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 Original (de jure) 13th Amendment
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David Merrill
Advanced Member

1147 Posts

Posted - 14 Dec 2003 :  22:59:31  Show Profile
In late 1995 I acquired a certified copy of the original 13th Amendment from the State Archives. I filed it at the Territorial Capital; El Paso county, Colorado at Book 6744, Pages 969-974 and reception # 095110459. You can buy a true and correct copy for about $8 by calling (719)520-6200.


David Merrill.

Advanced Member

138 Posts

Posted - 15 Dec 2003 :  11:51:50  Show Profile  Visit DanielJacob's Homepage
Greetings David,

Just what are we suppose to do with this information that has been public record in the various States since at least 1825? What is purchasing a piece of paper for $8 going do for the edification of His assembly? If the various legislatures of the ratifying States have been unable to make an issue of this matter, then pray tell, what are we to do with this information? There are those that have been submitting "paperwork" to the members of Congress that show definitively that ratification took place, but it would appear that subsequent Congresses felt no obligation or duty to honor the efforts of those that came before them.

May the peace of our Lord Christ Jesus be with you.
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138 Posts

Posted - 15 Dec 2003 :  12:23:53  Show Profile  Visit DanielJacob's Homepage
In conjuction with my previous post, I submit the following site for anyone's perusal who would like to see just a portion of the work already done on this subject that stated more than twenty years ago by David Dodge:

Peace to all.
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David Merrill
Advanced Member

1147 Posts

Posted - 15 Dec 2003 :  13:19:34  Show Profile

Continuity of evidence. Exception to the hearsay rule. Elevation of authenticity.

Any attorney in a black robe will take "silent judicial notice" that it is hearsay before the court. It is against the fiduciary responsibility to the Bank and Fund to explain to the suitor why his hearsay testimony about some lost Amendment is being ignored. So it goes "silent judicial notice".

By investing $8 for a certified true and correct copy of a document that has been certified by the State Archiver and county clerk, one has met "exceptions to the hearsay rule". Attorneys move in a forum of necessity since 1933 so see Rule 804; Rules for Courts Marshall - United States (1984). By being in the public conscience since 1995 the Amendment has become public law.

The States followed by Governor's Convention the United States into bankruptcy in 1933. So I think that answers one of your questions. The States are incompetent in common law. It is men and women who are competent in commmon law and it is you men and women who can purchase an authenticated original de jure 13th Amendment. It is very useful in diversity (false claims by agents of a foreign principal) cases "...saving to suitors, in all cases the right of a common law remedy where the common law is competent to give it; and [the district court] shall also have exclusive original cognizance [of the United States to protect property rights] of all seizures on land..." First Judiciary Act, Ch. 20, p. 77.


David Merrill
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David Merrill
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1147 Posts

Posted - 15 Dec 2003 :  15:30:03  Show Profile
P.S. To address your question more fully. The de jure Congress adjourned sine die (never to reconvene) on March 28, 1861. Therefore the Congress you speak of which fails to honor the codes of the Constitutional founders has no standing in judicio or competence in common law. With the trial of William Jefferson for perjury, the Congress moved into a room unused since 1859 for the decorum of de jure authority. However upon conviction and impeachment William Jefferson simply went back to work as normal in the Oval Office.

The truth is the truth and the truth shall set you free. Why are you looking to the State and Congress to verify the truth for you?


David Merrill
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Posted - 21 Dec 2003 :  13:11:25  Show Profile
Babylon is going to justify and enforce their unjust laws on us by force- whether or not they can justify it legally- it matters not- they have the power, and that is all that is necessary. Constitutionality was only of concern back when "we the people" still had some power. They will do as they please, and answer to no one- or so they think, as they believe not that the day of judgement will come.

That is why we must come out of Babylon- rather than try to operate within it.

"Thy Word is Truth"
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David Merrill
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1147 Posts

Posted - 21 Dec 2003 :  18:42:48  Show Profile
Of course, some have no use for the de jure 13th Amendment.
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David Merrill
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1147 Posts

Posted - 24 Dec 2003 :  13:33:10  Show Profile
For more about this look under Common Law and Credit River Money Decision.
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