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 9/11 U.S. Government Prank
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Posted - 26 Apr 2003 :  18:20:34  Show Profile
I remember sitting there, watching in awe as the first plane hit the WTC. And I sat there, watching it burn, and seeing the people jump out of the windows. But when the second plane hit the other building, I couldn't stop laughing. This was one of the best pranks ever pulled off by the U.S. government. It ranks up there with other false claims such as the Holocaust. And now since we are in war with this so called regime of terror of saddam hussien, I wonder what other jokes the government will throw at us next.

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353 Posts

Posted - 26 Apr 2003 :  22:02:21  Show Profile
Greetings Magius. You laughed? I waited till we heard who was to blame. I knew it would be either "Arabs" or the racial "right wing" types. How about the non-plane that hit the Pentagram-Pentagon? Let's see...the next prank? SARS. The normal Asian flu bug kills 40,000 persons in U.S. every year. What is SARS at now? 250?
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496 Posts

Posted - 26 Apr 2003 :  22:15:28  Show Profile

For those of you who think a 757 hit the pentagon, please read this link carefully....

I will add to this information, that a friend of mine, an MD (doctor) was at a medical conference only a few blocks form the Pentagon when it was hit. The people attending the conference were about to move from one building to another, when police blocked the doorways, and announced that a small plane had struck the Pentagon and the streets were closed for emergency vehicles. Now if a 757 had hit the Pentagon, don't you think the policeman would have said so?

And oh by the way, did you see the image posted on Fox news of the UAV flying close to the WTC during the time the second plane was about to hit? It was only up on their website a couple of days.

For those who will see, the truth is readily available. For those who want to live in the delusion of Caesar, nothing you can say or do will change their minds about what really happened.


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