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 What is a "Christian?"

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Jay Scott Posted - 05 Nov 2011 : 16:02:33


Love Jay.
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
hosfell Posted - 12 Nov 2019 : 00:04:53
I found RJ Rushdoony's commentary on Gospel of John exceptional in defining the intent for "followers of the way":

Also think his commentary on Hebrews-James-Jude is beyond compare:

Best, and only "sermon" way-showers need is from the master himself: Sermon On the Mount:

set-apart way-showers
Jay Scott Posted - 17 Dec 2011 : 11:51:45
A cursory look...

a suffix with the same meaning and properties as -an;

formed from nouns denoting places ( Roman; urban ) or persons ( Augustan ), and now productively forming English adjectives by extension of the Latin pattern. ...the latter sense now extended to membership in social classes, religious denominations, etc., in adjectives formed from various kinds of noun bases ( Episcopalian; pedestrian; Puritan; Republican )

Attached to personal names, it has the additional senses “contemporary with” ( Elizabethan; Jacobean ) or “proponent of” ( Hegelian; Freudian ) the person specified by the noun base.

< Greek -ēnē, feminine of -ēnos, adj. suffix denoting origin or source

Jay Scott.
TomL Posted - 17 Dec 2011 : 03:41:50
Originally posted by Bondservant

What's the Latin root word difference between (Christ)ian and (Christ)ene? I personally prefer to call myself a Christene. Research the difference and find out why there's a difference!

Christene? That's new to me. Do you have any links to share?

Bondservant Posted - 06 Dec 2011 : 18:04:03
What's the Latin root word difference between (Christ)ian and (Christ)ene? I personally prefer to call myself a Christene. Research the difference and find out why there's a difference!
Manuel Posted - 30 Nov 2011 : 08:44:45
I remember a friend once shared about forgiveness and reconciliation.

Here is a short and sweet prayer toremember:
TomL Posted - 29 Nov 2011 : 23:23:32
The word "Christian" literally means "Christ-like," or "little-Christ."
AlexBluRhythm Posted - 25 Nov 2011 : 17:01:08
Another approach to defining "Christian" is searching what it meant to be like the disciples who were first called "Christians" in Antioch.
Jay Scott Posted - 16 Nov 2011 : 09:23:12

I'm thinking there are multiple approaches to define "Christian."

One is, how does the Christian Bible define one devoted to it's teachings.
Another is, what is generally the nature of people who call themselves "Christian" today?
And another is, how does today's society generally define "Christian?"
And yet another is, how do you define "Christian?" ...including whether you consider yourself a Christian or not.

Jay Scott.
I. Scriabin Posted - 15 Nov 2011 : 19:41:19
Most who call themselves "Christian" are
trying, to some extent, to live up to the
counsel given in The Book, particularly the
New Testament section of it.

None of us do well at it - temptations are
all around us in Satan's world - yet we
keep on trying as we periodically stumble
and are once again helped to our feet by
our King.

We are learning how easy it is to give in
to actions and behaviors which make us feel
good; and how difficult it is to not harbor
resentments and anger when we perceive that
someone has done us wrong.

Without the Helper we'd be lost...

Manuel Posted - 07 Nov 2011 : 11:14:07
Greetings to all,

One most important action I think is
"First do no harm" It has deep meaning.
For example, "treat others as you would
want to be treated." Then, there are
people which regard actions as legit, not
understanding the impact which they could
have to the welfare of those which just want
to be left alone, while helping others without
asking nothing in return, except praying
to a higher authority that kindness rewards

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