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 Who are your children, brethren?
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Posted - 18 Mar 2003 :  23:22:36  Show Profile
Who are your children, brethren? How can we teach and protect, following up on their life on this world?
A Christian Conference once reported about a decade ago:

It is significant to note that one of the first things V.I. Lenin did when he came to power in the Soviet Union, after the revolution in nineteen seventeen was to have passed what amounts to our no-fault divorce statutes (1). Lenin, and later Stalin determined that in order to maintain control of the people it would be necessary to completely destroy the family and restructure it (2). Thus, on september sixteen nineteen eighteen, a law was passed whereby one could obtain a divorce by simply mailing or delivering a postcard to the local register without the necessity of even notifying the spouse being divorced (3). This statute along with the communist encouragement of sexual immorality during marriage, approval of abortion, and forcing women out of the home into the workforce accomplished its purpose of destroying the Russian family(4).

(1) Mikhail Heller "Cogs in the wheel" New York Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. 1988, page 168
(2) Ibid. page 168, 175 and 179
(3) Ibid. page 168
(4) Ibid. page 168

The above is described as NIHILISM.
NIHILISM: according to Webster Reference Dictionary:nihil;nothing} Nothingness or nonexistence. PHILOS An extreme form of skepticism, denying all real existence; total disbelief in religion or moral principles and obligations, or in established laws and institutions. (Sometimes cap.) the principles of a Russian revolutionary party, active in the latter half of the 19th century, holding that existing social and political institutions must be destroyed in order to clear the way for a new state of society, and in its extreme measures employing terrorism and assisination. Any revolutionary activity or proganda promoting terrorism.

Judge Edith Jones of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, told the Federalist Society of Harvard Law School on February 28
said that the question of what is morally right is routinely sacrificed to what is politically expedient. The change has come because legal philosophy has descended to nihilism.

Dios con vosotros,

Edited by - Manuel on 18 Mar 2003 23:34:29

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Posted - 13 Jun 2003 :  13:52:51  Show Profile  Visit godslawissupreme's Homepage  Send godslawissupreme an ICQ Message  Click to see godslawissupreme's MSN Messenger address  Send godslawissupreme a Yahoo! Message
Can you Believe that It has been Planned for Years and Years to Kill The Family Structure.
The People Resposible for this Action should Get Death, But Im not Going to Appoint Myself
to be The Task Master, as thats Gods Job to do that. God Bless
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