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Terrorism begets Terrorism

     Whatever seeds you sow, this shall you also reap. Whatever you do unto others, so shall they do unto you.  It's the same as "what goes around, comes around."  Those are foundational moral proverbs that this nation has long forgotten because the Lord God is not welcome within our government, nor even in our children's schools.  I don’t know what god or gods America’s purported leaders are serving, but I serve a different God.  These same leaders have supported the murder of millions since the legal abortion decree was proclaimed over this land, so why should the people of this nation be surprised with any other acts of our ungodly and immoral leadership over the past decade?

     The current Washington City revenge and retaliation mentality against others will only birth more innocent blood.  The U.S. is already responsible for shedding more of that innocent blood than any other nation for the past 20 years.  Not only has our "leadership" turned against God, but they have supported those who war openly against all humanity.  This has not been allowed to happen by mere mishap.

     Let’s begin with Iraq.  The Washington City administration was allies with Iraq’s Saddam Hussein in the late 1970’s through late 1980’s, supplying him with hundreds of millions in funding and weapons, both biological and conventional, to war against Iran.  The U.S. "leaders" paid a radical Muslim leader to murder more than a million Iranians, our former allies and friends for decades before.

     In 1991, we did nothing, at first, to stop Saddam from pilfering one of the 10 largest known world gold reserves from the Kuwait City vault.  Soon after, we declared a military "action" against him, then we purposefully stopped our invasion at the outskirts of Baghdad, permitting him to keep his tons of stolen gold booty.  We were told that the bombing of Baghdad with cruise missiles and smart bombs was simply "collateral damage" and the many innocent civilian deaths were "unavoidable."

     While Saddam was busy mopping up operations on the Iranian border, the Washington City alphabet groups (CIA, et al) were hiring other radical Muslim groups in the late 1980’s, including Osama bin Laden’s Al Qaeda and the Taliban, to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan.  Once again, the U.S. "leaders" supplied anti-Christian Muslims with lots of money, new technology stinger missiles, and tons of other military hardware and supplies, then the Washington D.C. elite made heroes of them on the nightly news.  The civilian casualties in Afghanistan are estimated at far higher than the Soviet military casualties. 

     Osama bin Laden and the Muslim Taliban received over $45 million, just last year, from Washington City for the purported "war on drugs."  I wonder how much of that will now be found in bin Laden’s bank accounts and offered as "evidence" of his financing an army against the U.S.

     Who can forget our support of the Muslim Albanian extremists in Kosovo and our bombing of Serbian civilians in 1999?  We pumped hundreds upon hundreds of millions of dollars behind the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), yet another band of outlaw Muslim anti-Christian terrorists.  Once they were paid, trained and armed by Washington City to murder thousands of Christian civilians in Kosovo, the U.S. turned to bombing Belgrade civilians with the excuse that we were after their President for "crimes against humanity."  Once again, Americans were brainwashed with the "collateral damage" lie along with "unavoidable" civilian deaths.

     Are Americans blind to the obvious pattern here?  It is the American "leaders" who have supported the shedding of innocent blood at the hands of anti-Christian extremists.  Washington City has paid, trained and armed Muslim terrorists for nearly two decades to kill innocent civilians.  Is it any wonder that this terrorism, which our immoral politicians have so willingly supported and paid for, has come home to roost?  Whatever seed you plant, it will eventually grow.  If you plant good seed, you will have good fruit.  If you plant evil seed, your fruit will be evil. Americans are reaping what our leaders have sown.  What went around has now come around.  The fact remains that we, as a nation of people, have allowed them to do these things.

     Let us all pray for the six thousand innocent souls of the World Trade Center terrorism.  More innocent blood has truly been shed.  But in the same breath, we should all be on our faces in repentance to God for allowing the funding and supporting of world terrorism.  We should be weeping in repentance for the millions of murdered babies right here on our own soil over the past decade.  Instead, most Americans are now waving U.S. flags and supporting the same ungodly and immoral "leaders" who have spent their taxes to repeatedly finance two decades of Muslim terrorists.

     How could we allow the support of world terrorism and then renounce it in the same breath?  Only a double minded people could utter such nonsense.  Those who are guilty of "crimes against humanity" are those who openly fund and support terrorism.

     On September 23, Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage said, "You are either 100 percent for us, or 100 percent against us," according to the Washington Post.  The American people have been told, not asked, to support a "War on Terrorism."  In all truth and reality, we are being told to support a war of terrorism.  

Mr. Armitage, there are millions of Americans who will not support your war of terrorism when you and the Washington City ungodly are responsible for funding and encouraging this terrorism in the first place.  Rather, we choose to follow a real leader who said, "He who is not with Me is against Me."  He also warned us, "Those who live by the sword shall die by the sword."

     Murder begets murder.  Terrorism begets terrorism.  Repent America, or the days to come will be a war of terrorism begetting far worse terrorism.


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