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Advanced Member
111 Posts |
Posted - 16 Mar 2005 : 18:39:26
For those who find such things interesting, the full text of the Uniform Commercial Code is online. It includes all the official comments. Here is the URL:
Some people also call it the Universal Commercial Code, but I think that is incorrect.
How exactly does the UCC tie in to Admiralty Law? |
Advanced Member
496 Posts |
Posted - 07 Jul 2005 : 12:06:58
The Uniform Commercial Code is the private property of Unidroit, an entity that exists in Rome about a block from the Vatican.
The UCC has been codified into public law in the U.S. as Public Law 88-243 Chapter 28, and is also known as part of the D.C. Code. All the corporate states of the U.S. have codified it into their state codes. In the STATE OF WASHINGTON it is at RCW 62A.
The UCC applies to all transactions involving any form of commercial liability, particularly when the obligation is in the form of a transfer of a monetary nature. It especially applies to banking transfers, etc.
Hope this helps,
Lewis |
Junior Member
20 Posts |
Posted - 17 Sep 2005 : 07:12:26
Thanks for posting this I've been dieing to research the codes but didn't know where to go now I do. Peace Much love Marty |
Senior Member
52 Posts |
Posted - 22 Sep 2005 : 07:38:06
The page your link goes to has been removed by reactor core until they can get legal advice.
(off topic, admin, please post in appropriate place if you like, since I am not sure where this fits in)
I have been searching for a manufacturer of custom license plates, who can do embossing as well as painting. I have found one; however, I am open to the ecclesia's wisdom regarding making one's own "license" plate and putting it on the auto one is "driving".
I have read gregory's article.
As near as I can tell, if one is obedient to the traffic controls placed upon the common ways (stop signs, et c.), and "drives" defensively (as it were, avoiding accidents), the sole thing that makes a free man stand out is the absence of a "license" plate.
Please feel free to comment (anyone). |
Advanced Member
833 Posts |
Posted - 24 Sep 2005 : 09:14:47
Greetings Sean, Peace be unto the house. Three suggestions: (1) use upper and lower case letters (2) do not make it an imitation of "THEIRS" (use of upper & lower case letters aids in this) (3) across the bottom the word "Permanent" is helpful
By your own law, and hence not to be construed as ours, this Conveyance is Not a MOTOR VEHICLE, and therefore, not subject to the MOTOR VEHICLE CODE.
Title 18 USC 31 Chapter 2 Sec. 31.6: Motor Vehicle means every description or other contrivance propelled or drawn by mechanical power and used for commercial purposes(1) on the highways in the transportation of passengers(2), or passenger and property, or property or cargo.
Sec. 31.10: The term “used for commercial purposes” means the carriage of persons or property for any fare, fee, rate, charge or other consideration(3) with any business, or other undertaking intended for a profit.
And, by your Federal Constitution, STATE laws cannot supersede laws of the United States or any and all treaties made or which shall be made under the authority of the United States.
Article 6.2 This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, any thing in the constitution or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding(4).
Black’s Law Dictionary –Abridged 6th Edition (1) Commercial use. Term implies use in connection with or for furtherance of a profit making enterprise. (2) Passenger. In general, a person who gives compensation to another for transportation. The word passenger has however various meanings, depending upon the circumstances under which and the context in which the word is used; sometimes it is construed in a restricted legal sense as referring to one who is being carried by another for hire; on other occasions, the word is interpreted as meaning any occupant of a vehicle other than the person operating it. The essential elements of “passenger” as opposed to “guest” under guest statute are that driver must receive some benefit sufficiently real, tangible, and substantial to serve as the inducing cause of the transportation so as to completely overshadow mere hospitality or friendship; it may be easier to find compensation where the trip has commercial or business flavor. A person whom a common carrier has contracted to carry from one place to another, and has, in the course of the performance of that contract, received under his care either upon the means of conveyance, or at the point of departure of that means of conveyance. Guest statute. …A “guest,” under provisions of guest statute, is a recipient of the voluntary hospitality of the [driver] owner, that is, one who is invited or permitted by owner or possessor of automobile to ride with owner-possessor as a gratuity. Gratuity. Something acquired or otherwise received without bargain or inducement. Something given freely or without recompense; a gift. (3) Consideration. The inducement to a contract. The cause, motive, price, or impelling influence which induces a contracting party to enter into a contract. Some right, interest, profit or benefit accruing to one party, or some forbearance, detriment, loss, or responsibility, given, suffered, or undertaken by the other. Restatement, Second, Contracts §§ 17(1), 71. It is a basic, necessary element for the existence of a valid contract that is legally binding. [Emphasis added.] (4) Notwithstanding, prep. Without prevention, or obstruction from or by; in spite of. - Webster Dictionary, 1913 (Page: 984)
These definitions are provided solely for educational purposes and not for profit.
fellowcitizen of the commonwealth of Yisra'el, NOT the man-made, fictional USA. Ephesians 2:12 & 19 An act done by me against my will is not my act. |
Edited by - Oneisraelite on 24 Sep 2005 09:23:18 |
Senior Member
52 Posts |
Posted - 28 Sep 2005 : 12:29:31
Thank you for your response One,
I have considered the combination of colors on the plate (mono-white background) with no background patterns and some other font color (I prefer green or blue). This color combination should show adequately that it is not a "counterfeit" state plate.
I have also considered the following "terms" for placement on the license plate:
Currently I am leaning mostly towards the term "PRIVATE". Could you (or another) provide further guidance regarding the above terms?
Lastly, I understand that the ALL CAPS desingations do violate the standard rules of english grammar (at best); nevertheless, I wonder if it would not be more strategically viable to simply use numbers on one's plate and skip letters entirely? After all, ther's no such thing as a capital number...
OTOH, one could argue that a combination of letters and numbers would make one's plate appear more legitimate?
Random set of numbers and letters 6T7 HY2 Random set of numbers 6897135
Somehow the number set just does not look as legitimate...
I ran across a link to a license plate design, which was very interesting:
Black font on a white background, three lines.
First line: Non-commercial Second line (large font): Private Property Third line: Not a Motor Vehicle
This link inspires me to add to the above list:
I invite further commentary
Edited by - yardstick on 29 Sep 2005 16:27:26 |
Advanced Member
496 Posts |
Posted - 29 Sep 2005 : 21:26:00
Hello Yardstick,
What are you going to do about the registration of the vechile? It still has a Certificate of Title, does it not?
Are you still a U.S. citizen? What have you done to change your status? I.e., to not be a U.S. citizen?
As to driving habits, I blew past a state trooper yesterday doing 85+, and he didn't even take notice. Why? Because their records show that I am not in "their" jurisdiction. It would be a waste of their time to stop me. This is not to be taken as bragging. It is to be taken as an example of them knowing that you are what you say you want to be.
Just a few thoughts.
Lewis |
Senior Member
52 Posts |
Posted - 30 Sep 2005 : 14:54:55
Thanks for your response Lewish,
Procesing of the PA certificate of title is not yet perfected. It is in limbo (so to speak). I believe I have found a glitch in PA's system. PA requires a sales tax upon the purchase price of a "vehicle" brought into the state if one has purchased that "vehicle" less than 6 months before entering PA for "residence". (I found this out AFTER tendering application.) I have not rendered unto PA the tax they require (after joining the ecclesia); thus, the processing of my application is incomplete. In fact, I have the application packet at home. Incidentally, PA has seen fit to remove the transfer/odometer document from the packet showing transfer of the (Oregon) "title" to me. So the packet is "defective" so to speak. I never registered the car in Oregon, so I believe they have no documentation on the car either. I DO have sales receipt and contract from the dealer from which I bought the car. Paid in "cash". Paid in full. I am interested in finding out about getting a MCO for the car. I also require further education in your methods regarding the MCO.
I have been unable to locate a provision in the PA code which would allow me to withdraw the application for certificate of title. This prompted me to search for a manufacturer of specialty custom license plates so that I may be "camouflaged" until such time as each task I am working on "cures".
I have discovered that trying to "jump" completely out of the system (which I was involuntarily enslaved to) all at once, places an extreme burden upon myself and my family. So I am attemping "baby steps":
1. Use American Liberty Dollars as much as I can, 2. Pay for "stuff" with cash, 3. No bank accounts (researching how to open checking acct with no SSN), 4. Mailing "address" only lists my first name, no MIDDLE NAME, no LAST NAME, c/o ADDRESS, dejure state name, [ZIP code-9999] 5. Closing old bank accounts, 6. Start own "business" to avoid presumption of "employment". (ask me for more info about the products I have available, via PM, if you like), 7. No DL, 8. No Certificate of Title/Registration with PA, 9. Searching for members of the ecclesia in my area to fellowship with, 10. Do not carry any ID with LEGAL NAME on it.
I am interested in learning from your example, as I have found your experiences enlightening.
I like the concept of the "Real Name dba LEGAL NAME" but have not been able to find enough out about the whys and wherefores of it.
Advanced Member
496 Posts |
Posted - 29 Oct 2005 : 23:46:58
Hello yardstick,
1. You don't need the MCO. It is not title. It is only evidence of what country the vehicle was manufactured in.
2. You need to register the vehicle in some way. I suggest transfering title to a "true" trust. Expensive to set up, but the best solution. A trust like I am talking about, set up by John Hancock is $100,000.00. Ouch! There are people who will do the same trust, using the same government officials that John Hancock uses for around $5000.00. Once you have the trust set up, then you move the real title from the state to the trust, and the trust issues the registration papers to the "owner". The owner, then sends a copy to the state with notice that this vehicle of foreign jurisdiction will be operated in their state, and here is the contact info in the interest of public safety. Then you put the plates that the trust issues on the vehicle and carry a copy of the registration in the glove box.
3. If you receive mail via any form of service from the U.S. Postal Service, you are by contract in the jurisdiction of the United States. You need an original Post Office slot. It takes some doing, but you can get one. You may have to make a lot of phone calls and visits to find the real post office. The one I know about is at the back of the building that say United States Post Office on the front. The post office customers, ring the rear door bell and are let in to access their mail slot and receive their mail. All contracts with the U.S. Postal Service are then cancelled.
4. There is much more to getting out of their system. This is only the tip of the iceberg.
BTW, look up Legal Name in Black's Law dictionary. That is the name "they" will hold you liable under until you remove yourself from thier jurisdiction.
Lewis |
Advanced Member
111 Posts |
Posted - 30 Oct 2005 : 00:47:48
The UCC is back online at the Reactor Core,
The lawyer representing the American Law Institute, Nina Amster, is claiming that they have copyright to the UCC with comments. When I asked her if I could post it without the comments, she said no. Then I asked about posting the version of the UCC adopted by each of the several states. She even said no to that.
Democratic transparency is a long established principle of law; if anyone knows how to code-plead, can they show me some case citations that support my position that this law code, which was communicated en masse to many public officials for the purpose of adoption as public law, is a matter of public concern?
I know that any laws passed may not be copyrighted. And the UCC was passed, although each state has amended it somewhat.
Also, the AMI refused to provide me a copy of the UCC without official comments. I personal have no way of knowing which bits are the official comments and which are the UCC proper.
I am posting the UCC in the interests of the public, and am leaving it in its current form because of the AMI's refusal to clarify exactly what its property rights are. |
Junior Member
20 Posts |
Posted - 02 Nov 2005 : 13:31:22
Is there any references for PPSA like the one mentioned to UCC-1 website? |
Advanced Member
496 Posts |
Posted - 04 Nov 2005 : 22:10:17
Hello Linc,
You need to look up the definitions of "Law" and "Code". The UCC is Not LAW! except under the District of Columbia Code, Public Law 88-243 Chp. 28.
All state governments are corporations and cannot pass laws, they can only pass codes. They may stick it under the words "Statutes" but that is just more of the fraud.
Peace to all,
Lewis |
Advanced Member
76 Posts |
Posted - 14 Dec 2005 : 10:58:33
Could you please tell me of the process in which the True title is removed from the STATE and placed in the trust? Or point me in the direction of where I might research the same? Many Thanksquote: Originally posted by Lewish
Hello yardstick,
1. You don't need the MCO. It is not title. It is only evidence of what country the vehicle was manufactured in.
2. You need to register the vehicle in some way. I suggest transfering title to a "true" trust. Expensive to set up, but the best solution. A trust like I am talking about, set up by John Hancock is $100,000.00. Ouch! There are people who will do the same trust, using the same government officials that John Hancock uses for around $5000.00. Once you have the trust set up, then you move the real title from the state to the trust, and the trust issues the registration papers to the "owner". The owner, then sends a copy to the state with notice that this vehicle of foreign jurisdiction will be operated in their state, and here is the contact info in the interest of public safety. Then you put the plates that the trust issues on the vehicle and carry a copy of the registration in the glove box.
3. If you receive mail via any form of service from the U.S. Postal Service, you are by contract in the jurisdiction of the United States. You need an original Post Office slot. It takes some doing, but you can get one. You may have to make a lot of phone calls and visits to find the real post office. The one I know about is at the back of the building that say United States Post Office on the front. The post office customers, ring the rear door bell and are let in to access their mail slot and receive their mail. All contracts with the U.S. Postal Service are then cancelled.
4. There is much more to getting out of their system. This is only the tip of the iceberg.
BTW, look up Legal Name in Black's Law dictionary. That is the name "they" will hold you liable under until you remove yourself from thier jurisdiction.
Advanced Member
496 Posts |
Posted - 14 Dec 2005 : 11:58:06
Hello Greg,
Since you are a newcomer, I will give you the long answer.
First, if you are a U.S. citizen, you do not have permission to do it. You cannot have a legal relationship to any trust other than the United States.
You can look at my other messages here, or go to my Yahoo group SavingstoSuitor for more info.
Lewis-Vincent |
Edited by - Lewish on 14 Dec 2005 11:58:58 |
Advanced Member
76 Posts |
Posted - 14 Dec 2005 : 12:28:26
From my research, the plates (state issued through registration) gives immediate and recognizable jurisdiction to them over the vessel at a minimum. If you do not register, and hence forth do not have STATE plates on it, theres still another problem.. The title. If the property has ever been titled through a STATE, then that STATE holds the true title, in Ohio you recieve an "OHIO CERTIFICATE OF TITLE"
certificate of title (from n. generally, the title document for a motor vehicle issued by the state in which it is registered, describing the vehicle by type and engine number, as well as the name and address of the registered owner and the lienholder (financial institution that loaned money to buy the car).
register (from n. in corporations, the record of shareholders, and issuance and transfer of shares on the records of the corporation.
I wish I knew how to make words bold and/or underline them in these definitions because they are loaded with words one should take notice to, as I can not, all readers should exercise deligence in decerning their meaning, and I will bring forth the question, "Who do you think the share holders if you do not own the strawman, and the title is clearly in his all caps name, and who are the shares of that corp being tranfered to"? So regardless of the plates, the true question is who owns the property in question? However if prior to correcting this ownership problem one still wishes to utitlize the property to enhance their ability of movement and would like to avoid standing out, scriptures say we are ambassadors and as such then do we not qualify as Diplomats? This is the direction I have pursued and somewhat followed the format of govt issued Diplomatic plates, but placed (in small enough print not to be read from behind by the fuzz) " Not government issued" on the very bottom. They look as follows: Diplomat(smaller print across the top, but certainly large enough to be seen, same as STATE issued) DIl 542 ( Large font in center of plate same as STATE issued, D represents diplomat, Il represents Israel (their code is actually AV for Israel), 542 is just random numbers) Private - Not in Commerce (across the bottom same as STATE issued) Not government issued (across the very bottom in small enough print so that they have to get right up on it in person to see it, but it's there). The plate itself is not as wide as STATE issued, narrower by about an inch, and shorter in height by about 1/2 an inch. This is deliberate so as to not technically mimic theirs to closely. Mine are Red White and Blue as thats what our STATE plates look like here so it ads to the blending in. I got the idea of flying white flags from another forum here, and it appears to be a great idea. This is what works for me and I'm just sharing what I've done so this is not to be construed as advice by anyone. What you do with this information is of your own doing. If this stops working for me I will post it so that all may be aware of it. I will note that if I drove a 1978 Granada and tried to utilize the same methods as above I do not think it would fly. I noticed in one of Lewis's post that he has a Crown Victoria I believe, in addition to his wealth of knowledge, this may be a contributing factor to his success in exercising his freedom of movement. I have a black SUV which everyone says looks FBI esh anyway, so ask yourself does it coincide with what one would generally expect to see with such plates? If not...well you decide. What say yee?
Advanced Member
496 Posts |
Posted - 14 Dec 2005 : 21:16:08
Hello Greg,
Ah, you mis-construe some facts. I have a 1997 Ford Crown Vic, a 1993 Ford F-250 pickup, a little used looking, and a 2002 Freightliner FL-60 all with identical plates on them. Hard to confuse an old used pickup, or a 29,000 pound truck with a diplomatic vehicle. grin. My plates are verdant green with the words "lewis vincent" near the top and the word "non-domestic" near the bottom.
When you are truly standing as a Man on the Land, they will recognize the fact and not bother you. I do not try to disguise myself as a diplomat, although I have foreign sovereign immunity, which they do recognize. So, I actually have the right to parade as a diplomat. grin.
When the STATE holds the real title, and you have achieved being a Man on the Land, you can "revoke" and "revest" the real title to the Man. It is all in the Statutes-at-Large. We just have to get the standing to have the authority to do it.
Peace to all,
Lewis-Vincent a Man standing on Washington
Edited by - Lewish on 14 Dec 2005 21:16:55 |
Advanced Member
76 Posts |
Posted - 15 Dec 2005 : 00:43:35
Hi Lewis, Correction noted. For those of us who have not yet completely or fully achieved that which we are in pursuit of, it is sometimes preferable to keep the wolves at bay while we prepare ourselves with the necessary knowledge. By no means did I wish to impart unto anyone that my post dealing with Diplomatic tags was a solution to the problem we face, merely a tactic to minimize complications during our pursuit until such and end is reached that it matters not what we attach to a vessel. Best regards to all |
Advanced Member
496 Posts |
Posted - 15 Dec 2005 : 22:09:44
Hi Greg,
I didn't mean to imply that your method was wrong. I meant to indicate not to assume that I am doing something similar, based on an incomplete vehicle description.
Take care out there,
Lewis |
New Member
2 Posts |
Posted - 19 Mar 2010 : 07:37:42
Hi! I am trying to find out information about the Uniform Commercial Code .I have been praying for over a year day and night for a miracle for a loved one thats in prison .Do you know if this would get my love one released? Where do I get application? What do this cost?I have search the net.Places I have found is very expensive!In Jesus name I ask can You help me.I dont understand any thing about UCC and srawman.Thank you kindley for your time! I ask in Jesus name to bless you! amen! |
Forum Administrator
382 Posts |
Posted - 20 Mar 2010 : 14:08:38
quote: Originally posted by angelsinthemist
Hi! I am trying to find out information about the Uniform Commercial Code .I have been praying for over a year day and night for a miracle for a loved one thats in prison .Do you know if this would get my love one released? Where do I get application? What do this cost?I have search the net.Places I have found is very expensive!In Jesus name I ask can You help me.I dont understand any thing about UCC and srawman.Thank you kindley for your time! I ask in Jesus name to bless you! amen!
You need to read what's already here on this forum. Your questions have already been answered in the many topics here regarding UCC and strawman matters. If you're looking for some kind of silver bullet or a quick fix, you won't find that here.
He is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living... - Mark 12:27 |
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