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Freetown Has No Freedom

Libya backs Sierra Leone Genocide

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While the world press centers it's attention on the Kosovo crisis, genocide undertaken by rebel terrorists under such inhumane campaigns as "no living thing" continue to flourish in Sierra Leone. You won't find any concentration camps in Sierra Leone as the purported "People's Army", comprised of various rebel factions and former Sierra Leone Army (SLA) soldiers, flagrantly murder innocent civilians in their houses and on the public streets. Eight years ago, on March 23, 1991, the Revolutionary United Front (RUF) began this senseless war against innocent civilians by attacking Bomaru Chiefdom in the southeast of Sierra Leone.

Roughly the size of South Carolina, Sierra Leone is a small, tropical country located in West Africa and bordered by Guinea, Liberia, and the Atlantic Ocean. Until recently, her population was estimated at 4.5 million. Due to the rebel war, it's estimated that perhaps as much as 80% of Sierra Leoneans have been displaced with most seeking shelter in neighboring countries. The majority of Sierra Leoneans are Islamic and Christian.

According to the U.S. State Department, since January 1998, the death toll in Kosovo-Serbia is estimated to be a combined 2,000 army, police, KLA, and civilian casualties. In the same time period, they say that Sierra Leone has seen more than 20,000 civilians murdered, not including the casualties incurred by the West African ECOMOG Peace-keeping forces or the rebels. This amounts to greater than 1,300 civilian war related deaths monthly, not including those dying from starvation and disease.

More recently, the monthly civilian death toll may now be as high as 5,000. Some newspapers in Sierra Leone have stated that, since the onset of this war, more than one million Sierra Leoneans have died. If accurate, that would amount to nearly 22% of the population. The amount of seriously injured civilians who have survived thus far cannot be accurately counted, but some Christian missions groups contend that there may be as many as 50,000 women and children deliberately maimed by these cowardly rebels. Limbs have been cut off many of these defenseless victims as a warning of more terror to come.

RUF leader Foday Sankoh recently stated on the BBC Network Africa programme that "the armed conflict in Sierra Leone is a holy war". How can this war be considered holy when it is daily targeted at innocent defenseless civilians? Is it a matter of Muslim against Christian? What's the name of Sankoh's god who orders his followers to unprovokingly butcher children and destroy all property in their path? In Kambia recently, a woman was sleeping in her hut with her children when, without warning, screams of terror filled the air. The mother woke up to see her children being burned alive. As she cried out for help, a bullet struck her in the head. The same group of rebels entered a nearby health clinic for small children and infants, mercilessly amputating the hands and feet of babies.

Sierra Leone is blessed, or rather cursed, with vast diamond and gold fields now being plundered at the price of civilian lives. Foday Sankoh was a former rebel associate of Charles Taylor. Former rebel leader, now President of Liberia, Charles Taylor and his alliance of rebel factions have transformed Monrovia into a diamond market paid for with the innocent blood of Sierra Leone. Foreign investors are seen daily in the Liberian capital buying Sierra Leone diamonds from Taylor and his band of thieves. His business partners include Colonel Fred Rundle of South Africa and Colonel Yair Klein of Israel.

Rundle was a former Executive Outcomes mercenary leader who is currently training rebels in Liberia to fight the war in Sierra Leone. Klein was a former paramilitary instructor during the 1980's training drug cartel terrorists to attack the Columbian government. One of Klein's operations was the implementation of Ukranian aircraft and crews to illegally fly in and drop vital equipment and supplies to the Sierra Leone rebels from Robert's Field in Monrovia and other points from within Liberia.

Libya's leader, Colonel Ghadaffi, is shipping tons of arms and ammunition into Liberia through the Republic of Chad which has no arms sanctions. The Libyan military supplies are then flown by airplane and helicopter to various rebel controlled areas within Sierra Leone for distribution and storage. Colonel Ghaddafi says he can broker peace in Sierra Leone because he has "great influence over the rebel leader Foday Sankoh". Charles Taylor of Liberia says the same. Of course they can say this; they are the power and force behind the RUF, now being improperly named the "People's Army". Idi Amin Dada applied genocidal "cleansing" to Uganda during the 1970's and now it appears that Charles Taylor, with the support of Ghadaffi, has taken up where Amin left off.

With the help of various mercenary and paramilitary groups, including Executive Outcomes from South Africa, the then National Provisional Ruling Council (NPRC) of Sierra Leone, under the leadership of Captain Valentine Strasser, almost ended this war in 1995. It was Strasser's declared unilateral cease-fire and quest for peace that allowed the rebels to strengthen and reorganize their defeated and scattered forces. The elected civilian government under the current leadership of President Tejan Kabbah would have most likely ended this war militarily by the end of 1996 had the government not chosen a negotiation path which led to the signing of the Abidjan Peace Accord. Obviously, the Peace Accord was only a ruse for the rebels to re-strengthen their forces.

Tens of thousands of Sierra Leone civilians have been raped, deliberately mutilated, or killed in the latest campaign by the "People's Army" that began in February 1998. Men, women and children, numbering in the thousands, have been abducted by the rebels for use as unwilling soldiers, forced laborers, and sexual slaves. Women and young girls are actively targeted for sexual violence, including rape and sexual slavery. The younger children are forcibly recruited as rebel soldiers.

While the U.S. and the European Union play politics in Kosovo, the real genocide is taking place in Sierra Leone. These rebels are like no other group in the world. They have no rules and no respect for the unarmed innocent. Rather, they abhor the innocent and take great pleasure in maiming, raping and torturing them. These cowardly rebels have abolished all mercy. Their cause is unknown and their goals are unrecognized. They can't even agree among themselves what they want. Their only desire is to destroy and kill. They have no productive means in their actions, yet they continue to slaughter without restraint.

Ghadaffi has a new goal. He wants to control the entire north-west African region. He is supplying the arms, technology and ammunition to the likes of West Africa's most notorious rebel, Charles Taylor, who managed to level Monrovia and totally destroy everything else in the once prosperous Liberia prior to starting his terror in Sierra Leone. Since there is very little left of Sierra Leone, who will be next on their agenda? Guinea? Perhaps. The stolen gold and diamonds of Sierra Leone have made these evil demons multi-millionaires while unthinkable suffering is their payment to the Sierra Leoneans.

A senior government minister in Sierra Leone accused the United Nations of focusing too much on atrocities in the Serbian province of Kosovo while failing to deal with the brutal killings in his own country. The finance minister of Sierra Leone, Dr. James Jonah -- a former UN undersecretary general -- said more than two-thousand people had been killed and many more have had their hands and feet cut off during the rebel attack on Freetown in January 1999. Dr. Jonah openly accused Liberia and Burkina Faso of supporting the rebels, and urged the UN to make clear it will not tolerate such action. The UN has done nothing in Sierra Leone since this official appeal on January 30.

The world press is deliberately ignoring Sierra Leone. The world leaders are doing the same. As Christians, we should be demanding why. A million souls have perished from a small nation... is this not enough? Is large scale genocide now acceptable in certain parts of the world? It appears to be so. It's purportedly acceptable to bomb Serbia, but not acceptable to stop the terrorism of the RUF in Sierra Leone. Had it not been for the 35,000 Nigerian ECOMOG soldiers, Freetown would be completely gone now. At the very least, it's necessary for us to support the ECOMOG peace keepers as Sierra Leone hangs on to what very little she has left. The real war criminals go free while we watch Clinton play his New World Order game. The truth is, there is no order of any kind to this new world.

This article was written by Anthony Wayne on April 3, 1999 for Lawgiver.Org

Editor's note: On July 7, 1999, Sierra Leone's elected civilian President, Tejan Kabbah, and Revolutionary United Front leader, Corporal Foday Sankoh, signed a peace accord designed to end the civilian atrocities and war in Sierra Leone. This is the third such peace agreement in more than eight years of the brutal war. The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Mary Robinson, welcomed the peace agreement in Sierra Leone, but is calling for an international inquiry to look into the gross and inhumane atrocities committed during the war. Robinson stated "it is not possible to have full reconciliation without justice... peace is not compatible with impunity". She reiterates that while any sovereign state may grant amnesty for violation of its national law, the United Nations will not recognise the amnesty as applying to gross violations of human rights.

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