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Saint Kitts and Nevis
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Posted - 27 Oct 2001 :  23:18:59  Show Profile  Visit Admin's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Why Attorneys are not Lawyers

In the U.S., they're collectively called everything from "attorney" to "lawyer" to "counselor." Are these terms truly equivalent, or has the identity of one been mistaken for another?

What exactly is a "Licensed BAR Attorney"? This credential accompanies every legal paper produced by attorneys - along with a State Bar License number. As we are about to show you, an ‘attorney’ is not a ‘lawyer’, yet the average American improperly interchanges these words as if they represent the same occupation, and the average American attorney unduly accepts the honor to be called "lawyer" when he is not.

In order to discern the difference, and where we stand within the current court system, it’s necessary to examine the British origins of our U.S. courts and the terminology that has been established from the beginning. It's important to understand the proper lawful definitions for the various titles we now give these court related occupations.

The legal profession in the U.S. is directly derived from the British system. Even the word bar is of British origin:

BAR. A particular portion of a court room. Named from the space inclosed by two bars or rails: one of which separated the judge's bench from the rest of the room; the other shut off both the bench and the area for lawyers engaged in trials from the space allotted to suitors, witnesses, and others. Such persons as appeared as speakers (advocates, or counsel) before the court, were said to be "called to the bar", that is, privileged so to appear, speak and otherwise serve in the presence of the judges as "barristers". The corresponding phrase in the United States is "admitted to the bar". - A Dictionary of Law (1893).

[click the blue floppy disk icon at the top to view/print the entire article]

He is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living: ye therefore do greatly err. - Mark 12:27

Forum Administrator

Saint Kitts and Nevis
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Posted - 27 Oct 2001 :  23:26:47  Show Profile  Visit Admin's Homepage  Reply with Quote
The ABA is in Control

A 1996 article that still applies....

Neither law nor elected representatives govern America. Our nation is controlled and manipulated by a committee of lawyers, the American Bar(fly) Association, the infamous Bar(flies), who care not about us but about themselves and their wealth.

In September 1995, for the first time in American history, the inflow of tax revenues was less than our government had pay on just the interest it owes. In other words, our Federal government can't even pay the interest on the loans they've promised to pay to mostly foreign entities. So, we decided to dig deeper into how this came about. What we uncovered is shocking, to say the very least.

It seems that the crafty powers that control this great land behind the scenes are about to choke us into submission. The United States, Incorporated declared bankruptcy, once again, in 1933. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, the author of American socialism, declared this in Executive Orders 6073, 6102, 6111, and 6260. At the same time, all gold and silver was taken away from We the People. This was done pursuant to the Trading with the Enemy Act of October 6, 1917 when our entire nation was placed under an economic "emergency". Incidentally, this "emergency" has never been rescinded and we are still subject to the same "emergency" declaration today.

In order to bail out our insolvent federal government, the several incorporated franchise States of the Union pledged the faith and credit of We the People to the National Government. This is how we ended up with the Social Security Administration and the Council of State Governments, among many other socialistic entities. On January 22, 1937, these organizations published their Declaration of INTERdependence in The Book of States where they openly declared that all farmers (land owners) were no more than feudal tenants (page 155, 1937 edition). This was, and still is, the method used to literally steal private property from We the People in order to benefit others, without just compensation.

Today, a homeowner doesn't receive a lawful deed or title to his land. Instead, he receives a Warranty Deed whereby the State holds the actual title and deed as collateral for the National government's debt (the corporate body known as the United States located in Washington City). You don't own your land... the United States does. You only hold a piece of paper that warrants the original deed exists.

The same applies to motor vehicles. You are given a Certificate of Title when you buy a car, but the actual title itself is being held as collateral by the government. You are holding a piece of paper that certifies the title exisits. In other words, even if you have no house mortgage or car loan, you still don't own them... the United States holds title to your private property.

The previously mentioned Council of State Governments is now the National Conference Of Commissioners On Uniform State Laws. This organization membership consists of only Bar(fly) licensed lawyers, the illegal and immoral monopoly that controls our nation. These licensed socialists (communists seize private land without compensation, don't they?) parade around with the royal Nobility Title of Esquire (Esq.), but according to the Constitution And By-Laws of their organization, they lobby for, pass, order, and execute statutory provisions to

"help implement international treaties of the United States or where world uniformity would be desirable" Source- 1990/91 Reference Book, National Council of Commissioners On Uniform State Laws, page 2.

-view/download the entire article by clicking the blue floppy disk icon above-
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Forum Administrator

Saint Kitts and Nevis
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Posted - 27 Oct 2001 :  23:45:49  Show Profile  Visit Admin's Homepage  Reply with Quote
The ABA LIE: Unauthorized Practice of Law

Just how does a Good and Lawful Christian defend Himself when forced, against His Will, to stand and speak before the purported 'courts' now operating in the United States? Is He to be mute and say nothing, citing the Laws of God? Although every Christian has the Right to choose His own court, this is not so practical when he is forced by duress and coercion to 'appear' in a court He has not chosen nor recognizes as being subject to God's Laws. How can he 'appear' in an un-Godly court? Our answer to this is to do as Christ Jesus did when He was forced to stand before the judgment of the un-Godly. There is no set of Rules other than the example His Word has already laid out for Us. However, every Christian should have knowledge of how this world operates, and that includes the purported 'laws' and 'courts' being forced upon us over and above God's Sovereign Laws. To defend oneself is nearly impossible in their 'courts', and to seek the assistance of Godly counsel is not allowed by what they dare to call, but refuse to define, as the "unauthorized practice of law".

There may be much truth to the claim that the Fourteenth Amendment to the federal constitution was instigated by the legal professionals' trade union, now known as The American Bar Association. Many facts support the claim that this "Bar" monopoly was established in Christian America, immediately after Lincoln's (un)Civil War, to create and substitute a 'colorless' system of uniformed general slavery to replace the previous system of black slavery. This was to have been implemented by guaranteeing a monopoly of the courts for their own member attorneys, judges, and Municipal Corporations (City, County, and State). This monopolizing and unlawful labor union, The Bar Association, has forbidden anyone but their own exclusive member attorneys to give legal advice or representation, which has prevented any Good and Lawful Christian from being assisted in these purported 'Courts of Law' by a non-union lawyer or by a "non-lawyer", as used in their own terminology.

[full article available by clicking the blue floppy disc icon at the top]
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762 Posts

Posted - 02 Nov 2001 :  19:33:25  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Lawyers (Attorn-ers)

Law... could still be as simple as the Ten,
set down in stone away back when.
Trial... could still be a simple chain of events,
of un-embellished testimony and evidence.

Alas... simple Laws didn't provide enough bread,
to keep the old time Barrister's fed.

So... somewhere back in the mists of olden times,
proto lawyers (Attorn-ers) decided, "We can rake in more dimes!"
"If we write the Laws in such a way,
"The fools will have to pay our exorbitant fee,
if they want any chance of staying... Free!"

Thus began our contorted Legal System,
ending any semblence of common sence or reason.
'Lawyers' (attorn-ers) ... had come upon the Earhtly scene,
and from that day on... 'LAW'has become obscene.

Lawyers (attorn-ers) ... are really a totally useless group.
Their only function... to invent and dispense Bull poop.
Spewing out reams of blarney and hocus pocus,
to ensure 'Truth and Justice'stay just out of focus.

When Lawyers (attorn-ers) can't make enough in the Court,
they seek out the 'Employer of Last Resort'.
They'll troll about for ANY political offers,
too more lavishly swill from the Public coffers!

Then... to repay those who have financed their foray,
they enact whatever Laws... their benefactors say.
And to ensure employment for the next Lawyer (attorn-er) crop,
they enact... yet another pile of Legislative Bull plop.

Our whole Legal/Political system has gone out of control.
It has become overpaid people... on Government dole.
"They" are given the rare opportunity to do some good,
and make the World better... if only they would!

Author unknown - but well understood!!

A Dios,

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Posted - 18 Nov 2001 :  18:41:33  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
This morning I awoke at four am and woke up my son and his friend to watch the meteor fragments fall from the sky. It was a sight to behold and I remembered about signs from the skies.
It now reminds me of the past events of this week during the hu-man elections. Whereby many hu-mans disregarded the truth and "elected" a man which clearly deceived them... but they followed their worldly emotions and emotional blackmail committed by this man and his cohorts and fell to their trap - AGAIN. Like smoldering little rocks, they fell to their faces and perished - AGAIN.
They will continue to worship idols. They will continue to offer worthless superstitious offerings, like loose change, cigars, wine etc. to statutes. But their fornification to their false gods will enslave their minds and souls -AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN.

Your Brother In His Anointing,

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Posted - 10 Aug 2002 :  10:34:24  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Greetings In Jesus, The Christ,
I thought I would add a song about that festering wound plaguing America,
and this world, as a matter of fact. You can listen to the song at:

Woe unto lawyers!! (attorn-ers)

A Dios,

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Posted - 14 Aug 2002 :  10:08:04  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Q: What's the difference between a lawyer and a terrorist?
A: Terrorists have sympathizers.

Did you hear about the terrorists who took a courthouse full of lawyers hostage? They told the authorities that, until their demands were met, they were going to release one lawyer every hour.

A Dios,
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Posted - 31 Dec 2002 :  13:57:38  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

These Terrorists Are Known!!
-- Bankers, Politicians, Lawyers and Priests --
-- BEWARE!! --
A while back, some time ago, a peaceable man, a patriot, and political activist, an itinerant, underemployed Aramaic handyman by the name of Eshoo ben Yosep, who got nailed to a tree for bucking the establishment by carrying a message of Truth and Love and Hope and Peace to the people of his land and to the world, had this to say about the bankers, priests, lawyers of his day, as he was traipsing about the temple [the seat of government and of the money changers] talking with the people gathered there ....... The Priests, the Pharisees, and Scribes were the bankers, politicians, and lawyers then, the political establishment, as they still are in much of the Muslim and Jewish world, and whether we like it or not, are alive and well in our world in the Good Ol' USofA.

A correct translation of Matthew 23 from the original Aramaic, in context ...

23 Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples, "The scholars and Pharisees occupy the chair of Moses. This means you're supposed to observe and follow everything they tell you. But don't do what they do; after all, they're all talk and no action. They invent heavy burdens and lay them on folks' shoulders, but they themselves won't lift a finger to move them. Everything they do, they do for show. So they widen their phylacteries and enlarge their tassels. They love the best couches at banquets and prominent seats in synagogues and respectful greetings in marketplaces, and they like to be called 'Rabbi' by everyone. But you are not to be called 'Rabbi'; after all, you only have one teacher, and all of you belong to the same family. And don't call anyone on earth 'father,' since you have only one Father, and he is in heaven. You are not to be called 'instructors,' because you have only one instructor, the Anointed. Now whoever is greater than you will be your slave. Those who promote themselves will be demoted and those who demote themselves will be promoted.

"You scholars and Pharisees, you impostors! Damn you! You slam the door of Heaven's domain in people's faces. You yourselves don't enter, and you block the way of those trying to enter.

"You scholars and Pharisees, you impostors! Damn you! You scour land and sea to make one convert, and when you do, you make that person more of a child of Hell than you are.

"Damn you, you blind guides who claim: 'When you swear by the temple, it doesn't matter, but when you swear by the treasure in the temple, it is binding.' You blind fools, which is greater, the treasure or the temple that makes the gold sacred? You go on: 'When you swear by the altar, it doesn't matter, but when you swear by the offering that lies on the altar, it is binding.' You sightless souls, which is greater, the offering or the altar that makes the offering sacred? So when you swear by the altar, you swear by the altar and everything on it. And anyone who swears by the temple, swears by the temple and the one who makes it home, and anyone who swears by heaven swears by the throne of God and the one who occupies it.

"You scholars and Pharisees, you impostors! Damn you! You pay tithes on mint and dill and cumin too, but ignore the really important matters of the Law, such as justice and mercy and trust. You should have attended to the last, without ignoring the first. You blind leaders! You strain out a gnat and gulp down a camel.

"You scholars and Pharisees, you impostors! Damn you! You wash the outside of cups and plates, but inside they are full of greed and dissipation. You blind Pharisee, first clean the inside of the cup and then the outside will be clean too.

"You scholars and Pharisees, you impostors! Damn you! You are like whitewashed tombs: on the outside they look beautiful, but inside they are full of dead bones and every kind of decay. So you too look like decent people on the outside, but on the inside you are doing nothing but posturing and subverting the Law.

"You scholars and Pharisees, you impostors! Damn you! You erect tombs to the prophets and decorate the graves of the righteous and claim: 'If we had lived in the days of our ancestors, we wouldn't have joined them in spilling the prophets' blood. So, you witness against yourselves: You are descendents of those who murdered the prophets, and you're the spitting image of your ancestors. You serpents! You spawn of Satan! How are you going to escape Hell's judgment? Look, that is why I send you prophets and sages and scholars. Some you're going to kill and crucify, and some you're going to beat in your synagogues and hound from city to city. As a result there will be on your heads all the innocent blood that has been shed on the earth, from the blood of innocent Abel to the blood of Zechariah, son of Baruch, whom you murdered between the temple and the altar. I swear to you, all these things are going to rain down on this generation.

After having said his piece to the people, and having placed his curse upon the bankers, politicians and lawyers of his day, he left the temple... and you know the rest of the story....

That fellow had the truth then, as it is now!! Damn Them!

"Help Restore The Constitution -

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Posted - 01 Jan 2003 :  02:18:44  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
well said...
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Posted - 02 Jan 2003 :  15:40:30  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Greetings In the name of Ya'shua,the Christ.
Yes He spoke truthfully back then, and now. Having eyes that see and ears that hear after being revealed that these "courts" are nothing but a show.
I tell you, how can January the first be the new year? Does not spring bring forth life?
Job 5:19 "He shall deliver thee in six troubles: yea, in seven there shall no evil touch thee."

Dios Con Vosotros,
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Posted - 19 Jan 2003 :  23:39:42  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Matthew 5:20 "For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven."
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Posted - 01 Mar 2003 :  14:29:30  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
It seems to me, that the best way to deal with lawyers, is too trap them with their own words. If you are called into court, before you answer any question or enter any plea, demand "assistance of counsel" as guaranteed by the sixth Amendment. Then, when the court offers to provide a "lawyer", accept on the condition that he will sign YOUR "assistance of counsel contract". You can find one of those several places on the web. No lawyer will sign such a contract, because it obligates him to represent you and only your interests. Now you have the whole process stuck in limbo. The judge may order you to continue, in which case you clearly and plainly announce that you want it entered into the record that the judge is violating your Constitutional rights. If you loose, this is sufficient grounds for an appeal. It can also be grounds for civil action against the judge.

I am not a lawyer, and I don't want to be one. But, I do believe it is everyone's responsibility to know the Law of the land and to use it to protect yourself and your property.

Re: the Oct. 27, 2001 post from Admin. In it he states we hold only "certificate of title" to our vehicles. That is very true in most cases. However, I hold full title to one of mine. I hold the Manufacturers Certificate of Origin for that vehicle. This is something that most people never see. It is what goes to the state, and is the basis of the state issueing a "certificate of title" to you. I believe there is a way to force the state to surrender the MCO, but I haven't fully realized it yet. When I do, and have been successful, I will post the procedure here.

My regards to all who are in Jesus,

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Posted - 01 Mar 2003 :  22:43:22  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

So -- besides the Manufacturers Certificate of Origin -- do you also have some kind of state registration? If not, then how to you handle being pulled over for no license plate? Since a Good and Lawful Christian Man is REQUIRED to be fully responsible for his own actions and liabilities, he cannot [in good conscience] buy "insurance" to transfer his liability to another. So no "proof of insurance" as required by [statutory] "law."

Also, how can any Kangaroo Kourt agree to signing an "assistance of counsel contract"? They are Serpentine enough to understand the Catch-22.

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Posted - 02 Mar 2003 :  02:00:54  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

No, I refuse to register my truck with the state. To do so would transfer title to the state and I would have only a "certificate of title", thus not real ownership. I do have insurance on it. So far that isn't a problem. I am still researching the issue of insurance. There are several ways around it that comply with the statutory law, but I am not certain which is the best approach. I am open to suggestions.
When I take the vehicle on the road, for now I am using trip tags. This is a piece of paper you can buy at any license bureau which will make you legal for a given number of days. You just fill in the days when you want to use it. I purchased 2 of these last time. So far, I haven't filled them out, and no one has stopped me and asked for it. And it is a big truck. They can't miss it on the road.

Question 2. The court doesn't sign the "assistance of counsel contract". Some lawyer has to do that. And none will, because it makes them represent only your interests. Not theirs, not the courts, not the whoever's. That is the beauty of the "assistance of counsel" request. The court is then stuck either way they try to go. You are guaranteed "assistance of counsel" by the sixth Amendment. If the judge violates that right, you can sue him personally and get just about anything he has. He will try intimidation, but politely hold your ground and act dumb.
One caveat to this. You need to be in a court of record, not a magistrates court. The judge can get away with anything in magistrates court because no one is recording what he says or does. So, if you have to go to court, make sure you are in a court of record. One way to make that happen is to go to the clerk of court as soon as you get the ticket, summons or whatever that causes you to need to go to court. Tell the clerk that you would like to help save the county money, so would they be so kind as to move the hearing to a court of record. Because you believe that you will have to appeal the decision in magistrates court and not having to go there first will save the county a little money. Usually works.

May the peace of Christ be with you,

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Posted - 02 Mar 2003 :  05:15:36  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

I still do not understand how a Kangaroo Kourt would consent to your acceptance, "on the condition that he [lawyer] will sign YOUR 'assistance of counsel contract'".

Have you done this -- or do you have knowledge of someone who has? And what was the outcome?

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Posted - 02 Mar 2003 :  11:32:14  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Using "trip tags" is still being part of The System! SHOW ME THE LAW that REQUIRES us to enter into contract with the Corporation-State for the purpose of "registration." Neither are we REQUIRED (operative word here) to follow ANY CORPORATE RULE WHATSOEVER (the "statutes" that are really corporate policies.)

The PRINCIPLE working here is that, so long as you do not do business with the Mafia, then they have absolutely NO CLAIM ON YOU. BUT -- WATCH OUT! Because if you do business with them JUST ONCE -- THEN they OWN YOUR WORTHLESS CARCASS UNTILL THE DAY YOU DIE!

As for reclaiming a vehicle from The State -- The Book of the Hundreds people say that you can do this by JUNKING the vehicle. The original "title" is then destroyed, and you get a Junk Receipt that "requires" you to obtain new registration. But who says you HAVE TO? Just drive off to Your Father's House.

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Posted - 02 Mar 2003 :  14:30:14  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Doer,

In answer to your first post. That is the whole point. The Kangaroo Kourt won't. So, they are left with no choice but to dismiss. Usually they will issue a continuance, and at a later date dismiss.

Yes, I know someone who has done this. From his experiences comes the advice about not going to a magistrate court, but rather get it moved to a court of record. He has had at least 5 tickets for no driver's license dismissed using this argument. He is in a fairly small city, so when you found out how to do this, he went to every lawyer's office in town and asked them to be his "assistance of counsel" and to sign his contract. Of course, no one would. He enters an affidavit, which states this, with the court when he appears.

Does that help?

Edited by - Lewish on 02 Mar 2003 14:40:22
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Posted - 02 Mar 2003 :  14:37:30  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Yes, I totally agree that using a trip tag is still being part of the system. However, as I am still new to this game, I want a fallback position. If I am local, I will just tell the fine minion of Caesar that I have no license and don't need one. This way I can fight my battle on my turf. If I am an inconvenient distance from home, I will just show them the trip tag. Amazingly, I have not been stopped, yet.

Part 2. Yes, I am aware of what The Book of the Hundreds says, even though I don't have a copy. I am looking for a copy at a reasonable price. Do you know of one? But, I own rather new vehicles, and the state is not going to allow the title to be junked. I know several people who have tried here in Wash. state. I believe that there is a way to force the state to surrender the title, more specifically the "Manufacturer's Certificate of Origin" by using the UCC. I have not yet determined what the exact process is, but when I think I know, I will be doing that. If I am successful, I will post the procedure here.

Peace to all,
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Posted - 03 Mar 2003 :  00:01:18  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

The group you are interested in, call themselves, "Matters concerning His Lawful assembly." It is headed by Randy Lee, who has been studying the Common Law for decades, and is unbelievably knowledgeable in it. He once beat the IRS in a most elegant fashion. Read about it here under, "Randy Lee Beats The IRS" --
and here --

The Book of the Hundreds can be downloaded at their Web Page. They do not have a WebSite per se, because of their strict adherence to not partaking of what they consider ungodly -- the Internet. Anyway, it is a bare-bones search engine, so you must know what you are looking for. Just type in, "Book of the Hundreds."
The link is

There is also an excellent link regarding Sovereignty called, "Sovereignty Workshop" at

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Posted - 03 Mar 2003 :  00:27:03  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Yes, Randy Lee is the person I have been trying to catch up with. I first became acquainted with his work about 7 years ago, but lost track of him and I misplaced the material I had from him.

Thanks for the links. I will try them out and let you know.
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Posted - 03 Mar 2003 :  18:34:11  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

So glad to have established contact with you!

I made a slight error. Randy Lee does, indeed, have a WebSite. I guess Our Creator has shown him the value of such. Anyway, here is the link:

I just talked to him by phone, and should be getting re-established with his knowledge-base again. The newletters are wonderful! -- just as enjoyable to discover new truths, as to browse this Ecclesia WebSite's resources.

So we are on our merry way again -- for now.

Be Well,
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