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Posted - 21 Dec 2007 : 07:11:27
Descendants of Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse break away from US
Thursday December 20, 07:26 PM
WASHINGTON (AFP) - The Lakota Indians, who gave the world legendary warriors Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse, have withdrawn from treaties with the United States, leaders said Wednesday.
"We are no longer citizens of the United States of America and all those who live in the five-state area that encompasses our country are free to join us," long-time Indian rights activist Russell Means told a handful of reporters and a delegation from the Bolivian embassy, gathered in a church in a run-down neighborhood of Washington for a news conference.
A delegation of Lakota leaders delivered a message to the State Department on Monday, announcing they were unilaterally withdrawing from treaties they signed with the federal government of the United States, some of them more than 150 years old.
They also visited the Bolivian, Chilean, South African and Venezuelan embassies, and will continue on their diplomatic mission and take it overseas in the coming weeks and months, they told the news conference.
Lakota country includes parts of the states of Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana and Wyoming.
The new country would issue its own passports and driving licences, and living there would be tax-free -- provided residents renounce their US citizenship, Means said.
The treaties signed with the United States are merely "worthless words on worthless paper," the Lakota freedom activists say on their website.
The treaties have been "repeatedly violated in order to steal our culture, our land and our ability to maintain our way of life," the reborn freedom movement says.
Withdrawing from the treaties was entirely legal, Means said.
"This is according to the laws of the United States, specifically article six of the constitution," which states that treaties are the supreme law of the land, he said.
"It is also within the laws on treaties passed at the Vienna Convention and put into effect by the US and the rest of the international community in 1980. We are legally within our rights to be free and independent," said Means.
The Lakota relaunched their journey to freedom in 1974, when they drafted a declaration of continuing independence -- an overt play on the title of the United States' Declaration of Independence from England.
Thirty-three years have elapsed since then because "it takes critical mass to combat colonialism and we wanted to make sure that all our ducks were in a row," Means said.
One duck moved into place in September, when the United Nations adopted a non-binding declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples -- despite opposition from the United States, which said it clashed with its own laws.
"We have 33 treaties with the United States that they have not lived by. They continue to take our land, our water, our children," Phyllis Young, who helped organize the first international conference on indigenous rights in Geneva in 1977, told the news conference.
The US "annexation" of native American land has resulted in once proud tribes such as the Lakota becoming mere "facsimiles of white people," said Means.
Oppression at the hands of the US government has taken its toll on the Lakota, whose men have one of the shortest life expectancies -- less than 44 years -- in the world.
Lakota teen suicides are 150 percent above the norm for the United States; infant mortality is five times higher than the US average; and unemployment is rife, according to the Lakota freedom movement's website.
"Our people want to live, not just survive or crawl and be mascots," said Young.
"We are not trying to embarrass the United States. We are here to continue the struggle for our children and grandchildren," she said, predicting that the battle would not be won in her lifetime. |
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48 Posts |
Posted - 21 Dec 2007 : 08:04:28
CONTACT: Lakota Freedom Naomi Archer, Communications Liaison (828) 230-1404 or Freedom! Lakota Sioux Indians Declare Sovereign Nation Status Threaten Land Liens, Contested Real Estate Over Five State Area in U.S.West Dakota Territory Reverts back to Lakota Control According to U.S., International Law
WASHINGTON, DC - December 20 - Lakota Sioux Indian representatives declared sovereign nation status today in Washington D.C. following Monday's withdrawal from all previously signed treaties with the United States Government. The withdrawal, hand delivered to Daniel Turner, Deputy Director of Public Liaison at the State Department, immediately and irrevocably ends all agreements between the Lakota Sioux Nation of Indians and the United States Government outlined in the 1851 and 1868 Treaties at Fort Laramie Wyoming.
"This is an historic day for our Lakota people," declared Russell Means, Itacan of Lakota. "United States colonial rule is at its end!"
"Today is a historic day and our forefathers speak through us. Our Forefathers made the treaties in good faith with the sacred Canupa and with the knowledge of the Great Spirit," shared Garry Rowland from Wounded Knee. "They never honored the treaties, that's the reason we are here today."
The four member Lakota delegation traveled to Washington D.C. culminating years of internal discussion among treaty representatives of the various Lakota communities. Delegation members included well known activist and actor Russell Means, Women of All Red Nations (WARN) founder Phyllis Young, Oglala Lakota Strong Heart Society leader Duane Martin Sr., and Garry Rowland, Leader Chief Big Foot Riders. Means, Rowland, Martin Sr. were all members of the 1973 Wounded Knee takeover.
"In order to stop the continuous taking of our resources – people, land, water and children- we have no choice but to claim our own destiny," said Phyllis Young, a former Indigenous representative to the United Nations and representative from Standing Rock.
Property ownership in the five state area of Lakota now takes center stage. Parts of North and South Dakota, Nebraska, Wyoming and Montana have been illegally homesteaded for years despite knowledge of Lakota as predecessor sovereign [historic owner]. Lakota representatives say if the United States does not enter into immediate diplomatic negotiations, liens will be filed on real estate transactions in the five state region, clouding title over literally thousands of square miles of land and property.
Young added, "The actions of Lakota are not intended to embarrass the United States but to simply save the lives of our people".
Following Monday's withdrawal at the State Department, the four Lakota Itacan representatives have been meeting with foreign embassy officials in order to hasten their official return to the Family of Nations.
Lakota's efforts are gaining traction as Bolivia, home to Indigenous President Evo Morales, shared they are "very, very interested in the Lakota case" while Venezuela received the Lakota delegation with "respect and solidarity."
"Our meetings have been fruitful and we hope to work with these countries for better relations," explained Garry Rowland. "As a nation, we have equal status within the national community."
Education, energy and justice now take top priority in emerging Lakota. "Cultural immersion education is crucial as a next step to protect our language, culture and sovereignty," said Means. "Energy independence using solar, wind, geothermal, and sugar beets enables Lakota to protect our freedom and provide electricity and heating to our people."
The Lakota reservations are among the most impoverished areas in North America, a shameful legacy of broken treaties and apartheid policies. Lakota has the highest death rate in the United States and Lakota men have the lowest life expectancy of any nation on earth, excluding AIDS, at approximately 44 years. Lakota infant mortality rate is five times the United States average and teen suicide rates 150% more than national average. 97% of Lakota people live below the poverty line and unemployment hovers near 85%.
"After 150 years of colonial enforcement, when you back people into a corner there is only one alternative," emphasized Duane Martin Sr. "The only alternative is to bring freedom into its existence by taking it back to the love of freedom, to our lifeway."
We are the freedom loving Lakota from the Sioux Indian reservations of Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota and Montana who have traveled to Washington DC to withdraw from the constitutionally mandated treaties to become a free and independent country. We are alerting the Family of Nations we have now reassumed our freedom and independence with the backing of Natural, International, and United States law. For more information, please visit our new website at -" target="_blank">
Psa 25:4 Shew me thy ways, O LORD; teach me thy paths. |
Pastor Brian
Junior Member
21 Posts |
Posted - 01 Jan 2008 : 12:14:49
Yes, it is good to see more and more people giving-up allegiance to the arbitrarily man-made corporate commercial-martial satanistic "United States".
However, what most still have not realized is that allegiance to any man-made government is still allegiance to sin, the mesmerism of appearing dis-connected from our Source.
The only allegiance that has everlasting foundation, that is timeless, is the allegiance to Christ our king, to His kingdom, that of Heaven, which must be realized within, that it be lived in the with-out, the external world.
It is written: Come out from among them and be ye separate, saith the Lord... No servant can serve two masters... Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
For those in need of Kingdom resources, you may visit the website for the Embassy of Heaven at: "" . |
Advanced Member
86 Posts |
Posted - 19 Mar 2008 : 13:39:14
Has anyone received any reply when contacting the Lakota ? |
Regular Member
48 Posts |
Posted - 05 Apr 2008 : 07:26:55
quote: Originally posted by Owenbrittont
Has anyone received any reply when contacting the Lakota ?
Wed, 2 Jan 2008 23:13:05 -0500 "Lakota Freedom" <>
Friends and Allies;
Thank you all for your expressions of encouragement, support and solidarity. At this time, we are putting together information for supporters of Lakota Freedom. In order to best serve our mutual needs, we'd like to provide the following information and make the following requests. 1. We are in the process of creating a listserve and supporter database to keep allies informed. If you'd like to be included on this list, please provide your name, email and location. 2. Many of the emails received to date have been declarations of support. If you are interested in offering active support and volunteering your time and energies, please email us with these intentions and your abilities, skills and resources, as well as your contact information. 3. At this time we are setting up a way to accept donations and gifts for the Lakota Nation that is accountable to the People. If you are interested in helping us, please be patient as we set up the structures necessary to accept these kinds of aid. 4. Information about the possibilities of immigration and relocation to the Nation will be forthcoming. Keep checking the website for updates on the future of the Nation.
Due to the volume of incoming emails, it would be very helpful if you included the code INFORESPONSE in the subject of your responding emails to
Pilameya - thank you!
After 150 years of colonial enforcement, when you back people into a corner there is only one alternative. That alternative is to bring freedom back into existence by taking it back - back to the love of freedom, to our lifeway. Canupa Gluha Mani
Psa 25:4 Shew me thy ways, O LORD; teach me thy paths. |
Regular Member
48 Posts |
Posted - 03 May 2008 : 07:38:00
“A person born in the United States has rights under this amendment (the 14th) to remain a citizen unless he voluntarily relinquishes the citizenship.” Baker v Rusk, Cal. (1969) 236 F. Supp. 1244; Reynolds v. Haskin, C.A.A. Kan. 1925, 8 F. 2d 473
The "journey" of life has many possible roads. The sovereign individual chooses the one less traveled. |
Advanced Member
496 Posts |
Posted - 04 May 2008 : 13:55:53
I don't understand what the above quote has to do with the Lakota Nation. A "person" as defined in Executive Order 6260 can only be a corporate entity. It does not apply to the "Men" of the Lakota Nation. Can a man be a citizen of a corporation? Since the United States is a federal corporation. See 28 USC 3002(15)(a).
The Law of Nations says every Man has the right to political self-determination, i.e. he can choose his Citizenship.
Just a few thoughts.
Peace to you all,
Lewis A Man on the Land on Washington as a Citizen thereon. |
Regular Member
48 Posts |
Posted - 17 May 2008 : 07:57:49
Is the "Lakota Nation" not a "person"? If it is, can it not "voluntarily relinquish [its] citizenship"? And, if it can, are the "'Men' of the Lakota Nation" not then also free of the United States? Isn't that what the thirteen orginal colonies did to the "the State of Great Britain"?
"The United States Declaration of Independence is an act of the Second Continental Congress, adopted on July 4, 1776, which declared that the Thirteen Colonies in North America were "Free and Independent States" and that "all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved.""
p.s. This could prove to be very useful: "The Law of Nations says every Man has the right to political self-determination, i.e. he can choose his Citizenship." Could you please provide the precise location of this in the "Law of Nations"?
The "journey" of life has many possible roads. The sovereign individual chooses the one less traveled. |
Edited by - Mary on 17 May 2008 08:35:35 |
Advanced Member
496 Posts |
Posted - 21 May 2008 : 19:21:37
Greetings Mary,
I would not consider the "Lakota Nation" to be a "person". A "person" is only a corporate entity. A "nation" is a "State". A lot of difference under the "Law of Nations".
I would not question the "men" of the Lakota Nation could relinquish their so called U.S. citizenship, as only the Corporate Entity bearing the man's name is the U.S. citizen. That is the same thing I did when I declared my Citizenship to be on the soil of Washington the Country and State. I severed all relationship to the Corporate Entity bearing a similar name.
p.s. I cannot at this time give you the section reference in the Law of Nations, as I am living in a difficult situation and do not have access to all of my research material. I hope this will change in the near future.
Peace to you all,
Lewis A Man on the Land on Washington as a Citizen thereon. |
Regular Member
48 Posts |
Posted - 23 May 2008 : 07:58:53
Isn't the "Lakota Nation" a "corporate entity"? Isn't it "a corporation', or "body politic", 'which sets its existence apart from the status of its shareholders', doesn't it have 'the capacity to have a name of its own, to sue and be sued in its own name" and even enter into treaties, in its own name, with other "corporate entities", such as the Virginia Company or the United States of America?
The "journey" of life has many possible roads. The sovereign individual chooses the one less traveled. |
Edited by - Mary on 23 May 2008 08:01:58 |
Regular Member
31 Posts |
Posted - 24 May 2008 : 09:41:59
There is a definite distinction between a body politic and a body corporate. In a free state the public is an indefinite entity in law and governmental authority, referred to as the State, is not exercised through a person but an office regulated by legal rules established under a covenant, a constitution, which reflects that law which is written in the hearts of the people.
A body corporate is an artificial entity, the STATE, created under the legal rules of the State to regulate commerce and trade between businesses. |
Advanced Member
496 Posts |
Posted - 24 May 2008 : 13:39:40
You cannot sue the United States of America. Therefore, the corporate entity UNITED STATES had to be created. Or for example, you cannot sue England, however you can sue the CROWN OF ENGLAND, a corporation sole.
If the "Lakota Nation" is in fact a "nation", then no, it cannot be sued. It will have to form a corporate entity to carry on business.
Suryeyor's answer says it very well.
Regular Member
48 Posts |
Posted - 26 May 2008 : 07:31:48
quote: There is a definite distinction between a body politic and a body corporate.
Body politic or corporate. A social compact by which the whole people covenants with each citizen, and each citizen with the whole people, that all shall be governed by certain laws for the common good. Also a term applied to a municipal corporation, school district, county, or city, State or nations or public associations.
Then why are they listed as one and the same in Black's Law Dictionary, 6th Edition?
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA vs ROGER UNTERBERGER, MUHAMMAD BHATTI, and GO-TRANS (NORTH AMERICA) INC.; No. O7 CR 22; Violation: Title 18, United States Code, Section 1001(a)(1)
It looks like the "United States of America" can sue, so why can't it be sued?
The "journey" of life has many possible roads. The sovereign individual chooses the one less traveled. |
Edited by - Mary on 26 May 2008 07:35:23 |
Advanced Member
496 Posts |
Posted - 01 Jun 2008 : 15:38:50
The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA that you refer to in the above case is a corporation, it is NOT the United States of America, which is the body politic of the People. The UNITED STATES CODE is the operating instructions for corporate entities.
Hope this help,
Lewis A Man on the Land on Washington as one of the People thereon. |
Regular Member
48 Posts |
Posted - 11 Jun 2008 : 07:37:13
quote: Originally posted by Lewish : The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA that you refer to in the above case is a corporation, it is NOT the United States of America, which is the body politic of the People.
Are you saying that the 'United States of America' is a 'body politic', but a 'body politic' is NOT a 'corporation', i.e. 'an artificial person or legal entity'? CORPORATION, n. A body politic or corporate, formed and authorized by law to act as a single person; a society having the capacity of transacting business as an individual. This is all very confusing.
The "journey" of life has many possible roads. The sovereign individual chooses the one less traveled. |
Advanced Member
86 Posts |
Posted - 17 Jun 2008 : 14:20:13
What is meant by immigration ? Do those joining the Lakota have to relocate ? or did you mean naturalize ?? |
Regular Member
48 Posts |
Posted - 19 Jun 2008 : 06:33:21
quote: Originally posted by Owenbrittont
What is meant by immigration ? Do those joining the Lakota have to relocate ? or did you mean naturalize ??
That was part of the automated response from Wed, 2 Jan 2008 23:13:05 -0500 "Lakota Freedom" <> but this may help.
"Citizenship is open to all Lakotah people and to any resident of the land Lakotah claims who renounce their United States citizenship. The group plans to issue its own passports and driving licenses in the name of the proposed nation." [Catherine Elsworth. "Sitting Bull's tribe declares independence", The Daily Telegraph, 2007-12-26. Retrieved on 2007-12-31 and Russell Means, Interview with Ed Morissey. Heading Right. Blogtalkradio. 2007-12-22. (Interview). Retrieved on 2008-01-05]
The "journey" of life has many possible roads. The sovereign individual chooses the one less traveled. |
Edited by - Mary on 19 Jun 2008 07:20:27 |
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