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 Traffic Laws - Voluntary or Mandatory?
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Posted - 03 Sep 2002 :  08:16:46  Show Profile  Visit Bondservant's Homepage
2 Peter 2:3, "And through covetousness shall they with feigned words [in their law books] make merchandise of you:"

Proverbs 12:6, "The words of ungodly men are crafty; but the mouth of the upright shall deliver them."

There are only two types of laws in existence; mandatory and voluntary. The way you can tell if a law is mandatory or voluntary is very simple. If it is voluntary, your signature is requested, a contract is required. If it is mandatory, no signature or contract is required.

For example, do you sign a piece of paper saying you will not kill anyone? Or steal from anyone? No. These are mandatory laws, and don't require your permission or signature to enforce them. Mandatory laws don't require a contract. Mandatory laws don't require your signature. They only require the presence of your body for enforceable action against you.

When you are asked to sign a piece of paper, it must always be done voluntarily. To illustrate, let's use an example of a signed confession. A signed confession must be done voluntary. If a policeman took you in a back room, put a gun to your head, and threatened to kill you if you didn't sign a piece of paper, that paper would not be signed voluntarily by you.

Now, the same applies to every piece of paper. If any man threatens you in any way to sign any piece of paper, then it is not signed voluntarily by you. Additionally, if anyone says to sign something, and threatens to take your car, or take your house, or fine you, or put you in jail, if you don't sign it, then this paper is not signed voluntarily. It is signed under threat, duress, and coercion.

Now, think of every time the government asked you to sign a piece of paper. Does the government threaten you in any way? Do they say, "If you don't sign this paper, then we will do (threat) to you?"

For example, does the government say to you, "If you don't put your signature to a drivers license, registration, and these insurance papers, well then, we will have to do some terrible things to you. When we pull you over, we will take away your liberty by arresting you and throwing you in jail, steal your car by impounding it, and extort your money by fining you. And if your kids are in the car with you, we'll take them from you and put them in a foster home, and if your pets are in the car with you, we'll bring them to the humane society and have them terminated. And, oh yea, we'll cancel your library card!"

Yes, they do threaten you like this. Why does Caesar have to intimidate you into signing papers? Because there is no law requiring you to sign anything! Are deceit and threats compatible with the character of God? (Lamentations 3:22-25).

If there was a law requiring you to do something, no signature would be required! If there was a law stating you were required to sign something, then this would mean they can use force, "legally," to get you to sign anything they want. If they can use force legally, then you are not signing a contract voluntarily. So, that police man who took you in the back room and "held a gun to your head" (threatened you), he would be doing his job legally by forcing you to sign a piece of paper. There is no law which forces you to sign a confession, but it makes it a lot easier to prosecute you if you do sign something "voluntarily." There is no law requiring a signature from anyone, but it makes it a lot easier for the government to convert you into something that you are not.

When you sign a drivers license (or, for that matter, any paper from the government), this signature is not required by law. For they 'ask' you for your signature. If it was the law, your signature would not be required. Only contracts and permits require a signature. Governments only have the right to regulate commerce, and commerce is regulated by contracts, licenses, and permits. These are all voluntary. This is why the government must force you to accept a mark identifying you as being engaged in commercial activity.

For example, are you engaged in 'traffic'? The following definitions are from Bouvier’s Law Dictionary of 1914.

Traffic Regulation: "Prescribed rules of conduct to promote the orderly and safe flow of traffic". [What does traffic mean?]

Traffic: "Commerce, trade, sale, or exchange of merchandise, bills, money, and the like. The passing of goods or commodities…. The subjects of transportation… See Commerce". [What does transportation mean?]

Transportation: "The movement of goods or persons from one place to another, by a carrier". [What is a carrier?]

Carrier: "Individual or organization engaged in transporting passengers or goods for hire". [To hire someone means to get paid for services.]

Commerce: "The exchange of goods…buying, selling…Intercourse by way of trade or traffic".

Stop Sign: "A legally erected and maintained traffic signal requiring all traffic to stop before entering into or crossing an intersection."

Traffic lights and stop signs are to regulate those engaged in commercial activity. However, this does not mean you can freely run these signals and signs without stopping first! For obvious reasons.

So, traffic is defined as trade in man's law. In the scripture, "traffick" is also defined as trade! Trade means gain, profit, and riches.

1 Kings 10:15, "Beside that he had of the merchantmen, and of the traffick of the spice merchants."

Isaiah 23:8, "Who hath taken this counsel against Tyre, the crowning city, whose merchants are princes, whose traffickers are the honourable of the earth?"

Ezekiel 17:4, "He cropped off the top of his young twigs, and carried it into a land of traffick; he set it in a city of merchants."

Ezekiel 28:5, "By thy great wisdom and by thy traffick hast thou increased thy riches, and thine heart is lifted up because of thy riches:"

Notice that traffic (trade) increases riches, which begets pride, which is considered iniquity (Ezekiel 16:49). Here are a few cases which spell out who are, and who are not, required to hold a drivers license and registration:

"The Motor Vehicle Act (Stats. 1913, p.639) is not unconstitutional…in that it requires professional chauffeurs, or drivers of motor vehicles for hire, to pay an annual license tax, but exempts all others operators of such vehicles from such tax and regulation." In re Stork, (1914), 167 C. 294.

"A chauffeur…is one who is paid compensation for his services." Hunton v. California Portland Cement Co. (1942), 50 C.A. 2d 684, 123 P.2d 947.

A license is "a permit granted by an appropriate governmental body generally for consideration to a person, firm, or a corporation to pursue some occupation, or to carry on some business, which is subject to regulation under the police power." Rosenblatt v. California Board of Pharmacy, 69 Cal. App. 2d 69, 158 P.2d 199, 203.

Is exercising God's Law "subject to regulation under the police power"? When God commands you to go from place to place and do Godly works, are these Godly works "subject to regulation under the police power"? Are the way you do these Godly works "subject to regulation under the police power"? No! Only those engaged in a business or occupation are subject to them..

Mercury: "Merchandise. A Roman deity…the god of trading and thieving, the presider over roads." Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, Revised and Edited by C.T. Onions, Volume I, page 1235.

Notice traders and thieves are on an equal basis here. And this is why commerce must be fully licensed, regulated, and taxed. Thieves deal in speculation (i.e., inflation, deflation, market trends, etc.), to derive benefit in the form of gain or profit to the detriment of the public. To accept a drivers license means you are engaged in commercial activity, which means you are a trader and a thief. You cannot serve God and money (Matthew 6:24). One who takes a license must serve "another" master, since the ruling law is now that of the Roman god, Mercury, who is the presider over roads, traffic, traders, merchants, and thieves. But our Creator says:

Exodus 20:3, "Thou shalt have no other gods before me."

And you can be taken to jail for not worshipping the god of commerce, Mercury, with your sacrifices (money offerings). When you are taken to jail by the 'road patrol', these jails are engaged in commercial activity. They make money for each prisoner they have in their jails. The motive is profit. However, without a name, address, birth date, birth place, social security number, signature, etc., the COUNTY is not able to bill the STATE for the cost of keeping you in their facilities! So, they will most likely release you to avoid losing 'profit'. This is their great weakness. If they feel they can't steal anything from you, they'll leave you alone.

2 Peter 2:3, "And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you:"

The State is trying to make merchandise of you by bringing you out of your Godly venue and into a commercial venue, and their means of doing this is with "feigned words" and by the deceptive definitions of the words they use. Since, under the Law of War, it is legal to deceive the enemy, we must expect that all government officers will use deceit to get what they want, which is to compel their own (and the followers of Christ) to serve Caesar, and answer to fictitious words which describe them as those 'persons' who are engaged in commercial activity, who are spiritually dead, and who have no souls.

Remember, those who seek "benefits" from the government are seeking the "favour of rulers," but scripture says:

Proverbs 29:26, “Many wait on the favour of rulers; but justice comes to a man from the Lord.”


From The Power of Words: the Words of His Kingdom and the Words of the World Compared at

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Posted - 15 Oct 2002 :  18:17:17  Show Profile
The article referenced above masterfully brings together all the pieces to paint a complete Scriptural picture. It should be required reading for anyone before they are allowed to post on these forums. Here is another excerpt which shows how we misuse the word "person", along with some thoughts this new understanding brought me.

Person and Man Compared

The term person appears in Scripture, but it is not a noun, it only describes the noun. Matthew 22:16, "...for thou regardest not the person of men." 2 Corinthians 2:10, "...the person of Christ." Person means "presence or countenance", it does not mean ‘man.' Here is scriptural proof that "person" and "man" are not synonymous terms, for if they are synonymous, then God is a liar.

First of all, the scripture is very clear that God is no "respecter of persons" (2 Samuel 14:14, 2 Chronicles 19:7, Acts 10:34, Romans 2:11, Galatians 2:6, Ephesians 6:9, Colossians 3:25, 1 Peter 1:17). God does not respect persons, period!

Now, if the term 'person' is synonymous with 'man', then there is a contradiction in the scripture, because throughout scripture, God specifically says he does respect man! For example, "the LORD had respect unto Abel" (Genesis 4:4), God had respect "upon the children of Israel" (Exodus 2:25, Leviticus 26:9, 2 Kings 13:23), and God has "respect unto the lowly" (Psalms 138:6). Therefore, "person" and "man" are not the same.

Second of all, the scripture says that if we have respect of persons, we commit sin and transgress God's Law (Leviticus 19:15, Deuteronomy 1:17; 16:19, Proverbs 24:23; 28:21, James 2:1-4, 9). But in the same breath, Paul tells the first century believers to hold Timothy in honour (Philippians 2:29), and scripture commands us to honour all men (1 Peter 2:17)! So obviously, "persons" and "men" cannot be synonymous terms.

Let us look more closely at Leviticus 19:15. Notice it says ,"thou shalt not respect the person of the poor, nor honour the person of the mighty." It does not say, "thou shalt not respect the poor, nor honour the mighty," but only the person of the poor and the person of the mighty. In other words, we are not to respect someone just because they are the president, or a police officer, or a banker, or a priest, or wealthy. These are the 'persons' of men. We are to respect men because of what's in their hearts, and not because of their image. Jesus did not accept the person of any (Luke 20:21), neither should we.

End Excerpt

Another way I found helpful to distinguish person from man is to think of the word "personality" which has person as its root. Personality is certainly the mere appearance and not the substance of a man.

Once you rightly understand the meaning of person, it then becomes obvious why the concept of the Trinity is so difficult for people these days. When they hear "God in three persons", they are unable to distinguish this from God in three "men", which sounds too much like polytheism. Because the person is not the substance of who God is, describing Him as three persons in no way contradicts the fact that He is only One.

Finally, it is now obvious how helpful "politically correct" language is to the New World Order. To describe yourself as a "man" is now sexist, and therefore offensive. To avoid offending people, we resort to identifying ourselves as a "person" or a "human being", which we were carefully taught to think of as synonymous with "man".


"Of the increase of His government and peace there shall be no end"
Isaiah 9:7
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Posted - 29 May 2003 :  22:56:49  Show Profile
I went to IRS's website and asked them about the mandatory vs. voluntary laws and I just received their response. Here it is:

Your Question Was:
We KNOW the tax laws are not mandatory because.... There are only
two types of laws in existence; mandatory and voluntary. The way you
can tell if a law is mandatory or voluntary is very simple. If it is
voluntary, your signature is requested, a contract is required. If it
is mandatory, no signature or contract is required. For example, do
you sign a piece of paper saying you will not kill anyone? Or steal
from anyone? No. These are mandatory laws, and don t require your
permission or signature to enforce them. Mandatory laws don t require
a contract. Mandatory laws don t require your signature. They only
require the presence of your body for enforceable action against you.
When you are asked to sign a piece of paper, it must always be done
voluntarily. Why does IRS have to intimidate you into signing
papers? BECAUSE THERE IS NO LAW requiring you to sign anything! So
quit lying you fools! - WE KNOW!

The Answer To Your Question Is:
Thank you for your e-mail comparing voluntary to mandatory. Sorry we
have taken so long to respond. I'm not sure your definitions about
mandatory and voluntary are completely correct. There might be a
question of semantics but it is never the intent of the IRS to lie.
Also, you should not call us Fools. We take exception to this!

Not having anything to do with the IRS, but if people voluntarily decide to get married, then there are definite mandates they have to follow in order to comply with state law. There was a time you had to have a blood test, you still need a license with signatures to comply with various state laws even though you voluntarily get married. In
particular, you will be interested in section 6061 for information
about signatures on returns. I quote the start of it for you.

6061. Signing of returns and other documents


(a) General rule

Except as otherwise provided by subsection (b) and sections 6062

and 6063, any return, statement, or other document required to be

made under any provision of the internal revenue laws or regulations shall be signed in accordance with forms or regulations prescribed by the Secretary.

Please read the following:

The 16th Amendment to the United States Constitution and Title 26 of the United States Code provide the legal authority to impose, assess, and collect Federal Income tax.


Edited by - Livefree on 27 Jul 2003 13:26:31
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Posted - 27 Jul 2003 :  13:26:47  Show Profile
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