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The Holy Field of Kosovo

Another Islamic invasion against Christian Serbia

The average American has no idea of the real battle being waged within Yugoslavia. In order to understand the plight of this sovereign people, one must understand the rich Christian history of Serbia. Of course, you won't find these historical facts on CNN or any other controlled media, so we want you to know the truth before nearly an entire people have once again been destroyed by the heathen armies surrounding them, nearly the same as took place some 600 or so years ago on their blood stained Christian soil.

During and immediately prior to 1388, numerous Islamic armies, said to be more than 500,000 strong, invaded what was then a Christian European continent. These armies wantonly destroyed nearly everything in their path, violently murdering innocent women and children without remorse or thought. All those who refused to convert to the teachings of the prophet Mohammed suffered horrendous deaths and unthinkable tortures. As Serbia stood at the doorstep of Christian Europe, they suffered the brunt of the brutalities being brought about by the invading Islamic hoards.

Christian Serbian women and their daughters were brutally raped. They were then sold into forced slavery throughout Turkey and other Islamic countries. Those Serbian men who survived death in the battles against the Islamic armies were quickly castrated and blinded so as to make them docile slaves for their Turkish masters and conquerors. Entire Serbian cities were set ablaze while many thousands of innocent inhabitants were burned alive by their Islamic conquerors who, surrounding the cities, refused to allow them to escape the flames. At one point in their advance into Serbia, the Turks nailed some 12,000 Serbians to crosses in mockery of the crucifixion of Christ and the Christian faith of the Serbs. The Islamic invasion of Christian Europe appeared to be unstoppable as they swept over everything in their path with fire, sword, and the words of Mohammed in their battle cries.

In 1389, nearly 80,000 Serbian Christian men met the advancing Turks, who totaled at least three times their number or more, in battle on the Kosovo Plain. They were unified by their Holy vow to Christ, and to each other, to freely face death before they would ever convert to Islam. They earnestly prayed and fasted for many days before this battle, lifted by their unwavering faith in Christ. Led by Serbian Prince Lazar, these valiant Christian soldiers engaged in a bloody battle to the death against overwhelming odds. They freely and honorably gave their lives to not only save Christian Serbia, but to save all the Christians of Europe from Islam. When the battle was over, the best of Serbia's soldiers all lay dead along with their Prince.

This great battle on the Kosovo Plain may have been a victory for the Muslims, but because an estimated 150,000 Islamic soldiers died with those Serbian Christian martyrs, the Turkish advance into the heart of Europe was stopped and the decisive victory became that of Christianity.

Many stories were written of those brave soldiers of magnificent Christian valor. One of them states that in the heat of the battle, a group of Christian soldiers heard their Prince was dead. Upon hearing this, they raced headlong through the enemy lines charging into the very center of the enemy camp. Once there, they slew the Turkish leader Emir Murad I while he was standing in his tent. They fought odds of 200 to 1 and still managed to reach the heart of the enemies leadership and kill him.

Shortly thereafter, the Kosovo Plain was named "The Holy Field" by the Serbians. Numerous Christian historians consider that singular battlefield to be the largest tomb of Christian martyrs killed in a single day. No other single sacrifice of Christians is known in history to have been bloodier. For well over 500 years, on Saint Vitus' Day the Serbian Christians honor the Holy Martyrs of the Kosovo Plain and commemorate that great historical sacrifice for Christian Freedom and Faith with prayer and fasting.

The Kosovo province has, for hundreds of years, remained the heart and soul of Christian Serbia. They stood once again, greatly outnumbered, against the invading armies and allies of Germany during World War II, defying Germany's superior mechanized war machine much to the demise and anger of Hitler. As Hitler made alliances with the Muslim leaders of Serbia, the Serbian Christians became a most powerful, formidable and defiant underground force opposing them. They were once again murdered and tortured by Islamic forces. In a repeat of their heritage and honor, they were in battle with the murderers and torturers of their ancestors.

Today, they will not yield to the Albanian Muslim terrorists who are being backed by NATO missiles, stealth fighters, and B2 bombers. Clinton's open aggression against the Serbians will be valiantly opposed by the outnumbered descendants of those Christians who died upon the Kosovo Plain. This attempt to destroy Kosovo will fail miserably and America will reap more shame and condemnation for it's very apparent cowardly bombing of the Yugoslavian people. Can anyone answer why there is an American alliance with the Albanian Muslims in Serbia? Where is the voice of Christian America? Without a single whimper, the purported Christian Churches in America have said nothing in objection to the war being waged upon their Serbian Christian Brothers and Sisters.

There is no doubt that, if necessary, the Serbians will once again battle in hand-to-hand combat upon the Kosovo Plain. In the same manner that Santa Anna called for the outnumbered Texans to surrender before his troops stormed the walls of the Alamo, Clinton has publicly called for the surrender of Kosovo. He will not win this battle. Rather, he will make martyrs of those Christian Serbians he kills. Christian Liberty and Faith still has her defenders, and once again they're not afraid to fight for it. It's a shame that America doesn't seem to have any Christian defenders. By not opposing Clinton's actions and aggressions of war against Serbia, we have silently agreed to it. God help us all if we stand mute to yet another Christian battle on the Kosovo Plain.

Additional information and historical background on Kosovo and Serbia can be found on the following internet sites:
This article was compiled on March 28, 1999 by Anthony Wayne for Lawgiver.Org

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