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David Merrill
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Posted - 23 Jul 2008 : 11:44:22
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Posted - 03 Aug 2008 : 21:47:46
Hi David,
I've been away for a while, doing battle with the beast in my own way, and the learning the consequent lessons.
Having stymied the NZ tax man at every turn, I have found nevertheless that he persists with the notion that an arbitrary "tax" of his choosing is owed by anyone who does not voluntaryily cough up a significant portion of their earnings with regularity. His persistence in the face of no enforceable law is what puzzled me for some time.
Today I believe it all makes sense, but only when understood in the light of what you have put in your recent video. We are being punished for using unlawful credit.
I would appreciate your insight on a number of issues which this raises:
1) You mention being bonded when we sign our paycheck. How else are we bonded, as here Down Under most people are paid electronically, and we do not have to sign checks to deposit them in any event.
2) Who issues the remedy - the US Notes? Is this the Treasury?
3) How else might we convert our pay, or insist that we be paid lawfully, if we are not issued a paper check?
4) Any ideas on how we can take control of the fact that the system needs our bond to back its "money"? Should we not be able to take control of this, and decide how and when we accept bonding? I am thinking in terms of a no-interest loan for buying a house. I.e. a circumstance where we have not earned enough lawful money and actually need some credit.
5) Any idea on what legal terminology I should search on when looking for a similar remedy in NZ law? I have never heard of New Zealand Notes, and cannot find them referred to in any current statutes (which are available for search online). I need to get to a law library to read the older statutes which may be more explicit on the subject.
6) Have you looked into using an IRS form 1099OID as a means of getting back taxes paid by mistake? If you are aware of this method, any thoughts on it or whether there is a better/easier method?
Thanks and Blessings
"Of the increase of His government and peace there shall be no end" Isaiah 9:7 |
Regular Member
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Posted - 08 Aug 2008 : 00:20:26
After several attempts .... its loading and playing again. Awesome Video!!!
================================================== “When you set to dine with a ruler, note well what is placed before you, and put a knife to your throat if you are given to gluttony. Do not crave his delicacies, for that food is deceptive.”- Proverbs 23:1-3 |
Advanced Member
209 Posts |
Posted - 11 Nov 2008 : 14:24:26
Well it appears that David has left the building.
Meanwhile, in the time since I asked these questions, I have found most of the answers.
The remedy for New Zealand is found in the Wages Protection Act 1983. That Act defines "money" as being "New Zealand coins" and "New Zealand banknotes". The stuff people pass around on a daily basis is "Reserve Bank notes".
Once you have accepted (Federal) Reserve Bank fiction as "pay", you have voluntarily surrendered your labor in exchange for an item of no value. You are then without lawful remedy for converting the unlawful funny munny into lawful money. All you can do is find some other sucker to defraud. The banks are not about to give you a remedy. I've tried, and I have the letters from the NZ Reserve Bank saying, "Tough luck", or something to that effect.
To obtain credit outside the banking system, our remedy is the Social Security Act. NZ has an Act by that name as well. A "security" is the bond that allows the issuing of credit. Your birth certificate is that bond. There should be some good clues in the legislation, for those willing to research it. I have only delved into the NZ system. But don't make the mistake of trying to convert this credit within the Govt system, into credit in the banking system. I.e. once you have them admitting that they owe you something, demand that it be paid in U.S. Notes, rather than FED Notes.
In New Zealand, one would demand to be paid in "New Zealand banknotes" as the equivalent, non-usurious Govt issued currency to United States Notes.
The tax man becomes irrelevant once you start getting paid in lawful money. Lawful money is your property, and no one can take that from you. FED Notes are still owned by the Federal Reserve, even when they are in your pocket. The tax man is generous in letting you keep more than half of them. Asking the tax man for a refund is misguided, in my view. All he can give you back is the poisoned pill: FED Notes.
"Of the increase of His government and peace there shall be no end" Isaiah 9:7 |
David Merrill
Advanced Member
1147 Posts |
Posted - 10 Sep 2009 : 18:20:19
quote: Originally posted by Caleb
Well it appears that David has left the building.
Meanwhile, in the time since I asked these questions, I have found most of the answers.
The remedy for New Zealand is found in the Wages Protection Act 1983. That Act defines "money" as being "New Zealand coins" and "New Zealand banknotes". The stuff people pass around on a daily basis is "Reserve Bank notes".
Once you have accepted (Federal) Reserve Bank fiction as "pay", you have voluntarily surrendered your labor in exchange for an item of no value. You are then without lawful remedy for converting the unlawful funny munny into lawful money. All you can do is find some other sucker to defraud. The banks are not about to give you a remedy. I've tried, and I have the letters from the NZ Reserve Bank saying, "Tough luck", or something to that effect.
To obtain credit outside the banking system, our remedy is the Social Security Act. NZ has an Act by that name as well. A "security" is the bond that allows the issuing of credit. Your birth certificate is that bond. There should be some good clues in the legislation, for those willing to research it. I have only delved into the NZ system. But don't make the mistake of trying to convert this credit within the Govt system, into credit in the banking system. I.e. once you have them admitting that they owe you something, demand that it be paid in U.S. Notes, rather than FED Notes.
In New Zealand, one would demand to be paid in "New Zealand banknotes" as the equivalent, non-usurious Govt issued currency to United States Notes.
The tax man becomes irrelevant once you start getting paid in lawful money. Lawful money is your property, and no one can take that from you. FED Notes are still owned by the Federal Reserve, even when they are in your pocket. The tax man is generous in letting you keep more than half of them. Asking the tax man for a refund is misguided, in my view. All he can give you back is the poisoned pill: FED Notes.
"Of the increase of His government and peace there shall be no end" Isaiah 9:7
Thanks for that.
Advanced Member
209 Posts |
Posted - 28 Jul 2011 : 17:16:52
The above was my last post on these forums until today. What has been learned since then makes the above, while still true, mostly irrelevant.
There are no "New Zealand banknotes" or "United States Notes" other than in theory, as these would have to be backed by gold or silver. The last US Notes were issued in 1963 by authority of John F. Kennedy, and he was assassinated shortly thereafter. He did not know that the last silver coins on the globe were slated to be issued the very next year, and that we would use scrap metal coins ever after. His intentions were honorable, but he was interfering with an ancient plan that was very definite in its objectives, and that was not about to be derailed by one young upstart.
The following link contains what I have learned since about the remedy we have sought, as well as what I am certain is to be the next stage of the ancient plan:
We are indeed being punished for using unlawful credit, but it goes much deeper than that. Sermon on the Mount deeper.
The Federal Reserve is the administrator of the national bankruptcy, as are all Reserve or Central Banks across the globe, for their respective countries. So they have no monetary remedy to offer us. They are the creature that took away our lawful money as an asset in the national bankruptcy. They hold it in "reserve", even publishing the amount as "gold reserves" (approximately One Ounce for every man, woman and child in the country), but will not redeem FED Notes for the real stuff because bankrupts are not allowed access to the administered assets. Those assets are the property of the creditors, and contrary to some popular theories out there, we are most definitely NOT the creditors!
"Of the increase of His government and peace there shall be no end" Isaiah 9:7 |
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