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Posted - 18 May 2023 : 10:41:31
Key points re notes sent in previous msg: Big points in "The Forgiver". Least of which was about Sir Francis Drake, El Draco! Spanish mother's threatened their misbehaving children if they didn't behave with: or else El Draco will get you".... Instructed ever man on his ship in the word of God... required chaplains to be on every ship...when chaplains didn't preach faithfully, had him put in irons and preached himself... Above all else it was important men get the word of God Drake...was a man... Who could command legions, had a strong sense of personal responsibility, also capacity to forgive, and when occasion required it...to live with people they forgave. Drake, as privateer of the crown, is perfect example of the prophet office in action for the nation of Royal priest
what is it, in these 4 talks that discuss the Lord's Petition (suit in chancery, bill in equity) as a "collection action" from his "finished work" for jubilee enforcement? Salvation and Godly Rule chapters to review: Forgiveness of Sins https://pocketcollege.com/transcript/RR136S34.html The Forgiver https://pocketcollege.com/transcript/RR136U38.html The Forgiven https://pocketcollege.com/transcript/RR136V39.html Forgiveness https://pocketcollege.com/transcript/RR136V40.htm
....these tie nicely into the kind of transfer deeds needed to prove horizontal trust priority over world order... But only IF one has perfected vertical trust of governing self as obedient adopted son (peacemaker) of Abba in heaven Horizontal builds upon vertical trust. Can't try to prove trust out of the world until one has the assurance of vertical trust underwriting it.
Why must one learn Equity? How else is one going to understand the "Lord's Petition" as a Suit in Chancery (BIll in Equity), must less how to bring Jubilee suit for redemption of property and restoration of what was purchased for the sole priority, "charitable" use, under spiritual emergency necessity?
re RJRushdoony's "Salvation" ...WHILE one reads-along with the transcript... WHAT parts apply to vertical "special relation" and which parts horizontal (special relations)? This points to why Sanctification, as a duty of a prophet (royal priest), REQUIRES prosecution of the Jubilee of the "heir of all things".
Remember: One is vertical trust between one and Abba in heaven, with the anointed Messiah as our surety/coveture/intercessor, and holy (set-apart) spirit as helper. Other is: horizontal with the world, with prophetic love to assume debts of those who accept the notice of judgement, repent and wish to become brothers in the ecclesia/body. Otherwise it is covenant equity suit for overcoming until peace is restored IoWs...salvation, justification and sanctification have TWO different levels of application for two trusts. Mixing them causes confusion, ignoring or favoring one creates imbalance. Government begins under vertical trust, then outward under horizontal trust Again, vertical first, then horizontal and even against Gods enemies ( thru new prophet calling to prosecute the Kings Jubilee). Hint it started during the Gospels, was perfected by 70AD and this continued calling is NEGLECTED by 99% of churchianty who've failed to prove trust on Abba's promises and Jubilee mandate by their deeds.
IF... a set-apart nation of royal-priests, redeemed out of the world are charged with prosecuting our King's Jubilee against a materialist/humanistic fallen world operating a counterfeit old covenant system... THEN what if this is done exclusively thru Trusts and exclusive Equity (no "law" used at all)? What if this is the first thing that set's apart - graduates one into true new covenant ops as an effective tribal-nation member with real world tools that overcomes and fulfills all obligations of "law"?
https://pocketcollege.com/transcript/RR274A1.html The Church --- gets into ecclessia, envoy/apostle etc.... The Christian Ecclesia was thus a body of men summoned out of the world to prepare themselves in Christ, to govern the world by his law. This is the goal of Christ’s "church" (sic). The ecclesia was "the church" but it was more than a religious assembly, every local group was a part of a universal realm, the kingdom of God. It was not THE kingdom but an aspect of its life. "
"more than a religious assembly".... not THE kingdom but an aspect of its life. we have a mandate to broaden the horizon as we are able to make Christ's ecclesia. i.e. governing body each in its own sphere (expressed trust) --- not enough to quote RJR, but to interpret it into trust and equity deeds (applications)
PRIVATEE'R, noun [from private.] A ship or vessel of war owned and equipped by a private man or by individuals, at their own expense, to seize or plunder the ships of an enemy in war. Such a ship must be licensed or commissioned by government, or it is a pirate. PRIVATEE'R, verb intransitive To cruise in a commissioned private ship against an enemy, for seizing their ships or annoying their commerce. https://webstersdictionary1828.com/Dictionary/Privateer
Re Hope and the products of forgiveness from doc above.. https://webstersdictionary1828.com/Dictionary/hope *Great Trust chapter is Heb 11? res for "use" of created "things"? ie. – Faith (trust) is substance (res) of (use of created) things hoped for? https://biblehub.com/hebrews/11-1.htm
More at: https://t.me/s/provetrustbydeeds/ Gab: Dominion Property Taxation (Glorification - Justification - Sanctification) https://gab.com/groups/66614
---- set-apart way-showers https://hosfell.org/ |