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Occasional Poster
7 Posts |
Posted - 01 Sep 2002 : 04:44:09
I would like suggestions from all who have read the Holy Bible straight through. I find myself always jumping from one book to the other and have never completed it in it's entirety.
I expect to accomplish this soon and would like your help in doing so. I have remained ignorant long enough and desire to know the truth.
Peace and blessings, James Edwin |
Senior Member
69 Posts |
Posted - 06 Sep 2002 : 06:01:49
James, There are many ways to read through the Bible. Most do it from cover to cover. There are other interesting ways to do it. You could do it from time line (Genesis (part), Job, Genesis (part 2), Exodus...ect.) You can find a time line of what periods were covered and read them as they happened. Since Job was alive between creation before the time of the Exodus... do homework to find out when he was alive. You will find out if you chart out the ages and the people of the times some very interesting facts. Due to the ages of some of the first people (Adam, Seth ect. some would have met Noah. Noah's son's would have lived around until about Abraham time. I will not tell you who would have met whom, but it is interesting. You will find out that it is possible that the words of one spirital man could have taught other generations the storys of how God worded in there lives. This is only one way to read through the Bible. Do it by time line. This will give you an idea of what happened and when. You will find out what authors were alive during the same time. When it comes to the writings of the new testiment, read Matthew, Mark, Luke and John first. Then the book of Acts use that as timeline to find what letters were written. Insert them into the places where they fit. It will not be easy to do this, but it will make the Bible interesting and come to life. Second method, Read the Bible by Historical, Minor Prophets, Major Prophets, Poetry and songs. (Again chart all the Historical books out. Chart of the fullfilled prophecy... write down a list of ones yet to be fullfilled. Check them off when they happen (many are currently in the works of being completed. It will be cool to see them on the horizon. When you are "taken" it will be a good testimony for those still here seeking truth.
Third method... Read all authors books together. Cross examine the writings to see if they have any interesting bits in them. (EXAMPLE: John and Revelation.) (John 1/ Revelation 1) Jesus is the was around in the Beginning) John 1: 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 The same was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. Rev 1:8 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty. (John 13:2 and Revelation 13:2 The
John 13:2 And supper being ended, the devil having now put into the heart of Judas Iscariot , Simon’s son, to betray him;
Rev 13:2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.
Read all the author presents and see if your life is in order with the writing of the Bible.
Just a few ideas...
Shiloh |
New Member
1 Posts |
Posted - 10 Sep 2002 : 22:21:54
quote: Originally posted by jamesedwin: I would like suggestions from all who have read the Holy Bible straight through. I find myself always jumping from one book to the other and have never completed it in it's entirety.
I expect to accomplish this soon and would like your help in doing so. I have remained ignorant long enough and desire to know the truth.
Peace and blessings, James Edwin
First, Be lead by the spirit that resides IN YOU. Don't worry to much about jumping around. What you read but don't quite understand your spirit does. Let it bypass your brain and go directly to your spirit. Jesus said "Hear what the spirit is saying". In other words read between the lines. Allow the Holy Spirit to speak to you about what you are reading. A good place to start is the Gospels and Psalms and Proverbs. Just remember that the Word must come to life. The book in itself cannot give life only the spirit of the word can.
Have an experience with the WORD. The word is not letters in a book, but HE is a person.
I pray that you experience Him to the fullness. MBrown
Senior Member
69 Posts |
Posted - 11 Sep 2002 : 04:10:44
I agree with the statements about being lead by the spirit... however, as the Bible states "Examine every spirit to see if it is off God." Just because you think it means something does not mean a passage means what your first reaction states. Examine the text around it for context. If you do not seek out context and the whole of the meaning you could be convinced of things the Spirit does not wish you to read... example.
Matthew 27:5 And he (JUDAS) cast down the pieces of silver in the temple, and departed, and went and hanged himself.
Luke 10:37 Then said Jesus , Go, and do thou likewise.
If you are missing words or context, you could easily be lead to believe that one Jesus believes in suicide and promotes it. However in this example I edited it to show you what the spirit of this world does. It picks and choses what it wants to read, in any context that they are willing accept.
Do not do like these people. Seek the whole of God's word. Every word has it's purpose or it would not be there.
Many have missed out on a relationship with God because of the "burning in the belly" (emotional re-action) they are willing to follow.
Believe the spirit of God, but test the Spirit with what the whole of the word has to state. God does not studder. If God's word states thou shalt not... DON'T! If God's word states thou shalt... DO! Anyother unanswered questions... Examine further.
Shiloh |
Advanced Member
353 Posts |
Posted - 22 Sep 2002 : 09:10:36
Greetings. Today is the first day of the seventh month, the fall equinox. The heavens set this time, not man. Scripture calls this day the feast of trumpets. Ten days later is the Day of Atonement. Then five days after that, the start of the feast of tabernacles. Yahushua{Jesus] was born on the Day of Atonement. Is it not perfect that He, the One who atone's for our Law breaking was literally to come into this realm on that Day? From His birth till His death was 12,240 days. Food for thought: the Spirit can walk in the flesh, but the flesh can not walk in the Spirit.
Junior Member
22 Posts |
Posted - 13 Dec 2002 : 21:18:25
Robert James,
So you believe that our Lord Jesus Christ was born the day of Atonement!?
Well, frankly, I would need more poof and date from history to prove that, before I could accept it.
Why? Well for one, I do not believe that King herod or the Priest would have allowed the Romans to collect the taxs and force every man to return to his old home town of birth, during any of the feast days. First off, the feast days, lasted 7 months/210 days, from late march to late October.
The beginning and end of the feast days, was depend upon the time of the appearous of the new moon.
The monthly cycle of the moon is not a complete full 30 days, and the year is longer than 360 days.
I believe that the great flood altaer, and changed and affected all 9 worlds that circle the sun, and that more than one world was distoryed. Mars for one. there was also another that laid between Mars and Jupenter, that was blasted. Now when this happen, it changed the orbits of the worlds, and this fact can be seen in the fact that the moon is full of pot holes, and the monthly cycle is no longer 30 days, and the year is no longer 360 days. So the point here is that the beginning of the feast days, now jumps around.
Years ago, when I was in college, I found a book, in which it stated that according to the old Roma/Rome records, that Tax was collected in December. And due to the fact that Christ was born at the time of the tax collection, that means Christ was born in December, and the Star came forth from Orion, and the shepards saw the glory of the agnels at midnight, at the time when Orion was high over head in the night. At thew Time of His death, Orion was high over head, unseen in the day light. At the time when He arose from the Mount of Olive, 40 days later, at noon, Orion was once again, high over head, at noon.
When He was born, it was Midnight in the world, a spiritual darkness. When He arose from the Mount of Olive, it was noon, the light of amazing grace, and truth that was beaming around the world from the Mount of Olive.
No, I do not believe that he was born on the day of Atonement. that is wishful thinking, full of holes, and holds no water or wieght. your bucket has got too many holes in it. sorry, but lets take a closer look at this. Just how do you come up with your veiw. lets hear it. 
I for one will not fight over this, but simply make a statement. my last statement is this, I believe that the open space in the sword of Orion is the passage way to the throne of God, and that some day, at the time of the end, we shall hear the voice of God come forth from Orion, declaring the day and hour of our Lord Jesus Christ return to this world. This was revealed to me long ago, and has been confirmed to me by the Lord, more than once.
The truth shall set you free... and this is also a fact in the wonderful tool of the UCC-1... praise God for His wonderful love...
Silver |
Advanced Member
353 Posts |
Posted - 14 Dec 2002 : 12:49:33
Jesus Christ, I suppose, was born on Dec. 25th., as was Zeus. YaHuSHuA was born on the day of atonement. To use the moon for time keeping is to be led by the Babylonian Jews with their talmud. Supposing YaHuSHuA was born on the day of atonement, using the sun only as the marker of time..............He lived exactly 12,240 days.....12-24. The Jews of His day, used the moon to configure their holy days. YaHuSHuA used the sun, and His passover was on a different day than the tradition of the Jews. X-mas came about in the 4th century as the birth date of Iesus, and also Mithras, the soldier god of the Romans. Any decent encyclopedia gives the Catholic details for turning the Roman Baccanalia festival into the christian travesty we now have on Dec. 25th. But idol worship dies hard. Pilgrims in early America would not touch x-mas, it being strictly a Popish feast day. The Jew Irving Berlin wrote "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas"......................their joke {inside joke} was they {merchants} were dreaming of a green christmas. {green=Frn's}. Colleges will also teach you that you descended from a monkey. That sharp sword you will feel comes out of the mouth of Messiah...........and those with Him. If you are looking to the sky for deliverance, you have Messiah and Zeus all mixed up. Zeus was the sky god of Rome and he lived in the heavens. In all honesty the birth day of Messiah in us is the day to look for. |
Junior Member
22 Posts |
Posted - 14 Dec 2002 : 17:59:07
Brother Robert James, Can you prove any of this from the Bible ? Can you prove to me that the jews were not following the commands of God, when they observe the pass over and the atonement at the times that are mention in the Bible ?
You say that the Babylonians Jews use the moon for time keeping, as the Babylonians did... The Jews were using the moon, long before they went to Babylonian. All you need to do is look in the old testament and you will see that all of the old testament time keeping was centered around the moon, "from one new moon to new moon..." The pass over pointed to the death of Jesus Christ.
Where in the old testament can you show that this Jesus, is not the Messiah ? Where can you prove that this Jesus is a false Christ, the Zeus ? And that the YaHuSHuA is is the true Christ ? You say that YaHuSHuA Passover was on a differnt day... The Passover pointed to the death of Jesus, and he died on the day and hour that the Passover feast pointed forward to, at the time of the evening, when the lamb was to be slain, and then Christ gave up his spirit in to the hands of His Heavenly Father and the curtain with in the temple was torn from the top to the bottom, as the Holy Spirit left in hast, leaving the most holy place expose , to the horror of the Jews. So How can you prove that YaHuSHuA Passover was on a differnt day ? And just who is this YaHuSHuA ?
I hope that you have not gotten yourself mix up in the New Ages Stuff, for a New Agers dose not accept the Blood of Jesus, to redeem us from our sins. There Christ is not the same Christ as found in the Bible, whom we serve.
Yes we do look to Heaven for deliverance, according to what Paul Wrote, as stated here;
1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 --- For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first, then we who are alive and remain, shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and thus we shall always be with the Lord.
there can be no remission of sin, with out the shedding of Blood, for we are planly told that Flesh and Blood can not enter Heaven. Christ came and spilled His Holy Blood, and now We can claim His perfect life as our own, and a right to the tree of Life in heaven.
Yes, we shall spend a 1000's years in heaven, before comeing back to this world. its all there in plan black and white, in the Bible. Deliverance with come from above, from beyond the stars of Orion...
all those who accept Jesus as the Messiah, will receive the Holy Spirit, but we must first accept Him, and plea the Spilled Blood, that was shedded for us... either we accept the teaching of the Bible, or we don't ...
Satan wants us to believe a lie, and has a false answer for everything, and wants us to believe in the greeks gods... So be careful here. Satan is actually the shy god himself, the Zesu !
Advanced Member
353 Posts |
Posted - 15 Dec 2002 : 12:07:49
Ah, silver must be tried in the Fire, and the dross burned that what is left is pure! Know how the silversmith knows when the dross is burned off? When the silversmith can 'see' His own reflection in the molton silver. Did you know YHWH brings forth mazzaroth in his seasons. {Job 38:32} Mazzaroth is the so called zodiac. We are entering the age of aquarius............the age of Living waters being poured forth into a fishes mouth! Yes, I entered into Life with bloody robes............covered in the blood of the Lamb. And they that are with Him, made their robes WHITE in the blood of the Lamb. Consider that paradox. Yes sir, I could 'prove' what I wrote, with scripture only, but the Thomas's among us, must 'see' for themselves. Try "Walter" and his web site....Walter posts here. We can talk after that. Isaiah 19:19-20.....speaks of an altar of witness in Egypt. This is the pyramid of Giza. The key to that altar of witness, is to accept the Capstone. {Finishing touch}. |
Advanced Member
138 Posts |
Posted - 18 Dec 2002 : 19:50:27
Greetings brothers, I just thought that I would weigh in with my two cents worth concerning this subject. If we consult the scriptures, specifically the Glad Tidings according to Luke, we are told that in the sixth month, Elul, representing our August-September time frame, Gabriel visited Mary and told her that she would shortly be visited by the Holy Spirit and that she would conceive. We are also told that Mary, some time thereafter and certainly after the visit of the Holy Spirit, went to visit her cousin, Elisabeth, who was six months pregnant with John. Mary stayed for three months, I believe until shortly after the birth of John, probably in the month of Tevet, and that would be in the November-December time frame. Now, since we are certain that gestation takes approximately nine months then we can determine that our Lord would be born in the March-April, maybe as late as an April-May time frame depending upon the leap year effect on the Jewish year that added an extra thirty days to the calendar. The April-May time frame would also coincide with the festival of Shavuot which occurs after the Passover and is in late spring, early summer. This festival is also known as festival that represented the ‘Birth pangs of the Messiah’. One other thing, the shepherds where still in the fields, meaning in the highlands with their sheep, which means that the time frame definitely was not during the winter, November-January, months when they would have brought their sheep down into shelter.
Peace to all…
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