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Advanced Member

86 Posts

Posted - 30 Nov 2005 :  18:48:55  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Saw a post any truth ???

If you walk into a court room with a white flag of truce and a Bible the judge supposedly must leave the room and put on a white robe and step down and negotiate.

Advanced Member

209 Posts

Posted - 01 Dec 2005 :  17:00:16  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Reminds me of the end of the third movie in the Matrix trilogy. Neo stood before the machine as it asked, "What do you want?" His one-word answer: "Peace". Immediately the fighting down in Zion ceased.

While I have not tried this, it makes complete sense, as their only jurisdiction to do anything against you comes from the laws of war and the presumption that you are an "enemy combatant".

I would be surprised to see the judge exit and re-enter wearing a white robe (representing ecclesiastical law, as well as being a flag of truce). However, I would not be surprised to have the judge do the same thing the judge did at my very first court case. "I'd like to settle this matter without a trial."

They will still test you to see whether you maintain your peaceful stance in the face of accusations. So do not think you can walk out unscathed without knowing how to answer questions in such a way as to keep the burden of proof on the prosecution while not dishonouring the court or their laws.

"Of the increase of His government and peace there shall be no end"
Isaiah 9:7
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David Merrill
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Posted - 01 Dec 2005 :  20:10:35  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
While I have not tried this, it makes complete sense, as their only jurisdiction to do anything against you comes from the laws of war and the presumption that you are an "enemy combatant".

Very true. And a novel idea. Has anyone tried it?

Without a defense, there can be no defendant. A plea bargain requires a series of questions (to establish competency) and a guilty plea. But just simple unconditional surrender...

Now that might just stump process completely. I doubt it will convert the judge and start a different ecclesiatical process though. I doubt these attorneys in the black robes have a secret white robe hidden in the closet back in chambers.

See if you can spot any contingency for complete enemy surrender.


David Merrill.

Edited by - David Merrill on 01 Dec 2005 20:11:38
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496 Posts

Posted - 01 Dec 2005 :  21:08:38  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Who said anything about surrender? Carrying a white flag is "in itinere" in peace.

Have any of you actually read Title 50 U.S. Code, Section: Trading with the Enemy Act?

If you had, you might have a whole new take on this concept and why "they" can't proceed under such circumstances.

Peace to you all,

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David Merrill
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1147 Posts

Posted - 01 Dec 2005 :  22:23:23  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Lewish


Who said anything about surrender? Carrying a white flag is "in itinere" in peace.

Have any of you actually read Title 50 U.S. Code, Section: Trading with the Enemy Act?

If you had, you might have a whole new take on this concept and why "they" can't proceed under such circumstances.

Peace to you all,


Thanks for that lead Lewis. I have only skimmed the Trading With the Enemy Act; primarily for its context in amendments made in 1933 during the Bankers' Holiday.

Come to think of it, a white flag is construed as well to be a flag of truce? Is that it?


David Merrill.

Edited by - David Merrill on 01 Dec 2005 22:24:26
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833 Posts

Posted - 03 Dec 2005 :  07:14:24  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Greetings and salutations in the name of our King, brothers and sisters:

Lewis: Who said anything about surrender? Carrying a white flag is "in itinere" in peace.

Peace be unto the house.

Owen: If you walk into a court room with a white flag of truce and a Bible the judge supposedly must leave the room and put on a white robe and step down and negotiate. [Emphasis added]

And what are we to do if he doesn't?

And when ye come into an house, salute it. And if the house be worthy, let your peace come upon it: but if it be not worthy, let your peace return to you.

David Merrill: Without a defense, there can be no defendant.

Excellent response, DM!!

“…but I say to you, Do not resist the evil…” This is not about not stopping a murderer, rapist or thief, we have our instructions concerning these things; we must remember, YaHuWShuWaH [IESUS] is our Wonderful Counsellor, he brings Good Tidings, i.e. Lawful Advice!

I will give to Yerusalem one that bringeth Good Tidings. For I beheld, and there was no man; even among them, and there was no counsellor, that, when I asked of them, could answer a word.

GOOD, a. 1. Valid; legally firm; not weak or defective… Webster's 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language

TI'DINGS, n. plu. News; advice; information; intelligence; account of what has taken place, and was not before known.

2) Good Tidings
…the term comprises also the preaching of (concerning) Messiah procure eternal salvation for the men and women in the Kingdom of YaHuWaH
[Adapted from Thayer's]

The evil that our Wonderful Counselor speaks of in the above verse is the, or perhaps are the, so-called devil(s), or in law parlance, the calumniator(s).

CALUMNIATOR, n. One who slanders; one who falsely and knowingly accuses another of a crime or offense, or maliciously propagates false accusations or reports. [Ibid.]

And just who is this calumniator, this false accuser?

ACCU'SER, n. One who accuses or blames; an officer who prefers an accusation against another for some offense, in the name of the government... (Ibid.)

Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our 'Elohiym, and the power of his Anointed One: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our 'Elohiym day and night.

Here for the edification of the body is one of Dr Strong's definitions for the Greek word categoros, which was translated accuser in the above verse: a complainant at law

COMPLAINANT, n. 1. A prosecutor; one who prosecutes by complaint, or commences a legal process against an offender for the recovery of a right or penalty. (Ibid.)

And prosecutor is merely an alternate spelling of persecuter.

fellowcitizen of the commonwealth of Yisra'el,
NOT the man-made, fictional USA.
Ephesians 2:12 & 19
An act done by me against my will is not my act.

Edited by - Oneisraelite on 03 Dec 2005 08:41:49
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496 Posts

Posted - 03 Dec 2005 :  23:13:31  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hello David,

OK, here are a few hints. Why haven't they arrested me? Could it be that I am truly a "Man on the Land", as I claim, and that my flag of peace is un-breachable?

Look at the provisions in Section 16 of the TWEA. Then you will know.

Peace to all,

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Advanced Member

86 Posts

Posted - 04 Dec 2005 :  13:22:23  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Lewish... pardon my ignorance but what is TWEA ???
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Posted - 04 Dec 2005 :  17:44:43  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Owenbrittont

Lewish... pardon my ignorance but what is TWEA ???

This may help...


Originally posted by Lewis


Who said anything about surrender? Carrying a white flag is "in itinere" in peace.

Have any of you actually read Title 50 U.S. Code, Section: Trading with the Enemy Act?

If you had, you might have a whole new take on this concept and why "they" can't proceed under such circumstances.

Peace to you all,


[Emphases add]

Originally posted by David

Thanks for that lead Lewis. I have only skimmed the Trading With the Enemy Act; primarily for its context in amendments made in 1933 during the Bankers' Holiday.

Come to think of it, a white flag is construed as well to be a flag of truce? Is that it?


David Merrill.

[Emphases add]

Admittedly, I was tempted to post the same question.

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Posted - 04 Dec 2005 :  20:18:13  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
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Jay Scott
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181 Posts

Posted - 05 Dec 2005 :  16:38:55  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I found a PDF document that contains what is apparently the Trading With the Enemy Act here:

And online here:

Originally posted by Lewis

Look at the provisions in Section 16 of the TWEA. Then you will know.

Pardon *my* ignorance, but, after reading section 16 in the above linked documents, I still don't know.

I'm guessing...but does it have to do with the references to "vessels" indicating Admiralty/Maritime jurisdiction? And Lewis' reference to a "Man on the Land" indicating common law jurisdiction? And the white flag, not a flag of surrender, but a flag of nationality? I feel like I'm stretching.

And "in itinere", another puzzle for my brain. I only found:

a reference to "in itinere". Sounds like a circuit judge. ?

Thanks to all who are willing to share and edify.

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David Merrill
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1147 Posts

Posted - 06 Dec 2005 :  03:30:22  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thank you Jay;

Many times we are all too willing to infer a lead.
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496 Posts

Posted - 06 Dec 2005 :  23:26:34  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hello Jay,

OK, a few more thoughts for you. The white flag is a flag of peace. The "Man on the Land" is at peace with all nations and powers. Work on that thought relative to TWEA.

"in itinere" means in transit, not permanently located. I am a "Man on the Land in itinere on my way to Heaven".

What say ye?


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Jay Scott
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181 Posts

Posted - 07 Dec 2005 :  20:16:28  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Warm Greetings, David Merrill and Lewis-Vincent, (and on a cold day to boot)

Originally posted by David Merrill

Thank you Jay;

Many times we are all too willing to infer a lead.

David, you're welcome to what little I have to offer. Thank *you* for your generous and prolific posting and reports of your ongoing experiments. Admittedly I am unable to follow most of it, but am hoping some of your insight and perspective will rub off if I keep reading.

Inferences, suggestions and challenges may be a proper tack. We tend not to value highly what comes too easily or cheaply. And it is necessary that gray matter be consumed for internalization to occur. Also, and most important to me, is that the source be Internal, not external. Hand-holding and spoon-feeding are for babes--God bless them.

Originally posted by Lewis-Vincent

OK, a few more thoughts for you. The white flag is a flag of peace. The "Man on the Land" is at peace with all nations and powers. Work on that thought relative to TWEA.

"in itinere" means in transit, not permanently located. I am a "Man on the Land in itinere on my way to Heaven".

What say ye?

Yea! Says my heart, while my mind renders confusion and uncertainty how to proceed.

I gather, generally speaking, a "Man on the Land" makes every effort to not avail himself of State (meaning involuntarily-funded government) privilege (the more pervasive the State, the more difficult, maybe impossible, this becomes) no matter the sacrifice in comfort or "social standing". Also, the "MotL" makes every effort to rescind past actions that availed him (or made him appear to avail himself) of State privilege. And the "MotL" rebuts all presumptions he is aware of made by others that he avails himself of State privilege. And finally, I think, the "MotL" learns to navigate the land using God's laws, and the high seas using man's laws (which are, in my opinion, perversions of God's laws--for neither Evil nor man can create, but can only pervert what God created). None-the-less, learning the "MotL's" court procedures (process server? what's that? post office clerk? Postal mail, notary, county clerk, public records?) and learn maritime/administrative court procedures (subject matter jurisdiction, UCC, Federal Rules of Evidence, Federal Rules of Civil/Criminal Procedure...).

But, this is general, and conjecture at that.

Thanks for letting me rant.

In the meantime, Lewis, I intend to take your advice and study the TWEA with "peace with all nations and powers" in mind. It appears the link: only sections 5 and 16, whereas the link: more complete with 40-some sections. This seems the one to study.

Man on the Land-wanna be

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833 Posts

Posted - 08 Dec 2005 :  19:08:43  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Greetings and salutations, Lewis:

Peace be unto the house.

You wrote: "in itinere" means in transit, not permanently located. I am a "Man on the Land in itinere on my way to Heaven". What say ye?

Though this question was directed to someone else...

Leviticus 25:23b are strangers and sojourners with me.

1Chronicles 29:15 For we are strangers before thee, and sojourners, as were all our fathers: our days on the earth are as a shadow, and there is none abiding.

SO'JOURNER, n. A temporary resident; a stranger or traveler who dwells in a place for a time. - Webster's 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language

And if we remain strangers to the worldly covenants, we are ones "who, in no event resulting from the existing state of affairs, can become liable for the debt, and whose property is not charged with the payment thereof and cannot be sold therefor" (Black's Law Dictionary).

Unfortunately, most of us remain strangers to YaHuWaH's covenant and instead choose, with or without our knowledge, to affiliate ourselves with the governments of men.

AFFIL'IATE, v.t. [L. ad and filius, a son.] 1. To adopt; to receive into a family as a son. 2. To receive into a society as a member, and initiate in its mysteries, plans, or intrigues... - Webster's 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language

And we are translated, i.e. we are conveyed to heaven, by dying to the world (civil death)...

Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot know the Kingdom of YaHuWaH.

...and affiliating ourselves with YaHuWaH, the Living One.

For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of YaHuWaH: And if children, then heirs; heirs of YaHuWaH, and joint-heirs with the Anointed One; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.

fellowcitizen of the commonwealth of Yisra'el,
NOT the man-made, fictional USA.
Ephesians 2:12 & 19
An act done by me against my will is not my act.

Edited by - Oneisraelite on 09 Dec 2005 09:08:12
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496 Posts

Posted - 09 Dec 2005 :  14:13:33  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hello Jay,

You have done a good job of starting to understand what being a "Man on the Land" is all about. But remember, you are a "Man on the Land, which is beyond the Sea." Once you get down to the sea, you fall into their traps.

Warning, a street address is considered a port on a waterway.

Oneisraelite describes "in itinere" quite well using the scriptures. That what we are. We are temporarily "here" while our House in the Kingdom is being prepared. We sojourn across the lands, because no place here can be home if we are born-again believers in Jesus. I will use the common american spelling and pronunciation, thank you.

Being a Man on the Land begins with a change of mind-set to become a sojourner. Then, you give proper notice to all the authorities of your true and proper status. There are at least 6 agencies which must be served notice. Then, you revoke the fiduciary liabilities between the man and the public vessels, and then you revoke all other contracts based upon the SS-5. Now you have a very good start at being sovereign.

Peace to all,

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Jay Scott
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181 Posts

Posted - 09 Dec 2005 :  19:10:05  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks to you, Lewis. I think your spelling and pronunciation are just what The Doctor ordered.

Here we go...

STEP 1: Change of mindset. CHECK.

This comes easy. God made me the kind of creature that usually swims upstream, even before I knew why (actually I still don't know why). I may get a lot of fish slaps in the face this way, but at least I don't have to look at all those rear-ends.

STEP 2: Live "on the land", not "on the sea". I.e., don't avail oneself of State privilege or affiliation, etc. IN PROCESS.

In my previous post I suggested I learn to "navigate...the high seas using man's laws". Maybe a better suggestion would be to understand man's laws and how he navigates the high seas so I will be able to identify whether or not I'm being shanghaied. I think a big problem preventing many of us from being free is we don't know how to recognize bondage.

STEP 3: Notify appropriate State agencies of one's sojourner mindset (at least 6 agencies are necessary). NO PROGRESS.

I have to guess what agencies (IRS, Post Office?, DOJ?, Homeland Security? Dixie Chicks?) and I think I've seen examples of statements like this. I think they're called "Asservation of Status", or something like that.

Are STEP 2 and 3 interchangeable? I don't think so, before one makes independent statements, he better darn well be independent. Also, it occurs to me, once someone makes some serious headway cutting the ties that bind, he'll probably have a better idea what he's talking about with the "Asservation of Status" and not go off halfcocked.

STEP 4, STEP 5...

A lot of work to be done--the tide is going out.

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Posted - 09 Dec 2005 :  21:50:35  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Greetings Brother Jay,

My, you are a quick student. You have it pretty close, except for STEP 3. There are NO State agencies. Only agencies of the federal corporation that we have ( or had ) agreed to be in bondage to by contract. It is all about contracts.

Send me a private message with your personal e-mail address, and I will forward you a list, with addresses, of all of the agencies that I served, so far. I know for certain, there is at least one agency in that list that no one on this forum will have ever thought of. So, when you get the list, keep it to yourself. Make 'em wonder and search. grin.

The steps as I did them are:

1. Declared my Citizenship, Dwelling, and Sovereign status.
2. Revoked all fiduciary liabilities to their public vessels.
3. Revoked all contracts as a result of signing the SS-5.
4. Revoked all other contracts in the public.


See, it ain't so hard, just takes lots of reading and prayer. Heavy on the prayer part. Ask and it shall be revealed to you.

Peace be with you in your swim upstream to where the water is fresher,

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833 Posts

Posted - 10 Dec 2005 :  07:23:47  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Greetings and salutations in the name of our King, Jay:

Peace be unto the house.

What "The Doctor" ordered, we believe, is “the Love of the Truth”.

And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause Yahuwah shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. - 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12

For example, why did Yahuwah inspire the following words?

For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of ______________ (H3068)… - Zephan’yahu [Zephaniah] 3:9a

he waw he yod

BDB Definition:
Jehovah = “the existing One
1) the proper name of the one true God

This name comes from the Hebrew word hawah, which was, after the Germanic influence, changed to havah, and means …properly to breathe; to be (in the sense of existence) (See #H1933 in Strong’s Hebrew and Chaldee Dictionary)

EXIST', v.i. …2. To live; to have life… – Webster’s 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language

The perfect rebuttal to "their presumption of jurisdiction" is to respond, "I Exist", or more precisely, "I Live", or “I am a Living One”! We thereby invalidate their supposed jurisdiction over us since “their creatures” (artificial persons) do not have the breath of life. This is why they “went backward” from Yahuwshua when he said "I Exist" (ego eimi). One calls upon the Creator's Authority by calling upon the meaning of His Proper Name...

While I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name...

Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God...

And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory.

...interesting is it not? See how close the Christians are to the Truth? [We are nazar, we are Naziyrites (Act 24:5)] We have been standing right next to it (the Truth) for centuries, but with most never truly recognizing its intrinsic value.

We further put forth that one of the reasons the disciples were ordered not to teach in Yahuwshua’s name (Acts 4:18; 5:28) , and remains so even to this day it would seem, and the reason it was supplanted by a name with no meaning whatsoever, except maybe “healing Zeus” (Gr.) or “hey horse” (Heb.), is because the very name itself teaches the above principle!

Yahu (H3068) and shua (H7769) means a halloo and is from H7768; (used only causatively and reflexively to halloo (for help, that is, freedom…), and Webster’s definition (c. 1825) of the word halloo is “To cry out; to exclaim with a loud voice; to call to by name”. Thus Yahu'shua means Halloo Yahuwah, Cry out, "I Exist, "I Live", "I am a Living One" for Redemption, for Salvation!!

Redemption...deliverance from the power of an alien dominion and the enjoyment of the resulting freedom. It involves the idea of restoration to one who possesses a more fundamental right or interest. – Zondervan's Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible

Salvation - This word is used of the deliverance of the Israelites from the Egyptians... - Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary
(mitsrayim means double straits, double inclosure, as in "straitjacket"; i.e. bondage)

But, after all is said and done, we have all been given free will, so we may go and teach in any name we desire, and as it is written we shall be hated for his name’s sake. (Mattith'yahu [Matthew] 10:22; 24:9; Mark 13:13; Luke 21:17) So be it.

Jay wrote: “I think a big problem preventing many of us from being free is we don't know how to recognize bondage.”

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free." – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

And speaking of spelling and pronunciation, for edification purposes only, Jay, that word is spelled asseveration.

ASSEVERA'TION, n. Positive affirmation or assertion; solemn declaration. This word is not, generally, if ever, used for a declaration under an official oath, but for a declaration accompanied with solemnity. – Webster’s 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language

Jay wrote: In my previous post I suggested I learn to "navigate...the high seas using man's laws". Maybe a better suggestion would be to understand man's laws and how he navigates the high seas so I will be able to identify whether or not I'm being shanghaied.

Amazing Fact:
There are about 2 million laws altogether in the U.S. If a person
[sic] could review them at a rate of 2 a day he or she could be qualified to act as a law abiding citizen in about 6,000 years. But God's Eternal law is summarized in only 10 commandments. – Hidden Truth Magazine

fellowcitizen of the commonwealth of Yisra'el,
NOT the man-made, fictional USA.
Ephesians 2:12 & 19
An act done by me against my will is not my act.

Edited by - Oneisraelite on 12 Dec 2005 19:32:46
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833 Posts

Posted - 10 Dec 2005 :  09:00:11  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
And speaking of Asseverations, how's this for an Oath of Fidelity to the Anointed One by his fellowcitizens (rêya)?

Intreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy 'Elohiym (Supreme Magistrate) my 'Elohiym (Supreme Magistrate): Where thou diest, will I die, and there will I be buried: Yahuwah do so to me, and more also, if ought but death part thee and me.

fellowcitizen of the commonwealth of Yisra'el,
NOT the man-made, fictional USA.
Ephesians 2:12 & 19
An act done by me against my will is not my act.

Edited by - Oneisraelite on 10 Dec 2005 09:39:19
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Jay Scott
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181 Posts

Posted - 10 Dec 2005 :  22:54:46  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Greets, oneisraelite,

Thank you for sharing your insight and perspective. Thank you for correcting my erroroneous referrence to Asseveration. I regret not being more careful.

To All,

I realize I have sidetracked this excellent thread. Please accept my apologies, Owen. I am eager to learn more about the effect of bringing a white flag and Bible to the State's court. By the way, Owen, where did you read this information? I want to read more about it.

In order to maintain the integrity of this forum and since I have nothing to add to this topic, I'll look for or start a new thread to respond to oneisrealite's encouraging posts above.

Best wishes,


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