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George Posted - 09 Feb 2011 : 01:19:23
hello everyone,

I did not see a new member section so I post this here. I have been reading the messages here for over a year. I have learned alot here so thanks everyone who has posted. I still have alot to learn and so I probably wont have much input but will keep reading and if I run accross anything that I think I might can help with I will try my best. I had some issues trying to register and had to email the admin and it he took care to fix it. I wrote back saying I would post a note/intro on the board here if I could so thanks Admin.

no need for a big welcome, I mainly just wanted to confirm and show Admin that his repair is success.

1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Axe Posted - 15 Feb 2011 : 20:36:43
Checking my posting ability as well. I signed up here back when David was posting here before, but I could never post. Seems to be fixed now.

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