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Dave B Posted - 31 Aug 2010 : 14:12:23
Greetings, Is there any one out there with wisdom in this SCAM, and family court? Can I do a cross filing of UCC adendum or what to take back athority over my child.

Pillar in Christ
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Dave B Posted - 30 Sep 2010 : 08:57:17
LUIS EWING is a scammer

Pillar in Christ
Dave B Posted - 27 Sep 2010 : 07:17:29
Thanks Yardstick I will discern this info and see where it goes, any other info on a UCC adendum or A4v?

Pillar in Christ
yardstick Posted - 24 Sep 2010 : 22:57:25
Originally posted by Dave B

Greetings, Is there any one out there with wisdom in this SCAM, and family court? Can I do a cross filing of UCC adendum or what to take back athority over my child.

Pillar in Christ

I cannot speak to the man's reputation; however, I have heard of someone called Luis Ewing. He has an eponymous website. You should do your due diligence, and I know he will charge you for his services.
Jay Scott Posted - 01 Sep 2010 : 12:00:24
Who do government agents require testify the NAME is me or mine? Or that is the child's NAME? In other words what leads government agents to believe I claim the NAME?

What NAME are they talking about? What people call me? Or the LEGAL NAME. Are those the same thing?

Call me "Jay Scott." Is that what men acting as law enforcement officers ask for? Or the phone company?

The NAME provided for me to use in commerce, when necessary, is Jay Scott ANDERSON. Does that mean I am Jay Scott ANDERSON? Or that it's "my" NAME?

What evidence is there it's "my" NAME? The Birth Certificate? Who's NAME is at the top of that document? Who's signature is at the bottom?

Is it the intention of the issuers of the Birth Certificate that I use it for personal identification?

More here: (People say episode 9 is a nice place to start.)

Be blessed.

Jay Scott.
Jay Scott Posted - 31 Aug 2010 : 18:08:41
Have you listened to this?

Is it your NAME?

Does the STATE have authority over the child? Or the NAME?

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