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The Horrors of the BAR: Judicial Treason

There exists a very public international conspiracy to destroy the united States of America from within. Ruled by ungodly lawyers and lawyer/judges of the numerous national and international Bar Associations, their judicial system has created unconstitutional aristocratic courts ruled by "esquires" wearing black robes of Nobility. This has created Ruling Class courts of nobility in direct violation of our Constitution.

"No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State." -Article I, Section 9 of The Constitution for the United States of America.

The existence of these unconstitutional Ruling Class Courts is not new to our nation. We the People have accepted them and allowed them to flourish just as blindly as sheep merrily going to slaughter... and the slaughter of Rights, Liberty and Freedom is exactly what has come about. The lawyers have taken over not just our Judicial Branch, but the Legislative as well. For example, try to name just one member of Congress who has neither attended law school nor is a Bar lawyer. Good luck on your search because a non-lawyer Congressman is a rare species. As for the Executive Branch, lawyers abound in the office of the Presidency.

If all three Branches of our government are controlled by lawyers, who is representing We the People? The truth is, these are the terrorists who are in control of our government and have eliminated our original Constitution. The threat is real and the takeover is complete. Right now, this minute, we are ruled not by a republican form of government but by a Ruling Class of self-proclaimed Nobility.

"The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government..." -Article IV, Section 4 of The Constitution for the United States of America.

Neither the word LAWYER nor the word ATTORNEY appear anywhere within our Constitution. This was no accident on the part of our Founding Fathers. They had been cruelly subjected to ungodly Courts of Nobility from a Ruling Class of Aristocrats, and they deliberately framed our Constitution to prohibit such a thing from ever surfacing within this land again by creating three distinct and separate Branches of Government. Today, ALL lawyers are automatically members of the Judicial Branch due to their unconstitutional Title of Nobility.

"No State shall... grant any Title of Nobility." -Article I, Section 10 of The Constitution for the United States of America.

We the People must be elected or hired to be in any government branch, but all Bar lawyers are automatically "Officers of the Court" of the Judicial Branch of government. Then, whenever a lawyer is hired or elected to the Executive or Legislative Branches, he holds an office in two Branches of our government at the same time. This is blatantly UNconstitutional and in violation of the separation of powers, checks and balances, and conflict of interest laws. Perhaps now We the People can see how we've allowed these lawyers of treason to rule our nation.

In our Constitutional Republic, nothing is to be above We the People other than God Himself. Then why have we allowed a Ruling Class of Nobility Title to have power over us? We the People are guilty of allowing our Constitutional Republic to fade away into non-existence. WE are the reason the ungodly lawyers rule our governments. WE allowed it. WE are responsible. WE are the only Constitutional power that can change it. How could we have forgotten that ALL people in a Constitutional Republic are sovereign?

If you enter into an ungodly and unconstitutional private Bar lawyer and lawyer/judge court (such as county, circuit, and state courts), you can be held in Contempt of Court for absolutely any reason what-so-ever. The robed lawyer/judge does not have to follow any rules or guidelines to throw you into prison for alleged contempt against his wishes. In such a case, there is no arrest made, no due process of law (in violation of the 14th Amendment), no bail, no Habeas Corpus, there is no prosecutor, no jury, no trial (much like a lynching), and you have no Rights. The lawyer/judge is your accuser, your prosecutor, and he alone convicts and sentences you without a trial. Such an act of imprisonment is called a BILL OF ATTAINDER (see Article I, Sections 9 & 10) and is absolutely unconstitutional, yet it happens every single day hundreds of times.

Then the lawyer/judge orders a law enforcement officer to imprison you, even though that law officer has sworn under oath to support the Constitution. This is no less than a lawyer lynching, and every law officer should refuse to obey such an illegal order. No law officer is obligated to obey any illegal law or order, such as a Contempt of Court Order.

It's very odd how most forms of organized crime in America never thrived at great lengths until the bar lawyers took over our courts and our governments. The "courts" have protected their activities, if the price was right. Crime syndicates are organized internationally in the same way as the Bar Associations.

Just what is the purpose behind the World Assembly of Judges, the World Peace through Law Center, the International Trial Lawyers Association, and the International Judicial Association? Their purpose is the New World Order. All nations must now comply with international standards these organizations have set up. The entire world is under no less than lawyer mandated justice administered through the United Nations. The original Constitution for the united States is no longer in effect. You and I have no Constitutional Rights. Instead, we have privileges granted by those who dare to call themselves "esquire".

Reprinted from the September 1995 issue of the North Bridge News

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