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Why Pat Robertson Sounds

Like Rupert Murdoch

by We Hold These Truths

Now that the impeachment hopes of many pro-life Christians have evaporated, many are wondering where Congress went wrong and how the American people can dwell in such an orbit of moral misunderstanding. Let us ignore the latter hopeless lament, and examine the former, more constructive question.

One not so obvious answer is that Ken Starr derailed the impeachment, this being his appointed role from the start. But no one should have a problem figuring out why he might do so. Bill Clinton appointed Attorney General Janet Reno; then, Robert Fiske was appointed by Janet Reno while the independent counsel law was in abeyance; then Congress renewed the law and a purported "judicial panel" appointed Kenneth Starr. Were they not all members of the same eastern establishment clique? So, why would a realist not expect less than a whitewash from the Starr hearings?

Ask yourself, would any sane man go into traffic court for running a red light if he knew the judge was appointed by the prosecuting attorney's mother? Or would you knowingly allow the prosecutor's son to sit on your jury? The "Special Prosecutor" should be more properly named the special "acquitter", as he is appointed by someone who owes her job and place in history to the man to be tried! What would you think if the foreman of the jury in a serial child molester's trial turned out to be the defendants uncle?

Have Americans been warned about the Starr-Clinton connection, by the celebrity Christian leaders? Or have you been told Starr is a good and sincere person fighting the way for justice? Some have referred to him as a believing Christian, and he may be, but what about the conflict of interest? Is man above temptation? Ken Starr knows all this, he is a lawyer. Where are the organized voices of the so called "Christian Right", demanding a fair trial?

Is it the lack of adherence to principles by the Celebrity Christian leaders and their political action groups that have left most Christians rudderless before the establishment whitewash of the Clinton impeachment? Except for the press, the leaders of the evangelical Christian right have more influence in setting the tone for congressional action than anyone else in America. They influence a greater percentage of the voting public (as opposed to those who loudly answer polls but do not vote) than anyone else. Let us consider one of several political Christians who has, by his acts, undermined the effort to hold the serial, woman molester, William Jefferson Clinton, to a Christian standard of righteousness.

Reverend Pat Robertson is, like Starr, a lawyer from one of the fine law schools in the East. Was not Robertson one of the Celebrity leaders who extolled Starr as a dedicated legitimate prosecutor and a Christian believer? Later, Pat Robertson was one of the first to cave-in on the impeachment when the Senate trial faltered. Is this naivete, or does he, like Starr, enjoy too many powerful friends in high places for the good of his followers?

Why Pat Failed to Stand Pat

There can be little doubt that Robertson is today's ranking "Christian" media mogul. As the Founder of Christian Coalition and The American Family Legal Foundation, this missionary of the airwaves is enormously influential. But what will be the results of his influence? Many Christian Coalition members were openly shocked and baffled when founder Pat Robertson committed what many considered treason against the ranks by "giving aid and comfort" to William Jefferson Clinton. Robertson issued a statement that Clinton had "hit a home run" with his something-for-every-pot State of the Union message. Robertson went on to say that it was all over for the impeachment, and it was time for the Senate to move on to other matters.

Robertson's secular pragmatic statement made no mention of the moral imperatives to fight on. Does not Biblical principles require Reverend Robertson to continue what is right regardless of cost? Christians believe, or should believe, that their battle is a Holy one else they should not be in it in the first place...that winning is secondary to being right; that when they are in the right they should petition God to deliver a miracle when man's comprehension of victory fails. But never, never quit because you are losing. God does not allow that! Worse yet, Robertson did this at the very hour when a few beleaguered House of Representative members were trying to carry the investigation beyond the sex only, limited scope, Starr investigation. Indeed a resolution by Congressman Matt Salmon (R-AZ) is being prepared calling for a committee study on the unauthorized bombing of Iraq, an impeachable act according to Salmon, Ron Paul (R-TX) and others. But Pat Robertson helped cut the underpinnings from these very congressmen whom he should have been cheering on. His incredible negative statement prompted Christian Coalition's Executive Randy Tate to ask for time on the Rush Limbaugh program to attempt to explain the boss’ statement. Reverend Robertson acted exactly like the rest of the establishment networks media by announcing Clinton the victor before the Senate proceedings began. There appears to be a simple and easy human explanation of why he took the side of the major media moguls who call for a speedy end to the trial. We Hold These Truths provided that reason a year ago in our December 1997, Right To The Point Journal, "Using Christians To Make War." It details Pat Robertson's enormously profitable sell-out of his International Family Entertainment (IFE) to international Rupert Murdoch. Even his 700 Club broadcasts are over a network under Murdoch's control. Is it a coincidence that Robertson's position on the Senate trial is indistinguishable from the major news networks, including Murdoch's Fox 5?

Missionaries and Money

The full details of Robertson's amazing increase in wealth and the huge international banking loans that made it possible, are all available in official Securities and Exchange Commission disclosure statements filed in 1997. These statements show that Robertson owes much of his financial success to the Eastern, internationalist establishment. When international financier Rupert Murdoch made a friendly offer to buy Pat Robertson's IFE, the public company which owns the Family Channel over which Robertson hosts the 700 Club and other programming, the news barely made a ripple on the megabuck mentality of Wall Street. According to SEC filings, the merger was done for a reported $1.4 billion dollars. But Robertson's IFE generated only about $333 million annual revenue, not large by network standards. Robertson's several trusts received a reported $175 million for their interest in Securities and Exchange Commission IFE. Proxy statements filed by the Robertson family in October 1997 as the International Family Entertainment, Inc. disclosed that giant Citibank provided Murdoch's companies the funds, but few within the Christian community of TV watchers know the IFE deal existed. (For full report on the Robertson merger and more see Vol. 1. No 4., Right To the Point Journal, December 1997)

Murdoch's KFWW Inc. (Fox 5 Broadcasting) produces such unhealthy, anti-family trash as "Married With Children" and "Melrose Place" (both now on the rocks), alley cat "Ally McBeal", the degrading animated creations, "Simpson" and "King of the Hill", not to mention the "FOX 5 News" which even the Wall Street Journal has called, "sleazy". Many have wondered why the moralist Robertson would do business with Murdoch, except for the money? It would appear Mr. Murdoch paid an enormously inflated price for the Robertson empire, and it is reasonable to ask why he would do so. Mr. Murdoch no doubt understands the potential political power of the Evangelical Christian Right. Murdoch, who has powerful ties to British international banking circles, is apparently willing to pay dearly, either for himself, or for some other group he may be representing.

Whom Should Christians Trust?

Trust God and the Bible explicitly. Trust men, including Christian men, within limits: trust the man at the pulpit as long you may have a two way communication with him and he adheres to scripture. Trust no one who lives within an hour's drive of the Washington, DC beltway unless he personally returns your phone calls. This rules out most politicians and celebrity Christians. Never, never trust anyone, especially not a professing Christian, who owes his fortune to the media agents of the internationalist Warmakers. When we learn to follow practices based upon a scriptural understanding of the nature of man, then America may regain the narrow way to responsible, if not righteous government.

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