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 "Judge Moore: Moses or Taskmaster?
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Posted - 18 Sep 2003 :  01:36:41  Show Profile
Judge Moore: Moses or Taskmaster?
How Divorce Makes Men Outlaws
September 5, 2003
by Stephen Baskerville,

In politics, as in religion, symbols are important. But when empty gestures start hiding real chicanery, it is time for a Reformation.
Alabama Justice Roy Moore displays the Ten Commandments, and he is revered by some as Moses. Yet it may be he erected a golden calf, enthralling and blinding us to the wrongdoing in his courts.
Like every other court system in America, Alabama's judiciary is thoroughly corrupt. While this may not be Judge Moore’s doing, one does not rise to the Supreme Court without playing some unseemly games.
In this case, Judge Moore seems to be siding with the taskmasters.
Gregory Lemieux is one victim of the state’s rapacious judges. Like many other citizens, Lemieux was minding his own business in his own home, a faithful husband and dutiful father, when Judge James Smith seized his children and everything else he had, cost him his job and his home, and is now threatening to jail him indefinitely unless he pays protection money to Judge Smith’s gang of cronies and thieves.
Lemieux was not accused of any wrongdoing, either criminal or civil, when the state proceeded to turn him into an outlaw.
How is it that an innocent citizen, minding his own business, can face indefinite jail without trial? Simple: The state calls it "divorce." But it's closer to kidnapping and extortion.
A devout Catholic, Lemieux does not believe in divorce, and no grounds have been alleged against him. Yet once his wife decides to renege on her marital vows, her husband cannot avoid jail.
Once his wife filed for divorce, contact with his children became a crime. By divorcing she also gained an astounding $2,300 monthly, which he must pay on pain of incarceration. Even more appalling, he must pay thousands to lawyers he never even hired for a divorce he never agreed to and doesn’t believe in. All this despite the fact that he lost his job in direct result of this government intrusion into his private life. Clinical documentation to this effect was ignored by Judge Smith. Greg Lemieux is a slave, and he must make bricks without straw.
LeMieux appealed to Judge Moore, who is required by oath to protect and defend the Constitution against precisely this kind of arbitrary government. LeMieux received silence. He expects to be arrested when he next visits his children.
Judge Moore is presiding over a judiciary of gangsters. If he wants to turn his court into a temple, he might begin by throwing out the moneychangers.


Edited by - Manuel on 18 Sep 2003 01:39:11
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