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 becoming a non-resident alien

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narrowalk Posted - 28 Jun 2006 : 12:51:55
Hello, I am new to the forum, yet have been reading the forums since last year. I am trying to break out of the system and finding that it is not so easy to cut the ties and am feeling overwhelmed. Especially overwhelmed with information. I have been to another site that has all the forms to become a non-resident alien and recind SS#, etc. My question is, what is the first and best step. I do not want to recind my DL as I will need that to do other things and feel that would probably be one of the last things I would do. I am particularly interested in how to travel. Maybe I would have to post that question on another fourum here?? I really want to learn how to travel without the state tags, insurance, etc. Not easy as I live in Florida and they will pull the tags off your car if they find you are driving without insurance plus suspend DL and can arrest you. Anyway, any suggestions on where to start and just how long does it take to become sovereign anyway?? Thank you in advance :)
20   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Owenbrittont Posted - 02 Mar 2011 : 17:17:35
I believe Revoke the Trust has a point BUT unfortunately the drivers license has to go too Unless you are engaged in transport of passengers or freight FOR HIRE.
Also a telephone conference I am involved with is revealing domething VERY interesting. The trust, to which we are supposed to be the beneficiaries to has been high jacked by the fiduciaries in violation of their duties. All courts are running under admiralty law... except one equity. Studies have shown requesting a constructive trust will place you into equity. We are now at the point of studying what exactly needs to go into the suit.
Tune in on the net Thursdays starting about 8PM
or call 218-844-3388 ext 966771# please be aware a lot of phone companies treat this conference number as a party line for billing
I. Scriabin Posted - 18 Dec 2010 : 00:16:11
There is so much confusion in this area regarding
"citizen" and "non-resident alien."

We are all "Citizens" of the Republic. That has
not changed one bit.

What has changed is that the "Republic" is dormant.
It has been replaced by a Corporation with new
rules. We are living in the New Deal.

"U.S. citizens" or "U.S. Individuals" or "subjects"
are all GOVERNMENT CREATED ENTITIES which have arisen
from the Social Security Contract. Social Security
has enabled the Government to achieve by means of
"voluntary contract" what it was not able to achieve
with Constitutional Limitations.

The Good News is that there is no need to try to
change Your "status."

All You need do is understand "Who" and "What" You
truly are and how you relate to the Contract Created
ENTITY PERSON was created as a "subject" of the Corporation
U.S. Government and as a "resident" of the District of Columbia.

But, "IT" is not You. Its NAME AND NUMBER are not Yours.

Form 1040 is a "trap" that no Person is required to make use

Almost unbelievably, the freedom you seek is very easily
obtained. "Truth" is the answer.

Learn how to use the "Truth" to your advantage.
Jay Scott Posted - 14 Oct 2010 : 13:03:36
I say, don't claim the NAME. After all, what evidence do you have it's yours? Love Jay.
Dave B Posted - 14 Oct 2010 : 10:25:22
Blessings, Does any one know how to get to the private side??? i AM SEEKING TEMPLATES AND THAT i CAN GO OFF TO SPEED ME UP IN THIS PROCESS,

Pillar in Christ
ghostwalter Posted - 24 Aug 2010 : 17:24:36
I've recently started a new school year, at my age I'm wondering if there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I'm much more interested in becoming a free man. Hopfully the members here and others interested in the UCC forum realize the fiction we are accommodating all in the name of commerce. Much of my paper work is complete and has been for quite some time. What I don't have is the correct filing information for the UCC forms themselves, nor the addresses to the correct Treasury office, and the correct rhetoric to be applied. Other than this open forum is there someone I could either speak to, or email on the side to access the correct information.
ghostwalter Posted - 24 Aug 2010 : 17:11:37
Originally posted by Dave B

greetings, is there any templates out there for UCCI and Addendum 3, and how does a man of God get the family kangaroo court from dictating my time with my gift from God and making me pay for him?

Dave Boll

Dave B Posted - 24 Aug 2010 : 07:39:07
greetings, is there any templates out there for UCCI and Addendum 3, and how does a man of God get the family kangaroo court from dictating my time with my gift from God and making me pay for him?

Dave Boll
Bondservant Posted - 23 Aug 2010 : 18:38:24
Originally posted by ghostwalter

I'm a new member, recently turned out of the federal custody regime. While a guest at the hotel LW, I learned of the creditor/debtor/sovergien relationship, and the UCC1,3,5,11, but not enough. I don't just want to file and become a deer in the head lights. Could you please show me the way to correctly file and get the treasury account so as to be able to use my exemption. I don't want to talk more than is advised, unless I'm shown a safe way to go.

Believe me, the answers to what you're asking are already posted here. Make sure you check the archive areas in your search enquiries as well as the more recent posts.
Bondservant Posted - 23 Aug 2010 : 18:36:48
Originally posted by Dave B

Can anyone just put it in words of common usage? How about a UCC 1 or what other remedy is out ther asap.

Dave Boll

If you'll bother to search this site with good search words, you'll find the answers to your question.
ghostwalter Posted - 22 Aug 2010 : 15:35:05
I'm a new member, recently turned out of the federal custody regime. While a guest at the hotel LW, I learned of the creditor/debtor/sovergien relationship, and the UCC1,3,5,11, but not enough. I don't just want to file and become a deer in the head lights. Could you please show me the way to correctly file and get the treasury account so as to be able to use my exemption. I don't want to talk more than is advised, unless I'm shown a safe way to go.
Dave B Posted - 22 Aug 2010 : 08:47:40
Can anyone just put it in words of common usage? How about a UCC 1 or what other remedy is out ther asap.

Dave Boll
Owenbrittont Posted - 27 Mar 2010 : 21:46:14
Another thought Declare your own nation under God.

See the Biblical story of Abraham

Bondservant Posted - 18 Mar 2010 : 19:15:41
Originally posted by angelsinthemist

Hi,Im new to this forum.I came across this site while searching for information about UCC AND STRAWMAN.SO I joined.I am a christian lady.I am trying to help a loved one get out of prison.My prayer is to understand UCC AND STRAWMAN and where do I get a application.Where do i start?Is this a waste of time?I pray day and night for God to help me to help my love one guide me.The sites that i have found are so expensive to get information and God knows i dont got that kind of money!I thank you for your time and God Bless!PS if i have join wrong forum please let me know .maybe you know another forum i should join that would help me.THANK YOU!

Never go to PAYtriot groups who charge for what is common knowledge. Although most of the previous posters on this forum have fallen away, I hope those who check in from time to time will reply to you. The IRS attacked the ecclesia that moderates this forum because of the information archived here. I suggest you search keywords here to find your answers because this subject matter has at least a dozen threads discussing what you're seeking.
angelsinthemist Posted - 18 Mar 2010 : 19:00:13
Hi,Im new to this forum.I came across this site while searching for information about UCC AND STRAWMAN.SO I joined.I am a christian lady.I am trying to help a loved one get out of prison.My prayer is to understand UCC AND STRAWMAN and where do I get a application.Where do i start?Is this a waste of time?I pray day and night for God to help me to help my love one guide me.The sites that i have found are so expensive to get information and God knows i dont got that kind of money!I thank you for your time and God Bless!PS if i have join wrong forum please let me know .maybe you know another forum i should join that would help me.THANK YOU!
BatKol Posted - 08 Aug 2006 : 09:52:55
Greetings krone,
Can you list a few invisible contracts that Mercier identifies?

Edit: Actually, I found it here:

This author has some very good information on the nature of the FRN and the jurisdiction that GOVERNS them.
krone Posted - 08 Aug 2006 : 08:34:40
Greetings Brothers in the name of the Lord Jesus,

I have been studying George Mercier's "Invisible Contracts" and find his instruction very interesting. He advises that we owe tribute to the King (income and property taxes to the Government) because we have accepted benefits and services from him through contracts (invisible or otherwise). If we wish to terminate these contracts, thereby relieving our obligation to pay, then we must stop partaking of the benefits. There is more information on how to stop partaking and what these benefits are. If anyone is interested I will be happy to share what I know. Is anyone else familiar with George Mercier?

RevokeTheTrust Posted - 05 Jul 2006 : 17:19:41
Greetings and blessings UncleBuck and OneIsraelite!

I wouldn't go so far as say a "man" is a capacity. I'm looking to transmission equate with scrip in motion to echo the Word emit through a man. Even so, I would say a "motorised" cart is the officiated property, because it all falls into the scope of the code for which a Property is officiated or put in the hands of another to manage it for the benefit. Even the Code utilized by agents of that DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES takes Title to a Property and puts "it" in state (not State: according to Law of Nations) under a condition of use. The re-conditioning use is to classify it other than an automobilte, a "motor vehicle" by no other regulation but the intent and purpose under their chosen trustee the incorporated beneficiary or whomever not in their alleged dishonour. As well, I found that refering to an automobile as a "car" to be incorrect in much of history because "car" is often used to those vessels on a pre-planned route or waypoint as though fixed in movement determined on a "rail."

Negotiable Instruments Law, attachments, is what is needed to comprehend the process used; and often is done quietly without the pedanticry the people expect. A well-witnessed Bill of lading could convert any mobile vessell into the domestication and manipulation of another's rail to follow behind in line of their supposed Engineer and caboose. The people having a greater security interest appear to have lost their controlling interest in their property, with so little as an "application" to a foreign jurisdiction by consenting through their form; thereby that foreign jurisdiction doesn't document their process to the specule of an honest lay-man finding a way to adapt their actions as evinced in the Code and to uphold the claim to disolve the trust without dishonour. Every manner of regulation from that DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES is out-right undocumentive and encryptive babel from the minds of their illiterate pre-destined automotons.

Needless to say, we don't need any frivolous trustees grabbing our ankles to swing us about their head to smack the institution's balls, just because a man confessed to being a thing known as a driver (person: mask worn from time to time). A man isn't a thing. I suppose this is the dimorphic difference between a helmsman, postman, yeoman, and various other movements of neglect to discharge as opposed to a thing exercised to the matter on behalf of the man. The correlation to a thing holding office for a man, some know it as "induction" while I think of it as malicious use of Principle And Agent doctrine concealed with a limited-liability cloak, is found in the Babyloniand Talmud; easily adapted to the false distinctions of law from that false Jew to say that a manner of going about one's business using methods of indirect motion are without recourse to whomever is manipulating that locomotion. I thought this when I heard the unholy text remit through the BABYLONIAN Sanhedrin, their alleged right of a Pharisee to kill anyone as long as he did so indirectly; further examplified in Sanhedrin 77a that "If one bound his neighbor and he died of starvation, then he is not liable to execution." That principle is no different than reasoning to a method of homicide, as though it is not the man that caused the death of a neighbor, but is cause of an evil shoestring to blame instead.

with love,

Small Craft Advisory Warning: due to High Seas, the Stripes will be lowered until Ordinance is subdued. For the unfettered everyone-else, just shift the POV 90 degrees rite to avoid the Moors at Salvage.
Oneisraelite Posted - 05 Jul 2006 : 07:36:00
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness .--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right [Nay, it is the obligation...] of the People to alter or to abolish it , and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

Keep in mind that one can always renounce his "membership" in one "club" (body), where the rules have become oppressive, and join himself to another "Club" (body), which has the perfect rules of liberty, mutual respect.

Club Rule #2
Love your neighbour as yourself.

fellowcitizen of the commonwealth of Yisra'el,
NOT the man-made, fictional USA or STATE OF ISRAEL.
Ephesians 2:12 & 19
An act done by me against my will is not my act.
Uncle Buck Posted - 05 Jul 2006 : 05:49:15
Originally posted by RevokeTheTrust

Greetings and blessings!

In terms of moving from a Trust in association with another executive administrator and judiciary and legislature, it is good to define the extent of the participation and the reservations made before entering the character and process of those foreign bodies as moved into their domestication. As any club, the subject of study and participation in that club doesn't extend to matters of property not officiated into the Trust of those careful associates.
with love,

brother Gregory-Thomas - thankyou for making that post understandable (almost!). Peace be unto the hosue. The analogy with the club is a good way to present the TRUST or government.

If you join a Golf Club then you are a member of that body. You must comply with the Golf Club rules. It is voluntary to join and quit. If you want to quit the Golf Club as because their fees (taxes) and rules (legislation) etc... are no longer what you agree with then you have the choice to not re-new your memberSHIP.

When you join Yahuwah's Club (nation of peculiar people) then you are under His rules and dominion and jurisdiction. Unfortunately most 'christians' want the best of both worlds but Matt 6:24 states that you can't serve two masters.

The problem is you need standing as a MAN not a PERSON - you need to be able to demonstrate to the Golf Club when their security guards grab you for an alleged air swing whilst watching persons playing in a tournament that you are not one of their slaves...

I think what G-T was saying in the above quote is if you haven't registered your motorised golf-cart with the club then they don't have any higher claim over your property. LIFE LIBERTY PROPERTY these are unalienable if you exert your capacity as a man on the land and do not clothe yourself in the office of PERSON under a man-made constitution.


brother Rick

If I have to be like him who is going to be like me?
James 1:25 The Perfect Law of Liberty
Oneisraelite Posted - 04 Jul 2006 : 12:01:23
Where to start: And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind...

How long does it take to become sovereign: In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye...we shall be changed.

fellowcitizen of the commonwealth of Yisra'el,
NOT the man-made, fictional USA or STATE OF ISRAEL.
Ephesians 2:12 & 19
An act done by me against my will is not my act.

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