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Junior Member
20 Posts |
Posted - 09 Feb 2004 : 10:57:18
Well I found the Coinage Act of 1792. And it pretty much lays out everything for the mint.
One of the sections, I think 19, says that if the value of a dollar is changed for the profit of one of the officers, then they are charged with treason and penalty of death.
Now I read Title 31 of the USC. And it has the value of the dollar changed. And this is for what reason? Just to profit them.
Death to them all. |
Advanced Member
270 Posts |
Posted - 09 Feb 2004 : 12:04:57
A dollar bill has 'One Dollar' written on it. If an agent for the government requests payment in dollars ($) ask him to redeem the FRN for value (gold) so you can 'pay' him. Tell him that, as an agent for the government, it is his duty to redeem the note; otherwise, it is impossible for you to make 'payment'.
Agents for the government are persons that work for the two signatures on the note: Judges, clerks of court, police, IRS, etc. |
Edited by - Livefree on 09 Feb 2004 12:06:02 |
Advanced Member
496 Posts |
Posted - 09 Feb 2004 : 18:28:32
Better yet, ask him why he would want payment in a fraudulent instrument. An instrument that has been shown in court and upheld by judicial review to be a fraudulent instrument, i.e. the FRN, and I am referring to the Credit River decision.
Lewis |
Junior Member
20 Posts |
Posted - 09 Feb 2004 : 21:04:17
Reading the Federal Reserve Act, it clearly distincts the difference between FRN and lawful money. I have read a few places where it is said that FRN are now lawful money, but the Act says otherwise.
Once again I feel frustrated. Living the way the Bible says, and how Jesus demonstrated, is not supposed to be a frustrating life.
There are a lot of people on this board, and more on other boards. I would guess thousands and thousands of people. Why do we just post to these boards with our points and such. Why are me not banding together as brothers, and fighting this system. There are many people who have gone alone. But I have yet to see a class-action backed by thousands of people.
I seriously doubt they will incarcerate thousands of people at once for such an act. Maybe that is what the Supreme Court is waiting for, not just for an individual to make a stand, but a community.
The people need to wake up, but they wont unless someone shakes them. I say each and every one of us makes a stand.
We all know this is wrong, are we not directed to God to make it known to everyone that it is, and to work to against the wrong. |
Advanced Member
270 Posts |
Posted - 10 Feb 2004 : 19:27:33
Derek wrote: quote: Why do we just post to these boards with our points and such.
We post to share information, and maybe what you are frustrated about is that the information you read isn't as helpful as you want it to be. Well, keep searching, because the answers you seek are out there. There's a price though. I have spent a ton of money educating myself about the fraud, and I'll tell you, I am no freer than I was when I started--although I do feel I'm getting closer all the time. 
Maybe there is a community of likeminded people you can meet with where you live. That is what I am looking into now. We can't do this alone. The Internet helps, but there's only so much you can do for your country on the Internet. 
God is Love
Senior Member
53 Posts |
Posted - 10 Mar 2004 : 11:31:04
quote: Originally posted by True North
Cain wasn't killed by God when he chose the path of coercion. Therefore, it is almost a given that the cities he built were based on coercion, and we get our government and present day cities ready made with that same coercion. All governments are ruled with a rod of iron by the King. Psalms 2:9, Revelation 2:27, Revelation 12:5 and Revelation 19:15. He offers an alternative government not based on coercion but serving one another.
Greetings True North,
I'd like to mention (add in for clarity's sake) that Psalms chapter 2 was speaking about the kings of the earth rising up against YHWH and how He will break and dash them in pieces. Revelation chapter 2 verse 27, YHWH's son was speaking to Christians in Thyatira. YHWH's son speaks about the authority that those who were anointed would have when resurrected, over the nations rebelling against YHWH. They share with YHWH's son in wielding that iron rod of destruction against YHWH's son's enemies in the end.
Note Luke chapter 21 verse 24. The time mentioned in this prophecy has passed.
In Revelation chapter 12 verse 5 we hear John mention "a son, a male" which John states in that fashion in order to show how completely competent YHWH's son is to rule the nations. YHWH's son has all the power he needs at his disposal. This birth mentioned is a huge deal. It is a big part of YHWH's sacred secret being fulfilled (birth of His kingdom). As is mentioned at Psalms chapter 2 verse 9, where YHWH prophesied that His son would break his enemies with an iron scepter and dash them to pieces as if made of pottery. We see another prophecy in Psalm chapter 110 verse 2 regarding the same.
The King who rules with an iron rod is the son of YHWH. Revelation chapter 19 verse 15, John is speaking of YHWH's sons' authority. The sharp sword of length is the authority given by YHWH to his son to bring about the execution of those not supporting the kingdom of YHWH. Note chapter 1 verse 16 and chapter 2 verse 16 of Revelation. Note also the parallel at Isaiah chapter 49 verse 2. At this Scripture, Isaiah was foreshadowing YHWHs' son proclaiming and executing YHWHs' judgments without fail.
Note 2 Thessolonians chapter 2 verses 1 through 3 and verse 8. When this judgment time arrives, the words of Paul will have already been fulfilled. The word "presence" comes from the Greek word pa-rou-si'a. So YHWH's son's presence has been indicated by the revealing of the true nature of Christendom and its' clergy. When the government turns on Christendom it will be sealing the very end of this system of things. Destruction of religions, I believe, is one of the primary goals of installing a socialistic government (someone please point out if they disagree with anything I am typing here), and we can see this beginning to take place in modern times.
As is mentioned in Isaiah chapter 11 verse 4, the prophecy says that YHWH's son will then turn his attention to what is left of the evil system Satan has put in place here on earth. YHWH's son, appointed, of course, by YHWH, will choose who lives through this time and who dies. Please note the following Scriptures: Psalm chapter 2 verse 9 and verse 12; chapter 83 verses 17 and 18; chapter 110 verses 1 and 2 and 5 and 6; and Jeremiah chapter 25 verse 34. The Scripture in Jeremiah is where he (Jeremiah) addresses similar corrupt government leaders and their followers. At least that is the way I have understood it.
I, personally, look forward to this time!
Love and peace to you and yours!
God is Love
Senior Member
53 Posts |
Posted - 10 Mar 2004 : 12:50:46
Good afternoon, everyone!
I am wondering if anyone here has signed w-4's "without prejudice" and exempt. If so, can you please share your experiences in this regard?
Love and peace!
"We now know that the unborn child is an aware, reacting human being who from the sixth month on (and perhaps even earlier) leads an active emotional life."----The Secret Life of the Unborn Child |
Junior Member
20 Posts |
Posted - 15 Mar 2004 : 08:57:14
Originally posted by DerekR Reading the Federal Reserve Act, it clearly distincts the difference between FRN and lawful money. I have read a few places where it is said that FRN are now lawful money, but the Act says otherwise.
Federal Reserve notes are not redeemable in gold, silver or any other commodity, and receive no backing by anything This has been the case since 1933. The notes have no value for themselves, but for what they will buy. In another sense, because they are legal tender, Federal Reserve notes are "backed" by all the goods and services in the economy.
Monopoly money, right?
Randy |
Forum Administrator
382 Posts |
Posted - 15 Mar 2004 : 16:39:48
Advanced Member
762 Posts |
Posted - 16 Mar 2004 : 00:07:49
I think most here would enjoy the following flash presentation:
Edited by - Manuel on 16 Mar 2004 00:08:58 |
19 Posts |
Posted - 15 Apr 2005 : 10:41:12
Someone posted here that you cannot beat them (the system) by using ceasars laws. I agree completely, I have even written a book on this very thing. There is no way you can defeat the monster as it is today with the monsters rules and weapons. they are far to big and strong in their own arena.
This book can be found either here Look for book page at front page or go directly to book page here
David Merrill
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Occasional Poster
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Posted - 23 Dec 2011 : 01:23:57
Hi everyone! I'm a newbie here and I'm looking forward to learning much from all of you. Someone mentioned Randy Lee's approach.....can someone possibly tell me a bit more about it please?
Thanks and blessings, Virginia |
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