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Posted - 16 Jun 2003 :  21:27:33  Show Profile  Visit berkano's Homepage
Originally posted by Owenbrittont

In some States when the land isn't registered they term you as squatters on their land and kock you off

Now this is an interesting concept to me. If land is uninhabited previous to standing upon it, how can one be termed as a squatter? Furthermore, how can a man be called a squatter and kicked off his own land when he has planted a garden, built a house, and raised a fence there? Does not the maxim read, "The right of possession falls to the first inhabitant?"

It seems to me they will call one a squatter and kick him off the land if he lets himself be identified in any way. If you have a license, certificate, permit, etc. or any type of application for permission to the STATE for anything, then I assume they can call you whatever you want, and do whatever they want.

But if you have none of the minimum contacts, are we to suppose the centurions are going to come and arrest one, and take away his dwelling place? On what charge? What are they going to tell the judge? "Ah, we found this man living way out in the woods and we didn't like the fact that he built his own place there so we hope this court will order him that he can't live there and make him get a commercial address and live in an apartment instead?" Are they going to make some claim of a crime committed by the man occupying God's land? What crime, specifically, are they going to drag one into their court for? Trying to survive? Being personally responsible? Living free?

There's one way for the centurions to permanently remove a man who is *not* a squatter--by putting a bullet in his head. It seems to me that they cannot kick one off the land except by force of arms. If they do that, then any game is fair, or is it?

- Berkano
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353 Posts

Posted - 17 Jun 2003 :  23:25:38  Show Profile
Greetings Beranko- suppose ye that a moral sentient being can claim his earthly inheritance by Standing on 'supposed' public land, mark the boarders with the paleo-hebrew name of Yahuweh, and occupy "till He comes"? This is on the mind of a few of Us. Has anyone done this yet to your knowledge?
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Posted - 18 Jun 2003 :  21:37:13  Show Profile  Visit berkano's Homepage
Originally posted by Robert-James

Greetings Beranko- suppose ye that a moral sentient being can claim his earthly inheritance by Standing on 'supposed' public land, mark the boarders with the paleo-hebrew name of Yahuweh, and occupy "till He comes"? This is on the mind of a few of Us. Has anyone done this yet to your knowledge?

I'm happy that you asked. This is what I am working on, and haste does not seem to be fast enough. I have gone many times to the mountains and wild places looking for a suitable place to worship God.

The only drawback to the mountains near here is the lack of rain for most of the warm part of the year, and a five to six month stretch of winter. In a place like this, harsh as the climate is, if several men and or families were working together it would be easily done.

When I find a suitable place and close it for worship of the Almighty, I will hopefully be able to let others of Christ's Lawful Assembly know the particulars. I am not seeking to do this for myself. I am seeking to demonstrate a better way. Those who believe can and eventually will accomplish it with God's help.

One of the most important things for any man to learn is cultivation of garden and fruit trees, and how to identify and harvest edible wild plants. The more wild plants one eats, the clearer his system will be and the stronger he will be to do the work. There is often more nutrition in wild plants growing in good, wild soil, than in carefully fertilized commercially-organically-grown plants.

I think the reason it seems so hard for some people to live off the land is because men are brainwashed from childhood to fear nature and view her as harsh. But nature was given to us by God, and she provides all our needs if we will but open our eyes.

If someone were to ask me, "What principle of the gospel is most dear to you?" I would probably respond that it is the command to put trust in God and what he has already provided, rather than trying to improve His work. One major step in this direction is for all Christians to be able to eat without having to work for wicked men to get that food. Hence, learn to wildcraft. I can gather a full meal for several people in less than fifteen minutes, just about anywhere except a barren desert. I think this is a skill that all followers of God should acquire. It used to be natural; now society intentionally prevents men from being able to stand on their own feet by not passing the knowledge of plants on to all children.

I am going to one wild place very soon to seek guidance (and live entirely off wild plants and the word of God). Pray for me, even as I pray for all of you often. I grow weary of visiting in the polluted cities, so this is good for me to be going away for a short time.

- Berkano
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27 Posts

Posted - 05 Aug 2003 :  03:03:42  Show Profile
Originally posted by Lewish

Dear godslawissupreme, there is no allodial title to land in the U.S. Some land may be returned to a similar state thru a land patent, but that is a long and difficult process. A shorter route is to put the land into a corporation sole. But, make sure that it is a form of corp sole that has no ties back to the Vatican, or you just gave your land to them. Also, the corp sole must have a presence that shows it is indeed a religious organization teaching G-d's Word.

Just a few thoughts.



Let's say I "own" my house outright. In other words, I have paid every penny owed on the mortgage, received my deed of reconveyance and purchase title insurance for the home. I make NO more mortgage payments.

At this point, I form a corp sole and transfer the title of property to the corp sole. Is the property NOW owned by the corp sole truly OWNED by the corp sole??? I know that a corp sole can also apply to the county for property tax exemption under a non-profit status.


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