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Advanced Member
129 Posts |
Posted - 13 Mar 2003 : 14:27:55
Because of negative dealing with government in the past, I feel a heightened sense of happiness over events that took place today.
There *is* a general post-office, and one can call for first-class post-matter sent to the Christ's assembly posted thereto. I just got my first piece of mail-matter at the Pocatello, Idaho post-office today to prove it.
Luckily, I spoke with a very congenial woman who did not try to argue with me (too much). She advised me that I should address my mail-matter to "general delivery" and then handed me my letters, a photographic copy of which can be found at:
The post-matter was being held in the Postmaster's business office, of all places, because the handlers did not know what to do with it. I think that is the *best* place for it to go anyway, rather than being next to all that huge pile of commercial general delivery matter. I surmise now all I have to do is go straight to the business office to get the post-matter, and I won't even have to wait in line!
Oh, the perks of being a Christian! Who needs an address when you can get mail-matter in Christ's name?
The important thing to note is that the mail-matter was *handed over* to me upon reciept of my letter of appointment with no identification of any type. I just acted like it was totally normal for me to be asking for the post-matter in this way, and it worked. I suppose if I had tried to correct every false thing the clerk stated about the whole business, there would have been a problem. But I just let her say her piece and I got mine (of mail-matter).
Has anyone else been able to get their post-matter this way besides the old-timers in California?
Does anyone want to send a letter via first-class welcoming me to His assembly? I sure could use some encouragement on my little island in the desert.
Blessings and peace to all in the name of Jesus the Christ,
-- Berkano |
Edited by - berkano on 13 May 2003 17:54:18 |
Advanced Member
198 Posts |
Posted - 13 Mar 2003 : 21:39:38
Good for you! I had mail delivered this way before, but was asked for ID -- even though I knew it was not REALLY required. What is a "letter of appointment?"
Being "nice" and not arguing often wins the day. The LAST thing you want to do, is get into an EGO battle with a bureaucrat! They are easily threatened by their insecurity, by anyone secure in their own self. So it is not advisable to stand up to Caesar, unless you have a bigger club than he does.
Be Well, Doer |
Advanced Member
129 Posts |
Posted - 15 Mar 2003 : 05:03:21
quote: Originally posted by doer
Good for you! I had mail delivered this way before, but was asked for ID -- even though I knew it was not REALLY required. What is a "letter of appointment?"
Being "nice" and not arguing often wins the day. The LAST thing you want to do, is get into an EGO battle with a bureaucrat! They are easily threatened by their insecurity, by anyone secure in their own self. So it is not advisable to stand up to Caesar, unless you have a bigger club than he does.
Be Well, Doer
I found the text for the letter of appointment I think somewhere with the Book of Hundreds. Here is the letter I used, on really pretty paper with an official looking "seal" for the Christ's assembly.
---------------------------------- Letter of Appointment to call forth First-Class mail Matter
From the Christ's assembly at Idaho, to all whom this matter does concern, Greetings in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ, and ourselves in Lawful assembly in and through His Name.
On this tenth day of the third month in the Year of Our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus, two thousand and three, solely by the Grace of God, in His Blessed Name, by His Authority, and under Lawful Warrant in, of, and through Him, the Christ's assembly at Idaho calls, appoints, and directs, our Brothers and Sisters in possession of this appointment, having shown and evidenced to us by the word of their Testimony, and the Witness of God our Father, to be of one Mind, Body, and Spirit with us in the Christ, to:
One; call forth our First-Class mail Matter from the general post-office located at Pocatello, Idaho and return the same to us and each of us; and,
Two; to exercise due diligence, sound Wisdom and Judgment with which God our Father in the Christ has blessed them, in carrying out the duties appertaining to this appointment; and to continue to exercise the duties in and of this appointment until:
One; his or her recall by, and return to, our Blessed Sovereign Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ; or,
Two; this appointment is withdrawn by us in Lawful assembly in His Name for Cause.
Locus sigilii ecclesia:
____________________________________ , a bondservant of Jesus, the Christ
____________________________________ , a bondservant of Jesus, the Christ
____________________________________ , a bondservant of Jesus, the Christ
I also think it was helpful that I always try to strike up a conversation with the postal employees when I go in, so they remember me the next time I come around. |
Edited by - berkano on 15 Mar 2003 05:05:39 |
Advanced Member
198 Posts |
Posted - 15 Mar 2003 : 05:09:57
Thanks. This is really good -- and I can see why it works. Do you have any other "process" that is effective?
Be Well, Doer
Occasional Poster
7 Posts |
Posted - 16 Mar 2003 : 13:07:39
We are setting up a network of Christians who don't only intend to come out but intend to do the work of the kingdom. There are many levels you can do this at. We will be posting this information on the Kingdom News list Subscribe to We have already started and you can see some of those posts at the good News
I am familiar with Randy and his work and he is right on in most of the basics. My background is different. It is my contention that all roads lead to the kingdom of heaven and liberty and they all also lead to Rome. The difference is the direction you are going.
I Believe Christ preached a kingdom, a government not just a religion. How that government operates is the best kept secret of our times. We intend to blow the lid of that secret. Those of you who know me know that for a long time I used only ekklesia because of the bad taste the word "Church" left with me.
It is just a word. It is not what is said but what is done. I am a Christian in the sense I follow Christ. There are many who say they are Christians but are not but are the Church of Satan, the adversary, just as there were those who said they were Jews but were the synagogue of Satan according to John.
Christ was not an offshoot but the king and high priest who returned every man to his possessions and to his family. Christ preached a kingdom speaking the words of a government. That government has been on this ball of dirt since Seth began to walk with the God the Father. Those who do not follow his ways are the offshoots or broken off branches.
We have put together quite a "system" based on Biblical precepts and the perfect law of liberty. We have uncovered exactly what the first century Church was doing and how it operated as a "viable republic in the heart of the Roman Empire" an "ever increasing state."
We have different ministers for different types of ministries. They include ID. Some of which have been used to fly on planes. We have "letter of appointment" ID, Indentures, commission, licensed and ordained ministers. But most of all we are looking to do the work of the kingdom and the daily ministration. This is what maintains the entrance to the kingdom. If men want their rights they must take their responsibilities and they must be as concerned about their neighbors rights as they are about their own. We have a private discussion group I will show people how to join that talks about something that Abraham, Moses, Jesus and the apostles all did but few have seen. We call them the Altars of Trust. They are a key part of how to make the kingdom work.
I am seldom on this group because I am often to busy but Don was nice enough to post me privately. That is good networking. So I dug out my old password and logged on.
We have a public discussion group at:
go to: If you want to customize the way you get the email.
And of course you can get me at:
Peace be on your house Gregory MAIN PAGE Subscribe to the Kingdom News
Advanced Member
129 Posts |
Posted - 13 May 2003 : 17:47:45
quote: Originally posted by doer
Thanks. This is really good -- and I can see why it works. Do you have any other "process" that is effective?
Be Well, Doer
Something happened today that reminded me of this question which you posted some time ago. Now I do have a process that works. This concerns the times when postal workers ask for "ID."
I have been calling for the post-matter for some time without any ID. As fate would have it, almost every time I have stood at the counter, the congenial lady I mentioned earlier assisted me. As a practice, she neither asked for ID, nor to see my letter of appointment.
Recently I felt very strongly moved by the spirit to have some "official" way to identify who I am and whom I serve. I don't know why; I was not motivated by some thought to accomplish a goal or deal with some problem. I just had this intense motivation to create some official means of identifying myself. I got together with some brothers and a sister and we discussed it. We drew up some identifying documents that portray an image of my face and placed the identifying information on them, viz., that I serve God and His Kingdom. Some of the more esoteric "spell" words were written in a foreign alphabet and language, including the date, so that this could in no way be confused or misconstrued as a the type of ID Caesar gives to his subjects. Then the documents were witnessed and signed. One is a commission to call for post-matter for everyone getting letters in the name of Christ. The other is a wallet card that looks like what a diplomat and ambassador from a foreign kingdom would carry. It is constructed similar to a government military ID card, and the anti-tampering technology used is hillariously simple yet good. The card identifies me as an Ambassador and Diplomat for the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.
Today I went to the post-office, and a different clerk than usual served me. I had my Bible and the identity documents with me. The exchange went like this:
Berkano walks up to the counter.
Woman Clerk asks, "How may I help you?"
Berkano: "Good after noon. I come to call for first-class mail-matter sent to the Christ's assembly via the general post-office. It will probably be bundled near or with the general delivery items."
Clerk: "Christ's assembly? Oh, ok, I'll check for you."
Clerk walks to sort through the mail-matter for items posted to the assembly and returns.
Clerk: "Do you have any ID?"
Berkano: "Yes Ma'am, I sure do."
Berkano opens the cover holding Bible and identity documents. He pulls out the letter of appointment and places that on the counter in a position that the clerk can immediately begin reading it. After the clerk has about enough time to read the words, "Appointment to call forth first-class mail-matter" and "Greetings and salutations in the Name of the Lord and Savior, Jesus, the Christ, Berkano plunks down the wallet ID card right in the middle of the appointment so that she must observe it. The first words visible at the top of the card are, "Ambassador / Diplomat," right above the photo. In about a second and a half of seeing this, the clerk immediately hands the mail-matter to Berkano and smiles.
Clerk: "You have a very good day!"
Berkano: "Thank you. And you also, have a good day. Thanks again!"
Unless they are trying to find an excuse to arrest you or give you a ticket, government employees just ask for ID because they are taught to. This clerk "asked for a fish and got a fish."
My conclusion is that if we behave like Ambassadors to a Great King, Fearsome and Wonderful, we will be treated in kind by all but the most lawless and ignorant of men, regardless of whom they serve. Having identity documents drawn up by your church, assembly, tribe, family, or like-minded friends is like casting a "spell" of sorts--it ingrains the power of your faith deeper into the mind when it is manifest in a tangible form, *if* you know and reverence the reality that the symbol points to.
- Berkano |
Edited by - berkano on 13 May 2003 17:53:30 |
Advanced Member
198 Posts |
Posted - 13 May 2003 : 18:11:11
Great story! Can you post the "ID" documents?
Doer |
Advanced Member
129 Posts |
Posted - 14 May 2003 : 18:07:16
quote: Originally posted by doer
Great story! Can you post the "ID" documents?
Well, I can, and I can't post the "ID" documents. I can post a description of how they appear, but I could not post an actual representation of them. I will explain.
One. The "military-style" ID card is rendered using fonts and characters that cannot be posted to a forum like this without me actually writing some very complicated font-rendering code, and even then it will not display in many browsers and will just look like a bunch of babble.
Two. The foreign language characters that appear on the ID card are not from a foreign language as in Hebrew, Greek, or Spanish, but a foreign language insomuch that only a very, very small number of men and God currently know anything about it (as far as I know). I will not allow anyone to copy the card or the language and characters written thereon. This language is something that I would currently only consider sharing face-to-face, and then only as directed by the spirit. Now, it is impossible as far as I can tell for anyone to decipher the characters on the card because so few are used, but still I don't want them posted in a public forum any time soon, because then someone could theoretically steal and decipher my private writings and journals written with these characters. I know, the probability is likely greater that one might get run over by a bus, but I like my private thoughts to remain just so. It is like I am protecting the security of a really big password.
Three. Because of the issue with the foreign language characters and declarations on the card, those portions would need to be customized for the man for whom the ID card was being made, depending on his faith and preferences. Similar to the walk with God, this is something that is personal; one size does *not* fit all. It will work for anyone who believes in it. However, just swapping your appellation and picture in place of mine on the card probably would not carry any power, because there are symbols and statements on the card that might not "groove" with your personal faith. In that case, such items would need to be changed or removed to suit your private spiritual walk. Because, really, one thing that saves man "A" might utterly destroy man "B."
I am happy to make you an offer, because I feel I can be of use for good. Let us discuss this privately with this site's personal message function or via email, so I can ask information of a more private nature about your mode of living and faith. Then, if I think I can do well with the information you supply, I will create the identity documents for you, gratis. I have all the software and technology needed for this. I will even put together the military-style church ID card with photo for you and send it to you via the post-office to whatever location you specify. All you would need to provide is a stamped envelope for the documents (because I'm *dirt* poor so far this month and thus I don't want to go out and buy stamps right now) and a photograph. I would not charge you any money for this because I think it would be very bad to put a price on something meant solely for spiritual use. I do think that if we communicate well with each other, between the two of us we can come up with something workable and potent.
An added benefit is that all this would give us an opportunity to know a little more about each other aside from all the legalistic dealings of our lives voiced on this forum.
-Berkano |
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