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Jay Scott
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Posted - 30 Aug 2007 :  17:30:31  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Lewis[h]
Lincoln had the military escort the southern members of Congress into the chambers, for they otherwise refused to go. That is definitely military occupation.

Brother Lewis,

I agree that constitutes military occupation. Thanks for clarifying.

My search did not turn up any postage changes in 1835. I found this page:

...which led me to this:

33rd Congress. Sess. II. 1855:

For every single letter in manuscript, or paper of any kind in which information shall be asked for or communicated in writing, or by marks or signs, conveyed in the mail for any distance between places in the United States not exceeding three thousand miles, three cents; and for any distance exceeding three thousand miles, ten cents.

To view this online, go here:

...then "Turn to Page" 641 and 642.

Or you can download the page images here:

Page 641:

Page 642:

Is this a postage rate enactment and/or military occupation?

By the way, are 1¢ stamps still available? I asked a couple times recently at the local post and they don't have any.

Originally posted by Lewis[h]
In you other post, where is an assured value for the dollar or any of the other coins specified? Previous to 1933, the dollar was defined as so many grains of silver. Where is a similar value specified in the current definitions?

I didn't see an "assured value". Are you saying the absence of an "assured value" is what we are looking for?

Thanks again,

Jay Scott.

Edited by - Jay Scott on 30 Aug 2007 17:35:52
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Posted - 01 Sep 2007 :  13:02:48  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hello Jay,

You have done good work here. This is a rate enactment ( not military occupation ) which I had not found in my research. This raises the rate from 2-1/2 cents to 3 cents for mail within the country.

Yes, as of a few days ago, my post office still had plenty of 1¢ stamps. Can't think of any reason they would discontinue them.

"Assured Value" is in Title 31. Notice that the new rate for postage, while being 41¢, does not have any value listed on the new stamps.

When I sign just about anything, I put above my signature "No Liability Accepted", "No Assured Value". Thus, anyone attempting to monetize my signature cannot put a value on it.


A Man on the Land on Washington as a Citizen thereon.
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David Merrill
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Posted - 02 Sep 2007 :  10:24:07  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Typical Lewis:

"Greetings Brothers,

I am sorry to tell you this, but you have no clue about using the General Post-Office, and staying in honor and out of "their" jurisdiction."


"*general post-office*

I added a section to the brainwashington site that deals with the general post-office and customary Christian usage of the post. It is important for those who are ready to conduct business for the Christ's assembly outside of federal jurisdiction to understand and use the post properly.

This section has scanned images of postmarked mail-matter, essays, testimonies, and a sample letter of appointment that can be modified as needed by Lawful Christians. [click on the "GPO" tab at the top of the webpage]."


Here is the clue you missed...

"Ben Franklin set up the postal service for American's. It is hiding within the U.S. Postal Service."

And Ben Franklin also framed the Declaration of Independence. [I have "Inventing America" by Garry Wills with the rough draft carefully analyzed.]

Ben Franklin was Esquire from the Templar Crown establishing a basis for central banking. Note that "Fourscore and Seven Years Ago" was not referring to the Constitution, but to the Declaration of Independence!

The general post was established as the substrate for notice and grace upon which the Constitution could rest for authority in law. Notice how the Post Office was excused from the proceedings...

If you cannot see the links:

"Mr. Speaker. I ask unanimous consent that the Committee on Post Office and Civil Service be discharged from further consideration of the joint resolution..."

Wherein it was established:

"Whereas Congress recognizes the historical tradition of ethical values and principles which are the basis of civilized society and upon which our great Nation was founded;

"Whereas these ethical values and principles have been the bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization, when they were known as the Seven Noahide Laws;"

and The Sanhedrin took that to heart:

"This Court, therefore, urges the Attorney General of the United States of America, Janet Reno, currently under the Political Leadership of President Bill Clinton to answer to the charge of failure to hear a grievance that is brought before its duly appointed Courts, and it has 90 working days in which to show cause as to why this case should not be heard before this Court and to submit documents showing that it has conformed with all treaties, conventions and wishes of the native peoples and with states accepted or annexed under the Constitutional principles and Noahide law, which was adopted as Law in the United States by Congress."

So Lewis is incorrect - you have a clue alright. It is just that you misread your clue:

Act 15:20 "But that we write unto them, that they abstain from pollutions of idols, and from fornication, and from things strangled, and from blood."

Paul was teaching the pagans of Asia Minor, Turkey, the Seven Noachide Laws.

Gen 9:4 "But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat."

I am afraid that you might need to re-read the Book of Acts with this in mind to see that Lewis often says others have no clue but that is more projection than anything. Lewis is usually without a clue. With the people he is addressing is more like denial than anything. The first canonizing of the Bible shed almost all Jewishness from Jesus and most of it from Paul too. It would seem that Jews were Paul's enemy - for what? Teaching the Seven Noachide Laws? Hardly.

Nowadays Christians believe that they must Judaize themselves, but to a form of Judaism that has been painted erroneously around Jesus. Jesus would not even enter a Gentile's home and was even chastized (at first) for speaking to the gentile woman at the well. Jesus taught the entirity of his ministry to Jews in that typical elitism. Therefore people who are not Jews get the wrong impression that they are to subject themselves to the Ten Commandments; instead of the Seven Noachide Laws.


David Merrill.

Edited by - David Merrill on 02 Sep 2007 10:40:54
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David Merrill
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Posted - 02 Sep 2007 :  10:42:41  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by David Merrill

Typical Lewis:

"Greetings Brothers,

I am sorry to tell you this, but you have no clue about using the General Post-Office, and staying in honor and out of "their" jurisdiction."


"*general post-office*

I added a section to the brainwashington site that deals with the general post-office and customary Christian usage of the post. It is important for those who are ready to conduct business for the Christ's assembly outside of federal jurisdiction to understand and use the post properly.

This section has scanned images of postmarked mail-matter, essays, testimonies, and a sample letter of appointment that can be modified as needed by Lawful Christians. [click on the "GPO" tab at the top of the webpage]."


Here is the clue you missed...

"Ben Franklin set up the postal service for American's. It is hiding within the U.S. Postal Service."

And Ben Franklin also framed the Declaration of Independence. [I have "Inventing America" by Garry Wills with the rough draft carefully analyzed.]

Ben Franklin was Esquire from the Templar Crown establishing a basis for central banking. Note that "Fourscore and Seven Years Ago" was not referring to the Constitution, but to the Declaration of Independence!

The general post was established as the substrate for notice and grace upon which the Constitution could rest for authority in law. Notice how the Post Office was excused from the proceedings...

If you cannot see the links:

"Mr. Speaker. I ask unanimous consent that the Committee on Post Office and Civil Service be discharged from further consideration of the joint resolution..."

Wherein it was established:

"Whereas Congress recognizes the historical tradition of ethical values and principles which are the basis of civilized society and upon which our great Nation was founded;

"Whereas these ethical values and principles have been the bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization, when they were known as the Seven Noahide Laws;"

and The Sanhedrin took that to heart:

"This Court, therefore, urges the Attorney General of the United States of America, Janet Reno, currently under the Political Leadership of President Bill Clinton to answer to the charge of failure to hear a grievance that is brought before its duly appointed Courts, and it has 90 working days in which to show cause as to why this case should not be heard before this Court and to submit documents showing that it has conformed with all treaties, conventions and wishes of the native peoples and with states accepted or annexed under the Constitutional principles and Noahide law, which was adopted as Law in the United States by Congress."

So Lewis is incorrect - you have a clue alright. It is just that you misread your clue:

Act 15:20 "But that we write unto them, that they abstain from pollutions of idols, and from fornication, and from things strangled, and from blood."

Paul was teaching the pagans of Asia Minor, Turkey, the Seven Noachide Laws.

Gen 9:4 "But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat."

I am afraid that you might need to re-read the Book of Acts with this in mind to see that Lewis often says others have no clue but that is more projection than anything. Lewis is usually without a clue. With the people he is addressing is more like denial than anything. The first canonizing of the Bible shed almost all Jewishness from Jesus and most of it from Paul too. It would seem that Jews were Paul's enemy - for what? Teaching the Seven Noachide Laws to pagans in Asia Minor? Hardly. [Hint: Paul was recently carrying Roman citizenship papers.]

Nowadays Christians believe that they must Judaize themselves, but to a form of Judaism that has been painted erroneously around Jesus. Jesus would not even enter a Gentile's home and was even chastized (at first) for speaking to the gentile woman at the well. Jesus taught the entirity of his ministry to Jews in that typical elitism. Therefore people who are not Jews get the wrong impression that they are to subject themselves to the Ten Commandments; instead of the Seven Noachide Laws.


David Merrill.

P.S. Thanks for that cool BrainWashington link.

Edited by - David Merrill on 02 Sep 2007 10:45:25
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Posted - 02 Sep 2007 :  17:31:41  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hello David,

Thanks for the kind insults. I will not return them.

However, you are wrong about your quote. The general post-office is NOT hiding in the U.S. Postal Service. Or is that not what you meant by your quote. Hard to tell. Since the general post-office is a part of a trust called the United States of America, and since the UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE is a private corporation, how can the general post-office be hiding within the private corporation?

In case you don't know, the Constitution for the United States of America was never ratified by the states. It was brought in by fraud upon them. I refer you to the book "Secret Proceedings and Debates of the Constitutional Convention, 1787" written by one of the members of that convention one Robert Yates, Esquire, Chief Justice of New York, and which was entered into the Congressional record as evidence of the fraud in 1838. New York and other states never ratified the proposed Constitution. It is not valid or of force or effect.

The only Union we have is the Perpetual Union of the states formed under the "Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union Between the States". The states were independent states before that point in time.

Enough said.


A Man on the Land on Washington as a Citizen thereon.
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Posted - 02 Sep 2007 :  22:50:24  Show Profile  Visit berkano's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Lewish

Does this clear things up for you berkano? If not, reply as to what is missing.

I didn't say anything needed cleared up. I said it would be a good idea for you to write an essay. Thanks,

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David Merrill
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Posted - 02 Sep 2007 :  23:07:35  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Lewish

Hello David,

Thanks for the kind insults. I will not return them.

I was returning your insult - that you would tell somebody they haven't got a clue.

However, you are wrong about your quote. The general post-office is NOT hiding in the U.S. Postal Service. Or is that not what you meant by your quote. Hard to tell. Since the general post-office is a part of a trust called the United States of America, and since the UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE is a private corporation, how can the general post-office be hiding within the private corporation?

Which is basically what I meant by returning that particular insult. Here's another clue - 1776 came along before 1789.

In case you don't know, the Constitution for the United States of America was never ratified by the states. It was brought in by fraud upon them. I refer you to the book "Secret Proceedings and Debates of the Constitutional Convention, 1787" written by one of the members of that convention one Robert Yates, Esquire, Chief Justice of New York, and which was entered into the Congressional record as evidence of the fraud in 1838. New York and other states never ratified the proposed Constitution. It is not valid or of force or effect.

That makes sense considering there were at least five esquires signing the Declaration of Independence.

I doubt that you getting it would change anything. So do not bother over it, okay? I just thought with somebody further along about understanding the general post office than you, it was worth a jab. It is a bit amusing to hear you telling them that they haven't got a clue.

On the likelyhood you have been banned from Suijuris, here is that quote from the Senate floor:

Mr. Speaker. I ask unanimous consent that the Committee on Post Office and Civil Service be discharged from further consideration of the joint resolution...

This is just like when you couldn't join in the reindeer games before, because somebody else opened a Yahoo sight with the correct spelling "saving to suitors" instead of your spelling "savings to suitors"... You got all bent out of shape because you thought these chatrooms were in competition and you wanted recognition about being the one who thought of opening a chat first.

Well guess what Lewis. You are right about the USPS and the general post office not being nested in it. The USPS came about during the Nixon Administration if I recall right. But that is not what you all were discussing when you decided somebody didn't have a clue.

It is your attitude that attracts insults - telling people they don't have a clue. I am surprised anybody is bothering to entertain you here.


David Merrill.

Edited by - David Merrill on 02 Sep 2007 23:19:09
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David Merrill
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Posted - 03 Sep 2007 :  10:01:51  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
All general delivery services are consolidated to one office downtown at the old post office building. They used to have a general delivery clerk there but he picked a fight with me for sending letters general delivery - to - general delivery for 2 cents. That is probably what got him fired. Not that I complained; he probably complained about me and disclosed that he followed me out to pick a fight - fired.

But I remember asking him if he was threatening me and he shook the letter with the 2 cent stamp at me and screamed, "You are threatening me!!"

The Postmaster is still there though. He wears the mantle of the original Ben Franklin's Crown Templar general post office, should I need it.

The other day I called and one of the clerks answered. I asked for the general delivery clerk and he just asked, "How can I help you?"

I think that is what anyone would mean when they say that the general post office is hidden in the USPS. The clerks just double as USPS and when needed, they do not call for a general delivery clerk, who is no longer there anyway. They double for that position under the authority of the Postmaster.


David Merrill.
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Posted - 03 Sep 2007 :  19:35:01  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
You message does indicate that you were threatening him. You were forcing him to handle mail at 2 cents, when the last approved rate was 3 cents. See Jay Scott's post and images of the 1855 enactment of the 3 cent rate.

At least I don't try to cheat the post office out of one cent per letter.


A Man on the Land on Washington as a Citizen thereon.
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David Merrill
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Posted - 03 Sep 2007 :  22:40:11  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Lewish

You message does indicate that you were threatening him. You were forcing him to handle mail at 2 cents, when the last approved rate was 3 cents. See Jay Scott's post and images of the 1855 enactment of the 3 cent rate.

At least I don't try to cheat the post office out of one cent per letter.


A Man on the Land on Washington as a Citizen thereon.

Yep. That penny really had him Going Postal alright.
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Posted - 04 Sep 2007 :  10:45:08  Show Profile  Visit Bondservant's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Quit cluttering up this forum with sarcasm and get back to the topic.
Neither irony nor sarcasm is argument. — Samuel Butler (1835-1902)
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Posted - 04 Sep 2007 :  14:00:17  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I found one of these in an old
picture box of mine during military

This image is very small, but if you enlarge on your own,
there is interesting wording

I am,
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David Merrill
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Posted - 04 Sep 2007 :  15:00:31  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Bondservant

Quit cluttering up this forum with sarcasm and get back to the topic.
Neither irony nor sarcasm is argument. — Samuel Butler (1835-1902)

Sorry. I was finding it difficult to take Lewish seriously about his post.

Here is some crosstalk from another forum:


Indeed I think Shalom should have titled this thread something about understanding Jewish History in order to understand world history.

Whereas Congress recognizes the historical tradition of ethical values and principles which are the basis of civilized society and upon which our great Nation was founded;

Whereas these ethical values and principles have been the bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization, when they were known as the Seven Noahide Laws;

And the Sanhedrin:

This Court, therefore, urges the Attorney General of the United States of America, Janet Reno, currently under the Political Leadership of President Bill Clinton to answer to the charge of failure to hear a grievance that is brought before its duly appointed Courts, and it has 90 working days in which to show cause as to why this case should not be heard before this Court and to submit documents showing that it has conformed with all treaties, conventions and wishes of the native peoples and with states accepted or annexed under the Constitutional principles and Noahide law, which was adopted as Law in the United States by Congress.

Knowing the Jewish History that all makes sense and I suppose that if more people listened to Shalom, there would be a lot less confusion. Which is probably why I am befuddling the masses by jumping ahead to the next step - explaining how The Sanhedrin/Herodians got around the Constitution for being the law of the land; instead of the Seven Noachide Laws by simply evading the traditional method of notice and grace - The Post Office. See attachment:

Of course that is in alignment with Cain being convicted for killing Abel before any law seemed to be established at all! Abel's blood cried out. There was a natural set of laws in place simply for the act of murder being wrong... imagine that. No need for a post office to generate authority for constitutions.


David Merrill.

P.S. Which brings us to the major point of this thread. The first constitution was written in Nehemiah 10 as the Israelites finally gave up the idea of resisting the Babylonian invasion by Jew.

and linking the Reader to those images from the Congressional Record:

Edited by - David Merrill on 04 Sep 2007 15:08:37
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Jay Scott
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Posted - 04 Sep 2007 :  15:41:52  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Manuel

I found one of these in an old
picture box of mine during military

This image is very small, but if you enlarge on your own,
there is interesting wording

I am,

I tried enlarging but could not make it out. Will you provide the wording?


Jay Scott.

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Jay Scott
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Posted - 04 Sep 2007 :  20:44:04  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I've been window shopping at and found some interesting products:

Lewis, did you say the stamp had to have the "cent" mark (¢)? If so, then apparently the ones with the "c" don't have an assured value.

I went to another post office and did get some 1¢ stamps.

Be blessed.

Jay Scott.

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Posted - 04 Sep 2007 :  21:21:36  Show Profile  Visit Bondservant's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Good researching, Jay. You definitely know how to research things. You're a true blessing to this site :-)
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Posted - 04 Sep 2007 :  22:04:32  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Jay Scott

Originally posted by Manuel

I found one of these in an old
picture box of mine during military

This image is very small, but if you enlarge on your own,
there is interesting wording

I am,

I tried enlarging but could not make it out. Will you provide the wording?


Jay Scott.

Jay Scott,
I see what you mean, sorry. Also, the jpg I left was
not what I have on hand.
The envelope I have says:


WHEN SENT____________________________NO._____
RATE OF SPEED________________________________
NAME OF MESSENGER____________________________
WHEN AND BY WHOM REC'D.______________________

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Posted - 05 Sep 2007 :  15:21:59  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hello Jay,

Yes, they have to have a proper cent mark to have an assured value. None of those in your submittal have an assured value except for the 5 dollar stamp. If you will examine that one closely, you will find that there are two vertical bars thru the "s", thus indicating real dollar. This particular stamp is a silver certificate stamp, and is redeemable for 5 dollars silver, just as the RedFox stamp is a gold certificate stamp redeemable for one dollar in gold. Micro-printed on the stamp is a certificate number which is only viewable by a special lens, which is available only at selected post offices.

Good job,

A Man on the Land on Washington as a Citizen thereon.

Edited by - Lewish on 05 Sep 2007 15:23:31
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David Merrill
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Posted - 05 Sep 2007 :  21:42:04  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Lewish

Micro-printed on the [Red Fox] stamp is a certificate number which is only viewable by a special lens, which is available only at selected post offices.

That is most certainly Patriot Myth.

I have a degree in electronics applied for many years in optronics - as well as Lewish being an engineer; I think we can get this proven - or morelike debunked.

For one thing, taking a Red Fox stamp for redemption would prompt the post office to pull out this special lens and produce the lawful money redemption - which will not happen. I have access to Red Fox stamps and will get a close look with a broad spectrum of frequencies and soforth, just to prove this to myself though.


David Merrill.
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Cornerstone Foundation
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Posted - 06 Sep 2007 :  16:01:52  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Lewish

Yes, they have to have a proper cent mark to have an assured value. None of those in your submittal have an assured value except for the 5 dollar stamp. If you will examine that one closely, you will find that there are two vertical bars thru the "s", thus indicating real dollar. This particular stamp is a silver certificate stamp, and is redeemable for 5 dollars silver, just as the RedFox stamp is a gold certificate stamp redeemable for one dollar in gold.


Where can the assured value stamps be redeemed for silver or gold?

Best Regards,

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