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 How many STATES are there?
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Occasional Poster

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Posted - 29 Jan 2002 :  07:19:17  Show Profile  Visit sambo1011's Homepage
During a trip from L.A. to Hawaii a while back, I was about to land in Hawaii when the flight attendents passed out U.S. citizen forms to be filled out and returned before leaving the plane. Why would they do this? Was I not previously in the U.S. when I left California? These are the same forms they require you to fill out when flying into the country.

So the question is, Is Hawaii really a lawful state or is it still a U.S. Territory (or Corp. State). And for that matter, are any of the states created afer the 1913 Bankruptcy lawful?


2 Posts

Posted - 08 Apr 2002 :  23:35:08  Show Profile
In the name of my Father do I bid thee well, pleace and good will.

I cannot believe that a subject may cause a sovereign to exist. This follows from the idea that one may not aspire to be more than ones father is. That is to say, that our station in this land is determained by our father's station. Perhaps I am over simplifying this basic principle, perhaps it can be stated better by an other among us.

The former being so, then when We became 'wholely owned by Our creditors' [bankrupt] We forfeted to one or more foriegn governments to Right to create new government subdivisions, and to expand existing government.

A subject 'has no standing in a ''Court'' of ''Law'' against a sovereign, unless the master permits/allows the slave.' So, the only question is: When, post 1913, has "The United States of [North] America" been 'permitted' to exercise such a 'sovereign Right'?

Another clear right of a sovereign is the 'Right to coin Lawful money,' does "The United States of [North] America" [or do the several Republics] coin Lawful money, or does a it make use of the money of a foreign realm - the money of its new master?

Another clear right of a sovereign is the 'Right to declare Law,' does "The United States of [North] America" [or do the several Republics] declare Laws, or does a it enforce the Laws of a foreign realm - the Laws of its new master?

"30:5 Every word of God is pure: .... 30:6 Add thou not unto his words, ...." -The Olde Covenant of The Holy Bible - The Authorized King James Version (translated out of the Original Tongues): The Book of Proverbs, chapter thirty, verses five and six.
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Posted - 09 Apr 2002 :  11:07:39  Show Profile
This concept of "sovereignty" is all well and good. We must endeavor to become more educated about its true meaning. However, the reason that "The State" has power over us is very simple: WE ALLOW IT!

As "sovereigns" we are able to hold our own "court." BUT when we enter the "court" of the "State," WE GIVE UP OUR SOVEREIGNTY AND ACCEDE TO THE "LAWS" OF THE "STATE" (knowingly or unknowingly). So we enter their "court" at a great disadvantage -- even if we are familiar with their "law." Ultimately, can we win against Satan by taking him to his own court and using his own laws? Certainly not! For he can change the rules as he pleases, and it becomes a constantly moving target. Such is the situation in this country today. Any blind man can see that we are no longer living under the original Constitution. "The State" uses that Constitution when it is in its interest. At other times it is ignored.

This is why their "law" is so arbitrary and full of conflict. This is why there is uncontrolled litigation today. It must be sorted out in their "courts." Of course it all plays into their hands, because they gain more control, the more that we go to them for "justice." THERE IS NO JUSTICE! (in their system) The only "justice" is gained by the one who can buy their own tax exemption, or by the one who can con the system, such as O.J.

BUT let us understand that there is ONLY ONE SOVEREIGN -- and He is not of this earth. We take on His powers and attributes because we are made in His Image.

Be Well,

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Posted - 09 Apr 2002 :  16:32:28  Show Profile
...perhaps it can be stated better by an other among us.

Thank you, my brother, for joining and for sharing. Only through an honest and heart-felt dose of truth and His Word are we best prepared to rush out into His world and defend His Rightful property and edify His flock against the evils that have crept into and are even at this late hour plagueing His land.

My brother I do agree with as you have here put down for us. May we all learn from your studies and grow to be better children preaching and teaching in His image. Like my brother Jesus taught: 'we should remain ever vigilant and question without end.' I have looked at some of what you've add, and I find that you are right on. 'Even a slave chooses such a course - he too has an option not to be so.'
- Eru_Rumil,
one of His ecclesiastic emissaries,
a Good and Lawful God-fearing Christian Man.

"30:5 Every word of God is pure: .... 30:6 Add thou not unto his words, ...." -The Olde Covenant of The Holy Bible - The Authorized King James Version (translated out of the Original Tongues): The Book of Proverbs, chapter thirty, verses five and six.
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Occasional Poster

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Posted - 08 May 2002 :  01:05:23  Show Profile  Visit sambo1011's Homepage
hey that's great, but what does it have to do with the question!?

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198 Posts

Posted - 08 May 2002 :  03:15:56  Show Profile
OK! OK! -- THE QUESTION about lawful states:

All states created after LINCOLN'S WAR are NOT lawful. BUT neither are the governments of ANY of the states today lawful, nor of this country, nor of any county, city, etc.

The reason for this is that our Constitution was abrogated at that time, due to a Constitutional crisis brought on by Lincoln himself. I understand that all of this is explained in detail -- in a new book entitiled, "The Real Lincoln," by Thomas DiLorenzo. There are good reviews on -- just type in the title and look for the author, as there are other books by that title.

This country has been in a state of Martial Law ever since that time -- unbeknownst to the vast majority of SLAVES living here. Those former SLAVES who have discovered the Truth, are quietly going about the business of freeing themselves and their friends, from the shackles of the present Satanic Government.

When enough SLAVES gain the true knowledge of their condition and ACT upon that knowledge, there will be a Spiritual Revolution the likes of which has never been seen in history. It is reported that the original American Revolution had only 3% of the population participating at that time. This is all that is needed today.

Hsa 4:6 -- "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge"

Wish I could write more, but it is time to turn in.

God be with you all.

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38 Posts

Posted - 07 Jun 2002 :  13:49:24  Show Profile
Wow this is great, good to here from like minded people, by the looks of it this site is relativley new,

As to the question, I think whats been said already sums it up.

p.s. There was a group working with Hawahii a while back and came close to secession or being declared a repulic, not sure of the details, but I guess things fell through.

Ditto on the KJV (AV1611)

JN 17:17
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10 Posts

Posted - 11 Jun 2002 :  17:27:48  Show Profile
Originally posted by Cowboy:
Wow this is great, good to here from like minded people, by the looks of it this site is relativley new,

As to the question, I think whats been said already sums it up.

p.s. There was a group working with Hawahii a while back and came close to secession or being declared a repulic, not sure of the details, but I guess things fell through.

Ditto on the KJV (AV1611)

JN 17:17

Greetings in the Spirit of the One Great Good:

I've got a real good answer for you about Hawai'i:

For starters, it doens't really ultimately matter whether or not Hawai'i is a 'state' or 'State', except to those that are followers of MAN's law.

For those who do follow MAN's law, the following should be of great interest
(it is true that many men, including MAN's secular governments which are masters to things in subjection (residents, individuals, human beings, homo sapiens, citizens, et cetera) DO follow the 'laws' of MAN's secular government
(i.e. 'law' enforcement officers, court 'officers', et cetera) and so their actions can be partially predicted based on whatever the current regime's 'position' and policy [read: police-y] is.. :

The Hawaiian Kingdom - Official government website:

The Hawaiian Kingdom, as a nation of men, now has "agents" acting as embassadors, traveling on Hawaiian Kingdom and U.S. passports as
denizens (dual citizens; diplomatic agents), to the United Nations headquarters. The PCA (Permanent Court of Arbitration in the Hague, Netherlands) has already stated its opinion that Hawaii (Hawaii Nei, in the Hawaiian language) is in fact a sovereign nation, recognised by some 26 nations across the globe!

Even the 'land agents' from the Department of Natural Resources refused to state that the land titled to "State of Hawaii" (noted merely as a "TAXPAYER"
and 'LESSOR' (although even that alleged position of being a 'lessor' is now being challenged by the 'Ceded Land Cases' ! ).

Now is the time to plant fruit trees and the like and go 'back' (actually forward!) to living in Paradise on Earth again... the only way on earth to
truly live as one of the children of Good.

Aloha (Eloha and Elohim too!),


Matters concerning His Lawful assembly Internet and Satellite radio show:
(RealAudio archives of the show are available for listening and download!!):
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New Member

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Posted - 18 Jul 2002 :  17:37:18  Show Profile
If you read the history of the 20th century closely you will find out that this country was SOLD to the Nazi'''s. Our current presidents grandfather and many other millionaires of the time backed Adolph Hitler and transferred the philosophy of the fascism to this country as "whole-cloth". If Adolph Hitler were in power in this country would it suprise you to find out that it was him that was actually behind "9/11"? Then why would it surprise you to find out that the real culprit is closer to the White House than Adolph Hitler would ever be? Why do you contiue to argue over the splinter in others eyes when you won't remove the tree-trunk from your own?!?

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Occasional Poster

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Posted - 24 Aug 2002 :  00:56:55  Show Profile  Visit sambo1011's Homepage
Magistre, What are you talking about? The corp U.S. was quit claim deeded to the IMF in the 1944 Bretton Woods Agreements. But that doesn't have anything to do with Hawaii Statehood or the constutionality of other States.

For the rest, those that keep repeating that laws do not have to be followed, where do you live? Do you drive on the left if you feel like it? Why do you think governments cannot pass governmental laws? Do you not think governemts are a God given institution, the other 2 being family and churches? Please enlighten me.

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Posted - 29 Aug 2002 :  13:53:51  Show Profile  Visit rdm's Homepage  Send rdm a Yahoo! Message
Want to become governor of your state?

The 34 States holding elections this year (2002) are:

Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Wisconsin, and Wyoming

Quote from the above link:

"With an original jurisdiction Governor in your State, he can seat your State's original jurisdiction National Senators, who can in turn seat an original jurisdiction President [for the first time since 1917]. Until I was elected the States had not had Governors seated since 1968. That is why you see the problems our nation faces today. It's why the States are not using our national money system. It's why we are caught up in wars and rumors of war. It is why Corp. U.S. is setting up its Homeland Security Police system after the pattern of Hitler's SS (State Security Police)!

As the nation's Land owners, we must continue to seat our original jurisdiction government and take America back!!!

The results will be: All federal personal and Corporate taxes will cease! We will go back on the Gold and Silver monetary standard. The alleged national debt will be paid back to us, not owed to them. The Fascistic Regime operated by Corp. U.S. will be peacefully and lawfully ended in favor of our national Republic's Laws when Corp. U.S. is brought back into our nation's ownership and control. The real national government will be reset on our Constitution. All of your rights will once again be recognized and secured. A man's Land will once again be secure as his own sovereign kingdom. And, we will have our nation back!"

Office of the Overseer for the Popular Assembly of Redemptive Dominion Missions, a corporation sole, and his successors.
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Junior Member

23 Posts

Posted - 05 Jan 2003 :  20:29:14  Show Profile
OK Back to the Original question.

I'm new to the forum, so I don't want to step on any toes here, to speak. I believe the question was HOW MANY STATES ARE THERE?

The answer to that question, according to the United States Code, The Code of Federal Regulations, and the Internal Revenue Code is....One. Title 26 USC 3401 defines "STATE, States" as the District of Columbia. Title 26 IRC 7701 Defines "State" as the District of Columbia and it Territories and Possessions". Ironicly, the same section it defines the "United States" as "the district of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, American Virgin Islands, and American Samoa." It says nothing about the Union states because they are not under the jurisdiction of the Federal Government. Only "U.S. citizens" and "residents of the United States" living in the Union states come under this jurisdiction. Now Title 20 CFR 301.1004 defines that eligible "persons" under the Social Security Act are those who are "US citizens or residents ONLY". So if you live or work in the federal Zone OR if you live in one of the Territories, you are chattel of the federal government.
I probably don't have to go into the Adhesion Contract in Social Security which waives your Constitutional rights and all that, all seem quite versed in this matter.

But as a Sovereign let me state Isaiah 33:22," For the LORD is our Judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our King; He will save us."
Sorry to those who may find otherwise, but that leaves no room for man's government in my political spectrum.
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