The Creeps of Modernism

The Creeps of Modernism
Aren't just knocking at the door;
They're leaking through the windows
And they're seeping through the floor.

False "Tolerance and Progress"
Is the Double-Headed Beast....
Twin Idols of Deception,
And they spread throughout like yeast.

They're a noxious combination
In a toxic gaseous state....
An undermining presence,
And it coos: "Negotiate."

All Absolutes are vaporized.
The Truth's gone up in smoke.
And no Law is Providential
Since The Tablets were revoked.

We avoid all talk of "Truth" now,
Sharp edges...."Right" and "Wrong".
We're cloudy on these matters,
So we all can "get along".

So ditch those harsh Commandments!
'Cause life's just not that clear.....
We prefer our waters muddy,
And a hazy atmosphere.

Those Bound'ries? They're dissolving.....
And The Rule of Law's a pain!
The New Age Fog is sov'reign....
Its Amoral Acid Reigns.

We prefer all issues blurry....
Murky grays to black and white.
And relatively speaking,
We're not even sure that's right!

Compromise is our agenda.
"Maybe!" is our battle cry....
And for those Two Noble Virtues,
We're quite willing, Sir, to die!

On second thought,....well..."Maybe!"...
Er,...perhaps,... we'll reassess!
That "dyin' thing"'s so final!
It's not worth it then.....
I guess.

It's hard to stand on Principle,
If all Principle's denied....
Who wants to die for "Maybe!"...
If there's no True Reason why?

But that's OK...It's best, in fact!
"True Truth's" a Stumbling Stone,
To a "happy" co-existence
With the world, our 'Home Sweet Home'.

Self-Sacrifice is stupid,
'Cause you just might end up Dead!
To Compromise is smartyr.
Let's negotiate instead!

Lord, you told us You're the Truth
And the only Way to Life.
You told us not to love this world...
And Your Way? Self-Sacrifice.

You gave us The Example
When you walked to Calvary,
And bore that rugged Cross that day,
And fought to climb Love's Tree.

Our Sins were placed upon You ...
And for all Mankind You died.
God's Mercy for a Fallen world,
God's Lamb, The Crucified.

But Prideful Sin within us
Whispers "Friend, you must be Boss!
"Don't die to Self! Promote it!
"Negotiate that Cross!......."

".....Hey! God's a Friendly Fella!"
"He's a Lovey-Dovey Guy!
"His way's the way of Compromise...
"There's no need to surely die!"

Dear Father God, forgive us!
Through this Fog of Blinding Sin....
Help us to see the Risen Son,
And thus be Born Again.

John 3:3, "In reply Jesus declared, 'I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again."

John 14: 6, "Jesus answered, 'I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

1John 1:5, "This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all."

"One day, we believe, truth will prevail. But today and tomorrow, truth will have to be won in the teeth of a thousand scornful dismissals." —Os Guinness

"Many people truly believe that we cannot know that something is absolutely true. Therefore, one person's individual formulation of truth is as good as anybody else's. And this is the most desperate anarchy against Divine authority."—Charles Colson

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