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 "saving to suitors" clause of 1789
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Man of Knowledge
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35 Posts

Posted - 24 May 2004 :  23:38:19  Show Profile

Now you are on the road to understanding. Messrs. Merrill is truly fun, and I appreciate every barb and jibe. He has no idea of the entertainment value of his stance.

Knowing the causes, and the absolute nature of Law, being either rooted in Papal, or Roman Praetorian, (Is there truly any difference, or just wrapped up in the same package?),is precisely the same order of the Empire in Judicial matters concerning us today. The adage, "The more things change, the more they remain the same." is true to this day. Messrs. Merrill is advocating the sameness in a new package, and allows the denigration of the Ecclesia by it's promulgation.

I know this is not his intention. He actually believes he is on to something new.

He actually believes that folks should be worried about FEDS, and the IRS, when they can easily be taken care of at the same mailbox he keeps lauding, but it takes no extraordinary measures that he advocates. It is simplicity of awareness, and I fully support him in his 'Refused For Cause', but add to this, 'Improper Venue', and you get the same result as he achieves. This is nothing new. It surely does not warrant opening a Federal Case over, and all of the TITLE 26 protesters are foolish in these inane assertions of not being liable. If you want true avoidance, then simply state when contacted that you will be happy to discharge the debt, as long as you can get have them 'VERIFY THE DEBT'! This is pursuant to the FAIR DEBT COLLECTION PRACTICES ACT.

I dare any of you to find an instance of the IRS verifying the debt? This is nothing, as I keep trying to tell the Simkanin's of this world. It is meaningless. Only ignorance keeps you from seeking remedy from the tiny little Foreign Agency called the Puerto RICO Secretary. Awaken, and ye shall be set free. Remedy has been cured in that venue long ago, but none of you seem to use it. Ask yourselves why?

Ask yourself why this simple question was ignored, when it goes straight to the heart of the matter of the Ecclesia?

"Now, tell me whom you have helped lately? I speak not of tenancy, but of personal freedom, harassment, threats, and brutality. Speak to me of what you have done personally to care for your fellow man, beyond a BOE? I hear of your great success, but only find the Jesus story online, or in any archives of the Public record in Denver Colorado state."

An Insurance policy for a Doctor, a practicing drug merchant, is of help to the community, other than to line his and other interests pockets, while destroying the one whom sought help for his affliction?

An Aside: I am a normal everday average? guy, but I know these things, why do you not? Why worry over something that is settled? Tonight, I took my seven year old daughter to her softball game, (they were trounced 17-2, so who put the prozac in our team's water, huh?), and a dispute over the score arose as the board went out and lost the score. After the teams Coaches had an argument with the Ump, I stood up, and simply said, "Why don't we verify the score amongst all the parents, and see?" They did, and arguments ceased. Why is this so hard for so many to understand. Every parent there readily told the truth, and wondered why the Coaches were fighting.

Are you going to be a coach, instead of an adult? I cannot answer this for you, but the type of action, for just this one itty-bitty issue is overkill. Messrs. Merrill is after bigger game, are you?

I am. It is rooted in the Kingdom of Heaven, and it cries FREEDOM. Not submitting to the jurisdiction of slavery by proxy.

This is not religious conviction, nor is the absolute affidavit of an disinterested third party, whom has now become interested.

Now, observe Messrs. Merrill pull the same stunt he has from my first notice from him. He will show disgust, and run me down, then ignore the reality. It is in his nature.

I still love him, and hope he amends his ways, to where he can become closer to his Creator, than Einstein ever did, as he plumbed the depths of mathematics to help manufacture the physics for the most destructive weapon known to mankind. Just as Nobel did, and regretted until he passed on.

Sorry, but time to put the kids to bed.

May the 'Lord's' blessings be upon you, and take care to judge not, what ye may not understand.

Daniel (the maligned as UCC fanatic) Frank

Edited by - Man of Knowledge on 24 May 2004 23:53:39
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Posted - 24 May 2004 :  23:44:58  Show Profile
Robert-James, greetings to you and your love ones, and all,
That snake sure likes to rattle its tail and lure ones attention away from its venenous bite. It likes to use that "rope-a-dope" tactic.
We all must be ever vigilant to the tricks of their trait in order to know His Truth, at all costs, for I know His Truth Will set us free.
There comes a time, where His Light is all so prevelant, seeing and hearing all the wickedness that goes around us that mans words are just too obviously "programmed" to be overlooked. I mean, one can actually see and feel the dangers and traps being set before them, then just to actually be able to avoid and walk around it. We are told that we can move mountains if we truly hhave faith In Him, and even walk upon waters. Levitation In His Spirit?

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Posted - 25 May 2004 :  00:18:10  Show Profile
Daniel Frank, good game! I bet your young daughter was happy playing with the other young ones!
It is fun to see the young ones play and run around!
You know that the "marketeers" mostly focus their advertising towards the adults? Yeap! Through all their marketing strategies they figured out that the adults want to play too!! Recently I fell upon playing with my sons electric scooter. Only with me, as many adults, I looked around to see who was watching.
That is one of the reasons adults do not grasp a foreign language as easy as young ones do. Adults inhibition is more self-centered contrary to young ones.

On the issue of freedom, all I can say is that we all have a common enemy, and it truly bothers me to read quarrels amongst ourselves, be it you, David, or anyone else on this board. I am not judging, but wholeheartedly attemting to defuse, as I wrote before.

We should all know by now that that which is crooked cannot be made straight. Too many "interests" for many of them to let go.
And while "some" of them will feel the full brunt of their own inventions, it is hard for me to imagine them getting used to it in time to accept it, or as some of us, be hardened or even, "fired-up" by it.

His Grace and Light be upon you and your love ones,
I am,

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David Merrill
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Posted - 25 May 2004 :  00:36:11  Show Profile
Dear Manuel;

I am a little baffled that Dan feels the accept for value, verify the debt tactic functions. There is a tendency to protect it once vested in the strategy, but when I ask if any of the people who tried it saw evidence that it works, they never have. They were just hopeful and believed whoever told them that it works. Once a guy said he knew somebody who would give him a copy of a receipt, that he would get to me soon but never did.

Its ok. I do not feel alienated by the squabble. It seems that this was just a tactic to hear what I am about. I cannot imagine that Dan really thinks along these lines. Not the UCC stuff, but that he seems to be interpreting my theories and philosophies in the opposite manner just to get clarification.

I doubt there is anything to defuse. I never expected this much agreement among Christians anyway. Romans 13 clearly subjects the Christian to Paul's doctrine of surrender to authority whatever form. So back to my intoductory letter on Page 1 if you do not know what I am talking about.

Well, it will calm down. Maybe even get back to remedy in a couple days. We will see.


David Merrill.

P.S. Admin; Page 13 seems formatted to a wider screen than the previous pages. Maybe nothing. ***FIXED - Admin

P.P.S. Another theory I have been entertaining is that Dan is calling my reference to "secret societies", Freemasons, inferences to Silent Weapons etc. my indicting myself. But most likely, it is the lack of backing graphics. The documentation if available would explain a lot about why I say these things.

I suppose shock testing is the least baffling explanation for Dan's behavior. He wants to know how long before any of the (imaginary?) suitors come to my "rescue". That explains it the best. But I am fairly confident that suitors by definition, courts of competent jurisdiction understand how inconsequential this cyberspace forum and Dan's and my squabbles are compared to things like raising families, managing suits from municipal and police powers etc. I doubt any would perceive I require any help or even credibility here.

Point above being that if you, the average reader here, cannot see distinct advantage of behaving properly in international law and accessing your property rights through the law of the land, the common law, then I have that for my conclusion. I tried.

Without your God-given unalienable rights (true name), your arraignment remains compulsory [mandatory compliance]. You stay by attrition the subject assets of the Tontine. Remain on Schedule A where you belong; steak on the table by choice and consent. So far as courts go who wants to hear the gibberish of a man who does not even know his own name (and in particular changes the names of others)?

And so other readers (Dan's judgments are void because he formed them prior to acquiring the bill) are encouraged to elaborate upon my conclusion. Read the first letter of the thread again for details of my experiment. I am concluding that Pauline Christians are dwelling upon the inheritance of a spiritual kingdom; just as Dan has lately specified. [He tells me that he is not religious and maybe so. But he definitely makes a religious appeal to all of you in his attempt to "sway" (there is no swaying a truly scientific experiment) you.]

So if I read Dan's "slur" correctly, then he is saying you should not be concerned about the physical wealth of this world; what I call the kingdom of heaven on earth but only concern yourselves with the spiritual kingdom in everlasting life (classical Pauline Christianity). That is I am sure of it, "Welcome to Schedule A" - 'You can check out any time you like... but you can never leave.' (Hotel California).

Edited by - David Merrill on 25 May 2004 09:15:55
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David Merrill
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Posted - 25 May 2004 :  10:48:09  Show Profile
I just remembered something about that "third-party" lingo. I may have mentioned this on Ecclesia somewhere already but back when I saw that it was being used in the Strawman Redemption's early treatise.

Werner Maximilian witnessed me throw it into the garbage can outside Kentucky Fried Chicken. Vern said he wanted to grab it for the cites therein but I warned him therein was the danger. The truth can be spun with facts in insidious and pernicious ways.


David Merrill.

Now that I have concluded my findings, I no longer need control parameters around variables like Dan. So Dan said:

"Ask yourself why this simple question was ignored, when it goes straight to the heart of the matter of the Ecclesia?

"Now, tell me whom you have helped lately? I speak not of tenancy, but of personal freedom, harassment, threats, and brutality. Speak to me of what you have done personally to care for your fellow man, beyond a BOE? I hear of your great success, but only find the Jesus story online, or in any archives of the Public record in Denver Colorado state."*

Go back to Page 4 for the limitations I impose for now on the BOE. I am being prudent about extending its use outside the scope of the slam-dunk "foreign agent/ in mesne process" question. But the bill has great potential in assurance bonding.

The people I help are obviously suitors. Men and women like yourselves who are now qualified (and can prove it) to be courts of competent jurisdiction and granted protection outside the scope of international bankruptcy. [I am mildly entertaining the notion a researcher has actually isolated "judges" on a list who can actually entertain your Article III court in a 'liaison' type of forum - true common law judges who are recognized on the "other side of the looking glass". But until his arguments pass Rules of Evidence this is only a fantasy, however a wonderful one, in my judgment.]

For the last part, just search out "Daniel Franklin" on a few search engines and see how many hits actually pertain to Dan. Maybe you best see for yourself this point about legal name v. true name.

* Dan makes a point I heartily endorse; that you can manage this at that little courthouse called the mailbox. Often I send people there if they are on the verge of curing remedy anyway. If they want the same evidence repository and protection of the "exclusive original cognizance" of the United States, the same thing as the suitor that referred him or her to me, then that is what I call "drafting remedy". Anyway around it, curing remedy is not as it cannot be, my responsibility.

Edited by - David Merrill on 25 May 2004 11:46:17
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Man of Knowledge
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Posted - 25 May 2004 :  15:53:01  Show Profile
"For the last part, just search out "Daniel Franklin" on a few search engines and see how many hits actually pertain to Dan. Maybe you best see for yourself this point about legal name v. true name."


Now maybe you understand the reason I do not use my full name on the Web. This fellow who shares common name has many hits, (one even a singer, hmmmmm), whereas; without my complete naming, then you cannot find any reference to me, personally. I do this for the protection of my family only. Actually, if you really did a hard could find plenty of articles that I wrote about two years ago, when political activism was a concern for me. I make no apologies, but have retired from politics. It is a diversionary tool.

Manuel, brother, there is no dispute, except on idealogical grounds. I don't think David is upset, for I know I am not. I have obtained all that I required to get an insight into a 'Beautiful Mind'. I have to be true unto myself, before I can be true to anyone else. Sometimes this requires putting ones' self into the line of fire.

David, my adversarial friend, forgive me if I have upset your sensibilities, for such was not entirely my intent. I heartily admit I baited you, to find out if what you espouse stands in the light of day. If I am in error, then I have learned to simply say, "I was wrong." This costs me nothing. This is not the case where you are concerned. I have tried everyway I know to muster some respect for you, but you condemn yourself by your own words.

First, I have 'Accepted for Value" nothing. You keep pigeonholing me in an attempt to discredit me, and have me say I am a 'redemptionist', but it is an untruth. Only "He" can redeem my soul, and no earthly agency.

Secondly, you admit kicking off the Montana Freemen fiasco, but since you wrote 'without recourse', you were spared the depridations that were visited upon it's members. That has to be the most cowardly action I have ever read anyone to admit. You started something, and then let others take the fall for your actions. This is in your own words, so don't project this back at me. I did not write it. I find this hard to reconcile with what I hold as true honor, and dignity in 'His' eyes, and the act of taking responsibility for one's own actions. Responsibility and accountability are the watchwords I live by. I do not judge you, but I do not truck with ones whom would openly admit such a horrendous deed.

Thirdly, the time to use the Fair Debt Collections Protection Act is long before it ever gets in court. In February 2000, I was asleep in a house of fire, and lost many months of time. When I awoke, and after all the surgeries, and countless pharmaceuticals had run their course, I found that everything in my bank accounts had been cleaned out, my trucks were re-possessed, and I was penniless. The State was attempting to steal my children, were harassing my wife, whom had no experience at handling anything, and really did not realize what was occuring, monetarily, or any other way. I do not blame her. I blame me for not preparing for such an eventuality. Checks written a year before were dishonored by the bank, and they took all our funds while dishonoring said legal debts. It was all in teeny tiny type that they could confiscate an unserviced account. "They thought I was dead." was all the explanation I ever received. They had the contract, and I had signed it unconditionally.

With skin grafts hanging, bleeding, and in much pain, not to mention drugged almost to the point of oblivion, I was forced into court after court. I easily fended off the Juvenile division, as their gripe was that my wife had had two addresses since the fire. Huh? I shot that argument down quick, and told them to kiss where the sun doesn't shine. :) This was the beginning of my odyssey. No other power can lay claim to my kids.
I then used the FDCPA to head off the rest. I called them up one by one and asked for 'Verification of the Debt', and to prove pecuniary interest. All were glad to do so, they claimed, and not one argument ensued. I haven't had another letter from any of them since, and nothing is on the Credit record beyond that point. (I don't have, nor use any credt, bank, or other institution any longer.)
Anything that came to my mailbox afterwards, was returned unopened, "Return to Sender, Improper Venue". If opened, the "Refused for Cause, without Dishonor to me", and send it back registered mail. Most never made another attempt. To think, I did all that, without once opening a case in District Court.

I did look into the redemption process, but more as a way of figuring out what the International Banksters were up to now. I was aware as far back as 1979, as growing up on a farm in the South, bred independence in spades, along with a grandfather that possessed first hand knowledge of the 'New Deal', and just in time for the 'War Against Independent Farmers' to begin. Speak not to me of conspiracies, as this was one expected, planned for, and carried out with consummate skill by banking interests. It is the nature of the beast to want more and more control and power. This is historically a proven fact.
An aside: Before this time, I was an over-the-road driver. It gave me the opportunity to understand not only commerce in it's present form, but also afforded me the opportunity to understand Law. As stated before, there are very few places I have not been in America, and the wealth of information I accrued is phenominal. Simultaneously, I was writing article after article under assumed names and sending them to major news outlets. I am amazed so many were published, but considering that I was in the area of each Metropolitan concourse, could have contributed to my success rate. Many reporters are truly whores in mine eyes, and using that fact was easy. Quid pro quo type of relationship.

This was long before I ever got online, (I came online December 2000 from a donated P-166, it finally bit the dust), and those relationship's still serve me well today. Only....I have lost the will to play in that arena anymore, for it perpetuates the numerous frauds on a daily basis.
Now, back to the last point. Stop the presumptions. Especially in a text format. I am not angry, but a fire does rage in me, when I see the strong take full advantage of the weak. Justice must prevail over "Just-Us", and although I know "Our Lord Above" will mete out his own justice in time; I am resolute to help those I know I can now.

"I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something.
And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.
What I can do, I should do. And what I should do, by the grace of God, I will do."
-Edward Everett Hale

So please, belittle my efforts, and dismiss me as mad, if you will, just don't call me........late for supper.

Lighten up, folks. The quest for knowledge is the grandest adventure of all, and oft-times it presents itself in the strangest places. David claims his truth, as I claim mine, and never the twain shall meet. There is no dishonor, nor anger, nor contest in this, only the warp and woof of the Tapestry of Life. I don't want to convince him of anything, nor you.

If any truly want to read any of the drivel I wrote so long ago, all prior to 1998, then PM me, and I will direct you to a few of the stories, if I can find them, especially the ones on Ray Ravenhott, of the AID Institute on population reduction, that is coming to pass today. Any of my stories online were of a patriotic fervor, and wholly unsuitable for the Ecclesia, as it was during a time of upheaval in my life.

I know not how I could share any more with you good folks, and as stated when I came onto this forum, "I am here to share information, impart information, and learn." Also, for the want of stimulating conversation, of which I have garnered. If this is perceived as anger, then forgive, but I question all, and if David cannot have his ideas put under the scrutiny of the light of day, then I apologize for harming his sensitive and fragile ego. That was never my intent. Only clarification of his words, which are too often couched in confusing, rambling terminology.


Edited by - Man of Knowledge on 25 May 2004 15:55:05
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David Merrill
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1147 Posts

Posted - 25 May 2004 :  16:12:32  Show Profile
[Dear Readers;

This is the letter sent on the open-faced listing of suitors; "RE:Experiment concluded".


David Merrill.]

Dear Suitors;

One suitor, in a face-to-face mentioned his concern that he had somehow been dropped from my listing. Not so. I have been over on the forum concluding that experiment.

My conclusion is that you suitors are oriented at least in part toward an inheritance in the kingdom of heaven on earth. The folks over there are more oriented toward a spiritual inheritance after physical death (classical Pauline Christianity).

Well that would seem obvious huh? But I never turn down a chance to observe things under a little scientific rigor. I met with a fellow named Ron the other day for the first time in years. He has been developing some parallel work in his personal legal/law life. He loaned me a video about the Two Israels. Something struck me about the experiment on and my findings.

In 70 AD, the Saducees fell off the stage of history. This was the political party that adhered exclusively to the kingdom of heaven on earth in the Messianic Age. The party that survived, the Pharisees went almost exclusively into Babylon to maintain their Judaism, which by and large had to conform with abominable practices of the Babylonian culture. Thus we find some truly repulsive passages about child molestation etc. in the Babylonian Talmud.

Well, there was probably some truth in the philosophies of the Saducees which went quite dormant with the end of the political party. Mainly that the spiritual beings that we truly are develop through our lives in this physical manifestation we call life.


David Merrill.
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David Merrill
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Posted - 25 May 2004 :  16:56:05  Show Profile
Dear Readers;

Just for graphic setup and grins, I am sending a high resolution photo I took today to Admin. I hear many of you do not want to go over to Yahoo for graphics and Mike has offered to link or post graphics.

Mogen David Graphic Link

A few years ago a charismatic Christian wanted to convince me that George Washington was a prophet of God and part of this was supposedly reliable accounts that George returned from battle with bullet holes through-and-through his uniform but alive and unharmed.

I am combining this with a rumor expounded in the Illuminatus Trilogy by Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson that Adam Weishaupt, the creator of the Bavarian Seers, later known as the Illuminatti, took over the life and role of George Washington after that battle.

On the hill overlooking Colorado City (Mesa Hill in Colorado Springs - Colorado City is the original territorial capital) is a large Freemason lodge. It is the capital of the Colorado jurisdiction but is also a central hub for all the States west of the Mississippi. The photo attached (linked) was taken there this morning. I have heard this museum called the Egyptian Room and I only had a moment so I just digitized the entire room. [I hope that adds something to the sense of intrigue. I was the hurried one, not the Freemasons. I told the librarian Harold that because I only had a few minutes, I wanted to photograph the exhibits. He chuckled at my request and said, "Oh, heavens yes."

Washington-Weishaupt Image Link

But I am truly glad Dan and I hope all of you, especially Manuel who wanted to diffuse the tension, can really glean some enjoyment out of the times in which we live. So about the authenticity of George's "replacement"? Just ask Martha in the right top corner of the exhibit. Oh that's right she is not available but one can not help but wonder what she would say about this if she could. But pay attention to the distinctly different personal features between the classical (latter) George and the two sketches in the center of the exhibit. What really gets me is that they seem to be two different men. But if that were just lousy portrait artists, how come the outer (latter) portraits are the same face and the two inner sketches are also of the same, but distinctly different, face?

Further I cannot say.


David Merrill
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Posted - 25 May 2004 :  17:25:31  Show Profile
David, if the portrait was of a toothpaste commercial, one would have that "sparkle" coming from his "teethes!"

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David Merrill
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Posted - 25 May 2004 :  19:13:14  Show Profile
Dear Manuel;

You have the peace of mind that keeps on smiling alright.


David Merrill.
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Posted - 25 May 2004 :  22:07:16  Show Profile  Visit Bondservant's Homepage
The face bone structures of the two personified GW's are totally different. The middle sketch is either the REAL George Washington or it's the sketch of an imposter. I would be curious if the "museum" can clarify the dates the sketches were presumed to have been made. If the middle sketch is the later date of all the others, your question about someone else taking the place of George Washington may be correct.
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Man of Knowledge
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Posted - 25 May 2004 :  23:14:25  Show Profile
Perception is key. I do not believe for a minute there was a conspiracy through substitution. This is something that would have to be medically, or scientifically proven, as it seems that most revere Washington as something he has never been.

George was an Indian killer and conquerer. He made no apology for this state of affairs, and so should I not, when in reference to him. The egregious harms perpetrated on one people by another, is sometimes reprehensible, but not evidence of a 'doppelganger'. Be whom you are, and be true to your nature.

America was set up as an experimental CORPORATION. It was long before even the Articles of Confederation, which made us surety for all past, present, and future debts, by it's centralization.

Daniel Frank
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Posted - 25 May 2004 :  23:38:19  Show Profile
This discussion brings up a "face value" which by way of an email I just happened to open and read caught my attention. On its face, it is similar to the post above regarding the "two faces of GW."
Not that GW was not a man in the flesh, but how historians can man-ipulate the truth to alter their preferred identity and long term outcome. Brothers, there is too much deception going on on this world since time enumerable, for Father knows time and man has been "around" for far more than six thousand and some years.

Father knows we have all tried to do our best, for "the love of a job well done," and have also tried to seek His Truth first In His order to find who, what, where, when and why We Are. It is His image which we all seek, man and woman, deep down in our hearts, our minds and our souls.

Any One which stands for true justice, deserves far more than just the benefit of the doubt to be truly known for his past passionate endeavours and the legacies left for us to understand. This is not about doubting... this is about searching for His Truth. And there I come to understand that the truth shall set us free.

So to you all I say, yes, there is a storm brewing as these days reveal and will continue to separate the sheep from the goats.

BY THEIR FRUITS YE SHALL KNOW THEM, by Revilo P. Oliver (August 1985)

I have just listened to a number of tape recordings made by the eminent Biblical scholar, John M. Allegro. Two of these tapes are speeches given when he visited this country in 1983-84, looking for a publisher brave enough to reprint on this side of the Atlantic his *Dead Sea Scrolls and the Christian Myth*, which had been published in England in 1979. The major publishers, who flood the bookstores with every kind of subversive and demoralizing tripe that can be vended to the semi-literate, were naturally afraid of a book that was not warranted Kosher. As I reported promptly in *Liberty Bell* in September 1984, a publisher was found, Prometheus Books, a small firm in Buffalo, who had nothing to lose, since they had already published a number of volumes that are bad for the spook-business.

To a person already familiar with Allegro's work, the most interesting tape was a recording of an interview with the author followed by rejoinders from several of his former colleagues, now in France or Palestine.

In 1953, thirty-two years ago, an international team, composed of learned men selected for their expert knowledge of early Semitic scripts and languages, was formed to expedite the editing and translation of the great mass of scrolls that then remained unstudied and unpublished. The members of the team divided the work among themselves, and everyone expected that many scrolls of which the contents was still undisclosed would be edited and translated as promptly and satisfactorily as were the scrolls discovered in 1947 and shortly thereafter, of which adequate translations in English, French, or German were made available to the general public between 1949 and 1952. (1)

The papyri found in 1952, political rather than religious, evidently from the command post of Jesus ben Gilgolah, one of the captains of the Jewish insurrectionist, Simeon bar Kokhba, (2) whose revolt lasted from A.D. 132 to 135, were available in translation by 1954. (3) It was reasonable to expect, therefore, that the mass of scrolls entrusted to the international team would be edited and published in a steady stream, beginning no later than 1955.

In its entirety at:
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David Merrill
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Posted - 26 May 2004 :  00:51:47  Show Profile
Dear Bondservant;

I am sure that Harold will be just as curious when I point out the two different Washingtons. He will help me investigate. I will post our findings.


David Merrill.

P.S. I will probably delay a little to check with Harold. If you are curious you can probably call him up easily yourself from details given. In the interest of science I suggest that you request nothing more than the dates of the items in the case; the plate, bust, and two sketches. Do not tell Harold the suspicion of two men pretending to be Washington because he may select data according to your lead.

I searched out a good looking link to Washington's angelic vision and prophecy:

Washington Link

but there are books and more on the topic. I was just setting up graphics with Admin. I suppose there could be a "secret destiny" in there somewhere manifesting through metaphysical prayer of the Illuminatti but that would require conspiracy theories which I no longer adhere to. I prefer to see the things in the light to be real.

Star of David Link

The above photo is taken at the El Paso County Clerk and Recorder - my clerk in common law. It shows history and interest of the U.S., State, County, Crown Templars, Bloodline (Priory of Sion) and the Tribe of Dan. The Trojan and thus Spartan connection to Dan and Israel is found in the Apocrypha - specifically Book of Macabees.

Some of you are thinking, "Aha!" but ignore that this is publicly on display and notice for all to see. All one has to do is establish Rules of Evidence upon the inquiry and it is all right there.

Edited by - David Merrill on 26 May 2004 12:30:06
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Man of Knowledge
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Posted - 26 May 2004 :  20:33:47  Show Profile
Even though I know most of what you speak of throughout the works of many historical masters of the subjects presented, David; I find it disconcerting that you would put these things forth in light of accusing the Ecclesia of paranoid schizophrenia.

The Priory of Sion, the forerunner to the teachings of Loyola Ignatius, and the 'Order of Jesus the Christ', otherwise known as the 'Jesuits'.
This is a long-spanned, (intentionally so), ideaology of conquering the earth by stealth, and by illegitimate means. It is also, by very good authority of the times, the authors of the 'The Elders of Zion' document, which mirrors the 'Communist Manifesto' to the tee. The Society of Jesus arose during this time to encapsulate all of Eastern Europe, and remains prevalent to this day.

For you to manifest yourself as a breaker, and leading denunciator of conspiracies...then it seems you are being 'hypocritical' in the extreme.

[this paragraph was deleted by the forum administrator because it was a personal attack which is not tolerated on this forum.]

I additionally notice you have concluded an 'Experiment on the Ecclesia', (i.e.Playing with our Heads), but now have taken a completely different tact, and continue posting the most outrageous 'Conspiracy Theories', that earlier you denounced others for.

Even more vexing is the total lack of response regarding your culpability in the 'Freeman Standoff', and subsequent imprisonment, totally initiated by YOUR ACTIONS!

I feel you now show a part of yourself that has little to do with 'Our Lord', and much to do with personal agrandizement. Are you externalizing your responsibility? Sure looks that way to me.

Of course, this is only my opinion, and observation.

Daniel the Frank, Lord of nothing I survey, and seeker of Knowledge and Truth

Edited by - Man of Knowledge on 26 May 2004 20:44:27
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Forum Administrator

382 Posts

Posted - 26 May 2004 :  21:22:00  Show Profile  Visit Bondservant's Homepage
A word of caution: Do NOT turn this forum into a one-on-one and tit-for-tat of who can outwit whom. Keep to the subject of the topic and leave personal bickering for private messages or emails. The ECC forum exists to edify readers and to seek out truths. Let's keep it that way.
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David Merrill
Advanced Member

1147 Posts

Posted - 26 May 2004 :  22:34:04  Show Profile
Dear Readers;

The highly compressed infrastructure of stellionation, fractional reserve banking is best described as such in terms of parable. Parabola is first derivative of the original condition – the tangent line is the two-dimensional representation of a first derivative.

In 1916 Somerfeld formulated what was assumed to be the perfect number; 137 or the Fine Structure Constant. However Somerfeld had not the sensitive capacitive/inductive fluctuation sensing and transduction of a simple oscilloscope probe with a few millivolts/division sensitivity.

Oscilloscope image of signet

By “perfect number” Somerfeld predicted that the permeability of vacuum and the permittivity of vacuum would cancel the elemental force in the numerator. Thus there would be no units of measure remaining – a perfect numerical quantity. Symptomatic of Somerfeld’s miscalculation is that everything contains a complex waveform; the summation of its natural and harmonic frequencies, minute fluctuations in the inductive properties of various matter itself. But this is further integrated into absolute memory – genome and genetic signature.

Cracking the Code graphic

Some additional reading; New York Times article by George Johnson, Suddenly the Cosmos Looks More Fickle: But since you need a subscription/registration to read the article, I will just tell you that the number of the Qabbalah is 137. KOPH = 100, BETH = 2, LAMED = 30, HEY = 5. But the important thing to notice is the tangent line as parabola/parable.

To get from the first derivative (tangential parable) to the original state, one needs to integrate. Integration is to make whole. This ‘healing’ comes from proper application of remedy; the cure.

RLC theory equations (page 1)
RLC theory equations (page 2)


David Merrill

NOTE: This thread has taken a definite subject matter shift. Also because of the length, this thread is being moved over to "Schedule A: Cracking the Code" at

Edited by - David Merrill on 27 May 2004 03:29:17
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