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Junior Member
20 Posts |
Posted - 29 Jan 2004 : 11:05:47
I've seen some interesting philosophical discussion going on here about the corporation sole. However, as I understand it, this particular forum area is for the discussion of law, and it doesn't appear to me that we've actually done much in the way of getting to the legal specifics of the corporation sole.
Many corporation sole internet sites are selling the corporation sole, and boasting of its alleged benefits, including tax immunity and asset protection. However, none of them offer much of anything to back up their interesting theories, other than their own wishful thinking.
I've found it problematic that there is so little on the internet that gives the other side of the corporation sole story. As the old adage goes, "There's two sides to every story."
Recently I've discovered a site that actually gives the other side of the corporation sole story, and it includes some very interesting articles that I've never seen any of before on any other corporation sole site. It's at
Perhaps after folks here review some of those articles, we could then have some serious legal discussion here about the corporation sole (just a suggestion).
UPDATE 3-21-04: another very informative page I'm aware of is at |
Edited by - kirkguardian on 21 Mar 2004 13:58:18 |
Regular Member
27 Posts |
Posted - 11 Feb 2004 : 05:07:22
it has come to my attention that an MI member is using the name of the Lord for self-gain and was wondering how members here felt about this situation.
LBTWI Living By The Word Ministry International has a presiding officer and overseer by the name of Linda Kruder.
There has been some unrest caused as, through her group Lets Prosper Together, she has been advertising HYIP programmes, fully endorsing these programmes and claiming they are gifts from God.
Many thousand people have invested in these programmes and most unfortunately have not seen a return.Figures invested are in the $3million range. These programmes have been unpaid for some 12 months and excuses are plentiful with constant requests for prayers to help the situation resolve some what quicker. All to no avail and more excuses follow. The only apparent benefactor is Linda Kruger herself as she has collected quite substantial amounts in referral fees....seemingly a habit that has now aroused some discontent amongst investors as it has been a perpetual habit for a number of years and yet her "family" see no returns on anything. There has even been a request for a "fasting and prayer vigil' period in an effort to see returns of people's money.
I am just curious as to what the good Christian people here think of this.... It has been stated that luring these poor people into investments, not returning profits and using His name as entrapment is totally reprehensible, especially as the overseer is pocketing quite nicely. |
Advanced Member
270 Posts |
Posted - 11 Feb 2004 : 10:44:18
It is totally reprehenisible to use God's name to entrap people, but who knows, she might have been led to believe the same thing she was telling others i.e., that the HYP programs were gifts from God. If so, then she needs to apologize to her followers and repent for her SINS!! And I really mean that. She's needs to apolgize.
Ugh.. I know all about HYP..I have lost $200, $300 $500 in HYP programs. I look at ALL of them as scams now.
The people who joined under Linda Kruger can kiss their money goodbye - Live and learn. |
Edited by - Livefree on 11 Feb 2004 10:45:43 |
Advanced Member
496 Posts |
Posted - 11 Feb 2004 : 12:45:51
Corporation Soles: THAT was the topic for discussion of this thread.
All Corporation Soles are vessels in rem and fall under rule C (3) in the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.
If you are attempting to use a Corp. Sole to avoid paying taxes, you are wasting your time. The IRS is knocking down about 50 a month of these schemes. If you don't have a church building and membership role to show them, you are toast.
If you don't want to pay taxes, why don't you figure out that you don't have to, only the corporate fiction with your name has to, and then just don't pay them.
Just a couple of thoughts,
Lewis |
Regular Member
27 Posts |
Posted - 11 Feb 2004 : 15:26:21
quote: Originally posted by Livefree
It is totally reprehenisible to use God's name to entrap people, but who knows, she might have been led to believe the same thing she was telling others i.e., that the HYP programs were gifts from God. If so, then she needs to apologize to her followers and repent for her SINS!! And I really mean that. She's needs to apolgize.
Ugh.. I know all about HYP..I have lost $200, $300 $500 in HYP programs. I look at ALL of them as scams now.
The people who joined under Linda Kruger can kiss their money goodbye - Live and learn.
livefree, who would you think would mislead her on thinking they are gifts from has been stated that her "religous fanaticism" somewhat questionable...has led her to conversations with the devil, he masquerading as God and therefore she only sees gain for herself and only pretends, misusing the good Lord's name, that her "family' are of a concern whilst her personal wealth increases.
She appears quite good at quoting the Bible and god's holy word but falls miserably short when putting it into practice. Repentance is a hard road to follow when you believe non is required as she does. |
Edited by - curiousinchrist on 11 Feb 2004 15:27:54 |
Advanced Member
270 Posts |
Posted - 11 Feb 2004 : 17:45:11
sorry about the hijack, kirkguardian. Everything is a scam these days: corporation soles, HYIPs, MLMs. You name it, it's a scam.
curiousinchrist wrote: quote: She appears quite good at quoting the Bible and god's holy word but falls miserably short when putting it into practice. Repentance is a hard road to follow when you believe none is required as she does.
I can hear your pain, curiousinchrist...really...she needs a lesson.
Even religion is a scam. It's either the religious fanatic or the pedaphile priests...they can be found anywhere in the name of religion...people looking for something to fill some void.. and religion appears to be the answer. |
Edited by - Livefree on 11 Feb 2004 18:02:01 |
Advanced Member
762 Posts |
Posted - 11 Feb 2004 : 21:58:23
Greetings In His name, Yahashuah, curiousinchrist, Now that you have figured this "level" of understanding, the curiosity of understanding "beware... I send you among wolves in sheeps clothing" should bare In His Light. Remember also when Messiah warned us to "do as they say, but do not do as they do."
There is nothing new under the sun.
Patience In His Grace and Light comes to those which seek His True temple, In Him, I am, Manuel |
Regular Member
27 Posts |
Posted - 12 Feb 2004 : 04:34:27
My good friends in Christ, thank you so much for the responses to myself. would you consider it wrong if I were to pursue the reprehensible entrapment of good christian people and report their losses to relevant authorities whilst the "wolf in sheep's clothing' profits and cares nay for those she has misled whilst increasing her private wealth at their misguided expense? |
Advanced Member
270 Posts |
Posted - 12 Feb 2004 : 10:38:03
I can only tell you what I would do: I'd report her to anyone and everyone!! If she is not repenting nor apolgizing for using good Lord's name for gain, she needs a wake up call. Whether the authorities do anything about it or not is another thing. |
Regular Member
27 Posts |
Posted - 12 Feb 2004 : 20:54:56
I would think there was most certainly criminal intent here,
she has been pulling this stunt for several years, pushing "endorsed" programes on her "family", they see nothing, she collects referal fees and then brushes the failure off with a 'it's god's will, he is looking for the right option for us" and then, lo and behold, another "gift from God" surfaces and more people pay again, see nothing, she collects referrral fees. It is so anti-Christian the way she carries on.When people raise pertinent questions about their investments they are banned from the community as trouble causes and the remaining members are fed statements that those people were the enemy, the devil and fighting against the family...and her lies and excuses are never ending..
then there is the call from her to avoid taxes and join one of these corp. sole set-ups....everything she promotes just appears so immoral
Please! this surely can not be the way an overseer of a Christian group should act......... if it is agreeable and deemed ok then my faith is rapidly diminishing. |
Edited by - curiousinchrist on 12 Feb 2004 21:01:45 |
Advanced Member
353 Posts |
Posted - 12 Feb 2004 : 21:39:21
Greetings, only a woman being led by that Jezebel spirit would assert Headship. The spirit of Jezebel is still around. Yahushuah warned His ecclesia about this, and pronounced a death sentence on her spiritual offspring. {Revelations three, the message to Thyatira} Paul suggested to turn the immoral one who crept in the ecclesia, "turn them over to satan and his law COURTS." But the message for today is that if one can be deceived, he shall be deceived. For the lusts of his own greedy heart has led him so. Corporation soles are man made, and have no soul, nor breath of life. The Head of a woman is her man, the Head of man is messiah, the Head of Messiah is the Father YaHuWeH. Order. |
Advanced Member
762 Posts |
Posted - 12 Feb 2004 : 22:17:28
Greetings In His name Yahushuah,
Ignorance of His Law is no excuse, therefore bare His yoke of Truth, and carry the weight which others not even lift a finger. After all, it is/was our lack thereof which either leads us out of mans "trick" rules, codes, and "public policies," or continues the transgressions with the deceivers. A lesson learned is a lesson well understood.
In Him, If He Wills, I am, Manuel |
Regular Member
27 Posts |
Posted - 13 Feb 2004 : 03:44:05
friends, although your replies are appreciate i must admit to not being over familiarized with the bible and it's wordings....some of you are obviousy au fait with such. personally i find 'reading between the lines" somewhat daunting in this scenario..
in basic linda kruger fit to be an overseer of a christian group or has she proved herself to be nothing more than a fraud and disciple of the devil? |
Advanced Member
833 Posts |
Posted - 13 Feb 2004 : 05:03:55
Greetings and salutations in the name of the King, brothers and sisters: Peace be on the house. Robert-James gave sound advice: "Corporation soles are man made, and have no soul, nor breath of life." Give 'em the litmus test; do they spring from the Tree of Life? If not, ignore them. Here is Shaul's [Paul's] advice: "Romans 7:4 Wherefore, my brethren, ye also are become dead to the law [regulations created by man] by the body of Anointed [this is Yahweh's "body politic"]; that ye should be married [married means, "incorportated into one body"] to another, even to him who is raised from the dead, that we should bring forth fruit unto Yahweh." Thus, once this has been done, we go back again to what Robert-James said: The Head of [the] woman is [the] man, the Head of man is Anointed One, the Head of the Anointed One is the Father YaHuWeH. Order. Anything else is "disorder" or "upside down", which of course is why Shaul and certain brethren were accused of "turning the world upside down"...look up the three Strong's numbers attached to these words...we perceive that it should have been literally tranlated: "removing the Holy Roman Empire" as it did not belong to the "order" or "world" of Yahweh, which explains why they were accused of "doing contrary to the decrees of [the] caesar. By the way the only decree of [the] caesar we see in the Scripture is this: Luke 2:1 "And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed." That ought to have given us a "clue"!! It of course was a false charge because the caesar/commander-in-chief was not their Head...the Anointed One was: "...these all do contrary to the decrees of Caesar, saying that there is another king, Yahu'shua! [G#2424&H#3091] This name given Him by the Father means, "Halloo, i.e. call on the name of Yahweh" [H#3091 is made up of H#3068&H#7769], which of course is why they were admonished by the council to go and teach in this name no more, since everyone else was saying "Halloo or Hail Caesar" or "we have no king but [the] caesar/commander-in-chief"...just as the "chief priests and elders" teach today via Romans thirteen. The brethren weren't, in truth, doing contrary to [the] caesar anymore than you could do contrary to Sadaam Hussein's decrees...he is NOT your head, thus his decrees are not meant for you. Let him who has eyes to see, let him see.
fellowcitizen of the commonwealth of Yisra'el, NOT the STATE OF ISRAEL. |
Edited by - Oneisraelite on 13 Feb 2004 07:09:42 |
Advanced Member
833 Posts |
Posted - 13 Feb 2004 : 05:41:48
Greetings once more in the name of the King, brothers and sisters: And again, peace be upon the house. To further understand this we must first know what a "kingdom" is. It is made up of two words [one shortened], king and dominion and means the "king's dominion" or "jurisdiction". Jurisdiction is NOT a place, it is a condition. This is why the Anointed One, the Wonderful Counsellor told us that it would not come by waiting for it, it is not out in the desert someplace, etc. You "choose" voluntarily your "king-dom", your "juris-diction" [oath taken] by whomever or whatever you swear allegiance to. This is why kosmokrator [G#2888] had us saying a "Pledge of Allegiance" to him every morning as get us used to the idea that he was the head and we were the tail at an early age. This is also why the Fourth Commmandment of Yahweh begins, "Remember" and is to be remembered on the "seventh" day [not Satyr-Day; satyr does not mean seven]. Shabbat comes from the word shabat and means "a sevening", which is an oth in the Hebrew, which is oath in the English or better known as HIS Pledge of Allegiance!! But we digress. kosmokrator kos-mok-rat'-ore From G2889 and G2902; a world ruler, an epithet of Satan Satan is a man or more precisely a man-made thing, it is Yahweh's adversary, worldly governments, governments of the creature which are against Yahweh and His anointed. Psalm 2:2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against Yahweh, and against his anointed... Hence, Yahu'aqob [Yahweh's heel-catcher], whom you may know as James, made this statement: Yahu'aqob [James] 4:4 Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with Yahweh? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of Yahweh. "Friendship" and "friend" mean to be "in association with", i.e. "in confederacy with". If we are "in confederacy" with the "kosmokrators" then WE are the "adversary" of Yahweh; and we know many are not going to want to hear this...and may react just as the Pharisees did when Stephen was trying to tell them this truth; they put their hands over their ears and screamed so as not to hear, falsely believing that if they did not hear, they would not be held accountable. We believe that there are many in this forum that are ready to hear, ready for strong meat but if there are some to whom this still seems as "foolishness", do not dispair, for Yahweh calls us into His "vineyard" at all hours of the day and those called last shall be paid first, :), and, if we who were called in the morning or the afternoon complain, we shall be chastised by the Father [Founder] of the Nation for it is His prerogative, His Will be done, NOT ours. Let those who have ears to hear, let them hear.
fellowcitizen of the commonwealth of Yisra'el, NOT the STATE OF ISRAEL. |
Edited by - Oneisraelite on 13 Feb 2004 06:57:34 |
Advanced Member
833 Posts |
Posted - 13 Feb 2004 : 06:42:06
Greetings and salutations in the name of the King once more: Peace be unto the house. Shall we continue? We recently read a piece by brother Richard Anthony: which made this seemingly unusual statement: "I am not religious, religion is death..." He is exactly right!! Religion is the tool used by the kosmokrator to "re-bind" Yahweh's Peculiar People. It turns the Word of Yahweh into a lie that we are enticed into serving the creature [man-made governments] and not the Creator [YaHuWeH] who is blessed for ever. 'amein. Do yourselves a favor and follow the word trail connected with 'el, 'elohiym etc. You will find rather than "god" that they lead to the Hebrew word 'aiyl and means, "SPECIFICALLY!! CHIEF (POLITICALLY)"...this is the beginning of understanding. Here for your edification is one of the definitions [the correct one] of the word GOD from Webster's 1828 Dictionary of American English: GOD, n. 3. A prince; a ruler; a magistrate or judge... 4. Any person or thing...honored as the chief good. Note here the use of the word "good". It is here used as a noun. So let us look that word up next, as a "noun". GOOD, n. That which contributes to diminish or remove pain, or to increase happiness or prosperity; benefit; advantage; opposed to evil or misery. And what did the Lawfull Counsellor tell us? Pay close attention... Mattith'yahu [Matthew] 19:17 And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, Yahweh: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the Commandments. He is adhereing to the Word of Yahweh here!! Yasha'yahu [Isaiah] 43:11 I, even I, am Yahweh; and beside me there is no saviour. [Note: Yasha'yahu (Isaiah) means "Yahweh is Saviour" the name attributed by Dr Strong as the name of the Wonderful Counsellor sent to Yerusalem. If what Dr Strong says is truth, then the Messenger sent to Yerusalem would be Isaiah in the English translations, which it is apparently NOT!] Again, we on with the subject matter at hand... Thus, whomever provides us with, benefits, privileges, advantages and protection is our god!!! and though many of us honour Him with our lips, our heart be far away. We "pray" to some nameless god or lord [baal], then fill out our applications [applications are prayers; follow the word trail if you don't believe us] to the kosmokrator or one of his many, many subsidiaries [for we are legion] for relief [deliverance]. And then scream..."god has answered my prayers and given me this new Cadillac!!" Ridiculous!! If Yahweh wanted you to have a Cadillac, you would NOT have to ask Him for one!! The Latin word "christianus" means "sense development as in SILLY" Webster's New World Dictionary of American English - Third College Edition, copyright 1988, page327: "cretin n. [[...<Christianus, CHRISTIAN: sense development as in SILLY" Want Sciptural verification of this matter? Titus 1:12 "One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, The Cretians [christians] are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies." When the followers of the Anointed One were first called "christians" in Antioch this is what they meant!!! It was akin to calling a white man a honkey or a black man a was of the uttermost derogatory. II Timothy 3:11 "Persecutions, afflictions, which came unto me at Antioch...what persecutions I endured: but out of them all Yahweh delivered me." Now, please comprehend here that not all of the people of Antioch were "persecutors"...the Gentiles listened, the Iewes "stoned", i.e. "persecuted". Ezekiel 12:2 Son of man, thou dwellest in the midst of a rebellious house, which have eyes to see, and see not; they have ears to hear, and hear not: for they are a rebellious house.
fellowcitizen of the commonwealth of Yisra'el, NOT the STATE OF ISRAEL. |
Advanced Member
833 Posts |
Posted - 13 Feb 2004 : 07:23:09
[quote]Originally posted by oneisraelite
Greetings once more in the name of the King, brothers and sisters: And again, peace be upon the house. To further understand this we must first know what a "kingdom" is. It is made up of two words [one shortened], king and dominion and means the "king's dominion" or "jurisdiction". Jurisdiction is NOT a place, it is a condition. This is why on virtually all applications [prayers] there is a line that says: STATE_____________________ They are asking us for our condition. If we say CALIFORNIA, for example, then we are alleging that we are in "the condition or status of CALIFORNIA", which is truth if one has volunteered to be a 14th Amendment citizen! These lifeless creatures are subsidiaries or franchises of the "Mother" corporation known as the UNITED STATES, U.S., ad nauseum But as for me and my house, we shall serve Yahweh. Thus if one was "SILLY" enough to fill out one these "PRAYERS" try putting Yahweh on that line!!! Genesis 1:27 So Yahweh created man in his own image, in the image of Yahweh created he him; male and female created he them. Let him who has ears to hear, let him hear.
fellowcitizen of the commonwealth of Yisra'el, NOT the STATE OF ISRAEL. |
Advanced Member
270 Posts |
Posted - 13 Feb 2004 : 10:18:17
"in basic linda kruger fit to be an overseer of a christian group or has she proved herself to be nothing more than a fraud and disciple of the devil?" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Yes, she is the disciple of the devil. I'd stay away from her as if she were the devil himself. In fact, I'd stay away from all gamblers and gambling all together. |
Regular Member
27 Posts |
Posted - 13 Feb 2004 : 14:41:27
well , that is the thought of many.........thank you
why is it then that her group of Pharisees is permitted to be a member of this good gathering of true christians? why hasn her hypocrisy been allowed to remain here and soil the general good intention of registered groups here? is brother andrew not aware of such abomimations to the good Lord's name? is he not prepared to banish the evil? |
Advanced Member
138 Posts |
Posted - 13 Feb 2004 : 18:23:17
Perhaps, if you are seeking a court, you would/could present the evidence of two or three witnesses. I know not of this Linda Kruger or of any posts that she has made upon these threads. To charge one with hyprocrisy requires more than ones own determination.
Peace. |
Regular Member
27 Posts |
Posted - 14 Feb 2004 : 02:04:08
If you require witnesses as to the evil perpertrayted i can forward you to some sites where many are viocing discontent..
not all, as myself, are worded completely in His way through the bible but it is obvious the concensus is thay linda kruger is a whore of the devil and cares not for those who she entraps as long as her personal gain increases...her "family" dwindles each day as they wake up to her abhorrent misuse of the good Lord's name...they depart under intimidation for simply requesting the truth..they are forced to depart involuntarily for questioning the situation and are then branded evil and demons....... this woman is a fake, a Pharisee, a hypocrite,a despicable fraud in His name, an absolute abhorrence to the teachings of Him.........
Brother Andrew....why do you persist in sheltering this evil amidst those who are truly genuine to Him?
Would it be that you are also a fraud and have assisted the evil endeavours to mislead the lpT2 family with your corp.sole endeavours which fell into oblivion whilst you pocketed set up fees? And Hermes who stated he could set up off shore bank accounts for a fee which never eventuated and thousands of dollars were spent and vanished from the good faithful's pockets as the susceptible disappeared with takings , leaving a trail of excuses in their wake....
sorry, but Brother Andrew you too are a fraud and will face the ultimate judgement for the misuse of your "position"...
again....why do you not respond........ |
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