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Occasional Poster

11 Posts

Posted - 10 Aug 2013 :  23:36:27  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Greetings to you all. It's been some time since I voiced a position or have partaken in discussion. Please absolve me for my lack of participation. Being foreign born, I would like to ask anyone in the forum how a person would go about filing without the normal birth certificate. I do have a Naturalization certificate. Now as it was a voluntary gesture (somewhat like signing yourself into a mental institution, you can sign yourself out/ rather than being committed as through birth), does one have an out or do you still have to go through the same obligatory process. The problem is I don't have a birth certificate on file. My question is , what is the procedure, if anyone knows? Thanks for the time. I do feel sorry about Lewis, I don't know him personally, but I've spent time in the federal system and do understand how unpleasant the ordeal can be. If you think he could use correspondence, I would certainly be able to jot down a few words of encouragement now and then, if you think he would appreciate hearing from a stranger. Give me a come-back to that. Thanks for listening, I still would appreciate an answer.

Occasional Poster

11 Posts

Posted - 13 Sep 2013 :  20:35:18  Show Profile  Reply with Quote


unable regretfully to assist in your inquiry-

do not know abt lewis hopefully others here will assist

still working on the recission of bc etc myself

be well
Originally posted by ghostwalter

Greetings to you all. It's been some time since I voiced a position or have partaken in discussion. Please absolve me for my lack of participation. Being foreign born, I would like to ask anyone in the forum how a person would go about filing without the normal birth certificate. I do have a Naturalization certificate. Now as it was a voluntary gesture (somewhat like signing yourself into a mental institution, you can sign yourself out/ rather than being committed as through birth), does one have an out or do you still have to go through the same obligatory process. The problem is I don't have a birth certificate on file. My question is , what is the procedure, if anyone knows? Thanks for the time. I do feel sorry about Lewis, I don't know him personally, but I've spent time in the federal system and do understand how unpleasant the ordeal can be. If you think he could use correspondence, I would certainly be able to jot down a few words of encouragement now and then, if you think he would appreciate hearing from a stranger. Give me a come-back to that. Thanks for listening, I still would appreciate an answer.

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