T O P I C R E V I E W |
Scuba |
Posted - 28 Nov 2007 : 06:57:34 Lets say I'm a Christian who loves God. I'm married and have five kids. I have been blessed with a job that I can earn money to care for my family and give to the Lord to help His people. My boss is not a Christian and doesn't believe in God. His business is doing very well so he requires me to work seven days a week 9 to 12 hours a day. Maybe he just requires me to work weekends but I want to gather with the saints to hear God's word and fellowship with His people. I want to take my family to be among other believers so they may share in the blessings of God’s people but I can't because my boss has me working night and day. What recourse do I have to stand on if the seventh day Sabbath has been done away with or if it's no longer in force? I have none before God or man.
The seventh day Sabbath is the forth commandment, which was written in stone with God’s own finger making it permanent and unchangeable. If we or anyone else in God's creation refuses to obey God's Law we will be held accountable, even if we’re an unbelieving.
Some people try to make the Sabbath a spiritual rest, but according to the context, this is not true, for all of God's working creatures are commanded to rest, even the animals.
Listen to the forth commandment in how it was given to every living thing whether Jew, Gentile, man, woman, Ox or donkey.
Exodus 20:8-11 Remember to observe the Sabbath as a holy day. Six days a week are for your daily duties and your regular work, but the seventh day is a day of Sabbath rest before the Lord your God. On that day you are to do no work of any kind, nor shall your son, daughter, or slaves--whether men or women--or your cattle or your house guests. For in six days the Lord made the heaven, earth, and sea, and everything in them, and rested the seventh day; so he blessed the Sabbath day and set it aside for rest.
What recourse do we have before God or evil man if we desire to gather together with the saints to share in God's word if the forth commandment is no longer binding? We have no recourse or right to have a day off to rest and gather in worship.
The Bible speaks of many Sabbaths but God, knowing the evilness and greed of man's heart, has commanded only one seventh day Sabbath in stone as an unchanging day of rest. This one day is to be set aside as a rest for all working creatures and is to be a holy convocation to God by His people.
Leviticus 23:3 (These are in addition to your Sabbaths --the seventh day of every week--which are always days of rest in every home, times for assembling to worship, and for resting from the normal business of the week.)
God has commanded all mankind and all working creatures to rest every seventh day. This command is our only right before God and evil man to take time off from work to gather and give glory to God. It's a time that God has commanded unbelieving bosses and mankind alike to honor so that even God's working animals may have the right to rest. This makes every business owner and boss, whether believer or not, accountable to God.
Exodus 23:12 "Six days you shall do your work, and on the seventh day you shall rest, that your ox and your donkey may rest, and the son of your female servant and the stranger may be refreshed.
Some will say that we can gather any day so it doesn't have to be the seventh day. This too is a wrong belief. God has blessed and sanctified (set apart) only one day, which is the seventh day. Six days He created everything and added the seventh day at the end and blessed it and sanctified it. It stands by itself holy and separate and even to this very day we still have seven days in a week. If man were to say that the seventh day is no different than any other day then my unbelieving boss could give me Monday off to gather while another unbelieving boss from another company could give his employee Thursday off to gather. Then again another unbelieving boss may give his employee Sunday off. This is not what God intended for His people nor His creation.
There is only one day that God has commanded man to rest and set apart and that day is the seventh day of every week. This is the only day that God has blessed and set apart. This is the only day that God has written in stone with His own finger. This is the only day that we have grounds to appeal to evil men in which God will hold them accountable to for preventing His people from coming together as a body to worship.
We can not appeal to our bosses for Sunday off with God’s authority backing us nor can we appeal to man for Friday off with God’s authority backing us. God will not judge a man for violating His Law if the man has not violated a Law of God. If your boss refuses to give you Sunday off he is not sinning nor is he sinning if he refuses to give you Friday off. But if he refuses to give you the Sabbath off he will give an account before God.
The forth commandment Sabbath was made for man, just like the other nine. If the eighth commandment did not say man shall not steal then if someone stole my money I would have no appeal before God or man. This is the same for the Sabbath truth. If my boss, by forcing me to work on the Sabbath, refuses to let me have time off to gather with God’s people then he is accountable to God because of the forth commandment. God will surly bring about justice because of His forth commandment but He will not bring about justice for any other day. Why is this? Because we are commanded to work on the other six days but the seventh day we are commanded to rest from our secular jobs. It is to be holy unto the Lord.
With today’s high pace business world and the evilness of man, let us remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy unto the Lord. Let us not have the authority of man behind us when we uphold Sunday, but rather, let us uphold the seventh day Sabbath of God’s forth commandment and have Him stand behind us in our decision to obey Him over man.
Exodus 20:8 "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
Have we, as God’s people in the this busy world, forgotten the seventh day Sabbath to keep it holy?
God has commanded this day for all the world to prevent man from not giving God’s people time off to worship Him as a people.
With all this in mind I want you to read what the people of God had to suffer under the hand of Pharaoh while in slavery in Egypt. Read these words carefully and understand the reason and purpose for the seventh day Sabbath command.
Exodus 5:1-9 Afterward Moses and Aaron went in and told Pharaoh, "Thus says the Lord God of Israel: `Let My people go, that they may hold a feast to Me in the wilderness.' '' And Pharaoh said, "Who is the Lord, that I should obey His voice to let Israel go? I do not know the Lord, nor will I let Israel go.'' So they said, "The God of the Hebrews has met with us. Please, let us go three days' journey into the desert and sacrifice to the Lord our God, lest He fall upon us with pestilence or with the sword.'' Then the king of Egypt said to them, "Moses and Aaron, why do you take the people from their work? Get back to your labor.'' And Pharaoh said, "Look, the people of the land are many now, and you make them rest from their labor!'' So the same day Pharaoh commanded the taskmasters of the people and their officers, saying, "You shall no longer give the people straw to make brick as before. Let them go and gather straw for themselves. "And you shall lay on them the quota of bricks which they made before. You shall not diminish it. For they are idle; therefore they cry out, saying, `Let us go and sacrifice to our God.' "Let more work be laid on the men, that they may labor in it, and let them not regard false words.''
Here we have Moses and Aaron who were sent by God to bring His people on a three day journey to a place where they could worship Him. But Pharaoh would not let them go to sacrifice to God. Pharaoh did not want them resting, he wanted them to continue working and would not allow them to go out to worship God in sacrifice.
In the forth commandment of God we find God making a Law that would prevent evil man from not allowing God’s people time from their labors to go to a place to worship Him. Now listen to how God equates the Sabbath with when His people could not take time away from work to worship God as slaves in Egypt.
Deuteronomy 5:12-15 `Observe the Sabbath day, to keep it holy, as the Lord your God commanded you. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God. In it you shall not do any work: you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your manservant, nor your maidservant, nor your ox, nor your donkey, nor any of your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates, that your manservant and your maidservant may rest as well as you. And remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt, and that the Lord your God brought you out from there by a mighty hand and by an outstretched arm; therefore the Lord your God commanded you to keep the Sabbath day.
Is your boss a modern day Pharaoh who refuses to give his employees time off to worship God? Well, God has now established a day, one day, where your boss will be held accountable to God just likes Pharaoh was and we know what happened to Pharaoh.
God has made one day, and one day only, that we can hold our bosses accountable to and that day is the seventh day. God has done this so all of His people can gather at the same time, as a body, in His name to worship. We can’t claim any other day nor can we claim more than one day, for you lazy ones. How many times has a preacher put a sermon together only to have half his congregation missing due to employment. Let us all keep the Sabbath holy by closing our shops and allowing God’s people freedom to gather together as a body of believers in worship of God. This is pleasing to Him and commendable to you.
The seventh day Sabbath will bring about much persecution of God’s people in these last days because man will be enforcing his day of worship (Friday or Sunday). The false church of God will enforce Sunday as the Lord’s day by calling God’s people back to keeping the Ten Commandments. Those who don’t honor the Ten Commandments with, Sunday as the Lord’s day, will be viewed as the reason for God’s wrath with all the trouble in the world. Laws will be enacted to enforce Sunday worship (Blue Law). These laws will be enforced and people who honor the true Sabbath will be thrown in prison for violating the Sunday law in not keeping all the Ten Commandments.
Right now in this day and age if the Ten Commandments were to be enforce with military might and religious backing Sunday, the first day or the week, would be enforced as the Lord‘s day. Everyone one who says they agree that the seventh day is the Sabbath of God, but says it doesn’t really matter, will have to make a decision who’s commands they will follow, God’s or man’s. Great persecution will come on those who chose God’s commandments over man‘s, in the same way it happened to Jesus. But we are called to endure to the end in keeping God’s commandments in having the same faith as Jesus.
Revelation 14:12Here is a call for the endurance of the saints, those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.
Matthew 24:9-13 "Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name's sake. "And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. "Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. "And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. "But he who endures to the end shall be saved.
Lawlessness will abound….
1 John 3:4 Every one who commits sin is guilty of lawlessness; sin is lawlessness.
Not remembering the Sabbath, to keep it holy, is sin and lawlessness.  |
5 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
stefree |
Posted - 05 Dec 2007 : 06:54:10 I would like to quote the words of Abraham Lincoln regarding the Civil War as found in 50 YEARS IN THE 'CHURCH' OF ROME: "This war would never have been possible without the sinister influence of the Jesuits. We owe it to popery that we now see our land reddened with the blood of her noblest sons. Though there were great differences of opinion between the South and the North on the question of slavery, neither Jeff Davis nor anyone of the leading men of the Confederacy would have dared to attack the North, had they not relied on the promises of the Jesuits, that, under the mask of Democracy, the money and the arms of the Roman Catholic, even the arms of France were at their disposal, if they would attack us. I pity the priests, the bishops and monks of Rome in the United States, when the people realize that they are, in great part, responsible for the tears and the blood shed in this war. I conceal what I know, on that subject, from the knowledge of the nation; for if the people knew the whole truth, this war would turn into a religious war, and it would at once, take a tenfold more savage and bloody character. It would become merciless as all religious wars are. It would become a war of extermination on both sides. The Protestants of both the North and the South would surely unite to exterminate the priests and the Jesuits, if they could hear what Professor Morse has said to me of the plots made in the very city of Rome to destroy this Republic, and if they could learn how the priests, the nuns, and the monks, which daily land on our shores, under the pretext of preaching their religion, instructing the people in their schools, taking care of the sick in the hospitals, are nothing else but the emissaries of the Pope, of Napoleon, and the other despots of Europe, to undermine our institutions, alienate the hearts of our people from our constitution, and our laws, destroy our schools, and prepare a reign of anarchy here as they have done in Ireland, in Mexico, in Spain, and wherever there are any people who want to be free."
And then President Abraham Lincoln went on to say: "Is it not an absurdity to give to a man a thing which he is sworn to hate, curse, and destroy? And does not the Church of Rome hate, curse and destroy liberty of conscience whenever she can do it safely? I am for liberty of conscience in its noblest, broadest, highest sense. But I cannot give liberty of conscience to the Pope and to his followers, the Papists, so long as they tell me, through all their councils, theologians, and canon laws, that their conscience orders them to bum my wife, strangle my children, and cut my throat when they find their opportunity! This does not seem to be understood by the people today. But sooner or later, the light of common sense will make it clear to every one that no liberty of conscience can be granted to men who are sworn to obey a Pope, who pretends to have the right to put to death those who differ from him in religion." from Chick Publications
stefree |
Posted - 05 Dec 2007 : 06:42:44 Even our forefathers knew...
Nativism Primary Reading The Anti-Catholic Press, 1854 THE KNOW-NOTHING: AND AMERICAN CRUSADER 29 July 1854 BOUND TO SERVE THE CHURCH BEFORE THE COUNTRY We must not let this fact go-by—the Roman Catholics are bound to serve their Church before their Country. What is the practical and inevitable result of such a system in this country? Why, that every Catholic stands committed as an enemy to the Republic. In such a character, base as it is—reeking all over, soaked all through with a religion that countenance crime; with principals that are shocked at no extremity of corruption—their whole effect is to pull down Republicanism and bolster up Romanism. This it does. It is seen. The thing is plain. It can't be otherwise. A man who is a Roman Catholic is not a Republican. He can't be. Calling fish, flesh, don't make it so. Hence whatever is told you of Catholicism as favorable to all that is American, put no faith in it. The Pope of Rome says America must be crushed—and all political economists of any note or weight, agree that if it is ever crushed, it will be by Romanism. Let us remember these matters. Let us regard every Roman Catholic as an enemy to the country—and so treat him. He is nothing else. NONE BUT AMERICANS FOR OFFICE Such is one of the planks of our platform. It involved a great principle—and one which the Americans accept heartily. It is sound. It is just. It is what should be the fact. America, we take it, is the land of Americans. It is theirs. Its offices, its destiny, its genius, its laws, institutions, should all be in their hands and keeping. Not an office in this whole land should be filled by any but Americans. There is a full supply. They are all capable. They are intelligent, patriotic and all that. Then where is the logic, justice, even decency, of permitting foreigners to hold these places. It is painful to look at affairs in Washington. Many of the best offices there,—in the very heart of the nation—there where for example, word, action, foes forth all over the land—are filled by foreigners. And two-thirds of those are IRISH. Let the cry go forth—NONE BUT NATIVE AMERICANS FOR OFFICE! THIS, THAT AND THE OTHER • The Roman Catholic Priest is a queer institution. He makes people commit crime, then pay for it, and then goes and commits it himself. Nothing like the Priest. Exploring Diversity in Pennsylvania History www.hsp.org • The Fourth July was celebrated in London, in fine style. Uncle Sam and Victoria were toasted, and Hail Columbia, God Save the Queen, Yankee Doodle and other luxuries enjoyed. Some country, that England. • The New Bedford Mercury, after several columns of abuse of the new organization known as the "Know-Nothings." Has taken the back track, and expresses itself highly delighted with it, in several very pretty little items. • About fifty Irishmen set upon half dozen of the Portland police, the other night, with a view of giving them a most unmerciful beating. The police were too smart for the scoundrels, and jugged them all. • The Pope of Rome weighs 300. The size and weight of his body, is in striking contrast with that of his mind. WHAT YOU SEE IF YOU LOOK SHARP 1—A very excited state of mind among foreigners. 2—Roman Catholic priests cutting up all sorts of disgraceful didos. 3—The American party rolling up its forces for the coming political warfare. 4—Old politicians shaking in their breeches, as though they had a double and twisted fever and ague. 5—Eleven prominent cities electing pure Native American officers. 6—By looking very sharp, on tip-toe, a Native American President taking his seat in the White House in 1856, March 4th. Not bad to look at, these things—not a bit. THINGS WHICH ROMAN CATHOLIC PRIESTS AND ALL TRUE ROMAN CATHOLICS HATE Providence, July 22, 1854 1. They HATE our Republic, and are trying to overthrow it. 2. They HATE the American Eagle, and it offends them beyond endurance to see it worn as an ornament by Americans. 3. They HATE our Flag, as it manifest by their grossly insulting it. 4. They HATE the liberty of conscience. 5. They HATE the liberty of the Press. 6. They HATE the liberty of speech. 7. They HATE our Common School system. 8. They HATE the Bible, and would blot it out of existence if they could! 9. The Priests HATE married life, and yet by them is fulfilled the Scripture, to wit: 'more are the children of the desolate, than the children of the married wife.' 10. They HATE Protestants, and are sworn to exterminate them from our country and the earth. 11. They HATE the name of WASHINGTON, because he was a Republican and Protestant. Exploring Diversity in Pennsylvania History www.hsp.org 12. They HATE all rulers that do not swear allegiance to the Pope of Rome. 13. They HATE to be ruled by Americans, and say 'WE WILL NOT BE RULED BY THEM!' 14. They HATE to support their own paupers and they are left to be supported by the tax paying Americans. 15. They HATE, above all, the 'Know-Nothings,' who are determined to rid this country from their accursed power. —UNCLE SAM Exploring Diversity in Pennsylvania History www.hsp.org |
stefree |
Posted - 05 Dec 2007 : 05:49:33 The Catholic church (which means the system of apostate religion, not the people in her) is, as Martin Luther called her, the anti-Christ. She carries on the rebellious tradition of self exaltation.
This topic will become primary to our survival soon as the federally mandated false day of worship will become pivotal to our salvation. Armageddon is truly the battle of counterfeit vs true Holy days...bear this in mind as we approach this "holiday" season...which spirit dominates this massive mammonite monopoly of peoples' time and money, not to mention consciousness?
For an excellent site on the inner workings of the religion of Rome, visit the anitchristslideshow.com - well worth your time in addition to Gregs material.
Greg |
Posted - 03 Dec 2007 : 18:52:39 Sunday is not the "seventh" day, Saturday is. The Catholic Church is not ashamed that she changed the day of worship. In fact, she takes pride in this action, and regards it as her 'mark' of authority and superiority over other churches and religions. Some quotes reflecting their position on the matter; "The Sunday is a Catholic institution, and its claim for sacredness can be defended only on Catholic authority...In Holy Scripture from the beginning to the end we find not one single text which justifies the transfer of the weekly public worship service from the last to the first day of the week." Catholic Press, Sidney, 8-25-1900
"We celebrate Sunday instead of Saturday, because the Catholic Church has transferred the sacredness from Saturday to Sunday at the council of Laodicea in the year of 364 AD." The Converts Catechism of Catholic Doctrine, from P. Geiermann, the work of Pope Pius X, on 1-25-1910
"Sunday is our mark of authority. The church is above the Bible, and this transference of Sabbath observance is proof of that fact." The Catholic Record, London, Ontario, September 1, 1923
"But the Protestant mind does not seem to realize that in...observing the Sunday... they are accepting the authority of the spokesman for the church, the pope." Our Sunday Visitor, Catholic weekly, Feb. 5, 1950
Additionaly, if you will not serve God in observing the sabath because of a job, and the "security" it affords you, you have choosen to worship mammon and have placed other God(s) before you... rather you recognize it or not. Not being critical nor judgmental, just sharing what I see.
I have about a 30 page document from which I derived the above quotes. If anyone is interested in reading the rest for further insight/edification just send me a message, I'd be glad to e-mail it to you.
Be Blessed Group.
In Christ, Greg. |
stefree |
Posted - 03 Dec 2007 : 03:27:37 Hi Scuba,
You write the truth about the Sabbath.This forum has a great undersnding about the civil corruption of the law but many don't realize that in the Old Testament the kings who did "right" in Gods' eyes were those who kept the Holy Days as commanded by God and at least initially kept by the tribe of Judah under Rehaboam while the evil kings followed after Jereboam who changed the days and the object of worship. Our "king" G.W. Bush, worships in a grove after the manner of the evil kings (see infowars.com re: Bohemia Grove) therefore, our leaders are leading us as a nation into destruction This will soon manifest itself in the enforcement of Sunday worship (not in indivdul Protestant churches either)by a federal law here in the U.S. and later globally...the book of Daniel prophesies of these events, particuarly chapters 7-12. The image of the beast is the reflection of the beast power of Rome, specifically the Vatican and Catholicism which is the "little horn power", which has no separation between church and state...therefore, the image of the beast is when the U.S. and later the world do away with "rendering unto Ceasar that which is Ceasars and rendering God that which is Gods..." specifically the doing away with remembering Him on the day which He set aside at the end of creation week as a Holy time which HE BLESSED FOREVER... i.e. Sunday will become the official day of worship of the official church of the one world order government (Rome)in direct opposition to the day of worship God requires us to keep under His government.
We are in the valley of decision, but as for me and my house we will serve the Lord.
Blessings to the ecclesia,
Stefree |