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Junior Member
20 Posts |
Posted - 05 Apr 2003 : 18:56:07
Could anyone to me please. I have a problem with judges that make decisions that are simply against the law. It is well recognised that no man even judges are above the law, What recourse have we as sovereigns to bring these judges to justice? There must be something somewhere!  |
Advanced Member
198 Posts |
Posted - 06 Apr 2003 : 09:27:33
You are correct. NO ONE is above THE LAW. THE LAW is ORDER. THE LAW is JUSTICE. These qualities do NOT reside in Caesar's "law" -- which includes his "statutes." Unfortunately, Caesar has been consolidating his power for millenia, so his system of "law" is profoundly convoluted and obscure.
Of course he has created his ABOMINATION for the very purpose of seduction and obfuscation -- to suck the unwary into his spider web of deceit. Still, it may be a fortress, but it is not impregnable.
You have a lot of homework to do. Go to the UCC section of this site as a beginning. There is a lot of good information there, and also a lot of good links.
People are beginning to wake up. They are beginning to see that THEY have the real power, and not Caesar. They are beginning to get angry with the great evil that has been perpetrated upon us all for so long, for the benefit of the Power Mongers. We have been robbed of our inheritance. We have been made to suffer greatly -- even to die. But in the end, it is only because of our ignorance, our greed, our fear and our apathy. We have only ourselves to blame. Yet the cauldron is even now coming to a boil, and soon the masses will throw off their shackles.
Be Well, Doer
Advanced Member
496 Posts |
Posted - 08 Apr 2003 : 17:17:24
Sometimes judges make rulings which appear to violate a law, but that is based on hidden contract law which supercedes the general law.
Maybe you could cite a specific example, giving the law that the judge apparently violated. From that someone may be able to give you a reason for why a judge would rule the way he did.
Peace to all,
Advanced Member
762 Posts |
Posted - 08 Apr 2003 : 18:46:24
Brothers, All this I read is like a revolving door concerning these evil ones, who sacrifice others to attempt to save themselves. In the end times they will but perish. They have invented a monster they cannot control, and those who do not repent and take on the yoke of our Lord and separate from the yoke of these deceitful ones will cry, but He will not listen.
"Among my people are wicked men who lie in wait like men who snare birds and like those who set traps to catch men. Like cages full of birds, theire houses are full of deceit; they have become rich and powerful and have grown fat and sleek. Their evil deeds have no limit; they do not plead the case of the fatherless to win it, they do not defend the rights of the poor. Should I not punish them for this?" declares the Lord. "Should I not avenge myself on such a nation as this? A horrible and shocking thing has happened in the land: The prophets prophesy lies, the priests rule by their own authority, and my people love it this way. But what will you do in the end? "Flee for safety, people of Benjamin!... Jeremiah 5:26-31 & 6:1
Dios con vosotros, Manuel |
Junior Member
20 Posts |
Advanced Member
198 Posts |
Posted - 10 Apr 2003 : 17:25:34
Lewis is right about the "hidden contract" aspect of a great many rulings. Contract law preempts ANY other law, because contracts are specific agreements between two parties. They apply in all cases because it is assumed that the parties involved enter into contract freely. Of course the contract is invalid ONLY if it violates a law. So a contract for murder would obviously be invalid.
Unfortunately, we all are under contract with the governments of this world, albeit unknowingly. Therefore, we must research the laws to discover what contracts we may have unwittingly entered into. This may be the case with the rulings to which you refer. It would be surprising if the government and the courts flew in the face of a referendum, but not impossible.
There are many examples of governments going completely against the law. A great violation -- even defilement -- is the ruling regarding abortion “rights” -- as if we have the “right” to murder a human being in the womb! Since this ruling stands without significant opposition from “the people,” then the “government” pretty much has carte blanc to do whatever it pleases. Just don’t take away the escapes from Joe Six-Pack, and everything will be fine.
So Manuel is correct about the “revolving door.” Yes, “In the end times they will but perish.” However, that is small consolation for us, here and now. So we must research, study and learn the Ways of Caesar, in order to stand up against him. Remember that Caesar fell soon after the life of The Master. Unfortunately, it was at the hands of the pagans, so chaos ruled for a long time afterward.
The American Revolution was actively supported by only 2% of the population. And see what effect the perverts (homosexuals) have had on our society and “government.” They comprise only 1% of the population (don’t believe their lie about 10%) -- and only a small percent of those are “flaming” perverts, yet they have had enormous impact. So if we can muster only 2% of the populace, educated them and make them ready, then we can completely turn around this country -- and the world.
Meanwhile, continue your research and keep us posted. The SPECIFIC ruling will need to be known, before we can understand the reasons behind it. Can you obtain the court’s ruling?
Be Well, Doer
Advanced Member
198 Posts |
Posted - 10 Apr 2003 : 17:30:02
Above supposed to read, Of course the contract is invalid ONLY if it DOES NOT violate a law.
Doer |
Advanced Member
496 Posts |
Posted - 10 Apr 2003 : 20:41:41
Aw George, you had it right the first time. A contract is only invalid if it violates Common Law. It can violate Commerce Law and still be valid. If a woman was to enter into a contract to provide sex with me, it would be a legally binding contract, even though it is against the law to prostitute yourself.
Abortion is an interesting contridiction. It is lawful for a woman and a doctor to murder an unborn fetus, and no one will prosecute them for it. Yet, look at the number of automobile drivers who have been charged and convicted of involuntary manslaughter when an unborn fetus was killed in an accident. I know of one case where the only surviving driver was convicted even though the accident wasn't his fault. He just happened to be the only survivor and the state needed some more money.
Peace to all,
Lewis |
Advanced Member
209 Posts |
Posted - 11 Apr 2003 : 06:05:36
Try this one on your "pro-life" friends who also think Romans 13 is the last chapter in scripture still valid for our day.
Since 1973 it has been "legal" to terminate a "product of conception". The law does not apply to babies, fetuses, etc. only this nebulous "product". (product - commerce, you see where this comes from)
Now look at your state's law on birth certificates. A birth certificate in my State is ONLY required for every "product of conception", not for children, fetuses, gifts of Yahweh, etc.
What this means is that all those pastors preaching against abortion are actually supporting it every time one of their members gives birth and receives a birth certificate. Their church is full of "products of conception" as confessed to the State. Not one of them have the gumption to tell the State that their members only give birth to children, who are a treasures from Yahweh, and therefore need no birth certificate.
First, the State makes hypocrites of us. Then, they ignore us when we protest their godless actions. After all, they can fill large buildings with the signatures of Christians agreeing with their lies. |
Advanced Member
198 Posts |
Posted - 11 Apr 2003 : 13:32:09
Thanks for this insight. We have known for a long time, that The System treats us as beasts of burden -- chattel -- for the increasing enrichment of Caesar. So it is edifying to see this corroborated in print.
Corporations today no longer have a "personnel department." Instead, it is now "human resources." Just another "resource" -- like natural resources, manufacturing resources, material resources, beasts of burden resources, etc. Truly, The System is becoming more and more ABOMINABLE by the hour.
Be Well, Doer
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