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Thomas Jeffrey
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3 Posts

Posted - 01 Jan 2010 :  10:39:54  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Greetings to all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus, the Christ,

My name is Thomas Jeffrey and I have been visiting this forum for a couple of years now and am very thankful for the information and discussion that you all have posted here.

I have recently been moved to compile and format a reproduction of The Book of the Hundreds, 4th Edition, from several sources including an original bound version from the Christian Jural Society Press, and various scattered electronic updates. This book has been an essential element in my understanding of Scripture and the Great Deception that is sweeping through the world today. With all of the great works and valuable information on the internet today, I'm surprised that a complete copy of this book has not already been made available for download.

With a lot of prayer, diligent study and guidance from the Holy Spirit the compilation has been finished as a single PDF file. I pray that by presenting this work in a complete and printable format, others may be edified by it as well.

For those of you who are familiar with the earlier versions of this work, you will notice that it does not include the original "Part Two - The Christian Jural Society Handbook". In the subsequent updates by the authors, and their apparent intent of the matter, this section was replaced with "Part Two - Matters Concerning His Lawful Assembly". I believe that was a good decision on the part of the authors for reasons I won't get into right now. However, at some point in time, I may post that section solely to keep the information available for posterity.

The minor format changes include, of course, font and spacing... and the older Non-Statutory Abatement material has been placed before the newest updated material to help those who are new to this information to better understand the process, and to follow along through its improvements. Other than an occasional [Note in brackets] for clarification and edification for those who are new to the Non-Statutory Abatement process, all of the submitted work is by the original authors. As a courtesy to the original authors, I have corrected a few minor 'typos', but have found a few more since printing the work. Please work through these.

I take no credit for this work. I give thanks to our Heavenly Father and those brothers in the Christ's assembly at California who were led to do the research and study to make this work available to all men in the name of Jesus, the Christ. The amount of research that has gone into this work is staggering and there is no doubt in my mind that this book should have a place in every Christian's library.

As with all of their works, and according to their "printer's statement" and "authorship statement", I believe that the authors would not object to this book being made available to all in His name.

However, if any of the several bondmen and fellow brothers in Christ who were involved with the authorship of this material should take any issue regarding the reformatting or posting of these works, please let me know and I will do what I can to remedy the issue.

This work has been graciously posted by Gregory Allan of The Lawful Path ( in the 'Reading Room' for the review and edification of all brothers and sisters in Christ.

Thank you for your time and patience in reading this rather lengthy introduction, and may the Lord richly bless you,

Thomas Jeffrey, suae potestate esse
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