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Forum Administrator
382 Posts |
Posted - 16 Jan 2004 : 21:11:05
The Record (or certification) of Live Birth is a hospital administration form. It is not a CERTIFICATE. Download the file at the top of this forum for my article on the difference between a STATE CERTIFICATE and a certification of facts. It is signed by any one of the parents to attest to the names of the child's parents only. It does not ask for them to attest to anything other than that, much the same as the old Parish birth records used to do. Yes, the hospital sends that to the corporate COUNTY and STATE because they are required to do so to keep their license as a hospital, but it is the STATE that issues the corporate BIRTH CERTIFICATE independently based on any Live Birth.
The STATE process of creating a corporate persona and fiction for the child will occur regardless of any attestation by either of the parents. My point is that they create it without consent from either parent.
A certification or record of live birth states nothing other than who the parents are and that two witnesses saw the live birth. What the STATE does in creating the fictional PERSON with a BIRTH CERTIFICATE is an unlawful act without permission of the parents. |
Cornerstone Foundation
Advanced Member
254 Posts |
Posted - 16 Jan 2004 : 22:01:04
We appreciate your patience with us. We think we understand your point (i.e. "parental consent is not given") under the course of action you propose.
Nevertheless it seems that under the scenerio you are suggesting the result for the child will be the same as if parental consent had been given (i.e. a fictional entity will be created by the STATE and there will be consequences for the child including but not limited to birthday greetings from the Selective Service with a possible invitation to participate in no-win wars for the enrichment of the banksters, etc.)
What would happen if the parents did not sign the document for the hospital administration?
We resubmit an earlier question that has not been addressed by your forum.....Is anything that requires a signature voluntary?
Thank you, for giving these matters your prompt attention.
Marty |
Edited by - Cornerstone Foundation on 26 Jan 2005 14:37:18 |
Advanced Member
353 Posts |
Posted - 16 Jan 2004 : 22:13:15
Greetings All, and the strange fact being: I have a daughter, never registered anywhere, for anything, being over the age of eighteen, never MARKED by the system, no govt. schools, vaccinations, licenses, ss#, name it, and she is not there...yet without the circumcision of the heart, all seems meaninglessness. and her name is Grace ElizaBeth. For some reason, David, could not NUMBER the sons of BenYamin...though he tried. Benyamin = 152, plus the One...=153. What words can not convey, numbers and symbols can. {John 21} Just tell the hospital officials that you will name the child, and then notify them. American indians took a few years to name their child. No number, simple stuff. Those who use the system, get into gobblygook. Where are those blessed midwives? Sure saved Mosess' butt. Everything is in the now. A Law maxim states that the Law of Blood and Kin...can not be overcome by CIVIL law. Civil law= Roman law, i.e. Popish law. I come from a long line of protesters...Protestants, {pro-testes}...little did I understand, that, He stated, "it is finished". He, being, the son of Yahuweh, Yahuwshuah, and a place called America, is the place where He will collect His own. Parents who can not figure how to keep their children, under their guidance, from being numbered, are not worthy of notice. Anyone ever heard of the details of Yoseph, the father of Yahushuah? Yahushuah was numbered with the trangressers, i.e. was enrolled within Rome. Gee, Dad, thanks!!! So, We need a Father who cares, and a mother, who, is not the daughter of EVE. Paul states emphatically, New yerUSAem is the mother of Us All. To not know how to keep one's own offspring from being numbered,sadly shows me that that the baal priests are still being listened to. I think David Merrill left this forum because of the complete stupidy of the cretins, read, Christians. Easu, lost his birthright, even though he sought repentance carefully, with tears. One American, still Standing. |
Forum Administrator
382 Posts |
Posted - 16 Jan 2004 : 22:22:39
Daniel Jacob partially answered your question above. A signature is a 'sign-ature' (a sign/seal with consent}, but if no parent consents, then there is no need for a signature. The choice is theirs. Neither the hospital nor the police can force anyone to sign a STATE form, although they may now believe that the Patriot Act allows them to terrorize the parents into signing it, the old TDC (threats, duress, and cooercion) routine.
But the bottom line is that they can walk from the hospital with their baby without signing anything. I did this with my youngest child under threat of arrest by the hospital administrator. I went down the hall, found a wheelchair, put my wife and baby in it, and went to my parked car. I had a trail of staff following me like I was the Pied Piper, but I refused to speak to any of them and drove away. The sheriff was never called. |
Advanced Member
138 Posts |
Posted - 17 Jan 2004 : 00:35:15
One of the brothers that I fellowship with did the same thing. He was going to use a midwife but things just didn't work out that way and they ended up in the hospital. They didn't give the fruit of the womb a name until some months later. They were even approached by the CPS and left without incident.
May the peace of our Christ Jesus, be with you.. |
Cornerstone Foundation
Advanced Member
254 Posts |
Posted - 18 Jan 2004 : 13:59:08
quote: Originally posted by Livefree
NOTES: - These documents must be early public records showing the date and place of birth, preferably created within the first five years of your life - You may also submit an Affidavit of Birth, form DSP-10A,
Can anyone tell us where the "Affidavit of Birth, form DSP-10A" referred to by Livefree can be viewed? We may need it today.
Thank you.
Marty |
Edited by - Cornerstone Foundation on 18 Jan 2004 14:05:13 |
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270 Posts |
Cornerstone Foundation
Advanced Member
254 Posts |
Posted - 19 Jan 2004 : 20:20:50
The young mother gave birth at 2:27 A. M. 1-17-04 Gregorian Calendar to a healthy boy.
The hospital personnel continued to pressure them for the information to send the STATE so that a BIRTH CERTIFICATE could be issued.
The father requested that we meet with the hospital personnel to discuss the matter.
We met late that afternoon.
We told the hospital personnel: 1. The parents have not made a final decision on the child's name yet. 2. {We may have stated that} the parents had a religious objection to providing the information. 3. We would prefer to prepare a proposed Affidavit of Live Birth ourselves for the doctor and nurse to sign and for the parents to keep for themselves.
The hospital personnel agreed to that and the "free baby" and the parents went home the afternoon of 1-18-04G without further incident.
We want to thank all of you for your guidance and support.
If anyone has suggestions of what should be included in the "Affidavit of Live Birth" please let us know.
Advanced Member
762 Posts |
Posted - 20 Jan 2004 : 01:40:43
Marty, It is good to hear they made it through the hospital doors without Ceasars grip binding them. When two gather In His name, all is well.
May His blessing continue to keep them in one flesh, In Him.
Manuel |
Advanced Member
353 Posts |
Posted - 21 Jan 2004 : 22:20:20
AnyOne have a day of nativity? D.O.B. is a military term. And for those selected amongst the crowd, You know the Day of Your second birth. A "judge" asks for your date of birth, a Son of Yahuweh may ask, "which birth"? and YaHuWeH shall laugh, and have THEM in derision...second psalm. Three, of the twelve, were allowed to see the Transfiguration. The rest were unworthy. Ha-Adam was made of clay...a fictio, look it up, near, fiction. "The sixth day man". And on the eighth day, YHWH formed ADaM. {A} Adam, {D] David, {M}messiah. By the Way, the second birth, allows One to be able to 'see' the Kingdom. Yahushuah asked many times, if one has eyes to see and ears to hear. Daniel Yacob, an un-incorporated corporation happens to be complete insanity, thanks for pointing this misnomer out. I find no written scripture wherein Yahushuah played ball with the talmudic {UCC} devils. Correct me if I am mistaken Lewish...aren't you of Khazarian descent, i.e. Jewish-talmudic fellows? For the rest is a Khazarian man who was brought up under the TRADITIONS of talmudic/Jewish traditions, who received messiah Yahushuah, and now exposes the lies of the deceivers. |
Advanced Member
735 Posts |
Posted - 22 Jan 2004 : 17:33:16
Another clue on the Kingdom to be seen after the allegorical second birth:
Flesh and blood can not enter into it so it matters not one bit how your fleshly name is spelled, Spelled or SPELLED in this Realm. "You", for lack of a better term, won't be needing that name anyhow since in this Kingdom there is no male or female, mother or father, no beginning or end. Eternal has no past or present and exists Beyond the carnal time/space prison....In this Kingdom "you" were never born and "you" never died. .. All flesh is grass, it is like a temporary vapour and flesh can not please "I Am".... hence flesh and blood can not enter in this Kingdom (if so the Servants would fight).. so go ahead and sacrifice that fictional flesh and blood identification and be born again in incorruptable, eternal identification with your True Self (Melek-Tzadik) which has no past or future. No BIRTH CERTIFICATE, aservations or Name written in a Bible needed in this Kingdom. (all this carnal paperwork replaced with the allegorical White Stone) Hallelu-I Am!! |
Advanced Member
353 Posts |
Posted - 23 Jan 2004 : 17:14:20
We need the Power to Love not, the love to power. |
Advanced Member
735 Posts |
Posted - 23 Jan 2004 : 18:45:25
... so here's to Love Power  |
Advanced Member
353 Posts |
Posted - 23 Jan 2004 : 20:49:42
BatKol, Love can not fail...impossible. Now what is Love? Geeze, join the poets-prophets-marytrs. Since this posting area is about birth certificates, and I know you as a man, and you have four children under your care, two with birth certificates, two without, will you share with us why you do not register the last two with the STATE if names and numbers mean nothing? Or have you completely bowed the knee to baal and registered the last two. I was told by attorney friends that without a birth certificate, no socialist security number will ever be issued. Now, I know, most all worship at the feet of the holy trinity of ME-MYSELF-I, and how things effect ME, how does not registering the children of Yahuweh under your guidance, help them? Are you not harming their well being, by keeping the STATE benefits from their belongings, in case of your natural death? You, having stated, that ALL CAP names, and misnomers, are of no account...once one, {such as yourself?} has achieved such enlightenment that names are un necessary. Are we to presume that a man born Steven John Webb has now gladly assumed the identity of STEVEN JOHN WEBB, and he is proud of this traverse of birthright? Since nothing means anything? The Buddhist-Kali church is around the corner. This forum is for sons and daughters of Israel longing to wear the robes of righteousness and Right Standing at Law, our Father's Law. I take that your last post is the sign that if one operates in Love that that is an embarassment to one's being? If that is your statement, please leave us. Your love of your ALL CAP name is enough, at that. Woe to them who call evil good, and good evil. For one to do evil, he must first think, evil is good. In American, I call those...preverts. |
Advanced Member
496 Posts |
Posted - 24 Jan 2004 : 13:49:43
Hi Robert James,
Your wrotequote:
Correct me if I am mistaken Lewish...aren't you of Khazarian descent, i.e. Jewish-talmudic fellows?
Hmm, I don't know. I thought I was a left-handed Scot. I am descended from Protestors against the Church of England. Didn't notice any talmudic stuff in there anywhere.
As far as exposing deceivers goes, I do the best I can in that area. I feel we all need to do that.
P.S. Lewish is my first name plus the first letter of my last name. |
Edited by - Lewish on 24 Jan 2004 14:01:06 |
Advanced Member
735 Posts |
Posted - 24 Jan 2004 : 14:34:40
Robert-James says: Since this posting area is about birth certificates, and I know you as a man, and you have four children under your care, two with birth certificates, two without, will you share with us why you do not register the last two with the STATE if names and numbers mean nothing?
BatKol: There is no Law or LAW that requires a BC. An affidavit of Positive Identification is suitable for everyday purposes (you would know about these since you use one). Even the passport office recognises that there are those who were born here that do not have BC and provide forms for such.
RObert-James said: Or have you completely bowed the knee to baal and registered the last two.
BatKol: It is not a matter of "bowing a knee to baal". A simple document with the witnesses who attended the Birth is all that is needed. And acceptable as well. The children can make up their own mind when they get older what kind of documentation they want. I have made it possible that they have the proper documentation for any route they want to go. The choice is theirs.
Robert-James said: I was told by attorney friends that without a birth certificate, no socialist security number will ever be issued.
BatKol: Yes. I have an attorney friend in Florida that says the same thing. He also will not get a BC for his child when that time comes for him. However, if one wants a SS# bad enough one can jump through the hoops and get the proper items needed to get the #.
Robert-James said: Now, I know, most all worship at the feet of the holy trinity of ME-MYSELF-I, and how things effect ME, how does not registering the children of Yahuweh under your guidance, help them?
BatKol: Re-read your statement here and you will understand. " I was told by attorney friends that without a birth certificate, no socialist security number will ever be issued."..... By not having ever had a SS#, one is not liable for such obligations. Simple. I checked with same Lawyer friend and my Children can even receive an inheritence w/o SS# or BC. Many Lawyers are getting hip to not using GOVT documentation for "identification"
Robert-James said: Are you not harming their well being, by keeping the STATE benefits from their belongings, in case of your natural death?
BatKol: No. Read above.
Robert-James: You, having stated, that ALL CAP names, and misnomers, are of no account...once one, {such as yourself?} has achieved such enlightenment that names are un necessary.
BatKol: Here you are putting your own spin to what I said. Let me assist you in understanding what I mean here. Name and form are irrelevant in a state of where male and female do not exist. When one Knows themself not to be the corrupted flesh that can not please YHWH then one can appreciate that no matter how a name is spelled it is not going to perfect the flesh. Flesh and blood can not enter into the Kingdom that is not of this world. This is why I believe Paul said slave or Free, Yehud or Greek. This state/Kingdom of Echad can be achieved regardless of race, social status. That is right I said regardless of race... It can be achieved by those with TAGS and without.
Robert-James: Are we to presume that a man born Steven John Webb has now gladly assumed the identity of STEVEN JOHN WEBB, and he is proud of this traverse of birthright?
BatKol: No. What you are to understand is that "I Am" not Steven John Webb, STEVEN JOHN WEBB or a guy with blonde hair, white skin, etc. I Am that which was never born and will never die. That is my Birthright. Not the name attached to this flesh which can not please I Am. Robert-James: Since nothing means anything?
BatKol: These are your words not mine.
Robert-James: The Buddhist-Kali church is around the corner.
BatKol: You need to educate yourself on the Eastern Aryan connection/contribution to the NT. Then re-read Paul and all of the scriptures talking about the Kingdom not of this world wherein flesh and blood can not enter. Amazing!
Robert-James: This forum is for sons and daughters of Israel longing to wear the robes of righteousness and Right Standing at Law, our Father's Law.
BatKol: You should open your eyes to the fact that there are many members that participate in this forum that have various points of view. This forum is obviously for all who post here... duh.
Robert-James: I take that your last post is the sign that if one operates in Love that that is an embarassment to one's being?
BatKol: Here is the problem: You take things you read and try to insert your own meaning into it. Your wack statement above is not what I have been saying.
Robert-Jmaes. If that is your statement, please leave us. Your love of your ALL CAP name is enough, at that.
BatKol: As Robert-James types from his computer CONTRACTED to surf on the DEPT OF DEFENSE INTERNET. Robert... get that CONTRACT out your eye before you start trying to preach about CONTRACTS and Life may become more enjoyable.
RObert-James said: Woe to them who call evil good, and good evil. For one to do evil, he must first think, evil is good.
BatKol: Speaking of calling evil good... how's the SHABBOS GOY doing that you got holding down your POWER? That's quite a generous deal you struck. Who with "MARKS" could refuse such an incredible deal?? A good old.. "you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours" kinda agreement.
Robert-James: In American, I call those...preverts.
BatKol: In any country, a man who preaches NO CONTRACTS yet engages in CONTRACTS is called a hypocrite. How do you justify your INTERNET CONTRACT now that you've got the SHABBOS GOY handling the POWER.. Or did you get a SHABBOS GOY to take care of the ISP too? 
Advanced Member
353 Posts |
Posted - 26 Jan 2004 : 00:26:56
Well thanks Batkol, the name is not irrevelant, i.e. ALL CAP or not...this is the mistake you are under. You have made a confesion before the ecclesia, and considering the children, is admirable. Go tell an earthly masonic judge about the white stone with an ALL CAP name, and he will giggle, and say GUILTY. Your testimony sticks within the ecclesia, which this forum is, kinda like "Wednesday night testimony time", now go tell it upon the GOVERNMENTS, and come back and tell us of that testimony. Ok? "Eastern Aryan connection" sounds like heresay evidence, which is not allowed in My court. For us Americans, what is a shabbos goy? Goy is a yiddish take on goyim, which means nations. By the Way, the Power comes from Yahuweh, as per a pentacost experience, i.e. clearing out the ears. Now, electricity to make coffee, is another matter, {thank BenYamin Franklin}. Yahushuah made things plain, as recorded by John, in what we call the third chapter...of John. Two births are necessary. Those who have received the second birth, are marked by the beast as only having one...D.O.B. The testimony of messiah is then necesary to clear up the mis-understanding. One who is known as an ALL CAP fictional named creation, and cares less, has not received the second birth. Without the second birth, it is impossible to enter into the Kingdom, which is here and now. Paul mentioned being translated into the Kingdom of His dear Son...past tense. And, we are about one thousand nineteen years past Paul. Yahushuah stated that we must strive-as in agony, real pain, to enter into the Kingdom. One birth involves water {John 3rd ch.} the next Spirit. Two. I have seen many birthings, and all the children, including a c-section, the child was birthed in a water sack. {forget the CATHOLIC concept of baptism}. This involves info on a BIRTH CERTIFICATE. The second birth involves a birth into the Kingdom of Heaven, on earth, whereby We cry abba Father. hmmmmmmmmmmmm. One must have eyes to see, and ears to hear. Go tell that fox {GOVT}, I Will Be perfected on the Third Day. Luke 13:32 |
Advanced Member
735 Posts |
Posted - 26 Jan 2004 : 08:00:17
RObert-James said: the name is not irrevelant, i.e. ALL CAP or not...this is the mistake you are under.
BatKol: Tell me then. If the Kingdom spoken of by Paul and Yahushua (any many others) is one wherein flesh and blood can not enter (for flesh and blood can not please YHWH), what good is a name, NAME, or even a body going to do you? There is no male or female in this "Kingdom".... The NT is spelling this out for you. This Kingdom is a state of Being. I do not mistake mySelf to be this clay pot of blonde hair and blue eyes.
Robert-James: Go tell an earthly masonic judge about the white stone with an ALL CAP name, and he will giggle, and say GUILTY.
BatKol: What is flesh is flesh and Spirit is Spirit. Why would I confuse the two? I never mentioned anything about any masonic judges. That's your hobby horse.
Robert-James said: Your testimony sticks within the ecclesia, which this forum is, kinda like "Wednesday night testimony time", now go tell it upon the GOVERNMENTS, and come back and tell us of that testimony. Ok?
BatKol: The GOVERNMENT is reading this post. In fact we are meeting on the INTERNET which is a construct of the GOVT. We are letting the GOVT into our homes to have this discussion. You and I both have GOVT CONTRACTS to be here. Anyway, you can read GOVT where ever you read mountain. Have fun.
Robert-James said: "Eastern Aryan connection" sounds like heresay evidence, which is not allowed in My court.
BatKol: LOL... Your court huh? What makes you think you are fit to seat a court (as if this is one)? You go on and on about masons and mysteries yet when someone else wants to share something of the origin of essential doctrines such as the Kingdom wherein flesh and blood can not enter into you cry, "hearsay".. What a joke.
Robert-James said: For us Americans, what is a shabbos goy?
BatKol: You know exactly what one is. But for the edification of this list I use the term SHABBOS GOY in the context of using somebody for their marks when one wants to enjoy the benefits of what MARKS will bring. The SHABBOS GOY is used by the talmudists to be able to engage in unclean activities indirectly. The reason why you are getting such a hard time from me on this is when I moved over to where I live now you told my wife, "it is causing another to sin when you use them for their MARKS". Now, well over two years later, YOU ADMIT TO DOING THIS VERY SAME THING.... but th is is the kind of flip-flopping we all come to expect from you given you record as a self=proclaimed priest....ah, the irony of it all..
Robert-James said: By the Way, the Power comes from Yahuweh, as per a pentacost experience, i.e. clearing out the ears.
BatKol: Everything comes from YHWH. He creates the good and the evil. Every hair on our heads is numbered we are just living out His script.
RObert-James said: Now, electricity to make coffee, is another matter, {thank BenYamin Franklin}.
BatKol: No, it all the same matter. YHWH is the only Sovereign.
Robert-James said: Yahushuah made things plain, as recorded by John, in what we call the third chapter...of John. Two births are necessary. Those who have received the second birth, are marked by the beast as only having one...D.O.B. The testimony of messiah is then necesary to clear up the mis-understanding.
BatKol: Yes very clear. One birth of water and one of Spirit. My Spiritual birth happened when I had the Realization that I Am that which has no birth or death, who has no mother or father, nor male nor female. This Gift of Salvation is available to SLAVES or free, regardless of race.
Robert-James said: One who is known as an ALL CAP fictional named creation, and cares less, has not received the second birth.
BatKol: According to "you". Now, given your past record of bad priestly rulings, I don't put much stock in your earthly wisdom concerning these matters.
Robert-James: Without the second birth, it is impossible to enter into the Kingdom, which is here and now.
BatKol: That is right. One must Know their True Identity to come into the Kingdom where flesh and blood can not enter. However, there is no "you" or "me" there because there is no identification with flesh and blood in that State. Remember flesh and blood can ot please I Am..... only the Anointing of Echad. Not-two.
Robert-James said: Paul mentioned being translated into the Kingdom of His dear Son...past tense.
BatKol: Is this the same ROMAN CITIZEN Paul who got translated? Now, for those reading this post, ask yourself, if one can not be a CITIZEN to be translated/accepted into the Kingdom... how in the heck did Paul do it being a ROMAN CITIZEN???? You just shot yourSelf in the foot Robert-James. Remember SLAVE or Free. All can be Echad in the allegorical body of Moshiach.
RObert-James said: And, we are about one thousand nineteen years past Paul.
BatKol: And the rules (for lack of a better word) are still the same. There is no past or future in the Sate of Now. It is a timeless i.e.- eternal.
Robert-James said: Yahushuah stated that we must strive-as in agony, real pain, to enter into the Kingdom.
BatKol: So what are you waiting for.... shed your blood identification with the body born in corruption. The Real "you" is not Robert James Blackman. The Real "you" is not a white guy. In fact, the Real "you" is not a guy or gal. You are that which was not born, nor will ever die. True one must strive in agony to fully digest the implications of these statements.
Robert-James said: One birth involves water {John 3rd ch.} the next Spirit. Two.
BatKol: Yes, make thine eye single. Not-two. True, one is born here in this illusionary realm and it seems the big task here in the physical is to give birth to the Spirit. What is flesh is flesh and what is Spirit is Spirit. Don't confuse the two because there is really only One. All flesh is but a vapour, hence has no standing in Eternal Reality. Robert-James said: I have seen many birthings, and all the children, including a c-section, the child was birthed in a water sack. {forget the CATHOLIC concept of baptism}. This involves info on a BIRTH CERTIFICATE.
BatKol: There is no Law or LAW that says this act involves a BC.
Robert-James: The second birth involves a birth into the Kingdom of Heaven, on earth, whereby We cry abba Father. hmmmmmmmmmmmm. One must have eyes to see, and ears to hear. Go tell that fox {GOVT}, I Will Be perfected on the Third Day. Luke 13:32
BatKol: The second birth involves Realization that you are not corrupted flesh that can not please YHWH. Risen in uncorrupted Spirit. This "experience" is available no matter SLAVE or free, regardless of race or social status. Sorry you don't have the eyes to see or ears to hear this yet. Actually the Real "you" does.. because "You" are not corrupted flesh with an ever-changing mind of likes and dislikes. You are not Robert James Blackman. You are that which was already perfect before the first birth happened. Now if that ain't some good news.... what is???  |
Advanced Member
353 Posts |
Posted - 04 Feb 2004 : 20:40:42
Hi BatKol, neither YOU or any other shall define me, but thanks for the thoughts! Sorry, but I do not carry a gun, so I do not worry about "shooting myself on the foot". My walk is unaltered. Paul planted the seed within Rome, he was a slickster, who was under orders to present himself to Rome. {Previously, Yahushuah gave singular Orders to do so}. I have an old Merchant Marine card, issued by the GUBBERMENT, in 1972, the name wrtten was Robert James BLACKMAN. Clues everywhere. Now, I ask All, just what is Your surname? You all are the sons of someone. Well, I ask, the sons of Anglo-Saxondom. Our negro friends, really scratch their heads, excepting Muhammed Ali, and some others. Yahushuah was the son of Yoseph, excepting the two x-mas stories, the rest of the new testament writings imply that he was born a man of the seed of Abraham/David, and His bloodline was traced back to the original son of Yahuweh...Adam. But, Yahushuah expounded further on the Mystery in John chapter three. The second birth...whereby We cry abba Father. Second Sons do not accept PRIVALEGES from the earth father, GUBBERMENT, i.e. Rome, and CIVIL law. {Dang those CIVIL LICENSES to travel}. I see no GUBBERMENT official willing to haul Me into their tribunals. And I travel about freely, and am under no obligation to file 1040 forms. THEY know it, as do I. I do not deny Yahushuah before men, and My older Brother Yahushuah {Romans 8:29} will confess me before the Father of Lights. Now, how can one certify the second birth? That begs an answer. Any willing to respond? All of mankind awaits an answer. By the Way, they decided to kill Yahushuah for healing on the sabbath, and His confession that YaHuWeH was his Father. Awake Oh Israel...for the promises and covenants are given unto You. Given. |
Advanced Member
762 Posts |
Posted - 04 Feb 2004 : 20:49:41
Meanwhile back on the ranch: POLICE STATE NEWS State running background checks on new parents The FIA will gather information on about 144,000 newborns per year from the Department of Community Health and search for matches weekly against its own database of 34,000 parents whose rights have been terminated.
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