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New Member
3 Posts |
Posted - 01 Aug 2002 : 16:39:22
Shalom, Recently, our group, which is called "Qodeshim Intelligence", presented a poll concerning a Resistance Network that would be established in order to form a unified body that could efficiently resist the corrupt principalities in high places that control our government. The poll results were unanimous in favor of the Resistance Network. As a result, Q.I. presented a second poll, asking it's members to carefully examine this particular group and pray whether or not we should invite to the Resistance Network. Again, all votes were unanimously in favor of inviting this said group to combind efforts in a Resistance Network. So, on behalf of Qodeshim Intelligence, I cordaily make this purposal to and to, recognizing that these two organizations are one, and invite them to join in our Resistance Network. You can look into our organization at if you wish to examine this group. We do work out of Yahoo! Groups currently, because we feel that is quite sufficient for what we are looking for. Please take time to pray about this and to meditate on this purposal. We will be waiting for your answer in the meantime.
May Yahweh bless you,
Yahliyahu ben Zadok (Econ Labs, Director of Operations at Qodeshim Intelligence) |
Senior Member
69 Posts |
Posted - 04 Sep 2002 : 05:00:00
In Russia during the Soviet Union days, people were urged to sign up for information on "Government resistance" they would come to a free seminar and then photo ids would be taken and then the people could leave their addresses where they would receive "more information". Weeks later the people who signed up for the information were rounded up and never seen again.
I am not implying that this is the case here, however, I do not trust YAHOO newsgroups. For starters the personal information collected is eagerly handed over to the Government without warrents being issued. Secondly, I have been given enough information to question who really owns
I for one will have to decline the exchance between here and your site at this time. I hardly see reason to maintain two sites. If your people are too eager to have a merge, feel free to come on over to this site and close the account.
1 John 4:1 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
Shiloh |
New Member
3 Posts |
Posted - 03 Oct 2002 : 13:39:03
quote: I have been given enough information to question who really owns
What information do you have. I think my group my be interested in knowing this so we can protect ourselves. Thanks.
Qodeshim Intelligence
Forum Administrator
382 Posts |
Posted - 03 Oct 2002 : 16:09:47

"YAHWEH Who? I Don't Know Any YAHWEH!"
This is what Pharaoh said to Moses when he refused to let the Hebrews leave. "YAH" is the abbreviated word for "YAHWEH" (Hebrew).
YAHOO's slogan is "DO YOU YAH WHO?
New Member
3 Posts |
Posted - 09 Oct 2002 : 17:46:44
This is a posting that was presented to Qodeshim concerning the Resistance Network purposal. Within it states our reason to have several different groups working as one with one cause. This is just to fill you in as much as possible about what Qodeshim Intelligence had in mind when we decided on the Resistance Network purposal. The posting below was written during the time when the Resistance Network purposal was being voted on by the members of Qodeshim Intelligence, and further explains the purpose of the purposal and what good can come out of it. We understand that you were not interested in joining, but we also understood that, after reading the original posting in this thread, we had not given you very much information about the Resistance Network purposal, which in turn cause you to question it's motives. We do not expect you to change your mind through one single posting, but we do wish to keep you more informed on the issue and what it's about. We hope the information provided henceforth will be more enlightening than what we have previously provided.
In Yahweh's service, Torah Keeper (a.k.a. Econ Labs) Qodeshim Intelligence Director of Operations
"Message: 1 Date: Wed, 03 Jul 2002 21:25:58 -0000 From: "econ_labs" <> Subject: Concerning the Poll
Although all current members have voted on the Poll, it will remain until it's automatic conclusion on July 16, 2002 in order to give any new members the oppertunity to vote their oppinion at the Poll. In the meantime, I hope to see some new people joining our cause. So far, votes are showing to be in favor of the motion to develope a network. If the vote concludes as such, then we will begin our developments of the Resistance Network, which will give us much more leeway with the powers that be. In order for this Network to work, there would need to be an Internal Council of the Resistance Network, so that the chairperson of each member group can meet here, present polls, vote on existing polls, post messages and utilize the Qodeshim Intelligence Yahoo! Group to it's fullest potential. This will give Qodeshim Intelligence more authority and influence in our war against the Pagan Alliance. I will discuss the origins of this Pagan Alliance, but not in this Post, or else it would be too long; but in a separate post, so that you can get clear look at the Opposition from where it begins.
Your brother in Messiah, Econ_Labs ( Qodeshim Intelligence Director of Operations."
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