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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Richard Earl Posted - 06 Mar 2010 : 07:49:30
The other day, I went down to the US district court house to create a "$39 misc case jacket". She initially opposed to creating one citing several reasons but after making a telephone call, she created the jacket and I filed a certificate of search into it. She assigned me a civic case number and a judge

Some time ago, I had my mother sign and notarize a statement of live birth, similar to what my birth certificate looked like. I asked her to file that document into the case jacket as well.

I have a couple of concerns regarding the assignment of a judge, anyone have any comments regarding a judge being assigned?

I went back the following day and mentioned that the miscellaneous case jacket I wanted to open would not be assigned a judge. She said that all case files are assigned a judge. I mentioned that perhaps it was an "Article III case jacket" that I wanted, but she only replied that all the judges are article 3.

Does anyone know what the name of the case jacket is called?

//-- Richard
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Jay Scott Posted - 29 Mar 2010 : 16:06:19
Originally posted by Thomas Robert
After looking at the receipt I noticed that you did not use lawful money to pay for it.
How so? Postal Money Order? Silver dollars?

Jay Scott.
Thomas Robert Posted - 29 Mar 2010 : 15:56:58
It is called what ever you want. Whatever you want to describe it as being. After looking at the receipt I noticed that you did not use lawful money to pay for it. That might make a difference. When using redeemed lawful money to pay for it then I would call it an Article III case jacket. I was under the impression that a $39.00 case jacket was not assigned a judge because it is normally used to file foreign judgments. There is nothing to adjudicate.

Thomas Robert

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