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 Perpetual renter?
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Posted - 18 Jul 2002 :  08:47:35  Show Profile
Greetings All,
I have been studying this movement for quite sometime now and there still remains a few key unanswered question that I can not seem to get a strait answer on. I will limit this post to two of these questions.

Most every one I know, including myself, involved some how in leaving Babylon does not "own" (I know this is a commercial term) a "home" (probably another commercial term). Most, like myself, "rent" (absolutely a commercial term).

I have heard of the legendary tales of standing on land, "purchasing" a home outright with FRN's and not registering with the STATE to avoid jurisdiction, but have never really been able to have a direct dialog with one of these Brethren. When the scriptures say that a man who does not provide for his family is worse than an infidel one can not put his family at risk based on tales and fables. The true stories I have heard are about homes getting auctioned for back taxes (sure it was the CAP MAN's name... but..).

My question is, knowing "renting" is a commercial term and the FRN's paid
go to maybe mortgages, definately land taxes, how can we be sure we are not involved in commerce when we pay our monthly payment?

Secondly, aside from self-made allodial titles and land-patents (which have a proven history of getting shot down), is there anybody here who can give me a clear, true account of either standing on land or maintaining a house of prayer out of the STATE jurisdiction?

Seeking truth,

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