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Posted - 12 Mar 2011 : 22:44:03
I am not at all enthused by what I see in Washington DC. Whether Republican or Democrat, all they seem to be doing is tinkering with the status quo. But we need drastic changes to the status quo
Now to address some questions I am likely to encounter.
What about the beard? Well. I saw what's underneath the beard, and trust me, the beard is better.
What about your lack of education and experience? Well, I see what the educated and experienced people have done to this country. It's time for a change.
Look what the educated and experienced Mitt Romney did in Massachusetts. Look what the educated and experienced Barack Obama is doing to this country. Look what the educated and experienced George W. Bush did to this country. Look what the educated and experienced Bill Clinton did to this country. Look what the educated and experienced "read-my-lips" George H.W. Bush did to this country. Did any of these former Presidents or their Administrations do anything to correct the problems that have been building for the past 100 years? No they did not.
In 1913, two things have happened that have hurt this country more than anything else has. 1. The Federal Reserve was established by the Administration of President Woodrow Wilson. 2. The 16th Amendment was ratified allowing the the Federal Government to collect taxes on incomes from whatever source they desired to do so.
Within the last decade I have learned just how devastating the Federal Reserve is. Since 1913, our Government has been running to the cash cow known as the Federal Reserve, receiving and spending as much money as they could. To pay that money back, they raised taxes.
Eventually, we have been taken off the gold and silver standard, and since then, the Federal Reserve has been printing money with no backing whatsoever, except for the credit of the United States.
The Federal Government has just continued to spend and tax, and borrowing more phony money from the Federal Reserve. Keep in mind, the Federal Reserve is a bank. That's why when you look at your paper money, you will see the words, "Federal Reserve Note" printed across the top.
Do you think for one minute you own anything? If you are paying for a house using Federal Reserve Notes, the house belongs to the Federal Reserve. Even if you pay off your local bank. You are paying off your local bank, who loaned you Federal Reserve Notes to buy your house, with Federal Reserve Notes.
The Federal Reserve, a bank, could call in those notes anytime they want to if the Federal Government fails to make their payment to the Federal Reserve.
On top of all that, our government also has borrowed from the international community. Countries like China, Japan, Germany, England, have bought much of our debt. All this on the credit rating of the United States which is on the brink of being lowered.
Here's a question that may seem daunting. With all this debt, why are we still free? 1. The citizenry of the United States has the right to bear arms. 2. We have the best military in the world. In order for our country to be taken over, we must first be disarmed.
Now, here is the question that is looming. Has any President or Congress in the past 100 years done anything to solve these problems? NOT ONE!
I know that a President Thomas D. Lineaweaver would do something about these problems. Please read my platform and other associated articles and statements. You can do that here:

Jay Scott
Advanced Member
181 Posts |
Posted - 13 Mar 2011 : 10:12:25
1. Who's in charge? Gov't or "God"?
2. Can "good" people fix a corrupt system? (It appears to me gov't is functioning precisely as intended.)
3. What does private script not meant for general circulation (Fed Notes 12 USC 411) and "income tax" (use fee?) have to do with each other? And does that reveal the "remedy"? (Hint: why are there two seals on the face?")
4. (Similar to #1) Who "owns" ALL? What can you claim "ownership" of? Does not the "owner" also bear the liability? Do you want that?
5. What evidence do you have we're still free? Has the Civil War been officially ended?
6. I read in the bible "overcome evil with good". Do you interpret that as "bearing arms"?
7. Who do you follow? Man-made political entities? Or the still small voice, the Spirit, intuition, inner compass, inner alien, gut, karma, whatever you call "It".
Love Jay.
Regular Member
28 Posts |
Posted - 14 Mar 2011 : 00:44:09
quote: Originally posted by Jay Scott
1. Who's in charge? Gov't or "God"?
2. Can "good" people fix a corrupt system? (It appears to me gov't is functioning precisely as intended.)
3. What does private script not meant for general circulation (Fed Notes 12 USC 411) and "income tax" (use fee?) have to do with each other? And does that reveal the "remedy"? (Hint: why are there two seals on the face?")
4. (Similar to #1) Who "owns" ALL? What can you claim "ownership" of? Does not the "owner" also bear the liability? Do you want that?
5. What evidence do you have we're still free? Has the Civil War been officially ended?
6. I read in the bible "overcome evil with good". Do you interpret that as "bearing arms"?
7. Who do you follow? Man-made political entities? Or the still small voice, the Spirit, intuition, inner compass, inner alien, gut, karma, whatever you call "It".
Love Jay.
Thank you, Jay, for your questions. However, I would appreciate if you laid a foundation for your questions to give me an idea of what you are asking.
Jay Scott
Advanced Member
181 Posts |
Posted - 14 Mar 2011 : 10:58:45
Hi TomL,
Thanks for sharing. My apologies if it comes across as confrontational, now that I look back.
Thinking about your request, laying a foundation. Not sure, but the questions posed resulted from thoughts that came to mind while reading the initial post.
Maybe the foundation is that it appears each one has a choice to take an active part in political activities or not—and by not taking an active part, not being subject to.
(By the way, It's easy to think if I'm called to not take an active part, then everyone is called not take an active part (or an active part, whichever one chooses). But, of course, that is a narrow-minded, prideful view to choose [I often make]. I bet each is called to a unique path and one cannot judge another.)
So maybe "two masters" is the foundation of the questions posed: "No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon."
...assuming active participation in political entities subjects one to an earthly master.
...assuming political entities are components of MAMMON.
...assuming man's purpose for political entities are for power struggle: controlling, confining others (okay, as long as it's consensual).
...assuming the ALLmighty's purpose for political entities is to force rebellious children to work for the blessing of others, and to lead the children back to willingly serving the will of the ALLmighty.
...assuming MAMMON serves the will of the ALLmighty.
So, from that (maybe erroneous) perspective:
If political entities serve the will of the ALLmighty, why concern oneself with "Washington DC"? Why not trust whatever is done at "Washington DC" is the will of the ALLmighty? Why not serve the ALLmighty directly (and solely) and therefore not be subject to political entities? Are political entities effective tools for social improvement? ...for spiritual awakening?
If one picks up a hammer, it's safe to assume he intends to pound nails. Is the only tool in the government toolbox "force"? Is the sole purpose of political entities to move government (force)? If one engages a political entity, is it safe to assume he intends to force his will upon others? (Talking about "intention" here 'cause it appears that "democracy" (mob-rule) is an illusion and only a handful of men wield the hammer of government—thankfully.)
What effect, on one, does letting "Washington DC" do it's thing and focus on doing what one's "gut" leads one to do have? What effect, on the political entities and society, does many focusing solely on "gut" have?
Is the "remedy" within each one, therefore without political entities?
Jay Scott. |
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28 Posts |
Posted - 16 Mar 2011 : 11:04:24
Do I understand you correctly? Are you suggesting that Christians should not be involved with politics?
Jay Scott
Advanced Member
181 Posts |
Posted - 16 Mar 2011 : 19:48:20
I'm not suggesting anything for anyone. Each must find his own path and one cannot judge the path of another.
I'm asking questions that come to mind while reading the initial post, for discussion. Do you have a response to any of the questions yet?
Jay Scott. |
Regular Member
28 Posts |
Posted - 18 Mar 2011 : 12:22:56
Okay, here is your post of questions.
quote: Originally posted by Jay Scott
1. Who's in charge? Gov't or "God"?
God is in ultimate control of all things.
quote: 2. Can "good" people fix a corrupt system? (It appears to me gov't is functioning precisely as intended.)
I believe so, yes.
quote: 3. What does private script not meant for general circulation (Fed Notes 12 USC 411) and "income tax" (use fee?) have to do with each other? And does that reveal the "remedy"? (Hint: why are there two seals on the face?")
This is a question I do not understand.
quote: 4. (Similar to #1) Who "owns" ALL? What can you claim "ownership" of? Does not the "owner" also bear the liability? Do you want that?
As a Christian, I know that Christ has ownership of me and therefore has ownership of anything I own. That is not true, however, for unbelievers.
quote: 5. What evidence do you have we're still free? Has the Civil War been officially ended?
We are not as free as I would like. Just about anything we do, government puts obstacles in our way. And, since the Civil War is no longer being fought, I would say it is over.
quote: 6. I read in the bible "overcome evil with good". Do you interpret that as "bearing arms"?
Is it wrong to shoot someone in defense of someone else? If the idiot that shot Congresswoman Giffords, and others, would have himself been shot by someone in the crowd who was bearing arms, would that have been good or evil?
quote: 7. Who do you follow? Man-made political entities? Or the still small voice, the Spirit, intuition, inner compass, inner alien, gut, karma, whatever you call "It".
Love Jay.
I am not perfect, but to the best of my ability, I follow Christ.
Jay Scott
Advanced Member
181 Posts |
Posted - 18 Mar 2011 : 15:20:55
Where do you find example of the one called Christ engaging in political activity?
Jay Scott. |
Regular Member
28 Posts |
Posted - 20 Mar 2011 : 10:16:29
quote: Originally posted by Jay Scott
Where do you find example of the one called Christ engaging in political activity?
Jay Scott.
And where do you find one called Christ going to church, driving a car, brushing his teeth, taking a shower, celebrating his birthday, going to college, etc.? There are many things we do that we have no record of Christ doing. If we are to limit our activities to what Christ did, we would only teach, preach, heal diseases and be crucified. We would travel on a donkey or by boat. No cars, trains or planes. And since Jesus taught to give to the poor, I doubt if he would have taken part in a building fund to build a $27,000,000 edifice.
Is there anything you do as you follow Christ that Christ never did?
Jay Scott
Advanced Member
181 Posts |
Posted - 20 Mar 2011 : 12:21:11
Thanks for that. Valid point.
Did I claim to follow Christ?
Jay Scott. |
Edited by - Jay Scott on 20 Mar 2011 12:22:36 |
Regular Member
28 Posts |
Posted - 25 Mar 2011 : 03:50:20
quote: Originally posted by Jay Scott
Thanks for that. Valid point.
Did I claim to follow Christ?
Jay Scott.
Your statements make that suggestion. |
Regular Member
28 Posts |
Posted - 25 Mar 2011 : 03:52:06
I will not be running for President of the United States. However, I am still considering running for U.S. Senate in Pennsylvania.
We need to continue what we started last November. That means we need to remove Senator Robert Casey Jr. from office.
Bob Casey supported and voted for Obamacare. Find out what Senator Casey said about Obamacare here:
Here is what one website says about Senator Bob Casey on "gay rights."
"He is, however, a strong supporter of gay rights, including adoption by same-gender families and extension of domestic partner benefits to same-gender couples... stances which have enraged some Catholics. He opposes the Federal Marriage Amendment which bans gay marriage."
These two issues alone sets Senator Casey a part from main stream Americans.
At this site: you can see what Senator Casey said about the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. And that he voted for that massive spending bill.
If Senator Casey is a conservative, I sure don't know where. It is said that he is pro-life, but I haven't seen any evidence of that. Therefore, I'd like to see Bob Casey be a one-term Senator, and I am considering running against him in 2012.
Advanced Member
209 Posts |
Posted - 29 Jul 2011 : 19:58:22
quote: Originally posted by TomL
Do I understand you correctly? Are you suggesting that Christians should not be involved with politics?

Hi Tom,
As a naive young Christian in college, I jumped head first into the political arena in an effort to make the world a better place. As a conservative Christian, of course I joined the Republican party.
To my dismay, I found that the political process absorbed all my enthusiasm and left me with no result. And all the older Republicans could tell me was how great the parties were, and how the alcohol flowed freely.
My naivety was shattered for good on Sept. 11, 2001, when I figured out that Bush Jr. had not ended all the violence of the Clinton years, but escalated it. The America I thought I knew was doomed, whether under the evil Democrats or the righteous Republicans.
So I have a very simple answer to your question:
Politics is pointless. It is a waste of time, as it is intentionally designed to absorb the enthusiasm, energy, and efforts of every last person who participates in it, thus allowing the system to tick along on the same agenda that is set well outside of the political process.
I came to this site when I started searching for a means of effecting the change I wanted, also outside the political process. And I found it. I have achieved far more through understanding the Law than I ever would have by spending the same amount of time or effort in the political process.
The Matrix movie trilogy gives us a simple analogy for this: The masses involved in the political process are the sheeple plugged into the Matrix. It merely sucks its power from them, and leaves them with the minimum they need to survive. It keeps them entertained and happy, and totally ignorant of how completely they are controlled.
The typical member of these forums has unplugged from the Matrix, and sees it for the illusion it is. They are able to fight the system from a position of power, even if it does seem quite daunting at first. They are the only ones who have any hope of effecting the system and changing things for the better.
But, as we discovered to our great disappointment at the end of the second movie, there is a deeper level of control. And this level I suspect that even the members here do not yet understand. So they live day to day fighting the system and waiting for the war to end. Few will ever want to plug back into the Matrix, but neither is the present reality the "heaven on earth" that they long for and know should be possible.
So my suggestion to you is, learn what you can from these forums, and see how to start effecting the change you want through Law, not politics. Then join us on the journey to overcome the deeper level of control and bring in heaven on earth.
Honi soit qui mal y pense |
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