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 Taxes and immigration

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Dartanian Posted - 03 Feb 2004 : 11:32:59
Hi, I am an English teacher in Korea and last year I married a lady from Thailand. We want to go back to America in a year or so and are working on getting her a visa to America and then to become a Citizen. I am doing some papers for that because I am her sponsor and they ask for 3 years of tax returns which I have none...I have been working in Korea for 2 years and did not file taxes for the U.S. for over 3 years now. How do I answer these questions and how can we still be able to get a visa so my wife can become a Citizen. Please help with any information that you can.
I have been trying to study how to get out from under the system of IRS and so I quit filing and now I have my wife and dont know what to do. I was one of the guys who paid a lot for information on the process but the people I bought it from dont answer my questions and I feel lost on this subject.
Thankyou for help in advance.
18   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
David Merrill Posted - 05 Feb 2005 : 12:06:56
The current benefits of Income Tax are basically everything in commerce. You are not getting a discriminatory benefit from the gasoline tax because that gets absorbed into debt currency the moment it is expressed in Federal Reserve Notes or whatever you may call fiat currency in New Zealand. It is a global suppositional wagering scheme.
Zionism Cancellation Algorithm Page 1
Zionism Cancellation Algorithm Page 2

As long as Federal Reserve Notes spend as well as money then the Income Tax is the source of all benefits.

The only thing to perceive to be a problem is that since the international bankers paid no consideration on the illusory loan, the capital is being pledged collateral.

And putting the cart before the horse for a moment, when people start seeing this realistically, then the wealth, the energy can convey properly and in an equitable fashion.


Energy is recognized as the key to all activity on earth. Natural science is the study of the sources and control of natural energy, and social science, theoretically expressed as economics, is the study of the sources and control of social energy. Both are bookkeeping systems: mathematics. Therefore, mathematics is the primary energy science. And the bookkeeper can be king if the public can be kept ignorant of the methodology of the bookkeeping.

All science is merely a means to an end. The means is knowledge. The end is control. Beyond this remains only one issue: Who will be the beneficiary? (emphasis mine)

So you become the beneficiary by confidence and security building measures; one man or woman at a time.
Bill of Exchange Image 1
Bill of Exchange Image 2
Cecilia’s computer screen

When I walked in and found the proof of service already on the computer at the county clerk, that made me feel pretty good. Of millions of documents somebody else was looking for the bill. If you want a certified copy buy it for a few bucks by calling (719) 520-6200.
Caleb Posted - 05 Feb 2005 : 07:07:26
Dear Brother Robert,

I guess I should be more careful to clarify that the statements I make regarding the Income Tax are not a broad sweep against all taxation. For example, I do appreciate the benefit of paved roads, helpful signage and traffic lights, so I therefore have no objection to gasoline taxes.

"Of the increase of His government and peace there shall be no end"
Isaiah 9:7
Oneisraelite Posted - 05 Feb 2005 : 06:32:51
Dear brother Gordon:
Peace be unto the house.
The question that must be answered is, what benefits is one paying for via Income Tax?

If we are limiting our discussion to "Income Tax" alone, as it appears we are, I stand corrected and thank you for clarifying this point. My answer was speaking more in the form of generalities, sorry that I misunderstood.
"Of the increase of His government and peace there shall be no end…"
Isaiah 9:7a
from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of Yahuwah of hosts will perform this. Yasha'yahu [Isaiah] 9:7c
From henceforth is made up of two Hebrew words, minney attah, and mean, “from this time”.

fellowcitizen of the commonwealth of Yisra'el, NOT the STATE OF ISRAEL.
Caleb Posted - 03 Feb 2005 : 18:14:39
Dear Brother Robert,

The question that must be answered is, what benefits is one paying for via Income Tax? If one is not partaking of those benefit, then is one still obliged to pay?

I do not know how thoroughly you have researched this particular area, but Income Tax was the very issue that set me on this path four years ago. Most people have been brainwashed on this issue with amazing effectiveness.

Here is a little test to try if you have never experienced it before. The next time you have an opportunity, mention in your conversation with ordinary people, "Did you know that paying Income Taxes was voluntary (or optional)?" I can tell you right now what their reaction will be. They will stare at you with this look of horror and when they finally find their voice again they will say, "But if everyone did that, how would we pay for our roads?" Mentioning that the roads are paid for by gasoline taxes will not change their thinking one bit, so effective has been their brainwashing.

Were you able to have a reasonable discussion with these people following their initial reaction (and you won't), they might mention a hundred other benefits they assume are paid for by Income Tax. They will be wrong in every case and they will never guess what its true purpose is if you give them another month of guessing.

So what benefit does the Income tax actually pay for? Answer: Borrowing money from the Federal Reserve banking system, which creates those loans out of thin air. The simple explanation is that these loans would quickly cause hyper-inflation if there were not some mechanism to effectively suck the excess "money" right back out of circulation. It is right in the Tax Code that all Income Tax payments go straight to the Reserve Bank of New York, not to the U.S. Treasury. Unfortunately I cannot cite the reference from memory, but I have read it.

And that is the ONLY benefit that the Income Tax pays for. It does not pay for a single thing the government does. That is why the IRS is not a government agency, for the Income Tax is not actually a "tax". Now you know why the banks are so cooperative with the IRS and demand a SSN to open an account, etc. They are all members of the Federal Reserve and the IRS is the collection agency of the Federal Reserve.

So the only case in which I would agree that one is obliged to pay Income Taxes per the Scripture you quote, is when one is partaking of the dainties of the banking system, and especially accepting loans of fictitious "money".

"Of the increase of His government and peace there shall be no end"
Isaiah 9:7
Oneisraelite Posted - 03 Feb 2005 : 06:43:51
Greetings and salutations in the name of the King, brother Caleb:
Peace be unto the house.
I think instead the IRS has simply managed to get themselves in positions where people are fooled into believing they must supply information to them in exchange for government benefits.

Please correct me if I am wrong in my thinking, but if one does accept benefits, is not that one indeed obliged, in some way?

When thou sittest to eat with a ruler, consider diligently what is before thee: And put a knife to thy throat, if thou be a man given to appetite. Be not desirous of his dainties: for they are deceitful meat.

Que sentit commodum, sentire debet et onus. He who derives a benefit from a thing, ought to feel the disadvantages attending it. 2 Bouv. Inst. n. 1433.

Or contrary to the old adage, is there a "free ride"?

fellowcitizen of the commonwealth of Yisra'el, NOT the STATE OF ISRAEL.
Caleb Posted - 02 Feb 2005 : 05:32:08
Looks like Dartanian has moved on to greener (Green-card?) pastures, but I'll respond to a few of the issues raised here anyway.

In the System

If the goal is simply to do what you are told, all he has to do is fill out the back tax returns as Lewis said. There is a $70,000 deduction if you live out of the country, plus the U.S. probably has a reciprocal tax agreement with South Korea. In either case, there will be no tax payable at the salary level of an English teacher. So you can get the magic forms you need without having to pay a penny in additional tax. And once back in the States, there is nothing that says you need to keep filing!

Taxes <--> Immigration

The real question this all raises is: what do income taxes have to do with Immigration? Are you applying for citizenship in the Federal Reserve? The IRS is not a government agency, so their forms should be meaningless as far as Immigration is concerned. I would read very carefully where they tell you what these forms are being submitted for. My guess is that they cannot decline your application if you fail to submit the requested tax forms. I think instead the IRS has simply managed to get themselves in positions where people are fooled into believing they must supply information to them in exchange for government benefits.

To use a different example, when our children were born the hospital staff stuck a four-page form into our hands that asked every detail of our life down to how many sexual partners we had. This was the form for getting a Birth Certificate. We were told that we had to fill this form out before we left the hospital. Others told me that the hospital would not let us take our child home if we did not fill out the form. For our third child I decided I did not want a Birth Certificate, so I never filled out the form. I was asked for it on multiple occassions, but in the end we walked out the door, child in arms, without writing a single word on that intrusive form. We then find out that they issue a Birth Certificate anyway based on the information on the Hospital's computer. So much for having to fill out a form to get the Birth Certificate. It was ENTIRELY optional, just like any IRS stuff.

The Customs Declaration

I just learned a very interesting fact while fighting the tax department here in New Zealand. We denied that someone was a "resident". How did they prove that he was "a resident for tax purposes"? They called up Customs! I thought those records were held by Immigration, but it turns out that they aren't. Then it clicked.

You don't fill out any form for Immigration, but you fill out and sign a Declaration for Customs. Silly me, thinking it was the contents of my suitcase they were interested in! When you sign that Customs Declaration, you are declaring yourself to be commercial cargo "entering" their corporate STATE. They can only recognize commercial entities and you must testify in writing that you are one before they can lay a claim on you. So of course that means that those Customs Declarations are entirely optional as well.

I recall that the Immigration officers tend to be very interested in seeing the Customs Declaration along with your Passport. I have not had a chance to test this out, but my guess is that if you do not present a Customs Declaration to Immigration, they will let you pass with any valid travel document. This could be a 1611 KJV with your name in it. You may need to explain to them that you are not commercial cargo. For good measure I would go through the Diplomatic line, as that is the only line where you will not be automatically presumed to be seeking "entry" as a commercial entity.

If you are inclined to try this, I recommend you try it first at a kinder, gentler border like New Zealand or Canada. If you stuff up your first attempt at the U.S. border they may simply shoot you as a terrorist. Also, for your first try use a travel document you know they will accept, such as a U.S. Passport going into Canada. This way you are guaranteed to get past Immigration, and once you are past them, what can Customs possibly say to you? Without your signed declaration, you haven't even given them jurisdiction to search your bags! No doubt they will huff and puff and call out the supervisor along with some well-armed security guards. Ask the supervisor if he has jurisdiction over anyone not engaged in commercial activity. He will know he doesn't.

Thank you Sir. Have a nice day.

"Of the increase of His government and peace there shall be no end"
Isaiah 9:7
Dartanian Posted - 05 Feb 2004 : 01:10:57
RobertJames: Tell me, if you desire to be under the law, do you hear the law? For it is written that Abraham had 2 sons, one by a bondswoman and one by a freewoman. The one born of the bondswoman was born after the flesh and the one of the freewoman was by promise. And these are the 2 covenants; the one from mount Sinai bearing the children of bondage, who is Hagar. For this Hagar is Mount Sinai in Arabia and answers to Jerusamlem which now is and is in bondage with her children. But the Jerusalem which is above is free. Now we, as Isaac was, are children of promise. Stand fast in the liberty with which Christ has made us free.
We could never follow the law without breaking it...that is why God provide sacrifices for a shadow of the supreme sacrifice our Savior would be for us. Thanks be to Him that He fulfilled the law. He is my Savior and my Lord and the resurrection is the evidence of it as well as the death and torture that the disciples went through still saying "He is alive...He is our Lord and Savior"
If this offends you, sorry, you have your beliefs and I have mine.
True North Posted - 04 Feb 2004 : 19:21:26
Continue to study and remember what has already been pointed out IE: article 1; section 9.

In-come(ing) ...Tax or duty may be imposed on such Importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each Person ...

That price has been espoused on these threads in today's dollars. Read the above post again and decide if that is an acceptable path to tread.

Robert-James Posted - 04 Feb 2004 : 18:39:18
the Law demands we wed within our race. All others need a legal LICENSE to intermarry. It will be impossible for y'all to enter America as American's. Now the privalege of U.S. citizenship is available to you both, just a matter of red tape. May I point out the books of Ezra and NehimiYah? If I were you, e-mail a "Caleb", who posts here. He has a Chinese WIFE, and they stay in New Zealand, though Caleb is American, by natural birth. I was also first birthed in Iowa, but Life begins with the second birth. Many firery darts are thrown at me for upholding the Law, and the shield of Faith stops them all. "It is written". If you don't mind being an ALL CAP JURISTIC PERSONALITY, contact the US embassy, and just lay it on the dotted line. They love to accept lost tribute payers. But if, you are seeking the Kingdom, listen to Ezra...for his ministry was about building the temple, which is us, our Body of Messiah.
Many blessings to you, and may your understanding of Father's Law be awakened within you. It is written upon thy heart, though circumcision is a must. And circumcision is pain-full...and worth it all.
DanielJacob Posted - 04 Feb 2004 : 13:24:24
Dartanian: You may want to check out the following if you have not already.

God bless..
Dartanian Posted - 04 Feb 2004 : 00:59:04
DanielJacob: I dont think she can get a US passport because she is Thai. She has a Thai passport and here in Korea she has a spouse visa so that she can remain her with me. I will have to call the american embassy to see about a spouse visa to go to America with me. Thanks for the reply though and any other thoughts that you have please share them.
DanielJacob Posted - 03 Feb 2004 : 23:17:08
I am going to weigh in here with my two cents and others (Lewis?) can comment. If she is your wife, wouldn't you apply for a U.S. Passport in order for her to enter in through customs? Just a thought.

God bless..
Dartanian Posted - 03 Feb 2004 : 22:54:50
How do I keep from having to pay or file taxes? I heard that all I have to do is quit filing so I did. Now to do forms for my wife to become a citizen they are asking for some tax information for the last 3 years. Is it possible for her to come go to America with me and go in with a visitors visa and then when we go to the State that we will live in...then to become a Citizen of that State and not even become a U.S. citizen but be a Citizen of a State? Is this question silly? It sure sounds like it?
Dartanian Posted - 03 Feb 2004 : 22:47:17
I thought many people had trouble getting their wives to be able to enter the United States and that is why many are not with their spouse in America. I am new at this so please bear with me. I also want to be able to get rid of corportate citizenship and be a Citizen as it is stated in the constitution but that I am still a little confused about. I think I am already but I have heard that I have to get out of the corportate citizenship role and that I want to learn about and do. Any information on that will help also. I know that I am asking for lots of infor, but I hope you all can help me.
Lewish Posted - 03 Feb 2004 : 20:16:43

OK, if you have been out of the courtry for 2 years, and filing tax returns is the hold up for your wife, then look at the IRS codes regarding working outside mainland USA. Then file accordingly. I would only do it if you truly need to. But, I think this is a different issue.

If you are indeed married, 2 witnesses and all that, then "they" can not prohibit your wife from residing with you in the USA. Look how many women come into this country on a visitor or college visa, simply to look for someone to marry and get citizenship. I don't see where you have a problem.

Me, I am trying to get rid of my USA (corporation) citizenship. I want to be a citizen of the world and be free to live any place I choose.

Manuel Posted - 03 Feb 2004 : 19:47:15
Greetings Dartanian,
Off the subject matter... how is Korea doing? I was there on the year 77', places like Pohang and Pusan, did lots of mountain warfare training with the ROK Marines. Those are the old days.

Dartanian Posted - 03 Feb 2004 : 19:36:47
I am an American. I was born in the state of Iowa and so I am not sure how to answer that in respect to the things I was learning concerning being a Citizen of the State of Iowa or a citizen of the U.S. Sorry, I am not trying to play with words.
So I guess I should say, "Yes, I was born in the USA so I am a US Citizen. Is there more information I can offer to help? I am just trying to figure out how to get my wife to be able to go to America and live there as a Citizen with me.
Thanks for your help.

Lewish Posted - 03 Feb 2004 : 11:51:32

A little more information would be helpful. For example, are YOU a U.S. citizen?


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