation. Municipalities should not be forced to declare bankruptcy because of an accident and the abuses of our current "civil law" practices. We need real commercial justice which permits our nation to create, produce and trade effectively, as it did before. Onerous laws enforced by a massive bureaucracy are robbing our people of their ability and desire to compete with the nations of the world.
- "Alas for you, lawyers and Pharisees, hypocrites! You pay tithes of mint and drill and cumin; but you have overlooked the weightier demands of the Law, justice, mercy, and good faith. It is these you should have practiced, without neglecting the others." -Matthew 23:23
- And so it is today that these teachings of Jesus Christ are finding the same profession again practicing the same excesses. It's obvious today, as it was then, that lawyers strive to control our lives for only one purpose - to benefit themselves. To prevent this we must stop voting them into public offices, for once they completely control our governments, as they nearly do now, they will control our lives unchecked by any separation of powers.
- References to lawyers found in the Bible: