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Advanced Member
270 Posts |
Posted - 02 Jul 2003 : 15:40:34
Someone suggested on another forum The Afro American Newspaper for publishing my Copyright. They quoted me this:
The cost of this ad is $317.76 per week, a total of $1,271.04 for 4 weeks. If this ad run less than 4 weeks, it will cost $373.92 per week.
The Copyright notice I want to publish is the one found in Cracking the Code 3. It's a full 8 x 10 page. I have been unable to find a paper that will publish it for under $539.00 for 4 weeks.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to where I can get a full 8x10 Copyright published CHEAP? Or free?
Advanced Member
198 Posts |
Posted - 02 Jul 2003 : 19:13:21
You do not have to publish the Copyright. You can record it with the county recorder. This must also be done in your birth state, as well as in the state in which you now take up housekeeping. Then it puts the document into the public forum, which is all that is necessary.
As to publishing any legal notice, there are lots and lots of weekly newspapers such as the Nickel, that will do it cheaply. But for now, the way to go with the Copyright, is to record it. You must also record the Power of Attorney separately, but at the same time as the Copyright.
Contact Lewis (Lewish) for the latest templates. Be absolutely certain of what you are doing -- which necessitates complete UNDERTANDING. If there is anything that Caesar holds you to -- it is the Letter of the Law. Any TINY slip-up, and he will nail you to the cross. And he especially likes to use BIG NAILS!
Be Well, Doer |
Advanced Member
270 Posts |
Posted - 02 Jul 2003 : 21:04:18
That is good news. I received some instructions about filing common law documents that came with the tapes I recently bought from the Rice McLeod group. They say that every county recorder has a set up Under Secretary for the purpose of recording and filing common law documents. I will follow those instructions. I thought I had to publish first then file with Under the Secretary, but apparently not. That's a relief.
Thanks so much. |
Advanced Member
198 Posts |
Posted - 02 Jul 2003 : 22:06:46
Be sure to call Lewis for the latest news and updates. You must understand that this is a "moving target," and Caesar is always finding new ways to squirm from under the Light. So know full well -- what we are doing here is shining the Light of Truth onto Caesar's stinking system. Lewis is the most up-to-date, of the people that I have personally met. We also need to continue to grow our Network of Conscious Souls, so fostering communication is VERY IMPORTANT!
Caesar is getting very nervous lately, from all of the filings and use of the exemptions. The number of people not filing income tax has reached epidemic proportions at 25% now. People are catching on. The time is soon approaching, that Caesar will begin to panic. Then the house of cards will fall with a thunderous crash. This is what all those prophesies are warning us about. This is the basis for that uneasy feeling in your Heart and Soul.
We all really have NO TIME LEFT. It is 5 minutes to Midnight. There are only a very few things that can be done at this time. More than ever, WE NEED TO BECOME CONSCIOUS -- ever more CONSCIOUS. This is done by daily sitting quietly and YEARNING -- yearning for our Creator's guidance. This is true prayer. This is asking HIM to fill our Minds and Hearts with HIS Spirit and HIS Voice, instead of our own lame EGO.
Then the test comes. It comes in the form of confrontation with Caesar. So "all our ducks must be lined up." We need to have our filings in place. We need to UNDERSTAND WELL, what the process of redemption is all about -- both Spiritual as well as physical. Then, when we stand before Caesar in his court (or ours), we are not afraid -- for the Voice of our Creator is guiding us. Not only are we not afraid, but our innocence and our purity of Mind and Heart and Spirit, strikes fear into Caesar and his henchmen. They want to get us out of there as quickly as possible. They will do ANYTHING to keep the Light from shining on them.
Checkmate. End of game.
Be Well, Doer
Advanced Member
270 Posts |
Posted - 02 Jul 2003 : 23:45:44
Okay, Doer, I will give Lewis a jingle.
I know exactly what you mean by uneasiness. I can feel it too and don't like it at all. Very insecure times we are now living. Your words are somewhat comforting though. ;-)
Advanced Member
270 Posts |
Posted - 03 Jul 2003 : 15:07:45
I just heard from Larry Eggimo that California won't record the copyright or power of attorney. He gave me a name of someone to call for help with this.
I also found out that you don't have to publish the entire copyright. You just need to say something basic where interested parties can find the recorded document and where to protest.
And you're right about the need to have all our filings in place. I've seen where someone will send out an invoice for the copyright violation, but then not have it filed with county recorder. I don't know how valid a copyright is if it isn't filed with the county recorder. Who knows though, "I" may not be able to get mine filed with the recorder.
Okay, that's all for now folks. Reporting live from California. |
Advanced Member
496 Posts |
Posted - 03 Jul 2003 : 19:06:11
Well, California is a real bug-a-boo for not recording anything they feel they don't like the looks of. But, Larry should also have then given you the last page of Rice's Redemption Book, which contains the Statutes at Law making it a criminal act, punishable by fine of $9000.00 per document refused. If you need a copy, of it send me a message. I have that one page as a separate file I can send to anyone who might need it.
There is also a way to do an additional self-executing contract against them in the amount of $50,000.00 per day for every day the document is not recorded. You can do an administrative procedure against this and then take it to a Federal Claims Court for ajudication. Then with you Federal Claim in hand, you go get the local US Attorney General to help you collect.
Are we having fun, yet?
Lewis |
Junior Member
21 Posts |
Posted - 10 Jul 2003 : 22:17:05
hi Lewish, maybe i'm mistaken but did you ever post on your name sounds familiar that's all, Rob NJ. |
Edited by - supra94tt on 10 Jul 2003 22:17:43 |
Advanced Member
198 Posts |
Posted - 11 Jul 2003 : 02:45:36
Yes, Lewis is NOTARY-us! So be careful how you treat this man.
On a more sedate note -- if you need hard-copy publication of the Copyright Notice, the Palo Alto Daily News did it for me for $130. This included two Affidavits of Publication. Their phone number is 650-327-6397. This may only work in California; I do not know.
Be Well, Doer |
Advanced Member
496 Posts |
Posted - 11 Jul 2003 : 14:02:58
Hi supra94tt,
Yes, I occassionally post there. However, due to all of the flaming that occurs on that groupsite, I usually send my information to Ralph and let him use it or discard it as he desires. I do read the site on a regular basis.
Lewis |
Advanced Member
270 Posts |
Posted - 13 Jul 2003 : 13:35:43
Is a partial copyright notice publishing legal? What provisions are there for it saying it is legal?
Advanced Member
496 Posts |
Posted - 13 Jul 2003 : 13:43:53
If you can get the County Recorder to post the Copyright Notice on the Recorder's Public Bulletin Board, you can publish a notice that it is posted there. That would constitute a partial publishing and be valid.
Lewis |
Advanced Member
270 Posts |
Posted - 13 Jul 2003 : 13:53:06
I have already placed my order with a newspaper and gave them a partial notice. Someone told me, "Just mention in the newspaper the important information in your CopyRight Notice and reference where they can go to see the CopyRight Notice in full". I referenced my name and address where they can get a copy. Is that not going to work? |
Advanced Member
198 Posts |
Posted - 13 Jul 2003 : 18:55:02
That does not sound right. To be safe, you need the tear sheet of the entire notice from the newspaper, and the publisher's Affidavit of Publication in duplicate or triplicate. Palo Alto Daily News did it for me for $130. This is a smal price for lock-down security.
Be Well, Doer |
Regular Member
28 Posts |
Posted - 13 Jul 2003 : 19:10:26
Hi, Can someone please help me.... once I have effectively taken back my STRAWMAN name by successfully copyrighting it, how in the world could any creditor or government agency (Bank, IRS, etc.) ever be able to interface with me, since they only use the STRAWMAN name anyway, without my permission first? I must be missing something? Thanks!
Advanced Member
270 Posts |
Posted - 13 Jul 2003 : 21:26:20
Once you file your UCC 1, Cracking the Code says this:
Whereas the Copyright Notice officialy establishes legal title re the TRADE NAME under common law and sets forth the terms of the consensual contract for its unauthorized use, the UCC is what is used for enforcing the terms of the contract. Even though the copyright Notice does not depend on the UCC for its validity and enforecability, its provisions are written in strict accordance with the UCC guidelines for facilitating easy and thorough nonjudicial foreclosure proceedings on any who would attempt commercial gain at your expense through unauthorized use of your TRADE NAME.
Advanced Member
198 Posts |
Posted - 13 Jul 2003 : 21:42:50
What you are missing is very simple. Banks and all other commercial entities "interface" with you because YOU LET THEM! You sign private contracts to open accounts or whatever, allowing them to use your name as Strawman for business (commercial) purposes. So be VERY CAREFUL what contracts you sign in this regard. Because you likely are giving away some of your rights.
Be Well, Doer |
Advanced Member
270 Posts |
Posted - 13 Jul 2003 : 21:50:04
Can I amend my Power of Attorney that is now filed with the County Recorder? I just noticed that my POA says my strawman is the DEBTOR, but that is not what is on my UCC1. The DEBTOR is the UNITED STATES on my UCC1 and the secured party is my STRAWMAN. Yikes! Do these two documents have to match?? |
Edited by - Livefree on 13 Jul 2003 21:50:52 |
Advanced Member
198 Posts |
Posted - 13 Jul 2003 : 22:38:25
You do not normally amend a recorded document; you just record a new one that takes precedence over any others extant. This is so stated in the new document.
The Strawman is the Debtor vis-a-vis the Secured Party, which is YOU -- the flesh-and-blood Man. That puts YOU in fist position as Creditor, to dissuade any other would-be creditors who are after your wealth.
Other Debtor-Creditor relationships under your control, can also exist simultaneously. So I have no idea what you are doing regarding the U.S. and your Strawman. What is the basis of your claim? And whose process is that?
Advanced Member
270 Posts |
Posted - 13 Jul 2003 : 22:52:13
I took the sample out of Rice McCloud Redemption book. Throughout the book they talk about the real man, as being Agent for SECURED PARTY, not Agent for the DEBTOR.
Anyway, thanks so much, Doer, for your help. I'll figure it out... Arggh. |
Edited by - Livefree on 13 Jul 2003 22:53:08 |
Advanced Member
496 Posts |
Posted - 14 Jul 2003 : 01:47:26
Hi Livefree,
You have to be careful if you use Rice's material without knowing the background of why his is that way. Rice has moved very much into the Republic of Texas arena, and his material is quite often not appropriate for the rest of us. You need to have a thorough knowledge of what he is trying to accomplish, and then adapt it to your needs.
What I am starting to tell people is, to do 2 UCC-1 filings. In the first, the Corporate Governments, i.e. the United States of America, the State of Your Residence are debtors 1 and 2 in the section for Debtors and the Strawman, in all capital letters is the Secured Party. In the second filing, the Strawman is the Debtor and the living soul, your name in proper English capitalization is the Secured Party. So, if you followed Rice's example then you need to complete the second filing.
At that point, your Power of Attorney will be correct.
What did you do for a Security Agreement of your first UCC-1 filing?
Peace to all,
Lewis |
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