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Junior Member
22 Posts |
Posted - 29 Apr 2003 : 21:57:42
My current state is one of bondage, and I am just beginning to break free from my chains. I am a true searcher of Truth; any advise that can be given here is welcome!
However, I am between a rock and a hard place, since my current "requirements" to the government are greater than the average person. I have a felony conviction to thank for this. I know first-hand how difficult it is to become free once becoming as ensnared as I have. But I have faith that I will be shown the way...
As a term of my "supervised release", the court has ordered me to pay 500 dollars (FRNs assumed) every month. Failure to do so will undoubtedly result in revocation of my supervised release, resulting in my reincarceration. Thankfully, I am capable of meeting this demand, but I am loathe to continue to do this until the $270,000 demand is fulfilled. I can think of far greater uses for these funds than to increase the retirement funds of some scheming crooks, not to mention my continued bondage.
In addition to the aforementioned restitution, the court also seized my house and a vehicle, as well as all household appliances of any value. All the seized items were owned free and clear. I believe it was an 'administrative' seizure, which required no judicial approval. (As if that would have been hard to come by)
I am currently starting the UCC process as described in 'Cracking the Code, 3rd Edition'. However, another term of the 'supervised release' is to submit a report to a probation officer each month. In that form I must report all income, as well as any incidents involving arrest, questioning by an officer, etc. Failure to truthfully complete and submit this report each month will likely result in my immediate reincarceration.
My problem is this: If I proceed with entirely cutting myself free from the system, I will not be legally employed any longer, and this is a requirement of the supervised release.
Also, it is highly likely as I exit the matrix and test my wings, I will be detained, arrested, and hauled before a court. All of this must be reported on the monthly report, and would likely result in reincarceration.
Possible solutions to my problem would be:
1) To find a non-confrontational way to remove myself from the 'supervised release' status, thus eliminating my requirement to make restitution payments to the court (it would be entered as a civil judgment at that point) and file the monthly reports. This would be my preferred choice.
2) To somehow satisfy there restitution demand to the court. This would basically cause them to look the other way for minor incidents that my arise from my removal from the system, since we know it is all about the money. This would really only be a partial solution, but would be a great first step!
The problem with the first solution is that they have me strongly in their clutches, and since there is a great deal of money involved, they are not likely to let go without a fight.
Although I do not shy away from such a battle, the cost may be more than I can bear. I say this because my wife was also charged and convicted of violating the same law (also known as public policy) as myself, so I am very careful of my actions, knowing full well from the past that they will persecute her to manipulate me. It is more than I can bear to see this happen to her again.
So, it comes to this: Does anybody know of possible applications that can be used to remedy my situation? I am open to all discussions and options.
Also, as to the seized property, does anybody have any suggestions for going about reclaiming it? At the very least, it seems like the value of the goods seized should be applied as a credit to the restitution demand.
Thank you for your kind consideration!
Tony Seeker of Truth |
Advanced Member
198 Posts |
Posted - 30 Apr 2003 : 02:42:27
Seeker of Truth
Yes, you have gotten yourself in a pickle, all right.
If an individual were damaged by your actions, then you come under The Law. We are talking PRINCIPLE here, NOT "governmental" statute. The damage then must indeed be restituted -- to "the last jot and tittle." To do otherwise, is to not learn your lesson, to not repent ("turn around") and therefore to set a straight course to HELL.
However, if you damaged the "government," then you have broken no Law, because the "government" is a legal fiction, which by definition cannot be damaged. In that case you have merely violated their corporate-state POLICY, also known as "statutes." Yes, you are completely correct in seeing that, "it is all about the money." BUT you have unwittingly acceded to their jurisdiction. Once having given up your Divine SOVEREIGNTY in this way, it is indeed most difficult to reclaim it.
We all can reclaim our Sovereignty at some point, even though we have acceded to Caesar's jurisdiction by getting licenses, recording our properties with him, and allowing the use of our Names for commercial purposes in so many unconscious ways. However, you are in vinculus ("in chains") and directly bonded to The Whore. This is another matter.
In either case, "negotiating with the enemy" is merely compromising your Principles. There is NO compromising the TRUTH -- without serious consequences, all of which lead to your Buddy With the Horns.
Not having been in your situation, I cannot advise beyond this point. You may want to call into the conference calls that the "Cracking" people have every Wednesday. Their number is listed at
Also, perhaps Lewis can be of advice, as well as some of the other members here. Their knowledge runs far deeper than mine. Keep us posted as to your progress.
Be Well, Doer
Advanced Member
198 Posts |
Posted - 30 Apr 2003 : 02:55:17
One more thing. If you have not done so already, explore the information on this Forum. There is a cornucopia of great information and ideas. Especially helpful, may be the topic, "ARRESTED for no Driver's Licence," and, "Cop Financially Ruined," both under the general subject, "Statute Law." Good hunting.
Be Well, Doer
Junior Member
22 Posts |
Posted - 30 Apr 2003 : 09:36:11
quote: Originally posted by doer
Yes, you have gotten yourself in a pickle, all right.
If an individual were damaged by your actions, then you come under The Law. We are talking PRINCIPLE here, NOT "governmental" statute. The damage then must indeed be restituted -- to "the last jot and tittle." To do otherwise, is to not learn your lesson, to not repent ("turn around") and therefore to set a straight course to HELL.
There were no individuals (flesh and blood humans) damaged in my case. The damaged party was a man-made corporation, know as Micr-s-ft. The 'crime' I was charged with was 'trafficking in counterfeit goods'. The goods in question had a mark indistinguishable from the Micr-s-oft trademark, and a Micr-s-ft employee stated to the government that mark was counterfeit, so I was in violation of U.S. public policy.
So, my foolish actions allowed the government to take my house, car, and other personal belongings as spoils of war, incarcerate me for 14 months. I will be fettered by this supervised release and the "stay out of jail" payments for another two and a half years.
Maybe it is my duty to remain their servant for this period. It will surely teach me patience. But I truly think I learned patience and my lesson while being incarcerated and separated from my loved ones.
Thank you for your good advise so far.
Junior Member
22 Posts |
Posted - 30 Apr 2003 : 09:41:03
I have been through most of this forum, and while there is a lot of good information here, I can find no helpful advise for someone as ensnared as myself... I will continue searching though. |
Advanced Member
198 Posts |
Posted - 01 May 2003 : 03:48:16
In essence, you violated the corporate policy of U.S.A., Inc. This is OK if you are not a member of U.S.A., Inc., because then they would have no claim on you. However, you probably applied for membership unwittingly at some point in your life. So you most likely have the trappings of membership, such as member number, privileges, etc. This would involve such things as SS Number, Driver's License, vehicle registration and the like -- with the PRIVILEGES of “driving,” SS “benefits,” mail delivery, etc.
Therefore, since you are a member of U.S.A., Inc., then violating any of their POLICIES, will result in various penalties and sanctions. You have already experienced some of those penalties, with many more waiting for you, should you continue violating their CORPORATE POLICY, also known as “statutes.” Understand that these are completely different than LAW. Were you to be following The Law, then there is NO possibility that Caesar could have a claim on you with his “statutes.’
Unfortunately, you have entered into contract with THE WHORE “of your own free will.” It is true that you were duped, but at some point there must be a realization of one’s responsibility to become CONSCIOUS. It appears that you are quickly arriving at that state. But what to do now?
I am only recently becoming Conscious myself, so am not very conversant with the ramifications of Contract Law -- as it applies to one’s status relative to Caesar. But he has your signature to prove his claim on you. So how can your Creator help you, when you have signed onto Satan’s team?
It may be possible to extricate yourself from Caesar’s cold, dead grasp even at this point. You must research how to do this on your own, unless some of the great people posting here can give you some ideas. Possibly, distancing yourself from your Strawman may be a solution. The process is not all that difficult, but how it affects previous contracts is something that I do not understand yet. In any case, you seem to have developed a great “philosophical attitude.” So long as you KEEP ASKING your Creator for guidance, you will continue to receive answers.
Consider this a test of your FAITH. You entered into contract with Caesar because you did not have enough Faith in your Creator. That is the bottom line. So you are now paying the price. It is a very small price, in perspective. You COULD be in Hell already! And that would be for a very, very long time. But here you have a chance to redeem yourself. So don’t blow it now. I would continue to read all that I could, to educate myself about Caesar’s “law” -- “the Roman world” -- otherwise known as “Babylon.” It’s all the same. The important thing, is to learn all you can about it, and how it tends to draw you away from your Creator. This is also known as “temptation.”
So the Way Back has to do with re-focussing thoughts onto WHAT IS REALLY IMPORTANT. You have begun to realize this during your incarceration. I do not think that it is your “duty to remain their servant for this period.” You can be in the deepest, darkest dungeon, and still be serving your Creator. It is only a matter of FOCUS. I agree that, as you say, “It will surely teach me patience.” We can never have enough patience. But I cannot agree with your saying that, “I truly think I learned patience” during your incarceration. The most patient of men always think that they never have enough!
Really, my only admonition is to CONTINUALLY FOCUS on your Creator. He ALREADY has the ANSWER for you! It is only your lack of proper FOCUS that prevents you from seeing it. So go to your closet (or any still, secluded place). Practice FOCUSSING on your Creator, and PATIENTLY WAITING for the answer. It will come.
Meanwhile, keep reading and researching. Truly, “an idle mind is the Devil’s workshop.”
Be Well, Doer
Junior Member
22 Posts |
Posted - 01 May 2003 : 10:09:25
Thanks for the advise and admonition.
In continuing my search for someone who has had a similar experience and been able to deal with these bastards and win, I found another site with a large network of users skilled in dealing with this beast.
I posted a message similar to my original message here, and was contacted by a person who has experience and will be helping me to meet my goals.
For any others on this forum who would like to know the site:
... and the Truth shall set you free! |
Advanced Member
209 Posts |
Posted - 03 May 2003 : 20:43:27
Dear Tony,
This is a tale of two kingdoms. Are you merely fed up with the one (the kingdom of this world) and are now determined to "fight back"? If so, this forum will be of little use to you. Or have you caught a glimpse of the True Kingdom (John 3:3) and are now determined to enter it? In this case, most forums besides this one will prove completely useless to you.
This does not mean we have all the answers, but we seek "for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God."
Did the Father transform your heart while in prison? My experience, though brief, opened up the scriptures for me like never before. Paul, for example, wrote most of his epistles from prison, and it becomes obvious once you have shared in the experience he describes as "our light affliction, which is but for a moment, [which] worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory". If this is real to you, then the government has done you a great favor. This perspective will cause you to move forward very differently than simply trying to fight the system. |
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