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Posted - 21 Jan 2008 :  17:51:52  Show Profile  Visit berkano's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I believe that many overlook basic gospel truth as they follow many rabbit trails into law, paperwork schemes, and outward works intended to rescue or save, forgetting that Christ is our salvation and that simply abiding in the Word of God is our greatest defense. I know from personal experience that the most dangerous or contentious times in my life have always been when not abiding in the word, usually in forsaking assembling together in Christ. If we are gathered together in his name, in righteousness, not in pride or sanctimony, his spirit is with us and protects us. "The word of the Lord is mighty, to the pulling down of strongholds." I know many into "Christian Patriotism" forsake gathering together and get picked off nilly-willy by the world. "Forsake not assembling yourselves together."

Many people are talking about ways of combatting the world, but if you do not gather, do not have strong fellowship, you are lone sheep ready for the wolves' easy pickin's.

Christ, the living word, the Bible, the written word, are both part of the word of God. To reject either is to reject both...The Bible is not perfect because imperfect words and imperfect men have handed it down to us--but it is true...It does not teach any false principles and following its precepts will never lead us into sin...rather the written word will lead us to the living word, Jesus the Christ!

I think so many are chasing material expressions of basic gospel truth that they miss the simple, inerrant word of truth and the spirit within it. It's almost like the gospel is being turned into a codified book of legal spells to get out of jail free.

Most of the prophets and apostles spent plenty of time in jails and holes in the ground. Even Christ "abated" Pilate yet was still crucified. Christ knew Pilate could kill his body but not his soul. "You have no power over me."

Do not expect abatements or paperworks to save you. They are an outward work, not the inward subjection of the man to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. That is the only real salvation.

Basic Gospel Principles could be stated as:

1. Man has disobeyed God and is fallen into sin and death and hell.
"For the wages of sin is death."
"The natural man is an enemy to God."

2. God came as Jesus the Christ to suffer for our sins and save us FROM sin.
"For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever should believe on him should not perish but have everlasting life."

3. Christ was born of the virgin Mary. It was a literal virgin birth, as Mary became pregnant without ever having known a man.

4. He died and rose again the third day.

5. If we accept his sacrifice and allow his spirit to turn us from sin, we will be saved from the power of the flesh, the world, and the devil. "The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." "For by grace are ye saved through faith; it is the gift of God; not of works, lest any man should boast."

6. We will enter the kingdom of heaven and continue there even after we die. That is eternal life. "The Kingdom of God is within you."

7. The world is the jurisdiction of the devil. The kingdom is the jurisdiction of Jesus the Christ. "We wrestle not with flesh and blood but with principalities and powers...."

A few ancillary points....

Both kingdoms are here, now, not just after we die, but they continue after death as heaven and hell.

If we assemble in the Name of Christ and do his will, the Kingdom of heaven is among us and within us.

This is all about a present reality and a future state after death. If we are not in the Kingdom of Heaven now, we will not be there when we die. It is both a place and a state of living in Christ irrespective of place.

We do not need legal strategies, paperwork, recissions, redemptions, or anything material whatsover to live in Christ.

We simply do his will. Repent of sin. Assemble in His Name. Do the daily ministration in His Name. Keep His Commandments. That alone is most of the protection he gives. It allows us to be at peace with all men, as much as possible.

Of course there will be times when God allows believers to be persecuted. That is the time to witness Christ to the persecutors.

Many people on the internet state that organized churches or 501(c)(3) churches have sold out to the devil.

Explain to me why I don't see the Internet critics feeding the sheep, while many of the "sellouts" are feeding the sheep both spiritually and physically with the word of God and attending to their earthly needs as well?

If the "paper redemtionists" and "paper saviors" have it all together, why do I not see congregations of them all over caring for the sick, the elderly, the poor, the widowed, the orphaned? Yet I see members of IRS-exempt churches doing the work that Jesus commanded.

Is it because many Christian Patriots have forgotten about the basic tenets of the Gospel of Jesus the Christ? The simple message of a babe in a manger who brought salvation if we believe Him and follow? Is that too simple a message for the sophisticated?


Pastor Brian
Junior Member

21 Posts

Posted - 25 Jan 2008 :  15:53:26  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
A potentially very helpful resource, for those who are fully called-out ambassadors for Christ, living in the kingdom of Heaven, is the Embassy of Heaven. The website presence for the Embassy can be found at: "" .

Many of the Kingdom resources available can assist one in his/her Christ-appointed mission in the world...more succinctly expressed: Church-issued documentation is available, for various needs/functions.
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Posted - 29 Jan 2008 :  22:16:23  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Keeping the faith

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Posted - 29 Jan 2008 :  22:36:10  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Goodnight, my Angel
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